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Living in the Information Technology Era

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A sociologist who believes that society will undergo a religious, philosophic and a positive stage.

  • Herbert Spencer
  • Auguste Comte
  • Arnold J. Tonybee
  • Karl Marx

Some social changes e. g. automation in labor has increased the employment percentage.

  • True
  • False

______________ refers to any type of information like records, tables or accumulations

  • Informational Index
  • Logical Index
  • Data Index
  • Big Data

A sociologist who focused on the role of elites in the society. He proposed that society is one "whole" but has interdependent parts.

  • Herbert Spencer
  • Arnold J. Tonybee
  • Volfredo Pareto
  • Auguste Comte

Linking the problem at hand to others who have encountered similar concerns, and have attempted different solutions, people will have a broader and deeper understanding of the issues.

  • True
  • False

It was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Business Stone, and Evan Williams in 2006. Rapidly gained popularity as of 2017 has 100 million daily active users.

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Blog
  • Instant Messaging

The long waves of evolution depict how technology has advanced through ___________.

  • Culture
  • Space
  • Time
  • Matter

One of the principles of digital development having a core tenet: "Develop new digital codes or technologies that are freely viewed, copied, modified, shared, and distributed in open or public platforms".

  • Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation
  • Design For Scale
  • Build for Sustainability
  • Reuse and Improve

Best known as the designer of the phone, worked at a school for the hard of hearing while at the same time endeavoring to imagine a machine that would transmit sound by power.

  • Guglielmo Marconi
  • Noah Glass
  • Samuel Morse
  • Alexander Graham Bell

Implies a foul or wrong aftereffect of your information translation. This by and large happens when you incline toward going for an uncertified expert as opposed to an examiner with a Big Data confirmation.

  • Bad Analytic Reports
  • Noise in DATA
  • Lack of SECURITY
  • Privacy Control

These are stories of the 15th and 16th Century western pioneers.

  • Pioneer's Stories
  • Native Literature
  • Captain's Log
  • Voyage Literature

______________ refers to the non-customary techniques and advancements expected to assemble, sort out, process and accumulate bits of knowledge from huge datasets

  • Data
  • Big Data
  • Data Byte
  • Terabyte

A term to portray the level of accomplishment in science, arithmetic and designing of a gathering or culture is an incorrect definition of technology.

  • True
  • False

It is a period in human history that started when computers were introduced in the 1970s. It is evident in the rapid shift from mechanical industrialization to technological innovation.

  • Middle Age
  • Digital Age
  • Bronze Age
  • Iron Age

_____________________ is a factor that affects the evolution of technology which pertains to the pressure from the market which makes the innovation adjust to its needs?

  • Political Pressure
  • Water Pressure
  • Selection Pressure
  • High Technological Pressure

______________ is the coordinated, interdisciplinary quest for social request and focus on data preparation

  • Computational Science
  • Big Data
  • Data
  • eScience

Achieving scale is a goal that has been easy for digital development practitioners.

  • True
  • False

Characterized by the nearness of the insignificant information which prompts the expanding the measure of information to be broke down, yet in addition builds the cost of administration, stockpiling abuse and nearness of obsolete information in your vault.

  • Noise in DATA
  • Lack of SECURITY
  • Cost
  • Privacy Control

One of the principles of Digital Development which can only be attained through conversation, observation, and co-creation with the people, client, or target market who will be using the eventual digital product or tools.

  • Design For Scale
  • Reuse and Improve
  • Build for Sustainability
  • Design with the User

A sociologist who is a proponent of the Cyclical Theory that believes society will undergo the stages of growth, half and eventual decline of civilization

  • Karl Marx
  • Auguste Comte
  • Herbert Spencer
  • Arnold J. Tonybee

This pertains to the differences in tastes, choices, or pressure from society that affects how technology evolves in different markets or geographical locations.

  • Cultural Evolution
  • Technological Variation
  • Societal Revolution
  • Cultural Variation

According to Brian Arthur, technological evolution happens because of the phenomenon he calls as

  • Combine Evolution
  • Combination Evolution
  • None of the choices
  • Combinatorial Evolution

ICT also plays a part in the prevention and solution of crimes.

  • True
  • False

The effects of global information explosion can already be seen in the cyclical uploading and downloading of information.

  • True
  • False

Lewis Henry Morgan was the first to react to the "voyage literature" of western pioneers who brought back reports of newfound plants, creatures, and social orders.

  • True
  • False

An Italian inventor pioneered long-distance radio transmission and transmitted the first transatlantic radio signal from Cornwall to Newfoundland.

  • Samuel Morse
  • Alexander Graham Bell
  • Guglielmo Marconi
  • Jack Dorsey

Best known as the designer of the phone, worked at a school for the hard of hearing while at the same time endeavouring to imagine a machine that would transmit sound by power.

  • Guglielmo Marconi
  • Alexander Graham Bell
  • Samuel Morse
  • Noah Glass

Always implement an informed consent so that participants understand why data is being collected & they have an option to refuse participation is a core tenet of address privacy and security.

  • True
  • False

Some benefits of ICT in the education sector are online banking & access to patient records.

  • True
  • False

The term e Science however was formally introduced and authored by James Taylor in 1999

  • True
  • False

Computers were introduced in the 19____.

  • 80s
  • 70s
  • 60s
  • 50s

Advancements in technology has accounted for humanity's happiness and advancement

  • True
  • False

As a means of communication, homing or transporter pigeons were used by Romans and Greeks in ancient times.

  • True
  • False

E-Science traces it's roots back in the 1950s when specialists and researchers utilized the PC

  • True
  • False

A sociologist who compared social change to a microorganism. He postulates that society is inherently militant and struggled for survival.

  • Karl Marx
  • Herbert Spencer
  • Volfredo Pareto
  • Auguste Comte

No assurance that even the examiners with Big Data affirmation won't alter your information or abuse it to their own assent. Every single individual data of yours is being shared and some place put away which can be effortlessly abused.

  • Noise in DATA
  • Cost
  • Lack of SECURITY
  • Privacy Control

Twitter was created by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2006.

  • True
  • False

__________________ is critical for anyone to be able to understand the changing values and behavior patterns of people in the now that affect the future

  • Advanced Learning
  • Computer Learning
  • Assisted Learning
  • Continual Learning

___________________ is a factor that affects the evolution of technology

  • Digital Age Theory
  • Technological Theory
  • Computer Theory
  • Systems Theory

Darwin portrayed organic/hereditary development as containing three key segments: variety, rivalry (or determination), and legacy.

  • True
  • False

Adopt and expand on open data, standards, or innovation done by other digital developers in the community is a core tenet of Use Open standards, Open data, Open source, and Open Innovation.

  • True
  • False

One of the principles of Digital Development which involves careful consideration about which data are collected and how they are stored and shared.

  • Be Collaborative
  • Design For Scale
  • Address Privacy and Security
  • Be Data Driven

______________ A sociological Perspective that says as man progresses so as man's needs and wants thus he/she is determined to have more because this dissatisfaction.

  • Determination Theory
  • Class Conflict Theory
  • Technological Theory
  • Cyclical Theory

One of the principles of Digital Development which is about ensuring user and stakeholder support be maximized and uninterrupted.

  • Build for Sustainability
  • Address Privacy and Security
  • Design For Scale
  • Be Data Driven

A major factor and as the information measure is expanding the price that has been expanding exponentially.

  • Privacy Control
  • Noise in DATA
  • Cost
  • Lack of SECURITY

An Athenian Herald or Courier was said to have run from Marathon to Athens to report that the Greeks won against the Persians in the Battle of Marathon.

  • Pheidippides
  • Phedippides
  • Pheidippids
  • Pheidipides

What Social Development definition of Herbert Spencer refers to "society always moves toward an ideal setting"?

  • Social Progress
  • Social Advancement
  • Social Requirements
  • Social Movement

Data sourcing, collection, and analysis must also be holistic is a core tenet of Be Data Driven.

  • True
  • False

Two innovations cannot co-exist and compete in the same niche.

  • True
  • False

A sociologist who believes that "Economic Factor" is the one and ONLY cause of Social Change.

  • Arnold J. Tonybee
  • Auguste Comte
  • Herbert Spencer
  • Karl Marx

Possibility of abuse or revelation of data

  • Cost
  • Noise in DATA
  • Lack of SECURITY
  • Privacy Control

These are 2 more examples of factors that affect the evolution of technology:

  • Niche Deconstruction and Nice Differentiation
  • None of the choices
  • Nice Construction and Niche Destruction
  • Niche Construction and Niche Differentiation

______________ refers to the change in the relationships or interrelationships of people in a society.

  • Social Revolution
  • Social Determination
  • Social Change
  • Social Shift

Technological advancements has contributed to the protection of environment in terms of utilizing machineries/inventions to reduce waste e.g recycling process

  • True
  • False

The Battle of Marathon saw the Persians winning against the Greeks.

  • True
  • False

This principle not only brings all other principles together but is actually part and parcel of each and every principle of digital development.

  • Design with the User
  • Be Collaborative
  • Use Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation
  • Understand the Existing Ecosystem

Social Evolution is the ain hypothesis produced for human sciences specifically for _______________.

  • Psychology
  • Political Science
  • Anatomy
  • Anthropology
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