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Health Information Technology

A field that combines healthcare and information technology to improve patient care, healthcare processes and enhance data analysis in the healthcare industry.




data privacy


meaningful use

health informatics

clinical decision support

health data exchange

electronic prescribing


data analytics

population health management

health it standards

patient engagement

The Hippocratic Oath was in the Medieval time period.

  • True
  • False

Who was the first company to give their employees health insurance? What was the health insurance?

  • Ford Motor Company/Blue Cross
  • General Motors/Blue Cross
  • General Motors/Metropolitan life

What time period was syphilis an epidemic?

  • Renaissance
  • Ancient
  • Modern

Courtesy allows doctors to admit an occasional patient to the hospital

  • True
  • False

What is a credential for Cancer Registrar?

  • AAPC
  • NCRA

Was known for identifying anthrax

  • Robert Koch
  • Edward Jenner
  • Louis Pasteur

What is a credential for Coders?

  • AAPC

They are responsible for developing a strategic plan for supporting the mission and goals of the organization.

  • Board of Trustees
  • Medical Staff
  • Administration

The First Blue Cross plan was given to teachers at Baylor University allowing them 21 days of hospital care at six dollars a year.

  • True
  • False

What time period was the Cannon of Medicine in?

  • Ancient
  • Modern
  • Medieval
  • Prehistoric

Would medical waste disposal be an example of contract services?

  • True
  • False

Discovered the immunity to small pox

  • Edward Jenner
  • Robert Koch
  • Hippocrates

_____________ converts paper records to an electronic health record.

  • Image Processing
  • Incomplete Record Processing
  • Coding and Abstracting

_________ delivers most hospital medical services

  • Active

What mandates all privacy in hospital administration?

  • JCAH
  • Medicare

Reviews and verifies medical staff application data

  • Ethics Committee
  • Joint Conference
  • Credentials

They make sure that patient charts are coded correctly for reimbursement

  • Health Information Managers
  • Coders and reimbursement specialist
  • Cancer Registrars

Learned that microbes are living and caused disease. Also learned that killing the microbes helped to stop that disease.

  • Robert Koch
  • Edward Jenner
  • Louis Pasteur

He discovered X-Rays

  • Lister
  • Flemming
  • Koch
  • Roentgen

This hospital is owned by corporations and makes up 15% of hospitals in the United States.

  • Government
  • Volunteer
  • Teaching
  • Proprietary

They examine cost of claims to determine whether it is a reasonable or necessary, according to diagnosis.

  • Coders
  • Billers
  • Health Insurance Specialist

Who founded the Pennsylvania Hospital?

  • Edward Jenner
  • Flemming
  • Ben Franklin

He proved the continuous circulation of blood within a contained system.

  • Lister
  • Koch
  • Harvey
  • Flemming

Who monitors the purity of foods and safety of medicines?

  • Joint Commission
  • CMS
  • Medicare
  • FDA

Believed that germs caused death and founded aseptic surgery

  • Lister
  • Koch
  • Flemming

Is a list of all items of business to be discussed

  • Minutes
  • Agenda

This is for people 65 years or older with disabilities or people with End Stage Renal Disease

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid

______________- medicine believed gods and evil spirits caused disease

  • Ancient
  • Prehistoric
  • Modern

___________________ is a physician who has completed their internship in a program of training designed to increase their knowledge of clinical or special fields.

  • Resident
  • Chief Resident
  • Intern

Is a voluntary process that a health care facility or organization undergoes to demonstrate that is has met standards

  • Joint Commission
  • Regulations
  • Accreditation.

____________ is a accrediting community bases health care organization ( home health, Hospice). It has received deeming authority from CMS for home health, hospice and home medical equipment agencies.

  • The Joint Commission
  • American Osteopathic Association
  • Community Health Accreditation Program ( CHAP)

Who believed that the only was to understand a disease was to examine the cells of the affected body?

  • Lister
  • Flemming
  • Koch
  • Virchow

Who discovered that ether gas could safely be used to put patients to sleep for surgery?

  • Ben Franklin and Edward Jenner
  • Rob and Jackson
  • Flemming and Koch
  • Crawford Long and William T.G Morton

He discovered Penicillin.

  • Flemming
  • Koch
  • Your Mother

Avicenna was known for what?

  • Penicillin
  • Bacteria
  • Cannon of Medicine

The Cannon of Medicine was a summarized medical knowledge of the time period accurately disturbing meningitis, tetanus and other diseases

  • True
  • False

Who was the first to identity syphilis?

  • Flemming
  • Koch
  • Fracastoro
  • Bill

__________ Collects cancer Data

  • Health Information Manager
  • Cancer Registrar
  • Coder

A patient is admitted into the E.R with 3rd degree burns through out their body. The physician on staff sends them to a burn center. What type of care are they in?

  • Primary
  • Tertiary
  • Secondary

The titles of CEO, CFO, CIO and COO can be found here.

  • Board of Trustees
  • Medical Staff
  • Administration

______________ is in their final year of residency.

  • Chief Resident
  • Chief Resident

What type of hospital is an Government Hospital?

  • For Profit
  • Not For Profit

__________________ is responsible for hospital organization, management, control and operation and for appointing medical staff

  • Administration
  • Board of Trustees
  • Medical Staff

____________ hospital incomes are reinvested back into the facility.

  • Not For Profit
  • Not For Profit

They create and vote on bylaws

  • Medical Staff
  • Administration
  • Governing Board

This Hospital makes up 60% of hospitals in the United States. It is owned by religious or volunteer groups and is not for profit.

  • Teaching
  • Volunteer
  • Government

If you go and get a physical exam. What type of care did you just receive?

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quanternary

He used a microscope to study organisms and also discovered bacteria.

  • Koch
  • Leeuwenhoek
  • Flemming
  • Aselli

Is concised,accurate records of actions taken and decisions made during the meeting.

  • Minutes
  • Agenda
  • Committees

A Governing board is also known as the___________

  • Medical Staff
  • Administration
  • Board of Trustees

This type of hospital makes up 25% of hospitals in the United States and his a not for profit hospital.

  • Government
  • Proprietary
  • Teaching
  • Volunteer

___________ includes highly qualified pracitioners availble as consultants when needed.

  • Active
  • Honorary
  • Consulting

Helps people with low incomes get the necessary medical help or need. Varies from state to state.

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • Chips

This type of hospital is privately owned

  • For Profit
  • Not for Profit

Handled the first bioterrorism attack in the mail. Also replaced Health Care Financing Administration.

  • Joint Commission
  • CMS

Acts on reports and recommendations from medical staff committees

  • Joint
  • Credentials
  • Ethics
  • Executive

Transcribes, dictations and creates medical reports for hospital administrations.

  • Coders
  • Cancer registrars
  • Medical Transcriptionist

__________ is a license to operate.

  • Licensure
  • Regulation

Assigning numeric and alphanumeric codes to diagnoses, procedures and services.

  • Coding and Abstracting
  • Incomplete Record Processing
  • Redcord Circulatoin

What grants a "deemed status", has conditions of participation and makes sure hospitals meet certain requirements to get reimburse for medicare/medicaid?

  • JCAH
  • Food and Drug Act

Is an interpretation of a law that is written by the responsible regulatory agency.

  • Joint Conference
  • Regulations
  • Licenses

Flemming discovered The Cannon of Medicine

  • True
  • False

What time period was the polio vaccine licensed?

  • Ancient
  • Modern
  • Medieval

Provides assistance, advice and information to the patient.

  • Coder
  • Consultant
  • Medical Transcriptionist

Jackson broke his ankle while performing with his band 100 Monkeys. Jackson was rushed to the E.R and from there he was referred to a bone specialist. What type of care is Jackson in?

  • Quaternary
  • Primary
  • Secondary

What is a crednetial in Health Information Management?

  • AAPC

Was an early expression of medical ethics and reflected high ideals

  • Cannon of Medicine
  • Hippocratic Oath

They serve as a liaison between the medical staff and board of trustees

  • Administration
  • Medical Staff
  • Governing Board

____________ is the category where advancement to active category is being considered.

  • associate

Discovered lymphatic vessels and attributed cancer to lymph abnormalities.

  • Flemming
  • Lynch
  • Koch
  • Aselli

Medicare and Medicaid are apart of social security amendments?

  • True
  • False

Assembly and analysis of a discharged patients record chart

  • Record Circulation
  • Incomplete Record Porcessing

This type of care is a extension of Tertiary and is usually very costly.

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Quaternary

Record Circulation is a retrieval of the patients record?

  • True
  • False