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The scientific study of language, encompassing its structure, meanings, and social aspects, providing insights into human communication and language diversity.









applied linguistics

language acquisition

discourse analysis

historical linguistics

computational linguistics

corpus linguistics


The most important debate for Greek philosophers was the relationship between?

  • Consonants and vowels
  • Words and meaning
  • Sounds and pronunciation
  • Words and structure

And the back edge is called the _________. It sounds like k, g, and ng are made with this.

  • Corona
  • Dorsum
  • Labiodental
  • Dental

Identify this man , The group of linguists who studied about him belonged to

  • Phineas Flynn, Psycholinguistics
  • Phineas Gage, Neurolinguistics
  • Phineas Fletcher, Anthropological linguistics
  • Phineas B Gage, Forensic linguistics

The word Latin word "lingua" means

  • Tongue
  • Mouth
  • Roof of the mouth
  • Lungs

Other phonemes do not involve the vocal cords, and there is no vibration, such as the consonants h, t, s, p, k, l, and f is called [Blank]__.

  • unvoiced

The fundamental relation between the sound and the meaning in which words represent the sound of the objects they refer to are called

  • Naturalism
  • Onomatopeya
  • Arbitrariness
  • Convention

In Spanish, there are two high (or close) vowels /i/ and /u/, two mid (or half-close) vowels /e/ and /o/, and one low (or open) vowel /a/.

  • TRUE

The application of computer science to the analysis and comprehension of written and spoken language.

  • Theoretical linguistics
  • Applied linguistics
  • Descriptive linguistics
  • Computational linguistics

What involves knowledge for using competence so that the process of sentence production and understanding can be realized?

  • Knowledge
  • Language Competence
  • Language Performance
  • Speech Error

“She said ‘Ain’t no sunshine’ – how interesting! Let’s see why she speaks like this” is what would be said by:

  • a prescriptivist
  • a descriptivist

These are sounds made with air passing through the nose. Examples include the m, n, and ng sounds of sing.

  • Nasal
  • Uvula
  • Velum
  • Bilabial

Which of the following is a common consonant cluster created with the fricative sound /s/?

  • /ts/-found often at the end of a word: let's
  • /sts/-found often at the end of a word: lasts
  • /sks/-found often at the end of a word: desks
  • /sps/-found often at the end of a word: lisps
  • All of the above

The /s, z/ fricative sounds are formed in which part of the mouth?

  • Bilabial (top and bottom lips)
  • Labiodental (teeth and lips)
  • InterDental (tongue and teeth)
  • Alfeolar (Gum Ridge)
  • Hard Palate
  • Velar (soft palate)

It is the study of the meaning of words and phrases.

  • Phonetics
  • Syntax
  • Linguistics
  • Semantics

It has few changes in verb forms


Typical statement begins with a subject, followed by a verb and, where applicable, an object of that verb.

  • BOTH
  • NONE

What is the study of languages?

  • Phonetics
  • Syntax
  • Linguistics
  • Semantics

The science that studies the origin of words is called?

  • Morphology
  • Rhetoric
  • Syntax
  • Etymology

A language whose phonology, grammar, and vocabulary, instead of having developed naturally, are consciously devised is a:

  • natural language
  • constructed language
  • impossible language
  • a sign language

What is IPA? (International Phonetic Alphabet)

  • [No Answer]

Regarding the Tone which ones are part of the feature

  • Mixed Intonation
  • Mixed Intonation
  • Falling Intonation
  • Beautiful Intonation
  • Rising Intonation

Nationalization, how many morpheme include in that word?

  • 3
  • 4
  • 2
  • 1

The narrow transcription of IPA is the transcription without diacritics.

  • True
  • False

This dress is beautifuñl. (THIS) is an adjective classified as:

  • Interrogative
  • Limiting
  • Compound

Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1660.

  • True
  • False

takes a broad view of linguistic phenomena, studying the contexts in which language is used and its development over time and in and among individuals.

  • Macro linguistics

The /f, v/ fricative sounds are formed in which part of the mouth?

  • Bilabial (top and bottom lips)
  • Labiodental (teeth and lips)
  • InterDental (tongue and teeth)
  • Alfeolar (Gum Ridge)
  • Hard Palate
  • Velar (soft palate)

Linguistics is the

  • Scientific and systematic study of the systems and principles underlying language.
  • Scientific and systematic study of speech sounds in general.
  • Scientific study of arrangement of speech sounds in language.
  • Scientific and systematic study of language in use

Aquella ciudad es muy bella. (AQUELLA) hace referencia a un adjetivo...

  • Calificativo
  • Demostrativo
  • Interrogativo
  • Indefinido

He was and intelligent, handsome man. The words (INTELLIGENT, HANDSOME) are adjectives classified as:

  • Coordinate
  • Determiner
  • Compound

Which of the following interdental sounds /θ, ð/ is true?

  • /ð/ is voiced and is pronounced with less force than /θ/
  • /ð/ is found in very few English words but are commonly used owing to its use in function words: the, this, that.
  • /θ/ is produced with a soft, voiceless sound often at the beginning of words, such as "theater."
  • All of the above statements are true.

The rules governing the phonological patterning is language-specific.

  • True
  • False

The study of interrelation between linguistic factors and psychological aspects is called :

  • Psycho linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Neurolinguistics
  • Comparitive Linguistics

Grammatical units such as morphemes, words, phrases and clauses are all the same across different languages.

  • True
  • False

Usually the sress of the English compound words falls on the first elements.

  • True
  • False

It looks at how linguistics can help understand real-life problems in areas such as psychology, sociology and education. It can be compared with theoretical linguistics, which looks at areas such as morphology, phonology and lexis.

  • Theoretical linguistics
  • Applied linguistics
  • Descriptive linguistics
  • Computational linguistics

According to the vowel length rule, which consonant groups below would require a preceding vowel to be lengthened?

  • /p, t, k/
  • /b, d, g/
  • /f, θ, s, ʃ/
  • All of the above

how it is called the way how humans learn a lenguage according to Chomsky?

  • Language Acquisition Device

What do you call the actual utterances produced by speakers of a language?

  • Language Competence
  • Language Performance
  • Knowledge
  • Speech Error

The use of language for social functions such as asking permission involves familiarity with modals that expresses formality and politeness.

  • True
  • False
  • It depends upon the culture.

What did u know about morpheme?

  • Related to derivational and inflectional
  • Related to derivational and inflectional
  • The smallest unit in word formation
  • One of its function is to show the position of subject
  • The main function is to create sound
  • Showing how word was formed

what are the 3 branches of phonetics?

  • auditory (production)
  • auditory (production)
  • acoustic (transmission)
  • articulatory (perception)

It is the ability of native speakers to create and understand grammatical sentences, to detect deviant and ungrammatical sentences, and to make other linguistic judgments about utterance in their language.

  • Language Competence
  • Language Performance
  • Speech Error
  • Both A and B

The allophones of [l] are clear [l], dark [l] and ______[l].

  • dental

Dialect and Language are the same thing?

  • yes po
  • yesn't

Each language has its own inventory of phonemes that may differ from that of another language.

  • True
  • False

Julius Caesar, Duke of Normandy, invades and conquers England in 1066.

  • True
  • False

It is the study of language from a cognitive and developmental law.

  • Psycholinguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Comparative linguistics
  • Linguistics

Which of the following is NOT suprasegmental features?

  • stress
  • tone
  • intonation
  • phoneme

How do you define linguistic?

  • the system that regulated with methodology of research
  • the scientific study about language
  • the term to explain the unique behavior
  • the term to determine how fast somebody talk

what is stable bilinguialism?

  • when L1 is more important than L2
  • when L1 and L2 are complementary
  • when L2 is predominant
  • when we don't learn an L2

__________ are words that are pronounced in the same way but have a different meaning.

  • homonyms

What are the manners of articulation?

  • stop/plosive (oral & nasal)
  • stop/plosive (oral & nasal)
  • fricative
  • affricate
  • trill
  • lateral

Linguists believe that

  • speech preceded writing
  • speech followed writing
  • speech and writing developed simultaneously
  • speech and writing had different origins

How many manners of articulation are there?

  • 7
  • 4
  • 6
  • 5

What is phonology?

  • The study of the sound
  • The study of the creation of words
  • The study to understand how word paired
  • The study if meaning

What is semantics?

  • The study of meaning
  • The study of the creation of words
  • The study of the sound
  • The study of how words combine each other

Which of the following statements is true about the fricative consonants /f, v/?

  • /v/ is a commonly mispronounced sound because it does not exist in many languages, including Spanish.
  • /v/ is often mispronounced as /b/ and /w/.
  • Non-native Spanish speakers often mispronounce the English /v/ as /b/.
  • All of the above statements are true.

it is used to give emphasys in the subject matter of the sentence. This sentence belongs to...

  • Tone
  • Tonicity
  • Tonality
  • Tentaculous

The word "Bratru" in Sanskrit is closely related to

  • the word Brother in English
  • the word Brother in English
  • the word Padre in Spanish
  • the word Bro in common coinage

Which of the following is true about the affricate consonant sounds /tʃ, dʒ/?

  • Both consist of a stop-plosive consonant and a fricative consonant.
  • /tʃ/ is found in the following words: cheese, nature
  • /dʒ/ is found in the following words: judge, job
  • /tʃ/ is voiceless, while /dʒ/ is voiced.
  • All of the above

Historians reconstruct the past using language. Astronomers describe faraway stars, planets and galaxies using language. This is possible because of the _______________ feature of language.

  • duality
  • displacement
  • arbitrariness
  • symbolism

[e][i] are monophthongs, [ei] [au] are dipthongs.

  • True
  • False

English is a tone language

  • True
  • False

There is a difference between having the knowledge necessary to produce sentences of a language and applying this knowledge.

  • True
  • False

Linguistic knowledge, for the most part, is a conscious knowledge.

  • True
  • False
  • Depends on the learner

Next, we have the larynx or voice box. It sits at the juncture of the __________ or windpipe coming up from the lungs and esophagus coming up from the stomach.

  • trachea

“Take care” as a way of finishing a conversation expresses this function of language:

  • informative
  • directive
  • emotive
  • phatic
  • metalinguistic

The origin of the language is linked to the origin of?

  • Pedagogy
  • Religion
  • History
  • Agriculture

The way a language system is used in communication is called:

  • performance
  • phonology
  • competence
  • language pedagogy

Philosophers that claimed that there are irregularities in the formations of some words of which analogical reasoning is of no avail, were called Anomalist.

  • True
  • False

Alto es un tipo de adjetivo...

  • calificativo

Which of the following statement is true about the fricative consonant sound /h/?

  • /h/ is produced by forcing air through the throat or glottal part of the mouth.
  • /h/ is voiceless and is usually found at the beginning of a word.
  • /h/ is always followed by a vowel sound.
  • All of the above

Write the missing word: Jakobson’s model of communications involves these elements: sender – context /....... /channel /code – receiver

  • message

Phonetics is the study of

  • Production of speech sound
  • Production of speech sound
  • Organisation of speech sound
  • Articulation of speech sound
  • Reception of speech sound

Semantics is the study of

  • word formation
  • sentence structure
  • meaning making
  • correct pronunciation

Knowledge of linguistics may not be useful for explaining problems concerning language learning.

  • True
  • False

The Babylonian traditions dates from

  • First millennium before Christ
  • Two centuries before Christ
  • One century before Christ
  • Two millenniums before Christ

Which of the following statements is true about fricative consonants?

  • Fricatives form the largest consonant group in the American English language, consisting of nine (9) sounds.
  • Fricative consonants are formed by creating continous airflow that is constricted in the mouth to create sounds.
  • Fricative sounds are produced in all parts of the mouth, except the bilabial and velar regions.
  • Two affricate sounds, /tʃ, dʒ/, are a special class of stop-plosives and fricative sounds.
  • All of the statements are true

The word "bilingual" is a compound word.

  • True
  • False

In linguistic data samples of language is called :

  • Corpse
  • Lingua
  • Corpus
  • Canon

The main contribution in the study of phonetic that correspond to the comparison between words pronounced in isolation and in connected speech was made by ...

  • Plato
  • Panini
  • Socrates
  • Aristotle

Phonetics is the study of the sounds of language. What do we call these sounds?

  • Morphemes
  • Phonemes
  • Syntax
  • Lexicology

Mi mascota es muy inteligente. (Mi) hace referencia a un adjetivo...

  • Demostrativo
  • Indefinido
  • Posesivo
  • Numeral

It examines the diversity of language structures and use in the languages of the world – in other words, we examine and develop linguistic theory on a comparative basis.

  • Sociolinguistics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Neurolinguistics
  • General linguistics

According to linguists, the best language in the world is _________________

  • English
  • Tamil
  • Sanskrit
  • All

According to Dante Alighieri the original languages given to humanity as God's gift was?

  • Sanskrit
  • Hebrew
  • Greek
  • Indo-European

The classic fallacy in the study of languages refers to:

  • The priority given by linguists to the study and analysis of oral language overthe written language
  • The priority of the written language over the oral; priority given,mainly by the Alexandrians in their desire to preserve the purity of the languagegreek.
  • The characteristics that are common to all languages
  • The ancient classical features that allow the individual characterization of languages

A theory _________________ should explain sentences, which are rendered into speech sounds.

  • performance

Which of the following statements is true about the fricative consonants /ʃ, ʒ/?

  • Both consonants are produced with the front tongue at the hard palate
  • /ʃ/ is voiceless and is found in the following words: nation, machine, ocean, shoe.
  • /ʒ/ is voiced and is found in the following words: garage, measure
  • /ʃ/ is commonly mispronounced /tʃ/ as in "cheese" or /s/ as in "sit."
  • All of the statements are true.

The /θ, ð/ fricative sounds are formed in which part of the mouth?

  • Bilabial (top and bottom lips)
  • Labiodental (teeth and lips)
  • InterDental (tongue and teeth)
  • Alfeolar (Gum Ridge)
  • Hard Palate
  • Velar (soft palate)

Spanish does not distinguish between long and short vowels.

  • True
  • False

This creature is referred to as a. snake (English)b. paambu (Tamil)c. sarpa (Sanskrit)d. saamp (Hindi)These different names are possible because natural language is ______________.

  • symbolic
  • arbitrary
  • displaced
  • discrete

It deals with the place of language in its wider social and cultural context, and its role in making and maintaining cultural practices and societal structures.

  • Theoretical linguistics
  • Anthropological linguistics
  • Descriptive linguistics
  • Computational linguistics

In the word Volunteer we see :

  • the preffix Vol-
  • the suffix -er
  • the inffix -un-

The French classes are really interesting to me! (FRENCH) is an adjective classified as:


Philosophers that claimed that languages were essentially systematic and regular were called anomalist.

  • True
  • False

In the twentieth century, linguists interested in comparing languages in a new kind of discipline in which the structures of two present-day languages were compared. This was the birth of the discipline which is now termed:

  • Comparative linguistics
  • Contrastive linguistics
  • Comparative philology

It investigates the form and function of language, applying theoretical approaches to the analysis of descriptive and sociolinguistic data.

  • Theoretical linguistics
  • Applied linguistics
  • Descriptive linguistics
  • Computational linguistics

A complete sentence includes at least a subject and a verb.

  • BOTH
  • NONE

In 1348, English replaced Latin as the language of instruction in most schools.

  • True
  • False

Bees buzz, snakes hiss, cows moo, cats meow.The highlighted words are all examples of ____________________

  • onomatopoeia

Modifies verb endings to indicate person, mood, and tense

  • spanish

Linguistics concerns itself with the study of a. a particular language b. language as a communication system

  • both
  • neither
  • only a.
  • only b.

The discussions about the regular patterns in languages and exceptions. The terms used for regularity or irregularly in the language patterns were?

  • Conventionalism and naturalism
  • Languages and thought
  • Analogy and anomaly
  • Onomatopeia and metaphores

Cavemen have been known to use around ________ symbols in their cave drawings.

  • 30
  • 300
  • 3000
  • 30000

In the nineteenth century languages were compared with a view to determining their exact genetic relationships and to reconstructing the proto-language from which the attested languages of a family derived. This branch of linguistics is called:

  • Comparative linguistics
  • Contrastive linguistics
  • Comparative philology

Linguistics is different from traditional grammar in that it is not

  • descriptive
  • prescriptive
  • traditional
  • accurate

the speaker create intonation phrases (IP) to be fluent. This sentence belongs to...

  • Tone
  • Tonicity
  • Tonality
  • Tenaciuos D

What is the study of language as it pertains to social classes, ethnic groups, and genders?

  • Psycholinguistics
  • Comparative linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Linguistics

Vowels are classified by..

  • the position of the tongue
  • the position of the tongue
  • degree of openness of the mouth
  • shape of the lips

We can also use the upper teeth with the lower lip for _________ sounds. This is how we make an f sound.

  • Uvular
  • Labiodental
  • Velar
  • Nasal

At the top of the throat is the opening to the nasal passages called the ___________.

  • nasopharynx

Forensic linguistics is a branch of

  • Applied linguistics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Neurolinguistics
  • Comparative linguistics

Which statement is NOT true? Language is a human system of communication which:

  • can be expressed by gestures
  • can be spoken
  • can be written
  • has fixed reference

The English language begins with the Anglo-Saxons.

  • True
  • False

The use of affixes and context clues help the students learn the meaning of words.

  • True
  • False

English has a twenty-consonant system.

  • TRUE

The field of study in which researchers investigate the psychological processes involved in the use of language, including language comprehension, language production, and first and second language acquisition.

  • Historical linguistics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Neurolinguistics
  • General linguistic

Plato was famous for the distinctions between:

  • Three genres
  • Verbs and nouns
  • Singular and plurals
  • Categories of the speech

She creates the form, how many morpheme include in "creates"?

  • 3
  • 2
  • 4
  • 1

The characteristic of linguistics (

  • have a subject matter
  • have a subject matter
  • produces careful objective descriptions
  • make generalization

Which is false?

  • Acoustics Ph. is the study of the physical properties of speech
  • Articulatory Ph. looks at the interaction of different vocal organs to produce particular sounds
  • Auditory Ph. refers to how the speaker perceives their own voice

¿En qué tiempo se encuentra la siguiente oración?Los futbolistas han entrenado mucho para el partido.

  • Pretérito perfecto compuesto o Antepresente de indicativo
  • Pretérito perfecto compuesto o Antepresente de subjuntivo

What are the properties of the last sound in the word, 'sing'?

  • Velar, nasal, voiced
  • Velar, stop, voiceless
  • Glottal, fricative, voiceless

Pragmatics is the study of

  • Practical usage of language

Competence is the knowledge that persons have of their grammar.

  • True
  • False

It is concerned with constructing theories of language or languages, or with developing linguistic theory.

  • Theoretical linguistics
  • Applied linguistics
  • Descriptive linguistics
  • Computational linguistics

When you say, “Could you repeat please?” you express this function of language:

  • informative
  • directive
  • emotive
  • phatic
  • metalinguistic

In the vocal tract, the speech starts with the [Blank]__, which pushes air out (carbon dioxide) and pulls it in (oxygen).

  • lungs

It is concerned with how language use interacts with, or is affected by, social factors such as gender, ethnicity, age or social class, for instance.

  • Sociolinguistics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Neurolinguistics
  • General linguistics

There is some natural connection between the original meaning and the second application meaning, for example the words: mouth of the river, neck of the bottle. That words are called

  • Onomatopeia
  • Metaphores
  • Synonymes
  • Conventionalism

Linguistics is the ___________ study of language.

  • social
  • subjective
  • scientific
  • traditional

The system of linguistic knowledge possessed by native speakers of a language is called:

  • language pedagogy
  • performance
  • phonology
  • competence

The consonants [w] and [j] belong to ________ in terms of manner of articulation.

  • glide

The scientific study of how languages change over time, which seeks to understand the relationships among languages and to reconstruct earlier stages of languages.

  • Sociolinguistics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Historical linguistics
  • General linguistics

The [k] in the word cat is aspirated, and voiced.

  • True
  • False

The adverbs and ad participle of the verbs were recognized by:

  • Plato
  • Aristotle
  • Dionysius Thrax
  • Socrates

The three genres: masculine, feminine and intermediate, were credited to :

  • Plato
  • Aristotle
  • Protagoras
  • Socrates

What is phonetics?

  • the scientific study of human language sounds

What allows the speaker the potentials to understand and produce utterances?

  • Language Competence
  • Language Performance
  • Knowledge
  • Speech Error

The study of how context contributes to meaning is called:

  • phonology
  • pragmatics
  • historical linguistics
  • semantics

Regarding the death of a language it is correct to say that

  • A languaje dies when we learn another language
  • No language has died yet
  • it dies with genocide
  • if we don't travel our language will prevail

What does 'Place' of articulation mean?

  • places where the constrictions and obstructions of air occur
  • places where the constrictions and obstructions of air occur
  • "..the point in the vocal tract where the speech organs restrict the passage of air in some way so producing distinctive speech sounds"

Bees use the ____________ dance to communicate among themselves.

  • waggle

Language is transmitted

  • biologically
  • mentally
  • culturally
  • genetically

"it modifies itself according to sociocultural and geographic context" this sentence refers to:

  • Language
  • Dialect

According to the history of linguistics, it is probably that languages were originated in?

  • Italy
  • Greece
  • Rome
  • Anatolia, a large peninsula in Western Asia

When a BEGINNER learner of English says “I swimmed in the lake this weekend”, it is most probably an error due to:

  • competence
  • performance

What does 'manner' of articulation mean?

  • It refers to how the airstream is affected as it exits the lungs and mouth
  • It refers to the altitude of the speaker's surroundings
  • It refers to the attitude of the speaker during a conversation
  • It refers to the condition of the mouth

It is extremely common for nouns to function as adjectives.

  • BOTH
  • NONE

The /ʃ, ʒ/ fricative sounds are formed in which part of the mouth?

  • Bilabial (top and bottom lips)
  • Labiodental (teeth and lips)
  • InterDental (tongue and teeth)
  • Alfeolar (Gum Ridge)
  • Hard Palate
  • Velar (soft palate)

It was considered the mother language that gave rise to modern languages ...

  • Sanskrit
  • Urdu
  • Greek
  • Indo-European
  • Hebreo

She creates the form, if we said that creates has two morphemes, what is the functions of the letter s in the word "creates"?

  • To show the third singular person

The vocal cords can be tightened and loosened and can vibrate when air is past them, creating sounds called ________. Examples include the consonants b, d, g, v, z, and r.

  • voiced

¿En qué tiempo se encuentra la siguiente oración?La nutrióloga me dijo que coma muchas verduras.

  • Presente de indicativo
  • Presente de subjuntivo

To what concept did Noam Chomsky regard the relationship of competence and performance?

  • form and substance
  • part to whole
  • form and part
  • substance and whole

“You can’t say ‘John is older than her’, you must say ‘John is older than she’” is what would be said by:

  • a prescriptivist
  • a descriptivist

¿En qué tiempo se encuentra esta oración? Lucy baila muy bonito.

  • Presente de indicativo
  • Presente de subjuntivo

The set of rules that govern the structure of phrases and sentences is called:

  • phonetics
  • morphology
  • syntax
  • sociolinguistics

The first studies in syntax were a contribution from?

  • Romans
  • Greek
  • Hindi
  • Port Royal Grammar

The study of words and how they are formed is called:

  • morphology
  • semantics
  • neurolinguistics
  • language pedagogy

A type of verb used in certain situations where the verb's action isn't necessarily factual.

  • Subjunctive mood
  • Indicative mood
  • Verbs in infinitive

tick the suprasegmental features

  • pitch
  • pitch
  • loudness
  • intonation
  • juncture
  • stress

The study of the speech sounds of a particular language is known as

  • phonetics
  • phonology
  • phones
  • phonemes

Globalization, how many morpheme that include in that word?

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 4

Prakash bunked class to go to a movie. The next day when his teacher asked him why he had been absent, Prakash replied that he had been sick and had to go to the doctor. Prakash is able to speak of a non existent illness because language is

  • arbitrary
  • displaced
  • discrete
  • productive

a+p+l = applea+p+l = applea+p+l = apple Apple (subject) + is a fruit (predicate) = Apple is a fruit. (Sentence)Apple left(subjectright) + is a fruit left(predicateright) = Apple is a fruit. left(Sentenceright)Apple (subject) + is a fruit (predicate) = Apple is a fruit. (Sentence) This illustrates _____________ feature of language.

  • discreteness
  • arbitrariness
  • displacement
  • duality

Which of the following is not a common error when producing the fricative consonant sounds /s, z/?

  • /z/ is pronounced like /ð/
  • /s/ and /z/ are not pronounced (dropped) at the end of a word.
  • /s/ is mispronounced as /ʃ/: sandwich is pronouched as /ʃænvɪtʃ/
  • In consonant clusters beginning with /s/, Spanish speakers add a vowel sound.
  • All of the above are common errors

What is the difference between a vowel and consonant?

  • V is always voiced
  • V is always voiced
  • C involves obstruction of air when producing a sound
  • C is always voiced
  • C are classified by place and manner of articulation

French replaced English as the language of the law.

  • True
  • False

Speech Error is a voluntary deviations from what we wish to say.

  • True
  • False
  • Sometimes

The first studies in phonethics are tributed to:

  • Sophist
  • Plato
  • Panini
  • Dante Aliguiery

We also have two names for the parts of the tongue used with these various parts of the mouth: The front edge is called the _______ and sounds like t, th, and s are made with this.

  • Corona
  • Dorsum
  • Labiodental
  • Dental

What are the properties of the first letter of the word, 'teeth'?

  • Alveolar, stop, voiced
  • Labiodental, fricative, voiced
  • Alveolar, stop, voiceless
  • Labiodental, fricative, voiceless

in english what type of affixes do we use?

  • Preffix and Suffix

According to the vowel length rule, a vowel before a voiced consonant is lengthed.

  • True
  • False

which are the three T's in intonation?

  • Tone, Tonality, Tension
  • Tone Tonality, Tonicity
  • Tonality, Tension, Tonicity
  • Tonicity, Tonality Transformer

The sounds are made by holding the lips together and then releasing the sound, such as p and b.

  • Liquid
  • Nasal
  • Bilabial
  • Bilabial nasal

The branch of linguistics dealing with the relationship between language and the structure and functioning of the brain. It addresses the question: how is linguistic knowledge represented in the brain?

  • Sociolinguistics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Neurolinguistics
  • General linguistics

Identify the language variety

  • East-Midland dialect
  • Cockney dialect
  • Provencal French
  • Norman French

Which of the following sounds can be used to pronounce "-s" and "-es" at the end of words?

  • /s/, if final "s" follows a voiceless consonant [p, t, k, f, θ]:
  • /z/, if final "s" follows a vowel/diphthong or a voiced consonant [b, d, g, v, m, n, ŋ, l, r, ð]
  • /ɪz/, if final "-es" follows [s,z, ʃ, ʒ, tʃ, dʒ]
  • All of the above are true
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