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Average Speed

Is a measure of the overall speed of an object over a certain distance, calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

















How far can you get away from your little brother with the squirt gun filled with paint if you can travel at 3 m/s and you have 15 sec before he sees you?

  • 45 m

How far will a person go if they jog for 2 hours at a speed of 12 km/hr?

  • 6 km
  • 0.5 km
  • 10 km
  • 24 km

apple or android

  • apple
  • andriod

Friday, 2/22/19

  • When is our test for average speed?

Mr. Sufi runs a 400 m race with a speed of 4 m/s. What time will it take him to finish the race?

  • 100 seconds
  • 396 seconds
  • 404 seconds
  • 1600 seconds

Acceleration on a distance time graph shows up as a _________ line.

  • Straight diagonal
  • Straight horizontal
  • Curved

Four students take turns kicking a soccer ball. They record the distance the ball rolls and the amount of time it takes the ball to completely stop. Which student kicks the ball with the greatest average speed?

  • Student 1
  • Student 2
  • Student 3
  • Student 4

A girl on a bike rides down a hill 500 meters long in 50 seconds. What is her speed?

  • 100 m/s
  • 10 m/s
  • 1,000 m/s
  • 10 mph

A plane travels 395,000m in 9000 seconds. What was its speed?

  • 43.9 m/s

Which of the following is NOT a unit of measurement for distance?

  • miles
  • kilometers
  • minutes
  • meters

A bus travels 40 km in 10 minutes. What is the average speed of the bus in km/hour.

  • 410 km/h
  • 400 km/h
  • 240 km/h
  • 50 km/h

You start from point A, travel at 10 kmph and reach point B and return from point A at the speed of 'x' kmph. Find the value of x if the average speed of the journey is 16 kmph. Distance from A to B is 2550 km.

  • 50 kmph
  • 40 kmph
  • 22 kmph
  • None of the above

Total distance divided by total time is

  • average speed
  • constant speed
  • instantaneous speed
  • acceleration

Which of the following best describes the velocity of an object?

  • 50 m/s
  • 50 m east
  • 50 m/s east

If a car travels 400m in 20 seconds, how fast is it going?

  • 20 m/s

Find speed when distance is 142 km and time is 2 hours.

  • 71km/hr
  • 52km/hr
  • 17km/hr
  • 90km/hr

The purple car traveled for 5 meters in the first 2 seconds, and went 5 more meters in the last 3 seconds. What is the average speed of the purple car's entire trip in m/sec?

  • 0.5 m/sec
  • 1.17 m/sec
  • 1.7 m/sec
  • 2 m/sec

What is the formula for calculating DISTANCE?

  • distance/time
  • distance/speed
  • speed x time
  • speed/time

Speed on a distance time graph shows up as a straight __________ line

  • Straight diagonal
  • Straight horizontal
  • Straight vertical

What is speed?

  • how far you go
  • how much distance is covered over a period of time
  • how fast you accelerate
  • the change in the location of a object

It takes five hours to drive from Fort Worth to Midland, which is a distance of 300 miles. What would be the average speed for this trip?

  • 60 mph
  • 300 mph
  • 5 mph
  • 0.016 mph

1. Which two measurements are needed in order to calculate the speed of an object in motion?

  • Time and Distance
  • Volume and Mass
  • Distance and Force
  • Mass and Milliliters

What is the average speed if you travel 20 miles in 4 hours?

  • 5 mph.
  • 50 mph.

A ladybug moves from 2 cm to 7 cm in 25 seconds. What is the speed of the ladybug? (Hint: to find the total distance, you have to subtract)

  • 5 cm/sec
  • 0.2 cm/sec
  • 12 cm/sec
  • 3.57 cm/sec

the change in speed or velocity over a specific amount of time.

  • Acceleration

What is the unit for speed?

  • m / s2
  • m/s
  • d/t

It takes Mrs. Shields 13 hours to drive from Houston to her hometown of St. Louis, which is a distance of 780 miles. What is the average speed of this trip?

  • 60 mi/hr

Some students were investigating the speed of a toy car they built. They performed two trials and recorded their data in the table above.What was the average speed of the toy car during the two trials to the nearest tenth of a m/s? Be sure to use the correct place value.

  • 1.5 m / s2
  • 1.5 m/s

speeding up, slowing down, changing direction

  • Examples of acceleration

An object must travel 60 meters in 4 seconds. At what average speed will the object have to travel to accomplish this task?

  • 15 mph
  • 15 m/s
  • 1500 mph
  • 150 m/s

A student throws a football three times. Another student records the distance, the amount of time the ball travels and the average speed in the table above. How many seconds did it take for the ball to travel 40 m during the third throw?

  • 0.5 s
  • 1.0 s
  • 1.5 s
  • 2.0 s

Speed in a given direction. An example is a car moving at 50 mph East.

  • Velocity

distan⁡ce speedfrac{distan ce }{speed}speeddistance ​

  • time
  • average speed
  • :)

A bus travels 20 km in 30 minutes. What is the average speed of the bus?

  • 20 km/h
  • 30 km/h
  • 40 km/h
  • 50 km/h

If in a v-t graph the graph line is parallel to time axis, it denotes that the body is in ___________

  • uniform motion

The amount of space between two objects.

  • Distance

What is the average speed if you travel 100 miles in 2 hours?

  • 5 mph.
  • 50 mph.

If you are running to mile on Monday and you stop to tie your shoe, what happens to your time?

  • The total time you take to complete the mile will increase
  • The total time you take to complete the mile will decrease
  • The total distance you take to complete the mile will increase
  • The total distance you take to complete the mile will decrease

Can be measured in meters per second (m/s)

  • Distance
  • Time
  • Speed
  • Acceleration

distan⁡ce timefrac{distan ce }{time}timedistance ​

  • speed
  • total time
  • average distance

A golf ball is hit a distance of 400 yards in 20 seconds. What is the speed of the golf ball?

  • 20 yards/second

Car #1 that traveled 160 kilometers in 5 hours, and Car #2 traveled 140 kilometers in the same time. Which car traveled faster?

  • Car #1
  • Car #2
  • Their speeds are equal.

A different runner trains for a marathon for 6 months by eating nothing but bags of french fries from McDonalds. They run a 10 meter dash in 100 seconds. What is their speed?

  • 0.01 m/s
  • 0.1 m/s
  • 1 m/s
  • 10 m/s

Shows the time of motion on a graph.

  • x-axis

speed ×times× time

  • distance
  • total time
  • total speed
  • average speed

Which two measurements are needed in order to calculate the speed of an object in motion?

  • distance and time
  • time and mass
  • force and distance
  • volume and time

Bill jogs 400 meters to Andy's house, turns around, and runs 400 meters back home. He does so in 267 seconds. What is Bill's average speed?

  • about 3 m/s
  • about 1.5 m/s
  • 0
  • about 4 m/s

Shows the distance an object travels on a graph.

  • y-axis

A swimmer covers a distance of 28 Km against the current and 40 Km in the direction of the current. If in each case he takes 4 hours, then the speed of the current in kmph is:

  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 3

A runner races in the 100 meter dash. It takes her 10 seconds to finish. What is her average speed?

  • 10 m/s
  • 1000 m/s
  • 100 seconds
  • 10 seconds

If you shout into the Grand Canyon, you voice travels at the speed of sound (340 m/s) to the bottom of the canyon and back, and you hear an echo. How deep is the Grand Canyon at a spot where you can hear your echo 5.2 seconds after you shout?

  • 884m

Total distance divided by total time is

  • average speed
  • constant speed
  • instantaneous speed
  • acceleration

The distance - time graph for a moving object is a straight line parallel to the time axis. The object is _____

  • at rest

Acceleration is measured in __________ units.

  • m / s2
  • m/s
  • mph

Average Speed = Total Distance divided by Total Time.

  • Average Speed Formula

Alan travels 100 km in 5hrs. Find his average speed in km/h

  • 5km/hr
  • 10km/hr
  • 50km/hr
  • 20km/hr

A boat travels at 22 km/hr for 10 hrs, what distance will it travel?

  • 220 miles
  • 2.2 km
  • 220 km
  • 22 km

What is the speed of an object that travels 60 meters in 4 seconds?

  • 240 m/s
  • 15 m/s
  • 0.067 m/s
  • 15 mph

You need to get to a class which is 200 m away. You can only walk in the hallways at about 1.5 m/s. How much time will it take you to get to class?

  • 133.3 sec

Shows how the distance and time of an object's motion are related. The line represents an object's speed.

  • Motion Graph

A runners races in the 100 meter dash. It takes her 10 seconds to finish. What is her average speed?

  • 10 m/s
  • 1000 m/s
  • 100 seconds
  • 10 seconds

Ms. Febri runs 10 km in 2 hours. What is her speed?

  • 20 km/h
  • 8 km/h
  • 5 km/h
  • 12 km/h

What is the formula for calculating TIME?

  • distance/time
  • distance/speed
  • speed x time
  • speed/time

Tina's calculations of the tarantula found that the spider was able to cover 20 cm in 5 seconds. What was the average speed of the spider?

  • 4 m/s

If you move 50m in 10 seconds, what is your speed?

  • 5 m/s

A golf ball is hit a distance of 300 yards in 10 seconds. What is the speed of the golf ball?

  • 30 yards/sec

In a competition, an athlete threw a flying disk 139 m through the air. While in flight, the disk traveled at an average speed of 13 m/s. How long did the disk remain in the air?

  • 10.7 sec

Which of the following are examples of times?

  • 50 m/min
  • 20 cm
  • 4 seconds
  • 9 minutes
  • 2 hours

The ratio of change in velocity with respect to time is called

  • displacement
  • speed
  • accleration
  • distance

m/s^2 or m/s/s ; mi/hr^2 or mi/hr/hr

  • acceleration units

A boat travels at 22 km/hr for 10 hrs, the distance it will travel is ____ km

  • 220 km

For uniform motion the distance time graph will have a _________ slope

  • constant

A boat takes 9 hours to travel a distance upstream and takes 3 hours to travel the same distance downstream. If the speed of the boat in still water in 4 Km/h, then what is the velocity of the stream in km/h?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

A boat travels 2 Km upstream in a stream flowing at 3 Km/h and, then returns downstream to the starting point in 30 minutes. The speed of the boat in still water in kmph is:

  • 17
  • 9
  • 13
  • 15

A runner races in the 100 meter dash. It takes her 10 seconds to finish. What is her average speed?

  • 10 m/s
  • 1000 m/s
  • 100 seconds
  • 10 seconds

What is the speed of an object that travels 60 meters in 4 seconds?

  • 240 m/s
  • 15 m/s
  • 0.067 m/s
  • 15 mph

No motion on a distance time graph shows up as a straight ______ line.

  • Straight diagonal
  • Straight horizontal
  • Straight vertical

A runner's times for each section of a 400-meter race are shown below: Results from 400-meter RaceSection Time 1st 100 m 11 seconds2nd 100 m 13 seconds3rd 100 m 14 seconds4th 100 m 14.5 secondsWhich best describes the runner's motion over the course of the 400-meter race?

  • The runner's speed increased.
  • The runner's speed decreased.
  • The runner's speed stayed the same.
  • The runner's direction stayed the same.

How much time will it take for a bug to travel 5 meters across the floor if it is traveling at 1 m/s?

  • 5 sec

A ball rolls 144 cm in 12 sec. What is its speed in meters per second?

  • 12 cm/sec
  • 12 m/s
  • 1.2 m/s
  • 0.12 m/s

A car travels 50 km in 30 minutes. What is the average speed of the car?

  • 100 km/h
  • 50 km/h
  • 30 km/h
  • 200 km/h

If an object changes its velocity from 2 m/s to 4m/s in 10s, its acceleration is__________m/s2

  • 0.02
  • 2
  • 0.2
  • 0.6

Millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, inches, feet, and miles are all examples of _________________.

  • distance
  • time
  • volume
  • force

Ms. Arni travels 120 km with a speed of 60 km/hour by using car. How long is the car will reach the destination?

  • 180 hours
  • 60 hours
  • 3 hours
  • 2 hours

Mr. Smith is traveling from Houston, TX to Dallas, TX. IT takes 4 hours to make the 224 mile trip. What is his velocity?

  • 56 mph north

what is newtons first law?

  • An object remains at rest and an object in motion maintains its velocity unless it experience an unbalanced force
  • acceleration (gaining speed) happens when a force acts on a mass (object)

Which of the following is a UNIT for speed?

  • m/s2
  • m/s
  • d/t

The ratio of total distance to total time is called

  • average velocity
  • average speed
  • acceleration
  • displacement

What is the average speed of a car that travels 540 miles in 6 hours?

  • 60 mph
  • 90 mph
  • .11 mph
  • 3,240 mph

Speed = Distance divided by Time

  • Speed Formula

A car drives with a constant speed of 80 miles per hour. How far can it travel in 180 minutes?

  • 0.44 miles
  • 240 miles
  • 100 miles
  • 80 miles

How far can your little brother get if he can travel at 2.5 m/s and in 5 second you will discover that his squirt gun has run out of paint?

  • 12.5m

A dog runs 100 meters in 4 seconds. A lion runs 250 meters in 10 seconds. What is the difference in their speeds?

  • A. The dog is 100 m/s faster
  • B. The lion 102 m/s slower
  • D. The dog is 45 m/s faster
  • C. Their speeds are equal

average speed = (d1 + d2) / (t1+t2)

  • speed formula with two trials

Jim travels the first 3 hours of his journey at 60 mph speed and the remaining 5 hours at 24 mph speed. What is the average speed of Jim's travel in mph? ​

  • 42
  • 36
  • 37.5
  • 42.5

What two measurements are necessary for calculating speed?

  • Mass and time
  • Temperature and mass
  • Mass and distance
  • Distance and time

The area under a speed-time graph with the time axis gives the ___________

  • distance covered

The S.I. unit of average speed is

  • m/s
  • km/h
  • m/s2
  • m2/s

A train travels 25 km in .5 hrs. How fast is the train going?

  • 25 miles/hr
  • 5 miles/hr
  • 125 km/hr
  • 50 km/hr

A trip to Florida takes 10 hours. The distance is 816 km. Calculate the average speed.

  • 81.6 km/hr
  • 81.6 mph
  • 82 m/s
  • 816 km/h

average speed

  • total path length travelled divided by the total time
  • average speed

The average velocity of the Earth for one complete year is

  • zero
  • circumference of the orbit
  • diameter of the orbit
  • cannot be determined from the given data

What is the formula to calculate speed?

  • S = t/d
  • S = d/t
  • S = d x t
  • S = t x d

Marlon decided to visit Dallas, which is 210 miles away from Houston. His trip took him 3 hours to complete. Calculate his average speed.

  • 60 mph
  • 64 mph
  • 70 mph
  • 3 mph

There are 3 points A, B, C. You travel from A to B at speed 'S1' and B to C at speed 'S2' (Speeds are in kmph). Distance from A to B is 'D1' and B to C is 'D2'. Find the average speed from A to C if the time taken is 25.5 hours from A to B and 25.5 hours from B to C.

  • 2*S1*S2 / (S1 + S2)
  • (S1 + S2) / 2
  • S1 * S2 / (S1 + S2)
  • None of the above

It takes Alyson 0.25 hours to drive to school. Her route is 16 km long. What is Alyson's average speed on her drive to school?

  • 18.9 m/s

Dave runs a 400 m race with a speed of 4 m/s. What time will it take him to finish the race?

  • 400 minutes
  • 100 minutes
  • 100 seconds
  • .25 seconds

_________ is a push or pull

  • force

what is the law of action and reaction?

  • second law
  • first law
  • third law

Bill and Amy want to ride their bikes from their neighborhood to school which is 14.4 km away. It takes Amy 40 minutes to arrive at school bill arrives 20 minutes after Amy. How much faster is Amy's average speed for the entire trip?

  • 2 m/s

Lauren's SUV was detected exceeding the posted speed limit of 60 km/hr. By how much is she exceeding the speed limit if she covers 1 km in 5 minutes?

  • 1.2 km/hr

What is the speed of a jet plane that travels 528 meters in 4 seconds ?

  • 140 m/s
  • 132 mph
  • 142 mph
  • 132 m/s

velocity is ___

  • the rate of change
  • the amount of matter in an object

The unit for speed is m/s, mi/hr, or km/hr

  • Unit of Speed

Josh travels for 30 minutes at 50kmph, for the other 20 minutes, he travels at the speed of 30kmph, for the next 60 minutes at the speed of 60kmph. Find his average speed for this journey in kmph.

  • 570
  • 570/11
  • 350
  • 350/11

The change in distance over a specific amount of time.

  • Speed

Soccer ball A goes 15 feet in 3 seconds, and Ball B goes 12 feet in 2 seconds. Which ball moved the fastest?

  • Soccer Ball A
  • Soccer Ball B
  • Their speeds are equal.

Sarah backstrokes at an average speed of 8 m/s. Mary backstrokes at an average speed of 7.5 m/s. By how much time will Mary win in a 200 m race?

  • 1.7 sec

What is the average speed if you travel 300 miles in 6 hours?

  • 50 mph.
  • 5 mph.

A block pulled 0.70 m to the right 0.14 s. What is the Average speed?

  • 5
  • 0.098
  • .74
  • 1.4

Mr. Totok runs at 10 m/min for 5 min, what distance will he run?

  • 2 meters
  • 5 meters
  • 15 meters
  • 50 meters

A bus travels 45 km in 30 minutes. What is the average speed of the bus in kilometers per hour?

  • 45 km/h
  • 90 km/h
  • 30 km/h
  • 13 km/h

What is the fomula for finding the average speed?

  • Total distance divided by total time.
  • Total distance plus the total time.

A runner races in the 100 meter dash. It takes her 10 seconds to finish. What is her average speed?

  • 10 m/s
  • 1000 m/s
  • 100 seconds
  • 10 seconds

An airplane travels 4000 km. The airplane takes off at 07.00 am and landed at 11.00 at noon. What is the average speed of the airplane?

  • 4 km/h
  • 1000 km/h
  • 4004 km/h
  • 16,000 km/h

total distance+total time

  • average time
  • average speed

If upstream speed and downstream speed are given as 10 and 30 kmph, then find the velocity of the stream in kmph

  • 20
  • 15
  • 10
  • 5

An average of all speeds over a given time.

  • Average Speed

A man travels from home to office at 50 kph and returns at the speed of 30 kmph. Find his average speed in kmph.

  • 37.5
  • 35
  • 40
  • 47.5

You arrive in my class 45 seconds after leaving lunch which is 135m away. How fast did you travel?

  • 3 m/s

What was the average speed of the toy car during the two trials to the nearest tenth of a m/s?

  • 1.4 m/s
  • 0.7
  • 14
  • 113.4

Shona cycles at an average speed of 8km/h. How far has she travelled if she cycles for 4 hours?

  • 55km
  • 32km
  • 43km
  • 32miles

The concept of effective speed can be applied to which of the following conditions?

  • Boats and Streams
  • Escalators
  • Two trains travelling in the opposite directions
  • Only a and b
  • A, b, c all the three.

The slope of a v-t graph gives the ____

  • acceleration

a = s/t

  • Acceleration formula

What is the speed of a car that travels 400 m in 20 minutes?

  • 20 miles/hr
  • 20 m/min
  • 800 m/min
  • 200 miles/hr

The correct equation to calculate speed is

  • distance/time
  • time/distance
  • distance x time
  • distance/time2

What is the difference between the velocity and the speed of an object?

  • Velocity is the change in distance over time, while speed is the velocity over time.
  • Velocity has a direction associated with it, while speed has no specific direction.
  • Velocity is the change in speed over time, while speed is the change in distance over time.

What is not the average speed if you travel 80 miles in 8 hours?

  • 10 mph.
  • 100 mph.

The formula to calculate average speed is-

  • AS=total distance /total time
  • AS= total time/total distance
  • AS= mass/volume
  • AS= volume times mass

The formula d/t is used for calculating ___________ and _________

  • Speed and acceleration
  • Speed and average speed
  • Speed and velocity

A block is pulled 1.8 m to the right in 5 s. What is the block's average speed to the nearest hundredth of a m/s? DO NOT FORGET TO INCLUDE UNITS!

  • 0.36 m/s

The red car rolled 0.5 meters across the table for 2 seconds. The table was 4 meters high. What was the average speed of the red car in m/sec?

  • 0.25 m/sec
  • 2 m/sec
  • 2.25 m/sec
  • 4 m/sec

You are going to race your friend to a tree near the back of the playground. The tress is 24 meters away from where you stand. It will take you 4 seconds to reach the tree. What will your average speed be?

  • 6 mph
  • 16 m/s
  • 60 m/s
  • 6 m/s
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