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Drone Technlogy and Applications

Delves into the principles, operations, and diverse applications of drones, providing insights on their usage across industries such as photography.













search and rescue



disaster response

What does RPA stand for?

  • Remotely Powered Aircraft
  • Remotely Piloted Airplane
  • Revolutionary Pilot Airplane
  • Remotely Piloted Aircraft

What is required for the operation of drones in controlled airspace? (select all that apply)

  • A Transport Canada Pilot certificate for basic operations
  • A Full Remotely Piloted Aircraft system
  • A Transport Canada Pilot certificate for advanced operations
  • Written flight authorization from NAV Canada

Which of the following does NOT describe how ranchers use drones?

  • A. Help keep a head count
  • B. To herd animals into pens
  • C. Observe grazing habits
  • D. Provide a live update on animal health

Match the following

  • power distribution board Circuit de distribution
  • transmitter émetteur
  • compass boussole
  • electronic speed controller contrôleur électronique de vitesse
  • propeller hélice

Police surveillance from the air

  • does not saves time and money.
  • saves time
  • saves time and money.
  • saves money.

Which of these is a correct statement?

  • Drones are allowed to fly above crowd of people in open space at all time
  • Drones are free to fly near the airport
  • Drones must always be within the Line of Sight (LoS)
  • All commercial drones need permit to operate except for aerial photography work

Drones ARE NOT categorised by its

  • Size
  • Sensors
  • Applications
  • Type of wings

What is STEM?

  • Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

The ______ is that point where there is exactly the same amount of surface area in front of and behind it.

  • Control Center
  • Center of Pressure
  • Center of Gravity
  • Center of Area

Uplift/downfall are

  • the acts of moving the drone up and down, raising or declining elevation
  • the acts of moving the drone left and right
  • the acts of moving the drone forward and backwards
  • when the battery is fully charged in a drone

Drones are known as UAV's. What does UAV stand for?

  • Unidentified aerial vehicles
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles
  • Unusual aerial vehicles

What is a drone?

  • An Unmanned Aircraft
  • Aeroplane
  • Helicopter
  • Bee

Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon in the LEM from Apollo 11 which was named _____.

  • Alpha
  • Eagle
  • Apollo
  • Falcon

When must a rocket carry its own oxidizer to burn fuel?

  • in any atmosphere containing oxygen
  • during its return into atmosphere
  • when it operates in space
  • when on the ground

Reorder the following:How to fly your quadcopter

  • Turn on the copter so it can locate satellites to establish coordinates when it flies
  • Then make sure you are in an open area in case you crash, and you will
  • Start the copter with the remote control. The left yoke is for propeller speed and the right is for direction.


  • FEO
  • SG906
  • KY101D
  • ZWN KF609

Which one in the list is not a drone?

  • Quadcopter
  • VTOL
  • Passenger Drone
  • Fixed-wing drone

Drones are also getting ____________________________

  • smaller
  • less noticeable.
  • smaller and less noticeable.
  • bigger and noticeable

Initially, all airplanes had propellers powered by piston engines that turned propellers. world War II caused rapid development of both piston-powered and ___ aircraft.

  • gas
  • jet
  • none of these answers
  • rocket

The ______ ______ became the first people in the world to build and fly a craft with an engine and two propellers that were heavier than air.

  • Wright brothers

How are some Police Departments monitoring suspects?

  • Drives
  • Drizzle
  • Drones
  • Bones

A series of coordinated, related, multiple projects that continue over extended time intended to achieve a goal is known as a

  • Strategy
  • Program
  • Campaign
  • Crusade
  • Venture

There are four primary movements that a drone employs and each of the four propellers controls them. Propellers 1 and 4 move in __________, while propellers 2 and 3 move _________.

  • clockwise,counterclockwise

Under the Flying Regulations, what is the maximum allowable height for a drone to fly?

  • 400 feet
  • 200 feet
  • 100 feet
  • 500 feet


  • Daniel

Controlled airspace includes class...

  • C D or E

Which of these is a powered air vehicle that uses propulsion to create airflow over the wings?

  • Kites
  • all of these answers are correct.
  • Gliders
  • Airplanes

The concern expressed is about

  • public issues
  • privacy
  • people's privacy
  • being hidden

Balloons never became a common transportation method because they were difficult to control.

  • True
  • False

Can I fly my drone within 5 miles of an airport?

  • Yes, as long as you stay clear of active runways.
  • Yes, but I must stay below 400 feet above ground level.
  • Yes, but only after I have notified the airport and control tower.
  • No. The areas surrounding all airports are considered "No Fly Zones"

What is one mauor drawback to using electric rocket engines?

  • they create thrust using nuclear material
  • they use an electric current
  • they are heavy
  • they control their orbit

______________________states have made laws that require law enforcement to be transparent about drone operation.

  • All
  • Many
  • Some
  • Few

This was an interesting article

  • yes

Which of the following best describes a V-Tail configuration?

  • A. Four-motor quadcopter
  • B. Two-motor hexacopter
  • C. Six rotors hexacopter
  • D. Eight-motor octocopter

Connect the words with their definition.DEFINITION: relating to the countrysideWORD BANK: aerial - collision - obstacle - regulation - regulator - rural - sensor - unmanned

  • rural

What is e-KLESF ?

  • Kuala Lumpur Engineering and Science Fair

According to the ________or FAA, a UAV or drone is an aircraft without an onboard human pilot, controlled either autonomously or by remote control.

  • Federal Aviation Administration

To rise up, all propellers move __________and to descend, all propellers move _______________.

  • at high speed,at normal speed.

Where was a drone delivery test run made in August?

  • Between Vancouver Island and Salt Spring Island.
  • Between Edmonton and northern Canada.
  • Between a hospital and a mining camp in western Canada.
  • There hasn’t been a test run yet.

Which of the following is typically the responsibility of a project manger?

  • Meeting budget requirements
  • Meeting budget requirements
  • Meeting schedule requirements
  • Meeting performance specifications
  • Coordinates the actions of the team members

Use the article to list 2 disadvantages/drawbacks of using drones.

  • [No Answer]

In which of the following stages is it determined what the project will entail, when it will be scheduled, whom it will benefit, and what the budget will be?

  • Defining stage
  • Planning stage
  • Executing stage
  • Closing stage

The space shuttle used liquid _____ as fuel and liquid oxygen as oxidizer.

  • hydrogen

UAV stands for "unmanned aerial vehicle."

  • true
  • false

_Select all of the following which describes what drones are commonly being used to inspect. So

  • Bridges and cell towers
  • Bridges and cell towers
  • Highway overpasses and wind turbines
  • Oil pipelines and railways
  • lar arrays and water treatment facilities

Pitch describes

  • the type of the drone you are flying.
  • the left and right movement of a drone
  • the forward and backward movement of a drone
  • the type of the fuel drone is using.

_______________ could also lead to an erosion of trust in law enforcement, privacy advocates say.

  • Use of drums
  • Use of evidence
  • Use of drones
  • Flying

What is a drone?

  • Person from Ireland
  • Unmanned flying machine
  • Anything you can throw in the air

In a rocket, burning gases escape in one direction and the reaction propels it in opposite direction. What is this reaction called?

  • fuel
  • exhaust
  • thrust
  • motion

The title of the article on the drones is

  • Eyes in the Sky


  • E99 PRO 2

To (Pitch)move forward,

  • the propellers stop working
  • propellers 1 and 2 move at low speed, while propeller 3 moves and 4 move at low speed as well.
  • propellers 1 and 2 move at high speed, while propeller 3 moves and 4 move at high speed.
  • propellers 1 and 2 move at normal speed, while propeller 3 moves and 4 move at high speed.

The person who controls a drone is known as ___________ .

  • Pilot
  • Controller
  • Remote control
  • Driver

Fins on a rocket produce what?

  • lift
  • drag
  • wings
  • instability

What is the name of the drone in the picture above?

  • Fixed-wing drone

Which drone has longer flight duration?

  • Image:
  • Image:
  • Image:
  • Image:

Having the ability to record video footage means

  • they have the ability to record video games
  • they can help document crime and accident scenes
  • they can help conduct surveillance
  • they can help document crime and accident scenes and conduct surveillance

Drones are not _________________ on humans.

  • reliant

UAV stands for ___.

  • unattended air maneuvering
  • unmanned aerial vehicle
  • unidentified aviation vehicle
  • unmanned astrologogical vessel

A Drone Operator cannot fly higher than ___ feet in Malaysian Airspace?

  • 1,000 feet
  • 10,000 feet
  • 500 feet
  • 400 feet

What is the plural form of "aircraft"?

  • aircraft

Rocketry is based on the propelling of a vehicle by a reactive _____ (5 letters)

  • force

Who controls a drone?

  • A pilot in the drone.
  • An operator on the ground.
  • Airport traffic control.
  • No one controls a drone.

Yaw is the

  • clockwise or counterclockwise spin of a drone
  • the elevation of a plane
  • is the thrust
  • is a type of an engine that planes need to take off

Which word means "incliner"?

  • yoke
  • tilt
  • mesh

In order to roll to the left

  • propellers 1 and 3 run at normal speed while propellers 2 and 4 run at normal speed.
  • propellers 1 and 3 run at normal speed while propellers 2 and 4 run at high speed.
  • propellers 1 and 3 run at high speed while propellers 2 and 4 run at high speed.
  • propellers 1 and 3 run at normal speed while propellers 2 and 4 stops running.

Connect the words with their definition.DEFINITION: piece of equipment that reacts to changes in heat, light, etc.WORD BANK: aerial - collision - obstacle - regulation - regulator - rural - sensor - unmanned

  • sensor

What is one cool thing you have learned from today's class?

  • [No Answer]

In about 60 words, share with us ideas on what YOU can do to promote an interest in STEM.

  • [No Answer]

Connect the words with their definition.DEFINITION: operating in the airWORD BANK: aerial - collision - obstacle - regulation - regulator - rural - sensor - unmanned

  • aerial

Connect the words with their definition.DEFINITION: a person who makes sure rules are followedWORD BANK: aerial - collision - obstacle - regulation - regulator - rural - sensor - unmanned

  • regulator

Which flight path best describes the program above?

  • The drone would take off, fly forward for 1 second, turn right, fly forward for 1 second to a different position and land.
  • The drone would take off, fly forward for 1 second, turn around, fly back to its original position and land.
  • The drone would take off, fly forward for 1 second, complete a full rotation, fly forward for another second and land.

Police say that drones are invaluable to search and rescue operations because

  • they cannot access areas that humans can't.
  • they can access areas humans can't.
  • they are invaluable to search and rescue operations because the inability to record video footage.
  • they cannot help document crime and accident scenes and conduct surveillance

What do all drones have in common?

  • They have four props for flying.
  • They have cameras.
  • They have no pilot on board.
  • They fly all by themselves.


  • KY101D
  • SG906
  • FEO
  • ZWN KF609

FPV means 'First Person View'. An FPV drone must have

  • Image:
  • Image:
  • Image:
  • Image:

Firefighters use drones to monitor wildfires and gauge their movement.

  • A. True
  • B. False

What are remotely operated drones?

  • Vehicles operated in remote locations or controlled airspace
  • Vehicles which operate independently of human input
  • Vehicles controlled by a remote human operator
  • All of the above

UAV stands for...

  • Unmanned Aeronautical Vehicle
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • Undersea Autonomous Vehicle
  • Undersea Aerial Vehicle

Roll is

  • an artificial intelligence device used in drones
  • the rotation of the drone to bend left or bend right.
  • the type of material is used to build drones
  • the rotation of the drone to bend up or bend down

_Select all that are true about underwater drones

  • Underwater drones may be divided into two categories
  • Underwater drones may be divided into two categories
  • you must obtain a Transport Canada Pilot Certificate to operate them
  • They do not need a human occupant
  • Underwater gliders are a type of underwater drone, and a subclass of AUVs

A multirotor drone with 4 rotary wings is called as _____________.

  • quadcopter

it is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result

  • Project

_Select all that is true about Uncontrolled Airspace

  • You must obtain a Transport Canada Pilot Certificate for basic operations
  • You must obtain a Transport Canada Pilot Certificate for basic operations
  • Written flight authorization from NAV Canada is required
  • Consists of class G
  • NAV Canada does not provide authorization for RPA flights

Drone also applies to machines created for two other purposes: terrestrial and submersible tasks.

  • A. True
  • B. False

What Type of Drone is this?

  • Quadcopter
  • Tri-copter
  • Hexacopter
  • Octocopter

Who is the authority for the Rules & Regulations for Drones in Malaysia?

  • CAAM
  • MCMC
  • DBKL
  • MBPJ

A handful of them assert that police departments must publish _____________ reports

  • daily
  • monthly
  • annual
  • weekly


  • E88 PRO 1

Connect the words with their definition.DEFINITION: an object that is in the wayWORD BANK: aerial - collision - obstacle - regulation - regulator - rural - sensor - unmanned

  • obstacle

What does "UAV" stand for?

  • unmanned aerial vehicle

What are the stages of the product life cycle?

  • Defining stage
  • Defining stage
  • Planning stage
  • Executing stage
  • Closing stage

What is an autonomous drone?

  • A drone that can fly, hover, navigate and perform other tasks without being directly controlled by a human.
  • A drone that is operated with a remote control to fly, hover, navigate and perform other tasks.
  • A drone that can fly, hover, navigate and perform other tasks without any control at all by a human.

What does UUV stand for?

  • Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
  • Unmanned Undersea Vehicle
  • Uncontrolled Undersea Vehicle
  • Unmanned Universal Vehicle

What does LOS stand for?

  • Loss of Signal
  • Line of Sight
  • Last one Saved
  • Level of Sight

The use of drones could also lead to ____________ in law enforcement, privacy advocates say.

  • an erosion of trust
  • an erosion in truth
  • an erosion in lies
  • soil erosion

What are Canadian regulators most concerned aboutwhen it comes to drones?

  • Money issues.
  • Health issues.
  • Safety issues.
  • They do not have any concerns.

Which industry currently uses drones?

  • Agriculture
  • Mining
  • Real Estate
  • All of the above.

Quadcopters are the least popular configuration for small UAVs.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Which of the following describes the two individuals the government hired to develop the world’s first self-flying aerial bomb?

  • A. Percy Sperry and Etienne Omnichen
  • B. William H. Standley and the Brequet brothers
  • C. Orville Wright and Charles F. Kettering
  • D. Percy Sperry and Charles F. Kettering

What is an ESC?

  • Escape key
  • Electronic Speed Controller
  • Electromagnet
  • Electronic Sensor Controller

What uses for drones have become increasingly popular in recent years?

  • Creating promotional videos
  • Capturing events like weddings
  • Photograph motion pictures
  • All of these answer choices are correct

To roll to the right,

  • propellers 1 and 3 instead run at normal speed and propellers 2 and 4 run at normal speed.
  • propellers 1 and 3 instead run at high speed and propellers 2 and 4 run at high speed.
  • propellers 1 and 3 instead run at high speed and propellers 2 and 4 run at normal speed.
  • propellers 1 and 3 don't run and propellers 2 and 4 run at normal speed.

Tick the synonym for "rotate":

  • straighten
  • spill
  • spin

The success of individual projects is typically measured by performance compared to three constraints usually placed on all projects. Identify and briefly describe those three constraints.

  • [No Answer]

List 3 important facts about drones and drone delivery that you learned by reading the text (point form is acceptable!)

  • [No Answer]

Which of the following is an example of a project?

  • Inventing a new prototype for a drone
  • Assembling several complex drones in a production plants using robotics
  • Manufacturing automobiles at the Kia plant
  • Utilizing robotics to lift heavy packages at a UPS distribution plant during the busy holiday season

Why do you think there is a Flying Regulations for drones?

  • To ensure the safeties of people & properties
  • To ensure the safeties of people & properties
  • To allow video recording of people's privacy
  • To save drone's owner's money
  • To protect every country's national security

What can be transported via drone delivery?

  • postal delivery
  • Medicines and vaccines
  • food delivery
  • All of these answers are correct

Which government agency is responsible for every formal documentation and regulation regarding drone in Malaysia?

  • CAAM

To (pitch)move backward,

  • propellers 1 and 2 run at high speed while propellers 3 and 4 run at normal speed.
  • propellers 1 and 2 run at normal speed while propellers 3 and 4 run at normal speed.
  • propellers 1 and 2 run at high speed while propellers 3 and 4 run at high speed.
  • all propellers run at the same time with the same velocity.

What is an FC?

  • Flight Copy
  • Flight Controller
  • Flight Calibrator
  • Flight Checker

There are _____________ types of drones.

  • 4

Law enforcement uses drones for __________ and __________.

  • A. Testing; reports
  • B. Tours; construction
  • C. Surveillance; investigation
  • D. Newscasts; delivery C. Surveillance

Drones are

  • important
  • unimportant
  • nosey
  • noisy


  • KF609
  • FEO
  • SG906
  • KY101D

The angle at which a rocket is launched is called the angle of __________(10 letters)

  • trajectory

To yaw right,

  • propellers 1 and 4 moves at high speed, and propellers 2 and 3 move at normal speed.
  • propellers 1 and 4 move at normal speed and 2 and 3 move at high speed.
  • all propellers move at the same speed
  • all propellers move at their highest speed

Drones are strictly prohibited to fly nearby an airport? What is the allowable distance?

  • Within 5 NM radius of an airport
  • Outside 5 NM radius of an airport
  • 3-5 NM radius of an airport
  • 5 - 30 NM radius of an airport

Drones help sell homes and properties by allowing real estate agencies to have drone tours of their listings.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Which one below is a safety rule you must follow when operating a drone?

  • You must keep your drone above 100 metres when flying directly over people.
  • You must be able to see your drone with your own eyes at all times.
  • If you fly two drones at the same time, you must be in control of both of them.
  • All of the above.

What are the three main types of drones?

  • Unmanned Aerial, Remotely piloted, Uncontrolled remote
  • Unmanned Undersea, Autonomous, Remotely Piloted
  • Unmanned Aerial, Unmanned Undersea, Remotely Piloted
  • Uncontrolled, Controlled, Autonomous

In order for the drone to employ yaw to rotate left

  • the number 1 and 4 propellers move at high speed,while 2 and 3 move at normal speed
  • the number 1 and 4 propellers move at normal speed, while the number 2 and 3 propellers move at high speed.
  • the number 1 and 4 stops spinning ,while 2 and 3 move at super speed
  • the number 1 and 4 move at normal speed, also 2 and 3 move at normal speed



What does "RFID"? mean

  • radio frequency identification

_Select all of the following which describes the different types of drones.

  • Aeriallance
  • Quadcopter
  • Octocopter
  • Hexacopter

Connect the words with their definition.DEFINITION: an accident in which a vehicle crashes into somethingWORD BANK: aerial - collision - obstacle - regulation - regulator - rural - sensor - unmanned

  • collision

_Select the words spelled in American English

  • behavior
  • behavior
  • centre
  • defense

What is DRONE?

  • A robot
  • A robot
  • Controlled by a remote control only
  • An airplane
  • Has no pilot onboard
  • An unmanned aerial vehicle

Commercial flights are an example of a manned ________ because a physical pilot is on board operating and navigating the plane. (8 letters)

  • aircraft

Closing after obtaining the objective is an example of:

  • project
  • operation
  • output
  • process

Now use 3 of these words in your own sentences.aerial - collision - obstacle - regulation - regulator - rural - sensor - unmanned

  • [No Answer]

Connect the words with their definition.DEFINITION: lacking a crewWORD BANK: aerial - collision - obstacle - regulation - regulator - rural - sensor - unmanned

  • unmanned

What is FPV?

  • Virtual Reality
  • Flight Personnel Viewer
  • First Person View
  • Viewmaster

Which od these industries use drones to gather geological information to help better identify the location and presence of minerals, oils, and natural gas?

  • Oil, gas, and mineral exploration
  • Commercial and motion picture filmmaking
  • Real estate and construction
  • Insurance companies

Use the article to list 2 benefits/advantages of using drones.

  • [No Answer]

Which of these is not part of the "sociocultural dimension" of project management?

  • Negotiation
  • Resource allocation
  • Customer expectations
  • Leadership
  • Politics

experts say

  • there must be a balance between protecting the public's safety and maintaining its privacy.

What can drones transport?

  • Medical supplies.
  • Machinery.
  • Take-out food.
  • All of the above.


  • SG906
  • KY101D
  • FEO
  • ZWN KF609

Can drones fly autonomously?

  • Yes
  • No

An __________ aircraft is an aircraft used or built to conduct experiments on new aerospace technologies. (12 letters)

  • experimental

Name the application for which a drone should not be used for

  • Security & Surveillance
  • Mapping
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Spying

What was the name of the flying machine Leonardo da Vinci sketched out plans for? The name of the flying machine is the ___________. (11 letters)

  • Ornithopter



Several states have laws requiring police to obtain-_________________________

  • Search warrants
  • lawyers
  • experts
  • evidence

Connect the words with their definition.DEFINITION: an official ruleWORD BANK: aerial - collision - obstacle - regulation - regulator - rural - sensor - unmanned

  • regulation