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Application Development and Emerging Technology

Covers the latest trends and techniques in software development, including emerging technologies like AI and blockchain, to create scalable applications.

application development

emerging technology

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internet of things


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quantum computing.

An application that duplicates the functionality of hardware or operating systems for testing purposes.

  • Emulator

Representational state transfer (REST) is an accepted norm in software architecture for interactive applications that ordinarily utilize numerous Web services.

  • True
  • False

The default tab name in sublime when initially created is Untitled.

  • True
  • False

A function that carries or executes the callback after the predefined number of milliseconds have passed.

  • setClock
  • setTimer
  • setTimein
  • setTimeout

Data Access Layer or Persistence Layer of the MVC Layered Architecture.

  • Model

A method that loads data from the server using an HTTP POST request

  • $post()
  • contentpost()
  • post()

It refers to all the process in the styles of writing computer programs.

  • Event handling
  • Synchronous programming
  • Software development
  • Asynchronous programming

Process.env represents the state of the system environment your application is in when it starts.

  • True
  • False

A specific program runs and executes most of its resources via the netfunction where various client programs pass through.

  • Utility program
  • Server program
  • Application program
  • Client program

Function when showing errors in CI page

  • show_404

A development process that works on a very short development cycle.

  • est-driven development(TDD)

A function that is used to gain access to the JSON files in our program locally.

  • getJSON
  • Split
  • items
  • jsonString

An instrument that measures the orientation of a device in order to orient display.

  • Gryoscope

AJAX engine is an XMLHttpRequest object and jQuery makes it a lot more easier for us because of its AJAX development API.

  • True

A configuration variables represents the total rows in the result set you are creating pagination for

  • total_rows

An operator that returns the first value in a rundown of values that are not falsy such as false, 0, or NaN.

  • OR
  • NAND
  • AND
  • NOT

An operating system designed specifically to run on mobile devices.

  • mobile OS

A technique applied on an element before we can apply blurring to any object from a DOM.

  • blur
  • shroud
  • hide
  • clear

$that->db->insert_id() function returns the auto incremented or last inserted id from the query.

  • False

A file that contains a single JSON object that incorporates your Twitter credentials

  • credentialsjson
  • propertyjson
  • objectjson
  • attributejson

It is a function that overrides the normal behavior in which the URI determines which function is called, allowing you to define your own function routing rules.

  • //_remap()

PHP runs on various platforms operating system such as apache and IIS.

  • False

A query method used to returns the query result as an array of objects, or an empty array on failure

  • result()

It refers to how an application's endpoints (URIs) respond to client requests.

  • virtualization
  • routing
  • mirroring
  • POST

A function that sets the time when a function will be called.

  • setInterval
  • setTime
  • setEvent
  • setClock

An environment variable that contains information that you can use to interact with a service instance in clouds.

  • JSON string
  • Vcap_services
  • JSONparse
  • Processenv

The console.log statement accomplishes tasks by outputting messages to the web console, but it cannot evaluate any inputs. This is the reason why as a result, Chrome only displays undefined.

  • True
  • False

The error is the one that we're generally inspired by and is the one that we'll go to the calling function's callback.

  • True
  • False

An upload helper method that returns an array containing all of the data related to the file you uploaded.

  • data

A cross-platform and language-independent interface treats an XML or HTML document as a tree structure wherein each node is an object representing a part of the document.

  • Data Model
  • Document Object Model
  • Entity Relationship Diagram
  • Object Model

Controller is also knows as the data access layer.

  • False

One of the main points of interaction between a user and a web site or application. They allow users to send data to the website.

  • HTML Forms

It refers to the command for printing or displaying you're working directory

  • pwd
  • print
  • mkdir
  • cd

Many different rules comprise the HTML tags and determine the width property value.

  • True
  • False

A rule reference that returns FALSE if the form element is not unique to the table and field name in the parameter.

  • is_unique

It is applied to select all elements within the DOM and sets the elements' background to different recognizable shades of gray.

  • Universal selector
  • CSS selector
  • Validation selector
  • _Selector

CodeIgniter's Image Manipulation class lets you perform Image Thumbnail Creation

  • True

A command that allows us to make a new directory on your current or specific directory location.

  • rd
  • mkdir
  • cd

Applying multiple JSON objects on a single file means we can have as many set of objects as we want and not just a single object.

  • True
  • False

It is an inherent function in node.js with a particular use, and that is to load modules.

  • import()
  • require()
  • append()
  • load()

A JavaScript string where strings are declared inside a string using single quotes outwardly and double quotes within.

  • BSON
  • jsonString
  • jQuery
  • JSON

Git adds [file(s)] refers to a Git command that prepares specific files to succeed for the next commit operation.

  • True
  • False

It grants access to the DOM nodes underlying each jQuery objects.

  • click()
  • val()
  • on()
  • get()

runs a back-end database query and displays the information in organized and informational manner

  • constant

A network of physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity to enable it to achieve greater value and service by exchanging data with other connected devices.

  • internet of things

It is quite ideal to disregard web programming in JavaScript since it mainly involves monstrous techniques and approaches by and by.

  • True
  • False

A wireless technology networking protocol used to exchange data over short distances.

  • Bluetooth

Many rulesets are opposed, which implies that when applied to a specific element in the DOM, they follow the ancestors' ruleset.

  • True
  • False

The attribute that indicates the sort of the element.

  • function
  • class
  • object
  • tag

A wireless local area network that allows smartphones, computers, and other devices to connect to the internet.

  • wi-fi

_____________ is defines the structure of the document, default values, and validators.

  • Mongoose data object
  • Mongoose model
  • Mongoose diagram
  • Mongoose schema

CAPTCHA is very useful on web forms security against online bots, crawlers and spammers

  • True

CodeIgniter constants are defined in application/viewer/constants.php

  • False

Look Up methods is very useful on getting pieces of data, one at a time particularly on multiple

  • True

Provides an interface to the database for creating, querying, updating, and deleting records.

  • Mongoose diagram
  • Mongoose schema
  • Mongoose model
  • Mongoose data object

The controller maps requests from the view to actions on the model and reacts with data that can be utilized to reload the view.

  • True
  • False

A class contained within the header, main, and footer elements which will carry the content elements.

  • script
  • container
  • body
  • Html

Provides cloud computing and virtualization software and services and was one of the first commercially successful companies to virtualize the x86 architecture.

  • VMware
  • Cloud Foundry
  • Open cloud
  • Azure

A set of programming codes known as API enables data transmission between one software product to another.

  • True
  • False

A command that allows you to move from your current directory to an inner directory.

  • cd
  • mkdir
  • rd

A website layout that uses media queries to change the site’s design for specified devices or window sizes.

  • Adaptive layout

An element that signifies an input text box and doesn't need an end tag.

  • Output element
  • Input element
  • Object element
  • Attribute element

$(document).ready() function calls if the browser contents has properly loaded its contents and is browsing.

  • False

It refers to the primary components that comprise the structure of a web application.

  • Codes
  • Files
  • Instructions
  • Elements

It refers to an event that is executed when a user clicks a button from your app.

  • Double Click event
  • Handling event
  • Mouse event
  • Click events

A sensor that measures the acceleration (change in velocity) of an object in order to determine movement of a mobile device.

  • Accelerometer

Reestablishing the browser to force contents to remain at a dynamic width can be a valid statement to drop the program to the terminal window and commit the changes on our Git repository.

  • True
  • False

A selector function that allows you to delete a specific element(s) from within the DOM.

  • erase
  • empty
  • remove
  • delete

Method that accepts 'secondary recipients' that receives the mail just to keep them informed

  • cc()

Stored object properties permit a designer to write data into customary information structures, which causes it to feel like a characteristic expansion to storing data in our programs.

  • True
  • False

Get() is a built-in method in jQuery used to retrieve data from the server using the HTTP GET request.

  • True
  • False

Most web application frameworks are based on the model-view-controller (MVC) pat tern.

  • True

An architecture style that uses discrete software services (each with one clearly defined business task) with well-defined, loosely-coupled interfaces that are orchestrated to work as a complete system by sharing functionality.

  • service-oriented architecture(soa)

A rule reference that returns FALSE if the form element contains anything other than numeric characters.

  • numeric

A sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.

  • IDE
  • script
  • console
  • bootstrap

Redis is a Node.js module that grants us to connect with MongoDB, yet it likewise allows us to create data models.

  • True
  • False

Permits you to set the value of an input form or textarea and used in form validation.

  • set_value

PHP varianbles start with what symbol?

  • $

SSL is defined as any process or technology that allows users who forgot their password authenticate their account and reset their passwords without falling the help des

  • False

A Query is a formatted result of database queries and contain useful data for decision making and analysis

  • False

Regardless of whether you're on Windows, Macintosh operating system, or Linux, you can establish Google Chrome on your PC effectively by setting off to the Google Chrome site page.

  • True
  • False

A structure that is used to capture certain characteristics about an individual user.

  • Authentication model
  • User model
  • Account model
  • Profile model

The fail() method can be affixed from an AJAX call on account of a guarantee type API.

  • True
  • False

bcc stands for Black Carbon Copy

  • False

Account registration can be approved through activation link sent from user's email or by an admin approval.

  • True

It gives a significantly bigger number of warnings compare to the HTML validation tools.

  • CSS web support
  • CSS Lint
  • CSS ruleset
  • CSS developer tool

A database that can be utilized for more impenetrable data storage needs.

  • Mongodb
  • MySQL
  • Postgresql
  • Redis

Define styles for your documents, including the design, layout and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes.

  • CSS

An HTML attribute that is incorporates a textual depiction of an image.

  • Href attribute
  • Alt attribute
  • Ref attribute
  • Img attribute

The data modeling tool permits us to indicate documents as objects in our programs.

  • True
  • False

A configuration variables that set number of items you intend to show per page.

  • per_page

It is intended for the enormous scope of cooperation among numerous programmers.

  • Git
  • Mercurial
  • Coda
  • Sublime text

Arranges data as documents which we can be considered as JSON objects.

  • Mongo
  • Firebase
  • SQL
  • Redis

Other term used for Option buttons?

  • Radio Buttons

It was initially developed way back in 2009 and was planned and created by a VMware group to which they initially call Project B29.

  • Cloud Foundry
  • VMware
  • Open cloud
  • Azure

Constants are like variables that store values but it can only contain strings and numbers

  • True

Once the application is running, we ought to have the option to visit our application by opening Chrome and entering localhost: 8888/directory.html in the address bar.

  • True
  • False

It is a way in which an HTML element are shown, applies to elements that have the type a or span.

  • outline
  • inline
  • grid
  • Content

For mobile applications, this refers to anything that encourages the user to stay active in the app for a longer period of time.

  • stickiness

A specific procedure or instruction that is executed when a user clicks a button.

  • Mouse event
  • Double Click event
  • Click events
  • Handling event

matches form validation rule checks 3 fields that should have an equal or same value.

  • False

Defines a multi-line text input control.

  • //< textarea > tag

application to help the program perform small or simple task such as formatting a parameter, computation or series of commands

  • single report page

Query Builder class method that inserts record on the database.

  • $this->db->insert()

The helper is used as a function library that we can just load to the controller or view.

  • True

It refers to an HTML tag that is utilized for linking images on an HTML web page

  • a
  • script
  • img
  • href

methods is very useful on getting pieces of data, one at a time particularly on multiple tables and databases

  • look up

CodeIgniter is developed

  • False

Successful - this will be triggered upon the AJAX request and usually accepts the parameter response response contains the loaded content from the URL requested.

  • False

A device that helps fabricate a development environment utilizing a virtual machine.

  • Apache
  • Vagrant
  • VirtualBox
  • Nginx

Area that can be specified by the cols and rows attributes, or even better; through CSS' height and width properties.

  • Textarea

A function that returns all the values of all specified keys in Redis.

  • hmget
  • get
  • mget
  • hget

text() is used to get or set values from and to a non-input element like divs.

  • True

Database Normalization is the process of organizing the columns/records or attributes and tables of the database to minimize data redundancy.

  • True

The DOM elements' string property can be used on both left and right, which technically realigns the element from its original flow and pushes it to the container's left or right side.

  • True
  • False

An innovation that permits us to determine the structure of the visual components of a web application.

  • XCode
  • Sublime
  • Text Editor
  • HTML

An online library containing various JavaScript queries to which the initial script tag is usually linked

  • JSLint
  • W3C
  • CSSLint
  • jQuery

Chrome Developer Tool is an instrument that is like CSS Lint or the HTML validator-it shields you from falling into basic JavaScript traps.

  • True
  • False

SEARCH methods is very useful on getting pieces of data, one at a time particularly on multiple tables and databases.

  • False

Java is the full-highlighted programming language upheld by almost all internet browsers.

  • True
  • False

A for loop comprises of four things, three of them are in the parenthesis that follow the word for and we allude to those as the initialization statement, the continuation condition, the update statement, and the fourth is the loop body,

  • True
  • False

Form Helper method or code to return an HTML button.

  • form_button()

A Queriesis a formatted result of database queries and contain useful data for decision making and analysis.

  • False

Null keywords should be written in

  • Uppercase

The default in Rails generally acts in the same way as mongoose does.

  • Active File
  • Active Drive
  • Active Directory
  • Active Storage

Method will execute codes once the class is created or instantiated.

  • __construct

A specification that defines the fifth major revision of HTML.

  • HTML5

A JavaScript object that is created by a standard JavaScript object constructor.

  • map
  • compiler
  • constructor
  • controller

CodeIgniter constants are defined in what folder

  • config

CAPTCHA uses randomly generated text on an image which users type to confirm

  • True

A server that is fundamentally designed to respond to browser's request and responding with them thru a text.

  • HTTP server
  • FTP server
  • HTTPS server
  • SSH server

Flashinfo are session variables that are only available until the next request.

  • False

function returns the auto incremented or last inserted id from the query

  • $this->db->insert_id()

A common XML-based open data format for authentication.

  • security assertion markup language(saml)

Express allows the developer to highly serve the client-side thru HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

  • True
  • False

jQuery gives us the if function, which permits us to test a selector against the current jQuery object.

  • True
  • False

Short messages that mobile applications can send to users even if the application isn’t open.

  • Push notification

It refers to our local PC that is running the virtual machine. It pertains to a physical server or computer having a virtual machine running inside.

  • Client-server
  • Publisher
  • Subscriber
  • Host machine

CodeIgniter's Image Manipulation class lets you perform Image Watermaking.

  • False

An HTML meta tag that tells the browser how to behave when it renders the web page. The viewport is also a term for the section of the web page in view.

  • viewport

returns a string containing any server messages, email header and the email message.

  • $this->email->print_debugger()

PHP is one of the most widely used and recognizable web technology used on the Internet.

  • True

Function that fetch the data as a multi-dimentional array

  • result_array()

A Redis module is required to be installed to make our Node.js program communicate with Redis.

  • Package-json
  • Node-redis
  • Indexjs
  • Nodejs

It is highly recommended to use underscore(_) in the absence of space when working with the command-line interface.

  • True
  • False

A term to describe the ways in which the end user directly interacts with a device or application.

  • User interface (UI)

It is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP

  • CodeIgniter

A term to describe all aspects of the end user’s interaction with an application.

  • User Experience

One that determines the type of DOM element that it signifies is the original name of the tag.

  • True
  • False

CodeIgniter provides rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks.

  • True

An open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.

  • Cloud Foundry
  • Mongo
  • redis
  • JavaScript

The domain-specific representation of the information on which the application operates.

  • Model
  • Controller
  • Design
  • View

A function used in asynchronous programming where it is executed at the later part being an argument.

  • return
  • declaration
  • callback
  • val

A function from a selector which will eliminate the chosen element(s) from the DOM.

  • empty
  • delete
  • remove
  • erase

At some point, it is essential to refer a DOM to a tree since it represents parent, child, and descendant relationships among elements.

  • True
  • False

It is any process or technology that allows users who forgot their passwords authenticate and reset the passwords of their account

  • Self-service password reset

PHP version that enabled the filter extension by default Native JSON default

  • 5.2

A collection of data elements organized in terms of rows and columns.

  • Relational table
  • Relational schema
  • Relational database
  • Relational diagram

MongoDB allows us to pool resources with it totally in JavaScript.

  • True
  • False

A command that can be used to restart Vagrant once it stopped.

  • vagrant halt
  • vagrant up
  • vagrant run
  • vagrant destroy

encrypted email as a key

  • md5

A command which refers to the print working directory.

  • cd
  • pwd
  • print
  • mkdir

A Cloud Foundry command that set or view the targeted org or space.

  • view
  • source
  • set
  • target

It refers to the page's essential layout, which may be utilized in the reset function as its new default after resetting.

  • scope
  • style
  • code
  • parameter

A program that actualizes the File Transfer Protocol.

  • File server
  • FTP server
  • XML server
  • HTTP server

CodeIgniter allows us to send email in a neat and simple way. We can load the email class by Declaring $this->load->library('email');

  • True

SSPR stands for

  • self-service password reset

Git Hub is a program that emulates a terminal of Unix in Windows, which can provide you access to Git commands.

  • True
  • False

The function of ci code to return a URI segment

  • $this->uri->segment

A property that can be used to alter and specify the spacing between the margin and padding.

  • border
  • margin
  • float
  • padding

A command module that appears to be available on the global scope is ___________________.

  • Global module
  • Require module
  • Class module
  • Universal module

A kind of schema that characterizes the structure of the archive, predefined values, and validators.

  • Mongoose data object
  • Mongoose model
  • Mongoose schema
  • Mongoose diagram

CodeIgniter's Pagination class is very easy to use, but it is not 100% customizable, either dynamically or via stored preferences.

  • False

A report module is typically a front-end web page that contains various figures of interpreted database table records.

  • False

An HTML5 standard that allows a web application to be cached and available offline.

  • Appcache

File upload directory should set its file permission to ____

  • 777

A development tool, sometimes including a mobile middleware server, that builds hybrid or native apps for each mobile platform from a single codebase. IncludesMEAPs and MCAPs.

  • mobile application development platform(MADP)

A function that makes the HTTP header that sets the attributes of the response.

  • req
  • resend
  • reqwriteHead
  • res

Element can be placed onto a web page in a pre-checked fashion by setting the checked attribute.

  • Checkbox

Originally, PHP is known as "Personal Home Pages"

  • False

It refers to the horizontal dimension of the grid system

  • rows

It refers to the immediate descendants in the tree diagram.

  • Child elements
  • Parent elements
  • Grandchild elements
  • Sibling elements

An email preference for mail sending protocol

  • protocol

4.Helpers differs from the model methods because it doesn’t require database intervention.

  • True

An HTML attribute that plays a critical role in making web pages accessible by visually impaired users and needs to use screen readers when using the Web.

  • Img attribute
  • Ref attribute
  • Alt attribute
  • Href attribute

Registration is an activity of deleting user information on the database.

  • False

A term is utilized for both the statements coded in a specific programming language and the statements after it has been prepared by a compiler and prepared to run in a P~

  • library
  • Dll
  • webconfig
  • code

A git command which initializes your repository.

  • Git status
  • Git commit -m[msg]
  • Git add [file(s)]
  • Git init

CI uses Model-Viewable-Controller architecture

  • False

The function or ci code to show or call the client-side "non-existing page" error

  • show_404()

Despite placing get and post requests, jQuery can also execute put and delete requests by means of using the general jQuery.ajax() function. $.ajax

  • True
  • False

Method that accepts the sender's email address

  • From()

Runs the selection query and returns the result.

  • $this->db->get()

A method in jQuery that is used to create a serialized representation of an object.

  • param()
  • declaration()
  • argument()
  • syntax()

JavaScript grants us to communicate with the database through objects within our program.

  • True
  • False

A rule reference that returns FALSE if the form element is empty.

  • required

Objects use the reference as placeholders.

  • string
  • null
  • float
  • variable

It refers to code description in CSS that is technically set aside and bypassed by the program while it is being executed.

  • CSS comments
  • CSS selector
  • CSS validation
  • CSS ruleset

It is best for information that should be accessed rapidly or for temporary storing frequently used data to progress our applications' response time.

  • True
  • False

It revolves around a resource where every component is a resource, and a resource is accessed by a common interface using HTTP standard methods.

  • Representational State Transfer
  • Resource State Transfer
  • Representational State Transmission
  • Representational String Transference

Redis is a Node.js module that permits us to interface with MongoDB, yet it likewise permits us to make data models.

  • True
  • False

A website layout based on a fluid grid, allowing the site to have hundreds of dynamically generated states with mostly minor differences based on browser window size.

  • responsive layout

A string representation of a JavaScript object that can be prepared by any programming language.

  • getJSON
  • jsonString
  • jQuery
  • JSON

The | symbol is directly on top of the Enter key from the keyboard, co-situated with the backslash.

  • True
  • False

A JSON file that resides from the root base of a JavaScript Node project

  • stdoutlog
  • Serverjs
  • packagejson
  • consolelog

A function that finishes the response by including =E2=80=9CHi World.=E2=80=9D

  • resend
  • reqwriteHead
  • req
  • res

A Cloud Foundry command is used to specify a target API endpoint, login credentials, an org, and space.

  • cf login
  • cf credential
  • cf log
  • cf account

The command in Vagrant that you need to trigger or type if you want the server to stop.

  • Vagrant destroy
  • Vagrant up
  • Vagrant run
  • Vagrant halt

Elements from a config.php file are only locally accessible.

  • False

On the off chance that everything has gone easily, our following procedure to do is to push our application to Cloud Foundry using the Push command.

  • True
  • False

One fascinating result of the way that variables are first-class objects in JavaScript and that we can utilize different functions as inputs to functions.

  • True
  • False

A tag that specifies the main content area of your document.

  • <main>
  • <title>
  • <head>
  • <footer>

Staging_task.log incorporates the console.log statement that you utilized in your program.

  • True
  • False

A type of CSS comment that is common to use when we want to disregard multiple lines on codes from being executed.

  • multiline
  • batch
  • single
  • solitary

A command that is used to load up the intuitive Redis clients.

  • Redis-gui
  • Redis-auth
  • Redis-acl
  • Redis-cli

Storage data in PHP

  • variables

The character symbol that refers to the JavaScript's OR operators.

  • =
  • <>
  • ''
  • ||

A variety of different style rules that are applied to other elements within the DOM.

  • tools
  • browser
  • ruleset
  • validation

¬¬function returns the auto incremented or last inserted id from the query

  • $this->db->insert_id()

_construct() method executes when a class is created or instantiated.

  • True

javascript library that makes web scripting easier for us In jQuery the scr tag is use for linking.

  • jQuery

PHP development began in 1995.

  • False

It refers to the developer tool where our web program output runs.

  • Browser
  • Explorer
  • CLI
  • Form

PHP version that uses void return type, class constant visibility modifiers, null types.

  • 7.1

A property of an object that can integrate a linkage to a specific image.

  • script
  • href
  • m
  • img

The default port for redis-cli connection when running on local host.

  • port 3000
  • port 8080
  • port 6379
  • port 1433

A mobile application developed using web standards and accessed through a browser.

  • web app

CRUD is an architectural style for giving guidelines between PC systems from the web, making it simpler for systems to interact with one another.

  • True
  • False

Different web browsers use the DOM to show and create a visual display of a web page.

  • True
  • False

Contrasting with C++ and Java, functions are known first-class citizens because functions can be replaced by variables.

  • True
  • False

It's a javascript library that makes web scripting easier

  • JQuery

Method that accepts the email's title or heading text

  • Subject()

DataTable jQuery plugin helps us enable sorting, pagination and search to our table data.

  • True

Taking an AJAX string and changing it over into an object that a PC program can utilize is simple in most programming languages. JSON string

  • True
  • False

It is a JavaScript object that contains attributes/properties and functions.

  • Compiler
  • Constructor
  • Controller
  • Map

$this->session->set_userdata() is also used to set or change an existing session variable value

  • True

It refers to tags that can be used to describes elements that reside within the DOM.

  • Body tags
  • Main tags
  • HTML Tags
  • Anchor tags

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.

  • True
  • False

A language that is used to present requests from a database saved in a relational format.

  • SQL
  • NoSQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL

CI, basically contains 4 main folders Application, System, User, Help Guide

  • False

It is a URI Component that serve as persistent, location-independent identifiers

  • URN

A cart library method that permits you to destroy the cart.

  • destroy()

A property that can be used to alter and specify the spacing between the elements' content.

  • Margin property
  • Padding property
  • Float property
  • Border property

The controller's $data["title"] variable will be delivered in a view as $title.

  • True

A configuration variables contain full URL to the controller class/function containing your pagination

  • base_url

It refers to the digits having the values 0 to 9 and A to F.

  • Decimal digits
  • Binary digits
  • Hexadecimal digits
  • Octadecimal digits

functions that accepts input parameters and returns an HTML input form element.

  • form helper class

Constructors do return a value and they can do some default work.

  • False

A common open standard for authorization.

  • Oauth

It is applicable to use function as parameters to another function.

  • True
  • False

A variable declared outside a function.

  • Global

It flushes data and information to disk, and for the most part, you may likewise think of it as an in-memory data stockpiling.

  • CouchDB
  • Redis
  • HBase
  • Cassandra

Delimiter symbol for rules in form validation.

  • "|" or pipe symbol

Code Igniter Query Builders (Active Records) allows safer queries.

  • True

The controller interprets the request into an action, which usually facilitates a database action through the model and sends the response through a view.

  • True
  • False

The default file extension for PHP file is ".php"

  • True

row_array() fetch the data as a single row and result_array() fetch the data as a multi-dimensional array.

  • True

The default controller assigned to CodeIgniter when first setup is set to ________.

  • Welcome

A command that is used to make a new directory thru the command line interface.

  • cddir
  • mkdir
  • Cd
  • rddir

JavaScript Function is a snippet of code intended to play out a specific task in JavaScript.

  • True
  • False

A method under the calendar library that will display the calendar

  • generate()

A CSS feature that is intended to eliminate all browser defaults.

  • CSS reset
  • CSS validation
  • CSS tools
  • CSS selector

A command which allows you to create a new directory.

  • rd
  • mkdir
  • cd

MVC is a software architecture and architectural. pattern used in software engineering

  • True

A child pseudoclass may represent the second, third, fourth, and so on elements.

  • Siblings
  • Nth child
  • Class
  • Descendants

Object characteristic as attributes can be used to include importance to the nonexclusiveand tags.

  • True
  • False

Like most things in Node, the get function is nonconcurrent, so we need to deal with it a little carefully.

  • True
  • False

A mobile phone with internet access and music playback that lacks the full functionality of a smartphone.

  • Feature phone

It refers to JSON's data property, which is a variety of pictures.

  • items
  • images
  • href
  • tags

A multi-cloud environment allows developers to use the cloud platform that suits specific application workloads and move those workloads as necessary within minutes with no changes to the application.

  • VMware
  • Open cloud
  • Cloud foundry
  • Azure

A query module contains a form that will pass parameters to the controller suggesting on how you want the data to be showed

  • True

A subcommand that is executed alongside the name of the application you'd prefer to refresh in Cloud Foundry.

  • push
  • pull
  • pop
  • stack

A reference is utilized as a placeholder for an object.

  • variable
  • string
  • float
  • null

are templates for reports

  • queries

Self-survey password reset (SSPR) is defined as any process or technology that allows users who forgot their password authenticate their account and reset their passwords without calling the help desk.

  • False

A method that can be used on jQuery collections that wrap plain JavaScript objects similar to a pub/ sub mechanism.

  • config
  • toString()
  • trigger()
  • content()

A set of programming tools and resources built specifically to aid software development on a particular platform or technology.

  • software developmentkit (SDK)

Organization that sponsors CI

  • Ellislab

A command is used in the command-line interface to create a new directory.

  • mkdir
  • cddir
  • Cd
  • rddir

One regular use case for CSS Lint is altering how a connection is shown when a client hovers over it.

  • True
  • False

A Git command that is only used to start or initialize the repository.

  • Git add [file(s)]
  • Git init
  • Git commit =E2=80=93m[msg]
  • Git status

A component that packages a non-native app so that it is viable for native distribution.

  • native wrapper

Addresses an error condition and will be set to a certain error object if there's such an issue within the request.

  • Declaration parameter
  • Variable parameter
  • Err parameter
  • Output parameter

A text messaging service component of a phone using standardized communication protocols to send short text messages.

  • simple message service (SMS)

A cart library method that returns the total amount

  • total()

AJAX stands for Asynchronous Java

  • False

Building a web environment that provisions building database-driven applications can be an overwhelming undertaking and portraying the Windows, Macintosh operating system, and Linux technique.

  • True
  • False

Form Helper method or code to return an HTML password input type.

  • form_password()

Returns a validation error message from the Form Validation Library, associated with the specified field name

  • form_error()

It is a software framework that is designed to support the development of dynamic websites, web applications, web services and web resources.

  • Web Application Framework

Git commits -m[msg] is a git command which allows you to execute your staged files with a message.

  • True
  • False

$this->db->insert_id() inserts an id in the database.

  • False

It refers to a Unix command that permits a user to view all file contents of a particular directory, which also includes all hidden files

  • ls
  • ls -a
  • ls -r
  • ls -h is the official php resource.

  • False

A software design pattern is usually utilized for developing UIs that partitions the interrelated program logic.

  • Model-View-Controller
  • Model-View-Adapter
  • Model-View-Viewmodel
  • Model-View-Presenter

An HTML element that is enclosed by an open and close angle bracket.

  • tags
  • class
  • objects
  • function

CSS selectors provide a considerably large number of warnings compare to HTML's validation tools.

  • True
  • False

The function or ci code to load a view.

  • $this->load->view

A string whose format resembles very much on the JavaScript object literal format.

  • Processenv
  • Vcap_services
  • JSON string
  • Jsonparse

A programming API for HTML and XML documents defines the logical structure of documents and how a document is accessed and manipulated.

  • Entity-Relationship Model
  • Object Model
  • Data Model
  • Document Object Model

A library that enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between the browser and the server.

  • socketio
  • socketonopen
  • socketemit
  • socketsend

formatted result of database queries and contain useful data for decision making and analysis

  • reports

Method that triggers the sending of email

  • send()

A mobile platform-specific API that lets applications access specific mobile hardware functionality.

  • Device API

A cart library method used to update the information of a specific cart item.

  • update()

PDO stands for Personal Data Objects.

  • False

An elements which normally highlight JavaScript files.

  • attribute
  • script
  • tag
  • class

PHP version currently in use on most websites and included several new features such as support for object-oriented programming

  • 5

Redis is a Node.js module that fills-in two fundamental necessities.

  • True
  • False

Database group configuration in CI is stored in a multi-dimensional array.

  • True

A module that makes a layer on above the center http module that handles a great deal of complex things such as presenting static HTML, CSS, and client side JavaScript files.

  • Developer module
  • HTTP module
  • Application module
  • Express module

The first URI segment

  • controller

Form Helper method or code to return an HTML radio input type

  • form_radio()

A cart library method that displays the total number of items in the cart.

  • total_items()

An abstraction layer that gives a non-application access to mobile device APIs.

  • native bridge

Sessions in native PHP are the “superglobal” variables that can not be accessed anywhere on the web application because it is stored on the browser session. Can f

  • True

Function that redirect to other pages.

  • redirect

The data modeling tool allows us to show documents as objects in our application.

  • True
  • False

Properties of stored objects allow a designer to compose data into standard data structures, making it seem like a trademark extension to storing data in our programs.

  • True
  • False

Method that accepts the email's body or content

  • Message()

It refers to an event handler procedure executed each time a client clicks within the app page.

  • jQuery click handler
  • Java click handler
  • VBScript handler
  • Event handler

Form Helper method or code to return an HTML text input type.

  • form_input()

Similar to Nodes, by and by, the function get() is nonconcurrent; therefore we need to manage it a little cautiously.

  • True
  • False

A vital part of a website or system UI because it accepts inputs as data parameters

  • Forms

It refers to application software that runs on a web server and is accessed through a web browser with an active network application.

  • web application
  • plugin
  • stand-alone
  • web browser

Method that accepts recipients that are not visible to the other recipients

  • Bcc()

It is a configuration file that is used for configuration of site-access issues, such as URL redirect, URL shortening, Access-security control.

  • _.htaccess

1The Control Appendfunction of the URL helperreturns the $config[‘base_url’] value defined on application/config/config.php.

  • False

Block elements usually incorporate the p, nav, main, and div elements.

  • True
  • False

An algorithm that is used in security hashing that transforms data into a 128 bit string

  • MD5

Constructors are useful if you need to set some default values, or run a default process when your class is instantiated.

  • False

An Express functional configuration wherein we can make HTML, CSS, and client side JavaScript files.

  • Web file server
  • Static file server
  • Hypertext file server
  • Dynamic file server

A segment of a web application that refers to the aspect of the program that runs in your internet browser.

  • Customer-side segment
  • Web-server segment
  • Network side segment
  • Server-side segment

An array of DOM elements and not jQuery objects are the functions created by jQuery.

  • True
  • False

Report Module (the module) are templates for reports.

  • False

A mobile application written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that uses a web-to-native abstraction layer, allowing the application to access mobile device APIs that pure web applications cannot access.

  • hybrid app

Git is the most common and highly recommended free version control program at present.

  • True
  • False

An application developed for use on small, wireless devices such as tablets and smartphones.

  • mobile app

Redis is a key-value store that offers a quick and adaptable solution for storing basic data.

  • True
  • False

A view that displays web pages within an application.

  • webview

A function that creates contentions such as a string signifying the kind of stream and an object that contains data about our filter rules.

  • filter function
  • string data function
  • stream function
  • object filter function

The $to parameter can be an email address string, a comma delimited email addresses string or an array containing email addresses strings.

  • True

Segment is the process of redirecting or remapping a controller class or method.

  • False

It is a programming tool we require, which doesn't need too much feature in formatting text.

  • Version Control System
  • Operating System
  • Text editor
  • Browser

Get() method is utilized to recover and request data from a predetermined resource in a server.

  • True
  • False

Database Normalization is the process of organizing records to minimize redundancy.

  • True

An assortment of various variables that are connected almost everywhere within the application.

  • Bridge
  • Client
  • Object
  • Server

A superset of JSON with some more data types, most importantly binary byte array.

  • GSON
  • XML
  • BSON
  • protobuf

A mobile application that is written in a programming language that is directly compatible with the target platform.

  • native app

Name the configuration file needed to set helper

  • autoload config

Query Builder or Active Record pattern in CI replaces the traditional query string in php coding.

  • True

jQuery is a java library that makes web scripting easier for us.

  • False

A method that sends back all the values of all predetermined keys in Redis.

  • get
  • mget
  • hmget
  • hget

An application programming interface for either a web server or a web browser.

  • Web console
  • Web API
  • Task manager
  • Developer Tool

The a element can be customized simply like any other DOM element through CSS.

  • True
  • False

It is a line that is not read/executed as part of the program.

  • comment

Setting up columns on a content area characterizes a styling grid over the content, which is one essential way to deal with design layouts.

  • True
  • False

A lightweight format in JavaScript for storing and transporting data.

  • json
  • server
  • node
  • script

Ajax engine uses what type of object

  • XMLHttpRequest

It refers to the lower elements of a tree that adopt an ancestor's properties such as styles and formats.

  • child
  • offspring
  • heir
  • descendant

A feature for access control systems that allows users to log in to (or log out of) multiple, independent software systems using one set of credentials.

  • single ign-on(SSO)

It is a URI Component that locates the path or address.

  • Web Address

A command-line tool used to interact with Cloud Foundry.

  • cli
  • cf
  • node
  • redis

A function that runs as the system user rather than an application user.

  • Application function
  • Software function
  • System function
  • Network function

Meaning of URL.

  • Uniform Resource Locator

An element that integrates the app.js script containing the JavaScript codes we've created.

  • Second script element
  • First script element
  • Fourth script element
  • Third script element

The application creates a development environment by providing a virtual machine.

  • VirtualBox
  • Apache
  • Vagrant
  • Nginx