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Discrete Structures

A set of discrete elements on which certain operations are defined and implies noncontinuous and therefore discrete sets include finite and countable sets.



logical statements




separated values

branch of mathematics

theory mcqs





graph theory

logic symbols

lab programs

Refers to a graph that does not have any loops or parallel edges?

  • None of the choices
  • Digraph
  • Graph
  • Simple graph

It is a vertex distinguishable from other vertex?

  • Root
  • Left Child
  • Right Child
  • None of the choices

The Gilas Pilipinas Basketball Team has 10 players. How many ways can the coach select 5 players to start the game?

  • 210
  • 252
  • 50
  • 30240

Tautology is a statement that is always false

  • True
  • False

The width of a rectangle is 7 ft less than 4 times the length. Write a model for the width W in terms of the length L.

  • W = 7L - 4
  • W = 4L + 7
  • W = 7L + 4
  • W = 4L - 7
  • W = 4(L - 7)

It refers to the number of ways in which a subset of objects can be selected from a given set of objects, where order is important?

  • Combination
  • Permutation
  • Factorial
  • Counting

There are 20 CS majors and 25 IT majors. How many ways are there to pick one CS major or one IT major?

  • 45
  • 100
  • 25
  • 20

Find the value of n so that the expression is a perfect square trinomial and then factor the trinomial. t2-(4/3)t+n

  • n=4/9 ; (t-(2/3))2
  • n=4/9 ; (t+(2/3))2
  • n=16/9 ; (t-(4/3))2
  • n=4/9 ; (t-(2/9))2
  • n=8/9 ; (t-(8/9))2

Multiple Choice: Solve the Problem The sum of an integer and its square is 72. Find all possible integers.

  • 8 and 64
  • 64 and 81
  • -9 and 81
  • 8 and -9
  • -8 and 9

It is the maximum level of any vertex of the tree?

  • Height
  • None of the choices
  • Root
  • Level

35 voters were surveyed about their opinions regarding two presidentiables. 16supported presidentiable 1 and 29 supported presidentiable 2. How many voters supported both, assuming that every voter supported either presidentiable 1 or presidentiable 2 or both?

  • 45
  • 6
  • 10
  • 19

It exists if and only if the two propositions have identical truth values for each possible substitution of propositions for their proposition variable?

  • None of the Choices
  • Contradiction
  • Tautology
  • Proposition

If f:A->A, and f(A)=3x, then f(4)?

  • 34
  • 12
  • 4
  • None of the choices

It refers to the number of ways in which a subset of objects can be selected from a given set of objects, where order is not important?

  • Permutation
  • Counting
  • Combination
  • Factorial

The Set of Natural Numbers is represented using the boldface letter?

  • Z
  • W
  • N
  • None of the choices

One-to-one is not a type of function

  • True
  • False

Multiple Choice; Convert the expression to radical form and simplify 491/2

  • 49/2
  • 2401
  • √7
  • Not a Real number
  • 7

If A=6!, then A is equal to?

  • 30
  • 720
  • 360
  • 36

A proposition whose form is a contradiction is called a tautological proposition

  • True
  • False

It is a collection of objects called elements?

  • Set
  • Members
  • None of the Choices
  • Group

Refers to a vertex on which no edges are incident?

  • Loop
  • None of the choices
  • Isolated
  • Edge-Endpoint

Functions are also used represent how long it takes a computer to solve problems of a given size.

  • True
  • False

It is a statement that is always true regardless of the truth values of the individual logical variables?

  • None among the choices
  • Tautology
  • Proposition
  • Contradiction

Multiple Choice: Solve the Equation The product of two consecutive positive even integers is 120. Find the integers.

  • 58 and 62
  • 59 and 61
  • 10 and 12
  • 8 and 10
  • 12 and 14

If $19,000 is borrowed at 7.1% simple interest for 10 years, how much interest will be paid for the loan?

  • $37,726.66
  • $18,726.66
  • $13,490.00
  • $32,490.00

Vertices with the same parent are called?

  • Siblings
  • Child
  • None of the choices
  • Descendants

It is the Law of Logic which states that the proposition form p Λ True ≡ p?

  • Identity Law
  • De Morgan's Law
  • None of the Choices
  • Idempotent Law

It is a type of function where two distinct elements of A do not map to the same element of B?

  • One-to-One
  • One-to-One Correspondence
  • None of the choices
  • Onto


  • 1/16
  • -1/16
  • 0
  • 1
  • -1

Determine whether the equation is a conditional equation, an identity, or a contradiction. 5(z + 2) - 3z = -4(-(1/2)z+1) + 14

  • Conditional
  • Contradiction
  • Identity

A = {a, e, i, o, u} is a set of?

  • English Alphabet Letter
  • Small Letters
  • Vowel Letters
  • None of the Choices

It is a set representation where all the elements in the set are all listed separated by commas and enclosed within braces or curly brackets?

  • Descriptive
  • Tabular
  • Set Builder
  • None of the choices

A proposition whose form is a tautology is called a tautological proposition

  • True
  • False

It is a type of function that is both one-to-one and onto?

  • Injective
  • Surjective
  • None of the choices
  • Bijection

Refers to a vertex unconnected by an edge to any other vertex in the graph?

  • None of the choices
  • Loop
  • Isolated
  • Parallel

If the elements of the set cannot be counted or enumerated, then the set is said to be?

  • Finite Set
  • Counting Set
  • Infinite Set
  • None of the Choices

It specifies the meaning of mathematical statements?

  • None among the choices
  • Rules of Logic
  • Reason
  • Logic

Multiple Choice; Simplify the radical. Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers.

  • 3z√7z3
  • 9z2√7z
  • 3√7z5
  • 3z2√7z
  • 9z4√7z

Objects that can be counted are called?

  • Discrete
  • Infinite
  • Finite
  • None among the choices

A function f:A→B is a one-to-one correspondence, or a bijection

  • True
  • False

A computer password consists of a letter of the alphabet followed by three digits. Find the total number of passwords that can be created.

  • 260
  • 36
  • 2600
  • 26000

The elements of a set must be distinct, ordered and well-defined?

  • Neither True or False
  • True
  • None of the Choices
  • False

Refers to the sum of the indegree and outdegree of the graph?

  • Indegree
  • None of the choices
  • Outdegree
  • Degree

A tree is not a tree if it has?

  • |E| < |V|
  • |E| ≥ |V| (TRY)
  • |E|> |V|
  • None of the choices

De Morgan's laws state that: The negation of a proposition is logically equivalent to the proposition in which each component is negated

  • True
  • False

Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {x, y, z}, if f:A—>B, then the domain of f is?

  • {1,2,3,4}
  • {1,2,3,4,x,y,z}
  • None of the choices
  • {x,y,z}

Contradiction is a statement that is always true

  • True
  • False

Given the set of four letters, {A, B, C, D}, how many possibilities are there for selecting any two letters where order is important?

  • 24
  • 12
  • 8
  • 9

It is a group of propositions/statements which is divided into one or more premises and one and only one conclusion?

  • Argument
  • Proposition
  • Statement
  • None among the choices

Multiple Choice: Solve the Equation -5(2y + 3) + 5 = 0

  • {2}
  • {4}
  • {1}
  • {-1}
  • {-4}

It refers to the ability to understand and create mathematical arguments?

  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Algorithmic Thinking
  • None among the choices
  • Mathematical Modeling

In how many ways can you choose 5 out of 10 friends to invite to a dinner party?

  • 50
  • 252
  • 120
  • 500

A local telephone number in an office is given by a sequence of three digits. How manydifferent telephone numbers are there if the first digit cannot be 0?

  • 27
  • 900
  • 30
  • 1000

Multiple Choice: Find the value of n so that the expression is a perfect square trinomial and then factor the trinomial. j2-12j+n

  • n = 6; (j + 6)2
  • n = 36; (j - 6)
  • n = 6; (j - 6)
  • n = 36; (j - 6)2
  • n = 6; (j - 6)2

It is the Law of Aristotelian Logic which states that “No Statement is both true and false”?

  • Law of Identity
  • None among the choices
  • Law of Exclude Middle
  • Law of Non-contradiction

B = {b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z} is a set of?

  • Vowel Letters
  • English Alphabet Letters
  • Small Letters
  • None of the Choices

It is the study of the methods and principles used to distinguish good (correct) from bad(incorrect) reasoning?

  • Discrete
  • None among the choices
  • Mathematics
  • Logic

In a graph, let V = {v1, v2, v3}, and E = {e1, e2, e3}, assuming the endpoints of e1 are v1and v2, the endpoints of e2 are v1 and v3, the endpoints of e3 are v2 and v3. Then e1 and e2 are incident on what vertex in the graph?

  • v1
  • None of the choices
  • v3
  • v2

How many bit strings of length 4 contain either 3 consecutive 0s or 3 consecutive 1s?

  • 4
  • 7
  • 5
  • 6

It refers to statement being supported in the argument?

  • Premises
  • Conclusion
  • Propositions
  • None among the choices

In how many ways can 5 different books be arranged on a shelf?

  • 120
  • 125
  • 25
  • 100

The ordering of elements in a set is insignificant and may contain duplicates.

  • None of the Choices
  • True
  • False
  • Either True or False

Multiple Choice: Solve the rational equation. 4/x + 5/2 = 7/4

  • {16/3}
  • {-16/3}
  • {3/16}
  • {-8/3}
  • {-3/16}

It is defined to be the product of all the integers from 1 to n and is denoted n!?

  • Combination
  • Factorial
  • Counting
  • Permutation

It refers to an equation that is universally true for all elements in some set?

  • Power Set
  • None of the choices
  • Set Identity
  • Set Cardinality

It is the number of edges along the unique path between it and the root?

  • None of the choices
  • Level
  • Height
  • Node

A circuit can store a bit, a binary digit, 1 or 0. So, for 1 bit, there are 2 possible states.How many possible states if the binary has 4 bits?

  • 16
  • 2
  • 8
  • 32

If 75 students are to be assigned in a room, filling all available rooms, how many rooms would require two students to share a room?

  • 37
  • 39
  • 36
  • 38

In many instances, we assign to each element of a set a particular element of a second set.

  • True
  • False

It is a complete Graph where each vertex in one of the subsets is connected by exactly one edge to each vertex in the other subset, but not to any vertices in its own subset?

  • Indegree
  • Bipartite
  • None of the choices
  • Subgraph

Using Identity Law, the proposition p V False is equivalent to?

  • None of the Choices
  • Neither True or False
  • True
  • False

Two dice are thrown. How many possible outcomes are there?

  • 36
  • 12
  • 24
  • 6

How many edges can fully connect a graph with 4 vertices?

  • 4
  • 5
  • None of the choices
  • 6

A standard deck of playing cards consist of 52 cards, 4 suits for each 13 cards. How many ways can you choose 2 kings from 4 available kings suits?

  • 8
  • 13
  • 6
  • 1

Among 366 people, at least how many people could have the same birthday?

  • 1
  • 3
  • 0
  • 2

In a graph, let V = {v1, v2, v3, v4}, and E = {e1, e2, e3, e4}, assuming the endpoints of e1are v1 and v2, the endpoints of e2 are v1 and v3, the endpoints of e3 are v2 and v3, theendpoint of e4 is v4. What is the loop in the graph?

  • e2
  • e3
  • None of the choices
  • e4

A function f:A→B is called onto, or injunction

  • True
  • False

It consists of two finite sets, a nonempty set V(G) of vertices and a set E(G) of edges?

  • Tree
  • None of the choices
  • Loop
  • Graph

A graph having 6 vertices and 9 edges, if a tree is to make from a graph, how many edges should be deleted?

  • 4
  • None of the choices
  • 6
  • 5

It is a tree in which there is one vertex that is distinguished from the others?

  • Spanning Tree
  • Binary Tree
  • None of the choices
  • Rooted Tree

Write the requested inequality.

  • m ≤ 17
  • m ≤ 16
  • m ≤ 19
  • m ≤ 18

It refers to statements that supports the arguments?

  • Conclusions
  • Propositions
  • Premises
  • None among the choices

Given a graph with V = {a, b, c, d}, and E = {(a, b), (a, c), (b, c) (c, d), (b, d)}, how manyedges should be deleted to create a spanning tree?

  • 1
  • 2
  • None of the choices
  • 3

Multiple Choice; Simplify the radical 3√72

  • 63√2
  • 83√9
  • 93√2
  • 23√9
  • 83√36

If there are 20 girls and 10 boys in the class and you want to speak to one student of theclass. How many choices do you have?

  • 20
  • 200
  • 10
  • 30

It is the negation of Tautology?

  • Proposition
  • Contradiction
  • Tautology
  • None among the choices

A tree traversal where the left subtree is visited first, followed by the root, then the right subtree?

  • Postorder
  • Preorder
  • None of the choices
  • Inorder

Multiple Choice; A tool rental store charges a flat fee of $5.50 to rent a chain saw, and $7.00 for each day, including the first. Use a linear equation to find the cost of renting the saw for one week.

  • $12.50
  • $49.00
  • $87.50
  • $47.50
  • $54.50

Solve the problem. The width of a rectangular is 6 ft less than 4 times the length. Write a model for the width W in terms of the length L.

  • [No Answer]

It is an edge with just one endpoint?

  • Edge-Endpoint
  • None of the choices
  • Parallel
  • Loop

Solve the system by substitution. 8x - y = 1 12 + 5y = 8

  • {(12, 4)}
  • { }
  • {(1, 7)}

In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'DISCRETE' be arranged in such away that the vowels always come together?

  • 720
  • 120
  • 24
  • 2160

It is the part of mathematics devoted to the study of discrete objects?

  • None among the choices
  • Discrete
  • Statistics
  • Algebra

Represent C={2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …, 100} using Set Builder Form.

  • C = {x | x is an even number and x <=100}
  • C = {x|x is an even number}
  • C = {x|x is an integer and x<=100}
  • None of the choices

It is that part of logic which deals with statements that are either true or false but not both?

  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Propositional Logic
  • None among the choices
  • First Order Predicate Logic

If f : A —> B , then A is called?

  • Domain of f
  • Function of f
  • Codomain of F
  • None of the choices

It is a connected graph that contains no cycles?

  • Subgraph
  • None of the choices
  • Tree
  • Complete Graph