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Geology is the study of the Earth's materials, processes, and history, including rocks, minerals, landforms, and the forces that shape the planet's surface.






plate tectonics








structural geology


What principle states that in an undisturbed succession of sedimentary rocks, the oldest layer is at the bottom and the youngest is at the top?

  • The principle of inclusions
  • The principle of fossil succession
  • The principle of cross-cutting relationships
  • The principle of uniformitarianism
  • The principle of superposition

Slow drainage plants get __________ water.

  • a lot of
  • less
  • enough water

Igneous rocks can also be made a couple of different ways: Intrusive and Extrusive

  • True
  • False
  • Maybe

Draw what seismic waves look like (hint: think rock and pond)

  • [No Answer]

Gemology is the study of

  • gemstones
  • minerals
  • geology
  • jewelry

when water passes through the soil quickly this means that it has a ___________ drainage

  • bad
  • good
  • quick
  • slow

What are the 3 types of rocks?

  • sedimentary
  • sedimentary
  • igneous
  • metamorphic

Which statement about the stream cross-sectional velocity is true?

  • Velocity is lowest in the center where friction is highest.
  • Velocity is highest in the center where friction is lowest.
  • Velocity is lowest in the center where friction is lowest.
  • Velocity is highest in the center where friction is highest.

the mixture of gases surrounding a planet

  • atmosphere

Barrier islands migrate landward.

  • true
  • false

Ice Ages ___.

  • have occurred regularly through Earth’s history.
  • have glacial episodes separated by very short interglacial stages.
  • result from declines in sea level
  • are the result of variations in solar energy output
  • occur whenever accumulation of snow exceeds wastage

Humus is also called(write all in small letters and leave spaces between the words) Ex: joury ahmed

  • organic matter

A cone of depression forms when ___.

  • groundwater is pumped out of the ground faster than it can be replenished
  • one plate subducts beneath another
  • a cave collapses
  • salty groundwater infiltrates fresh groundwater along coastlines

The Earth consists of how many concentric zone?

  • 5
  • 3
  • 4
  • 6

Mention all the shapes of volcano. (no caps, in order from stratovolcano to lava dome)

  • stratovolcano, caldera, shield volcano, complex volcano, fissure, and lava domes

Igneous rocks that form below the Earth's surface are called

  • Extrusive
  • Intrusive
  • Lava

Sediments are

  • salt
  • Tiny pieces of rock broken down
  • kinds of rocks
  • fossils

Index, or guide, fossils are most useful because they

  • are found in all types of rock
  • occur over small geographic region
  • rarely occur
  • lived over a long period of geologic time
  • lived during a brief period of geologic time

The white arrow is point at ___, where ___ occurs.

  • point bar, deposition
  • cut bank, deposition
  • cut bar, erosion
  • sand beach, deposition
  • barrier, erosion

Type of rock that shown in the picture above...

  • Igneous
  • Sedimentary
  • Metamorphic

Type of sedimentary rock formed from chemical precipitation. Examples: limestone, halite, flint

  • Clastic
  • Organic
  • Chemical
  • Foliated

Name the rock type that would have no obvious grains, cannot be scratched with a knife or split into thin sheets?

  • Sedimentary
  • Igneous
  • Metamorphic

what is this

  • tanzanite
  • jasper
  • rose quarts
  • jade

Mention all types of eruption. (no caps, and in order from hawaiian to plinian)

  • hawaiian, icelandic, phreatic, vulcanian, strombolian, pelean, and plinian

Which of the following statements about radiocarbon dating is not true?

  • The ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in the atmosphere is constant.
  • Carbon-14 is constantly being formed in the upper atmosphere.
  • Living organisms selectively use carbon-14
  • Organisms stop accumulating carbon-14 when they die
  • Carbon-14 decays to nitrogen.

Caverns usually form in ___.

  • granite
  • limestone
  • fractured schist
  • conglomerate
  • shale

red hot melted rock that has erupted above earths crust from deep underground is called

  • lava

What is the average rate of groundwater flow?

  • few kilometers day
  • few meters day
  • few centimeters day
  • few millimeters day
  • imperceptible

Tectonic plates are made of which layer of the Earth?

  • Lower Mantle
  • Asthenosphere
  • Lithosphere
  • Core

Who has more density? Continental or Oceanic plates?

  • [No Answer]

Melted rock in the earths mantle is called

  • magma

Ilmu yang mempelajari batuan sedimen disebut:

  • Sedimentologi

Rocks are a mixture of minerals and organic matter.

  • True
  • False

Weathering & Erosion: Rocks break down by the process called ________

  • Crumbling
  • Erosion
  • Weathering

The process or force that moves sediments to new locations is called

  • dome mountains
  • geysers
  • erosion
  • chemical weathering

Name three type of plate boundaries.

  • Divergent boundaries, convergent boundaries and transform boundaries

Which of the following is an igneous rock?

  • Pumice
  • Diamond
  • Limestone
  • Marble

What type of rock often contains fossils?

  • Sedimentary
  • Igneous
  • Metamorphic
  • All of them contain fossils

What type of boundary forms a rift valley?

  • convergent boundaries
  • divergent boundaries
  • Transform boundaries
  • Transform and Convergent boundaries

Rate the Quiz out of 5

  • 1/5
  • 2/5
  • 3/5
  • 4/5
  • 5/5

What type of slope is it from A to B?

  • gentle
  • steep
  • rough
  • slick

According to the Milankovitch theory, variations in Earth’s orbit and axial tilt can trigger long-term climactic changes and prompt the start and end of ice ages.

  • true
  • false

Types of rock that shown in the picture above...

  • Igneous
  • Sedimentary
  • Methamorphic

What type of dune is this?

  • star

If accumulation is greater than wastage, a glacier is said to be ___.

  • advancing
  • melting
  • surging
  • retreating
  • stable

Which Milankovitch cycle is depicted here?

  • obsession
  • obliquity
  • wobbliness
  • eccentricity
  • precession

And what about this cave feature?

  • stalactite

If a radioactive element has a half-life of 32 million years, how much of the original amount of parent material will remain after 64 million years?

  • 32 million
  • one quarter
  • one half
  • all of it
  • none of it

Sinkholes form by ___.

  • magma heating the subsurface, causing an explosion of rock and sediment, leaving large holes
  • landslides
  • extreme droughts drying out the suface sediment
  • dissolution of underlying soluble rocks or the collapse of a cave roof
  • dams

Convergent Plate Movement can create

  • Rifts
  • Mountains
  • Ocean Ridges
  • Radiation

A clast of granite found in a conglomerate is determined to be one hundred million years old. What does this information suggest about the conglomerate?

  • The conglomerate is older than 100 million years.
  • The conglomerate is younger than 100 million years.
  • The conglomerate was exposed to volcanic processes 100 million years ago.
  • The conglomerate experienced volcanic processes more than 100 million years ago.
  • We cannot determine anything about the age of the conglomerate from this information.

Lithosphere consists of?

  • Oceanic crust and continental crust
  • Oceanic crust, continental crust, upper and lower mantle
  • Oceanic crust, continental crust and upper mantle
  • continental crust, upper and lower mantle

What type of dune is this?

  • parabolic

True or FalseSandy Soil has a poor drainage because the water passes through quickly

  • True
  • False

A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other is called?

  • Divergent Boundary
  • Convergent Boundary
  • Transform Boundary
  • Subduction

Type of Sedimentary rock formed from pieces of other rock. Example: sandstone

  • Clastic
  • Organic
  • Chemical
  • Foliated

Type of eruption that shown in the picture above...

  • Strombolian
  • Vulcanian
  • Pelean
  • Phreatic

Mid Ocean Ridges are connected to what action

  • Seafloor Spreading
  • Making Sandwiches
  • Love is in the air
  • Ocean currents

_________ involves moving water, wind, and glaciers then carry these pieces from one place to another.

  • Weathering
  • Erosion
  • Sedimentation
  • Crumbling

what is this gem?

  • amber
  • zircon
  • emerald
  • diamond

Explain each types of eruption (what is Hawaiian? what is Icelandic? what is Phreatic? what is Vulcanian? what is Strombolian? what is Pelean? and what is Plinian?)

  • [No Answer]

formed by the compaction and cementing together of sediments. These rocks can be formed from erosion and weathering of other rocks

  • Igneous rocks
  • Sedimentary rocks
  • Metamorphic rocks
  • Volcanic rocks

Indicate where sea level is.

  • [No Answer]

What glacially-carved feature is shown here?

  • arete

rocks that have been changed from their original form by immense heat or pressure

  • Igneous rocks
  • Sedimentary rocks
  • Metamorphic rocks
  • mwamwa

When water is removed faster than it can be recharged, sediments may become compacted in a process called ___.

  • intrusion
  • demarcation
  • desalinization
  • subduction
  • subsidence

The theory that all the continents were all once together as one large land mass is called

  • monopoly
  • Pangaea
  • Wegener

A hydrothermal vent is a

  • a volcano
  • a deep sea geyser that releases hot water
  • a heater at my house

What is the blue arrow pointing at?

  • crevasse

Type of Sedimentary rock formed from biological materials that are compressed into rock. Examples: coal, from plants, shells etc.

  • Clastic
  • Organic
  • Chemical
  • Foliated

The amount of water that passes a particular point in a river over a given time period is called the ____.

  • velocity
  • channel flow
  • discharge
  • channel capacity
  • channel load

What is the heat source for hydrothemal activity on land?

  • earthquake faults only
  • recent or current volcanic activity only
  • deep heat in Earth's interior only
  • earthquake faults and recent or current volcanic activity
  • earthquake faults and deep heat in Earth’s interior

There is good evidence that variation in solar energy is responsible for short-term climatic variations, like the Little Ice Age.

  • true
  • false

_Select the layers of inside the earth.

  • Inner core
  • Inner core
  • outer core
  • mantle
  • crust

List 5 main physical properties of minerals

  • Colour, streak, luster, hardness, cleavage, crystal form

The shape of a volcano that shows "stratovolcano" below

  • Image:
  • Image:
  • Image:
  • Image:

What type of dune is this?

  • longitudinal

What means Humus

  • Remains of plants and animals
  • Also called original matter
  • Remains of dead plants and animals

Plate boundaries occur by forces known as ________ forces.

  • Tectonic

Define lithos.

  • Rocks

The Coriolis effect causes ___.

  • wind to be deflected clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisophere
  • wind to be deflected counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
  • high tides
  • low tides
  • ice ages

Kandungan yang terdapat pada batuan dalam ialah:

  • Struktur Holohyalin
  • Struktur Profir
  • Struktur Holokristalin
  • Hypo-Abisik

Three types of sedimentary rocks(answer in lower case. answer format: rocktype, rocktype, rocktype)

  • clastic, organic, chemical

There are three main processes of the Rock cycle. One of which is Cooling and erosion.

  • Both statements True
  • Both statements False
  • First statement True. Second statement False
  • First statement False. Second statement True

Penyebab terjadinya perlapisan pada batuan sedimen antara lain:


Which of the following is a metamorphic rock?

  • Pumice
  • Diamond
  • Limestone
  • Granite

The process of breaking down rocks into smaller particles is called:

  • Weathering
  • Erosion
  • Sedimentation

When an atom undergoes alpha or beta decay, it____.

  • becomes an ion of the same element
  • becomes permanently stable
  • forms a black hole
  • becomes a completely different element
  • becomes an isotope of the same element

A glacier forms when ___.

  • snow accumulates on land to form ice, and the ice mass begins to flow under its own weight
  • temperatures do not go above freezing
  • snow moves downslope under the influence of gravity
  • meltwater at the base of snow mass contributes to downslope flow
  • a thick layer of ice is present

Which is the oldest layer of rock?

  • A
  • M
  • H
  • L

A rock undergoes metamorphism if it is exposed to extreme heat and pressure within the mantle.

  • True
  • False
  • maybe

Ancient peoples made petroglyphs by scraping away ___.

  • loess
  • desert pavement
  • desert varnish
  • abrasion
  • yardangs

What do you call the location in a solar system where a planet’s orbit is at the right distance from its parent star to allow for liquid water?

  • The Hospitable Region
  • The Hibernation Orbit
  • The Bear Distance
  • The Habitable Zone
  • Earth

What letter represents the highest point on this map?

  • d

When two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally, the boundary is called a…

  • Divergent boundary
  • Convergent boundary
  • Transform boundary
  • Subduction zone

Which of the following concentric zone of Earth is made of rocks?

  • Continental Crust
  • Inner core
  • Upper Mantle
  • Atmosphere

When the soil is dry it has a ________ drainage.

  • bad
  • poor
  • enough
  • a lot of
  • good

the solid part of a rocky planet

  • biosphere
  • geosphere
  • atmosphere
  • hydrophere

What cave feature are the arrows pointing at?

  • drip curtain

When pressure builds between two tectonic plates in a transform boundary, it can suddenly release causing a (an) ______.

  • Earthquake
  • Volcano
  • Convection Current
  • Gravitational Pull

what is this : a__te

  • agate

what is this : to_az

  • topaz

In cooling and cystallization, deep within the earth, temperatures get hot enough to create magma. Thus as magma cools, crystals grow, forming igneous rocks

  • Both statements True
  • Both statements False
  • First statement True. Second statement False
  • First statement False. Second statement True

Name the lowest level of Atmosphere.

  • Troposphere

Conoth Batuan Beku bersifat asam dibawah ini kecuali:

  • Pikrit
  • Gabro
  • Ryolit
  • Peridotit

Types of eruption below

  • Complex
  • Phreatic
  • Shield volcano
  • Pelean
  • Strombolian

What is a seamount.

  • underwater mountain

Rock cycle has a beginning and an end. There are three rock types.

  • Both statements True
  • Both statements False
  • First statement True. Second Statement False
  • First statement False. Second Statement True

Which Milankovitch cycle is depicted here?

  • obsession
  • obliquity
  • wobbliness
  • eccentricity
  • precession

do not contain the minerals that tend to line up under pressure and thus do not have the layered appearance

  • Metamorphic:Foliated
  • Sedimentary:Nonfoliated
  • Igneous:Foliated
  • Metamorphic: Nonfoliated

How are oil and gas extracted in the hydraulic fracturing process?

  • Injection of high-pressure fracking fluids increases the permeability of the rock and allows previously trapped oil and gas to be extracted.
  • Injection of high-pressure fracking fluids forces low-pressure oil and gas to the suface.
  • Horizontal wells are drilled, and the oil and gas is erupts out.
  • Injections of fracking fluid are used to generate small earthquakes, which shake oil and gas to the surface.

Volcanic action occurs with what type of boundary?

  • Transform boundaries
  • Convergent Boundaries
  • Long Term Boundaries
  • Divergent boundaries

any planet with a solid surface, such as Earth or Mars

  • rocky planet
  • hilly planet
  • hot planet

How long does it take for one layer of the light, and one layer of the dark, glacial lake sediments to be deposited?

  • a month
  • a year
  • 10 years
  • 1000 years
  • one glacial and one interglacial period

Which statement is true about types of rock?

  • Coal, Igneous, Sedimentary
  • Metamorphic, ceramics, Igneous
  • Lava, Sedimentary, Metamorphic
  • Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic

Type of eruption that shown in the picture above...

  • Plinian
  • Strombolian
  • Vulcanian
  • Icelandic

what are the colors of zircon?

  • blue
  • blue
  • brown
  • white
  • red
  • green

Spring tides only occur in spring.

  • true
  • false

a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole

  • whole part
  • minor part
  • system
  • circle

The red arrow is point at ___, where ___ occurs.

  • spit bar, erosion
  • cut bank, erosion
  • cut bar, deposition
  • cliff bar, deposition
  • spit bank, erosion

Circular movements through the mantle that cause tectonic plates to move.

  • Continental drift
  • Convection current
  • Plate tectonics
  • Lithosphere

With metamorphism, the rock does not melt all the way. The rock changes due to heat and pressure.

  • Both statements True
  • Both statements False
  • First statement True. Second statement False
  • First statement False. Second statement True

Name one of the creatures that can be found on the seafloor.

  • Blind shrimp

Name 2 sea creatures that live on the seafloor (bottom of the ocean)

  • [No Answer]

Rocks can be formed by being erupted from volcanoes or compacted from sand. Igneous rocks are formed by the compaction and cementing together of sediments. These rocks can be formed from erosion and weathering of other rocks

  • Both statements True
  • Both statements False
  • First statement True. Second statement False
  • First statement False. Second statement True

A rock undergoes metamorphism if it is exposed to extreme heat and pressure within the crust

  • True
  • False
  • maybe

In hilly county, the groundwater table's highest elevation occurs in stream valleys and around lakes.

  • true
  • false

What is the relationship between subduction and density?

  • The less dense you are you will subduct.
  • If both plates are equal in density, subduction does not occur.
  • If you have more density you will subduct.

Type of eruption that shown in the picture above...

  • Vulcanian
  • Strombolian
  • Pelean
  • Plinian

Igneous rocks that have cooled quickly have ? sized crystals

  • small

Which moon phase will result in a neap tide?

  • New moon
  • Full moon
  • Blue moon
  • Crescent moon
  • Quarter moon

Rocks can be changed from one type to another over millions of years. This is called the

  • Rock Cycle

What causes these circular patterns?

  • Winds
  • Ocean thermal effects
  • Ocean salinity effects
  • Ocean thermal and salinity effects

Name 3 things people use rocks for.

  • [No Answer]

Why must we polish gemstones?

  • to make jewelery
  • to make nice pictures
  • to cut the rock

Proses perubahan sedimen lunak menjadi sedimen keras diantaranya, kecuali:

  • Kompaksi
  • Sementasi
  • Pendinginan
  • Diagenesis

a feature that forms on the surface of a planet, such as a mountain, channel, or sand dune

  • landform

Name the rock type that would have visible grains that are not interlocking.

  • Sedimentary
  • Igneous
  • Metamorphic

Type of Igneous rocks that are formed outside or on top of Earth’s crust.

  • Intrusive/plutonic
  • Semintrusive
  • Extrusive/volcanic
  • Sediment

what is this

  • amethyst
  • charoite

Which Milankovitch cycle is depicted here?

  • obsession
  • obliquity
  • wobbliness
  • eccentricity
  • precession

A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other is called a?

  • Convergent Boundary
  • Divergent Boundary
  • Transform Boundary
  • Subduction

Igneous rocks that have cooled slowly have ? sized crystals.

  • large

Groundwater will move through any rock/sediment or soil that is porous.

  • true
  • false

is this j__e

  • jade

The rock cycle can explain:

  • How sedimentary rock can become metamorphic
  • How a metamorphic rock can become sedimentary
  • How all rocks can become igneous
  • All of the above

What type of plates need to converge to get a Volcanic Mountain?

  • Continental and continental
  • Ocean and Oceanic
  • Continental and oceanic
  • 3 Oceanic plates and 1 Continental plates.

Ukuran butir pada Pasir kasar ialah:

  • 0,5 - 2 mm
  • 0,06 - 0,25 mm
  • 2 - 20 mm
  • 0,004 - 0,06 mm

Which picture that shows "Caldera" below?

  • Image:
  • Image:
  • Image:
  • Image:

having the conditions necessary to support life

  • habitable

What letter represents a steep slope?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E

Batuan Organik yang mengandung unsur Ca memiliki kandungan:

  • Gamping
  • Silisium
  • Zat Arang
  • Karbon

What are the 3 types of mountains?

  • [No Answer]

Why water passes through Sand soil Quickly

  • Because it has big sand particles
  • Because the drainage is low
  • Because it has big space between the particles

Check the properties of minerals/rocks. Hint: More then one.

  • Cleavage
  • Cleavage
  • Hardness
  • Streak
  • Colour
  • Lustre

Boulders, cobbles, and sand are carried by a stream as ___.

  • abrasion load
  • suspended load
  • bed load
  • dissolved load
  • turbulent load

Name one of the instruments that measures strengths of earthquakes.

  • submarine
  • Richter scale
  • seismograph
  • Mercalli Scale

flat or elongated minerals is put under immense pressure, the minerals line up in layers

  • Metamorphic: Foliated
  • Metamorphic: Nonfoliated
  • Igneous:Foliated
  • Sedimentary: Nonfoliated

Where are the oldest layers of rocks usually found?

  • At the top
  • In the middle
  • At the bottom
  • At the top and in the middle

Write any additional information that you learnt (do not worry)

  • [No Answer]

What is the top layer of the Earth's surface called?

  • Mantle
  • Innercore
  • Outercore
  • Crust

When two __________ plates collide (converge) we get folded mountains.

  • continental

Which statement about caves is false?

  • They form underwater
  • They are formed by deposition of calcium carbonate
  • They form naturally and are open to the surface.
  • The majority of caves are small.
  • They are commonly found in regions with karst topography.

Draw the arrows for the different type of boundaries.ConvergentTransformDivergent

  • [No Answer]

Rock that forms from the cooling of maga or lave:

  • Metamorphic rock
  • Igneous rock
  • Sedimentary rock
  • Volcanic rock

Worldwide,the majority of glaciers are ___.

  • advancing
  • retreating
  • approaching the firn limit
  • flowing faster
  • flowing slower

What finding helped proved Wegener wasn't a flop in his theory?

  • Convection Currents
  • Ocean Currents
  • Erosion
  • Whatever Bobby said.

Rock that forms from the cementing of deposited particles are called:

  • Metamorphic rock
  • Igneous rock
  • Sedimentary rock
  • Volcanic rock

In order to have any type of Volcanic action to occur this plate needs to be present.

  • Oceanic

The primary factor that determines whether water moves by turbulent or laminar flow is ___.

  • discharge
  • gradient
  • velocity
  • area
  • infiltration capacity

A(n) ___ forms when a river flows into a standing body of water.

  • natural levee
  • delta
  • scarp
  • alluvial plain
  • underwater canyon

___ is a measure of how much water a material can hold, and ___ measures how easily the material transports fluids.

  • Porosity; permeability
  • Sorting; permeability
  • Infiltration capacity; permeability
  • Permeability; porosity
  • Infiltration capacity; porosity

all the living things on a planet

  • atmosphere
  • biosphere
  • geosphere
  • stratosphere

Mountain valleys subjected to glaciation are typically shaped like____.

  • the letter “S”
  • the letter “V”
  • the letter “U”
  • one half of rectangle
  • an inverted letter “V”

treatment: If the soil is dry mix with/ add

  • water
  • compost
  • clay

What effect does it have on Earth's climate?

  • The greater Earth’s axial tilt angle, the more extreme the seasons
  • Makes seasonal contrasts more extreme in one hemisphere and less extreme in the other due to direction of tilt at perihelion.
  • Changes the length of the seasons; when orbit is more circular, length of seasons are more even.

The region of the crust above the water table that is moist, but unsaturated is the ___.

  • asthenosphere
  • mesosphere
  • zone of ablation
  • zone of saturation
  • zone of aeration

to notice how two or more things are alike or different

  • compare
  • contrast
  • similar
  • same

Igneous rock are composed of crystals or is glassy. It is also formed from magma

  • Both statements True
  • Both statements False
  • First statement True. Second statement False
  • First statement False. Second statement True

What is the definition of a transform boundary?

  • Two plates moving toward each other.
  • Two plates switching crusts.
  • Two plates sliding against each other.
  • Two plates moving away from each other.

A hot fluid or magma flow that going up from the earth crust. here is the definition of...

  • plates
  • eruption
  • volcanoes
  • rocks

Soil that has _______ drainage water passes through easily.

  • poor
  • good
  • quick
  • slow

Which of these is created by wind deposition?

  • butte
  • ventifact
  • loess
  • yardang
  • inselberg

is this ______

  • quartz
  • sapphire

What happens to the wavelength and amplitude of an ocean wave as it approaches the coast?

  • Wavelength and amplitude decrease
  • Wavelength decreases, amplitude increases
  • Wavelength increases, amplitude decreases
  • Wavelength and amplitude increase

What is the contour interval on this map?

  • 50

Which of the following is a sedimentary rock?

  • Pumice
  • Diamond
  • Limestone
  • Marble

Name three groups of rocks.

  • Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks

What cave feature are the arrows pointing at?

  • soda straw

What letter represents a gentle slope?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • E
  • F

-solid mass of mineral grains that have grown or been cemented together over time-categorized by geologists

  • rocks
  • stone
  • boulder
  • gravel

Ice wedging is

  • ice hanging from caves
  • a process in which water freezes and thaws and breaks rocks apart
  • skiing
  • ice rolling down the mountain

What is this diagram depicting?

  • hydraulic fracturing

how many gems are in the world?

  • 200 varieties
  • 100 varieties
  • 1500 varieties
  • 500 varieties
  • 800 varieties

Flow in which there is no mixing between parallel layers in the water is known as ___.

  • turbulent flow
  • outflow
  • intermittent flow
  • laminar flow
  • stream flow

Type of eruption that shown in the picture above...

  • Strombolian
  • Vulcanian
  • Phreatic
  • Plinian

Gambar berikut merupakan bentuk dari intrusi batuan beku dengan nama:

  • Dike
  • Lopolit
  • Sill
  • Lakolit

Which of the following is an erosional feature of glaciers?

  • glacial erratics
  • terminal moraines
  • drumlins
  • cirques
  • eskers

The process of ice breaking off of the front of a glacier into the ocean is called ___.

  • halving
  • cutting
  • cleaving
  • calving
  • fracturing

Which of the following is most permeable?

  • sand
  • soil
  • gravel
  • silt
  • clay

What direction is the river at point A flowing?

  • hill
  • mountain
  • sinkhole
  • cliff

What do the V-shaped contour lines represent?

  • earth quake fault
  • river valley
  • hiking trail
  • lava flow

Mid-ocean ridges are associated with

  • Divergent Boundaries
  • Convergent Boundaries
  • Normal Boundaries
  • Transform Boundaries

What effect does it have on Earth's climate?

  • The greater Earth’s axial tilt angle, the more extreme the seasons
  • Makes seasonal contrasts more extreme in one hemisphere and less extreme in the other due to direction of tilt at perihelion.
  • Changes the length of the seasons; when orbit is more circular, length of seasons are more even.

Means "to change form"

  • Transmutation
  • Veganism
  • Sedimentarism
  • Metamorphism

What type of dune is this?

  • barchan

What glacially-carved feature is the yellow arrow pointing at?

  • horn

What is the general term for a gap in the geologic rock record that represents a period of non-deposition, erosion, or both?

  • Nonconformity
  • Disconformity
  • Angular unconformity
  • Anticonformity
  • Unconformity

Draw what happens when you converge a continental plate with an oceanic plate.

  • [No Answer]

Rock units can be correlated best by examining ___.

  • fossil data, rock type, and the presence of oil
  • fossil data, rock types, and key beds
  • key beds, rock type, and the current environment
  • rock type, rock sequence, and the current environment
  • The presence of oil, rock sequence, and key beds

Lapisan tempat makhluk hidup disebut:

  • Atmosfer
  • Hidrosfer
  • Lithosfer
  • Biosfer

What makes Earth unique from other planets and moons in our Solar System?

  • It did not form by accretion.
  • It is the only planet known to have any form of water.
  • It is the only planet known to currently have liquid water.
  • It is the only planet with water vapor in its atmosphere.
  • It formed much later than other planets, allowing for the presence of liquid water.

The preserved remains of things that lived long ago are called

  • fossils

Where does groundwater discharge naturally?

  • only in the ocean
  • only in springs
  • only in streams
  • only in aquifers
  • wherever the groundwater table intersects the ground surface

Find the synonym ,,of Gemstone''

  • Jem
  • Jam
  • Jewel
  • hard rock

Explain each types of rock (what is Igneous? what is Sedimentary? and what is metamorphic?).

  • [No Answer]

What term describes the straight scratches on rock surfaces created by glacial abrasion?

  • rock flour
  • varves
  • glacial till
  • glacial striations
  • moraines

what is this

  • Aquamarine
  • Emerald
  • Diamond
  • Zircon

Finely laminated, alternating light and dark layers of sediment deposited in a glacial lake are known as glacial ___.

  • rock flour
  • glacial striations
  • glacial till
  • varves
  • moraines

what is this

  • alexandrite
  • agate

What effect does it have on Earth's climate?

  • The greater Earth’s axial tilt angle, the more extreme the seasons
  • Makes seasonal contrasts more extreme in one hemisphere and less extreme in the other due to direction of tilt at perihelion.
  • Changes the length of the seasons; when orbit is more circular, length of seasons are more even.

___ won the Nobel Prize for discovering radioactivity.

  • James Hutton
  • Charles Lyell
  • Marie Curie
  • Alfred Wegener
  • Milutin Milankovitch

Types of rock that shown in the picture above...

  • Igneous
  • Sedimentary
  • Metamorphic

Which are the layers in the correct order from Earth's surface to core?

  • Mantle, crust, core and upper mantle
  • Crust, core, upper mantle and mantle
  • Crust, upper mantle, mantle and core
  • Core, mantle, upper mantle and crust

What is the contour interval on this map?

  • 20

Predict what would happen to the direction of the circular pattens if the Earth were spinning in the opposite direction it spins now.

  • Pattern would be reversed.
  • Pattens would be the same.
  • Pattens would cease to exist
  • It would be too complicated to predict what would happen to the circular pattens

What cave feature is the arrow pointing at?

  • stalagmite

Naturally occurring solid mass or aggregate of minerals or mineraloid matter. It is categorized by the minerals included, its chemical composition, and the way in which it is formed. here is the definition of..

  • volcanoes
  • rocks
  • eruption
  • magma

What do the call something that comes after a large earthquake.

  • aftershock

Which of the following concentric zone of Earth is made of Iron?

  • Crust
  • Core
  • Mantle
  • Atmosphere

Small particles that do not settle to the bottom of a stream are called the ___.

  • saltation load
  • bed load
  • dissolved load
  • free load
  • suspended load

is this _____

  • opal

The shapes of the volcano below

  • Stratovolcano
  • Stratovolcano
  • Vulcanian
  • Caldera
  • Complex

What two factors does a metamorphic rock need to form?

  • Weathering and erosion
  • Heat and pressure
  • Cooling and solidification
  • Crystallisation and evaporation

Type of igneous rocks that are formed inside of the earth.

  • Intrusive/plutonic
  • Semintrusive
  • Extrusive/volcanic
  • Sediment

Apa nama batuan Konglomerat yang memiliki fragmen batuan berbeda:

  • Monomiktos
  • Polymiktos
  • Aglomerat
  • Plutonik

A shape of volcano that shows "complex shape" below

  • Image:
  • Image:
  • Image:
  • Image:

What type of dune is this?

  • transverse

What conditions are needed for the development of karst topography?

  • Humid climate
  • Arid climate
  • Carbonate bedrock at shallow depth
  • Humid climate and carbonate bedrock at shallow depth
  • Acid rain

Wetlands help to minimize the effects of flooding.

  • true
  • false

The proportion of ________ & _____________ particles in the Soil affects its properties.

  • water, stones
  • water, ash
  • water, seeds
  • sand, clay

Alfred Wegener used these four as his evidence.

  • Fossils, Plants, Mountains, Glaciers
  • Fossils, animals, love, plants
  • Water, air, trees, and love
  • Girl, I'm just trying to pass.

The ___ of a glacier is where snow cover is year-round.

  • zone of wastage
  • plastic flow
  • firn limit
  • zone of sublimation
  • zone of accumulation

A metamorphic rock may have a new mineral composition and/or texture

  • True
  • False
  • maybe hehe

The three rock types(all lower case. answer format: nameofrock, nameofrock, nameofrock)

  • igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic

all the liquid water and solid water (ice) on a planet

  • hydrosphere

Mention all types of rock (no caps, you don't need to use "and" words, and please answer in order).

  • igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic
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