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Technology for teaching and learning in Elementary Grades

Explores innovative and effective ways of integrating technology into elementary classrooms to enhance student engagement, learning, and achievement.
















He/They mentioned that evaluation is used to measure means to observe or determine the magnitude of variate; evaluation means assessment or appraisal.

  • James M. Bradfield
  • E.C. Beeby
  • Encyclopedia of Education Research
  • Grounlound and Linn

A strategy for saving time for exit tickets that utilizes by sharing copies of slideshows from the day’s lesson, students can make comments through PowerPoint or Google Slides to review and expand on important points.

  • Online Journal Entries
  • Tweets
  • SlideShow Comments

Manipulating variables with real-time feedback

  • Use of simulations

Social interaction and networking, whether digitally or face-to-face, develop a student’s capacity to collaborate and lead by influence. This process of networking enables students to learn from each other and build confidence as they acquire their own voice.

  • Collaboration Across Networks and Leading by Influence

ICT stands for?

  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Information Communications with Technology
  • Information Communications and Technology

The Evaluation, which is one of that phases of ADDIE Model, uses 3 types of assessment - Formative, Summative and Diagnostic.

  • True
  • False

Avoid using underlines for emphasis which typically signifies hypertext in digital media.

  • True
  • False

These are objects (such as a book, picture, or map) or device (such as a DVD or computer) used by a teacher to enhance or enliven classroom instruction.

  • Visual Aids
  • Teaching Aids
  • Learning Material

Similar to iMovie only this useful tool comes with advanced features in video making. It’s simple to use and has many features from stitching together clips to putting transitions between video clips to smooth the flow of the video.

  • Reeldirector

The structure of an activity and the clarity of learning outcomes have a strong effect on pupil’s behavior.

  • True
  • False

This is the standard grid rubric that many teachers routinely use to assess students' work. This is the optimal rubric for providing clear, detailed feedback.

  • Analytic Rubruc
  • Analytic-Holitic Rubric
  • Holistic Rubric

Evaluation is the determination of the congruence between the performance and assessment.

  • True
  • False

A form of Exit Ticket that uses 140 characters or less, students can summarize the most important point they learned in class.

  • Tweet
  • SlideShow Comment
  • Online Journal Entries

It is considered as the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, collaboration, chat, and webinars across mobile devices, desktops, telephones, and room systems.

  • Skype
  • Zoom
  • Messenger

Two-dimensional rubrics with levels of achievement as columns and assessment criteria as rows. Allows you to assess participants' achievements based on multiple criteria using a single rubric.

  • Analytic Rubric
  • Holistic Rubric
  • Analytic-Holistic Rubric

Copyrighted materials, whether print or nonprint may be used in lesson presentation.

  • True
  • False

A fun web-based tool for creative storytelling. This dynamic comic building site is easy to use and great in English Literature.

  • Pixton

It is an Educational Tool that has cloud-based student response system, allowing teachers to immediately test student understanding by way of mini-quizzes, assigned to them on class laptops or tablets.

  • Scratch
  • Prezi
  • Socrative

It is a site that provides anytime and anywhere professional development with teachers teaching teachers.

  • Teacher Broadcasting Website
  • Youtube
  • TeacherTube

An example of teaching aid which is an output device that projects an image onto a large surface, such as a white screen or wall.

  • Projector
  • Speaker
  • Educational Television

A kind of evaluation that consists of tests designed for criterion-related referenced items and providing opportunities for feedback from the users.

  • Evaluation
  • Summative Assessment
  • Formative Assessment

Which of the following does not belong to the 4 key elements mentioned by E.C. Beeby?

  • Systematic collection of evidence
  • judgment of value
  • learning objectives
  • interpretation

According to him/them, Evaluation is the systematic collection and interpretation of evidence leading as a part of the process to a judgment of value with a view to action.

  • Grounlound and Linn
  • E.C. Beeby
  • James M. Bradfield

A fun tool for creating slideshows of field trips and learning concepts. You can illustrate your project with videos, photos and text.

  • Animoto

Information and Communications Technology is considered economical or cheap.

  • True
  • False

Refers to the principle where the Instructional materials must be clear, efficient and logically sequenced.

  • Organization and Balance

Technology serves as an information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning-by-constructing.

  • True
  • False

A technique that allows the instructor to check the class progress by questioning.

  • Classroom Opinion Poll
  • Two-Minute Paper
  • Questions and Answers Pair

A tool that provides a platform for students and teachers to create and share their own learning materials, including flashcards and diagrams.

  • Khan Academy
  • Google Classroom
  • Quizlet

It is an online platform that aims to promote writing and reading skills in students through storytelling.

  • Storybird

He/They stated that evaluation is the assignment of symbols to phenomenon, in order to characterise the worth or value of a phenomenon, usually with reference to some social, cultural or scientific standards.

  • Gronlund and Linn
  • James M. Bradfield
  • C.E. Beeby

The best tip is to create an engaging project where the outcomes and learning are relevant and the audience is authentic.

  • True
  • False

An example of a versatile learning programs that students can access through tablets and cell phones that offer grammar exercises up to sixth grade Common Core standard.

  • Moodle
  • Google Classroom
  • ClassK12

What are the suggested font style to be used in PowerPoint presentation?

  • Comic Sans, Cambria or Times New Roman
  • Helvetica, Arial or Tahoma
  • Arial, Helvetica or Tahoma

It is a collaborative online mind mapping software that’s both versatile and easy to use that is widely used by students to study more efficiently, unleash their creative potential and get ahead in their educational career.

  • Brain Mastery
  • MindMeister
  • Brainstorming App

It is imperative to honor the inquisitive nature of students. Educators can use awe and wonderment to foster inquiry and active engagement in the classroom.

  • Accessing and Analyzing Information

It is an umbrella term that includes all technologies for the communication of information.

  • Information Communication Technology
  • Information Communication and Teaching
  • Information Communication in Technology

A powerful community based social tool for learning that allows students to post questions and receive answers from their teachers and fellow students.

  • Google Classroom

Refers to the actual creation (production) of the content and learning materials based on the design phase.

  • Development
  • Implemetation
  • Evaluation

Collaboration doesn’t have to take place face-to-face, as you can give group assignments focused on creating a wiki page.

  • True
  • False

This browser-based tool introduces a different take on digital storytelling. Users can choose from variety of templates, share visual stories and narratives with a soundtrack in chronological order.

  • Capzles

Who popularized project learning in the early ’90s and coined a new term – project-based learning (PBL)?

  • William Heard Kilpatrick
  • Sigmund Freud
  • Bonwell and Edison
  • John Dewey

Technology enables PBL.

  • True
  • False

Communicating with different audiences

  • Use of emails to write to a real audience

As much as possible use instructional materials that are costly to ensure high quality products.

  • True
  • False

Reduce redundant or text heavy sentences or bullets to ensure a more professional appearance.

  • True
  • False

One of the managing tips to employ in PBL is to demand "HGH" expectations.

  • True
  • False

Talking photos’, a tool used to record a voiceover for an image in a slideshow format. It’s great for collaborative projects telling a story of a photo or an event.

  • FotoBable

A scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of students' constructed responses.

  • Runrics
  • Graded Recitation
  • Mini Quiz

A Project-Based Learning Plan begins by showing a bigger picture, it starts by pinpointing the big content and skill goals of the project and continues with activities that move students forward on that given project.

  • True
  • False

It is one of the old and most utilized teaching aids in the schools along with the text books.

  • Globes and Maps
  • Mock-ups
  • Black Board

Learning is more important than teaching.

  • True
  • False

It has been designed to assist a teacher keep control of general noise levels in a classroom using a visual stimulus.

  • Noise Triggering App
  • Too Noisy App
  • Noise Detection App

A mind-set involves taking initiative to make things happen instead of waiting on others to make things happen

  • Initiative and Entrepreneurialism

It refers to software package designed to create electronic presentations consisting of a series of separate pages or slides.

  • Excel
  • PDF
  • PowerPoint

Which of the following multimedia can be included in PowerPoint Presentation?

  • Sound Effects, Music and Recordings
  • All of the Above
  • GIFs, Photos and Videos

It is an educational platform that is based on games and questions, through this tool, teachers can create questionnaires, discussions, or surveys that complement academic lessons.

  • Kahoot!

In making a PowerPoint presentation you should use clip art and graphics all the time.

  • True
  • False

It is a strategy to save time for exit tickets that uses an online notepad, students can write a journal entry to summarize what they learned.

  • Tweets
  • SlideShow Comment
  • Journal Entries

A scoring rubric does not provide a basis for self-evaluation, reflection, and peer review.

  • True
  • False

Information is power when it is accessed and processed. While there are multiple ways to access information through printed text and digital media, students needed additional skills in how to analyze and interpret the information.

  • Accessing and Analyzing Information

As the name suggests, this tool is great for mapping out ideas. A good way to start a project is by asking driving questions like what is the essence of a project? It’s great for collaborative brainstorming in project planning and analyzing concepts.

  • Mindmeister

Individual use of computers is not appropriate because pupils are not allowed to demonstrate individual mastery of skills or submit individual responses during the lessons.

  • True
  • False

A simple application that works well for live audiences using mobile devices like phones, people participate by visiting a fast mobile-friendly web page for your event or sending text messages. The poll that is embedded within the presentation or web page will update in real-time.

  • Poll Everywhere
  • Google Forms
  • Survey Monkey

Evaluation implies a systematic process which omits the casual uncontrolled observation of pupils.

  • True
  • False

A versatile tool used for commenting on any type of media, from videos to photos. It’s especially useful in foreign language classes.

  • VoiceThread

This is the type of rubric that is much easier to create, but much more difficult to use accurately. Typically, a teacher provides a series of letter grades or a range of numbers (1-4 or 1-6, for example) and then assigns expectations for each of those scores.

  • Analytic Rubric
  • Holistic Rubric
  • Analytic-Holistic Rubric

It is otherwise known as Smart Boards.

  • Touchscreen Whiteboard
  • Interactive Electronic Whiteboard
  • Interactive Electronic Black Board

A mobile device, typically with a mobile operating system and touchscreen display processing circuitry, and a rechargeable battery in a single, thin and flat package.

  • Educational Tablets
  • Touchscreen Computer
  • Electronic Books

It is advisable that you must revise your rubric.

  • True
  • False

Systematic collection of evidence, interpretation, judgement of value, and assessment are the four key elements of evaluation according to C.E. Beeby.

  • True
  • False

Sometimes, it is helpful to allow conflict inside the classroom.

  • True
  • False

Using ICT in education encourages individual learning as well as collaboration.

  • True
  • False

This creative tool is excellent for creating digital posters and other multimedia projects. It can be used as a ‘pre-tool’ for a major project, or simply to highlight research.

  • Glogster

One of the best ways to document collaboration and engage students with technology is use social media platforms like Edmodo.

  • True
  • False

A general principle in designing Instructional Materials that refers to the appropriateness of the materials in terms of for the age, emotional and social development, and ability level of the students.

  • Appropriateness

The ADDIE model is a five-step cyclical process that can be used in designing online instruction only.

  • True
  • False

Sharing a computer between a pair of pupils is not appropriate when the learning tasks require interaction and collaboration between two pupils, it must be 1:1 ratio.

  • True
  • False

Use the same color slide backgrounds to apply uniformity in the presentation even if you have shifted in different topic to be consistent.

  • True
  • False

Teacher's role in PBL is to spoonfeed information to easily teach the pupils.

  • True
  • False

Editing peer’s work

  • Use of word processor to track changes

Evaluation plays an enormous role in the teaching-learning process.

  • True
  • False

To assess the students and their complete development brought about through education is the absence of evaluation.

  • True
  • False

In ADDIE Model, the designer identifies the learning problem, the goals and objectives, the audience’s needs, existing knowledge, and any other relevant characteristics.

  • Analysis

Develop instructional strategies based on your analysis of both the learners and the course content.

  • True
  • False

An is educational tool that connects teachers and students, and is assimilated into a social network.

  • Edmodo

This refers to a generic instructional model that provides an organized process for developing instructional materials.

  • ADIE Model
  • ADDIE Model
  • ADDEI Model

In order to make sure students are getting the content and skills they need, good teachers use many summative assessments.

  • True
  • False

Font size must be large enough to read from anywhere in the room, titles and headings should be no less than ____________?

  • 35-40
  • 36-40
  • 37-40

Teaching aids specially ICT Materials can replace the efficiency of a teacher in teaching.

  • True
  • False

Who stated that evaluation is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to determine the extent to which pupils are achieving instructional objectives?

  • James M. Bradfield
  • C.E.. Beeby
  • Grounlound and Linn

One of the effect of ICT in Education is it can reduce the learning rate of the students.

  • True
  • False

Online survey software that helps you to create and run professional online surveys, it is a very powerful and a well-known online application.

  • Survey Monkey
  • Poll Everywhere
  • Google Forms

This technique of questioning stretches the mind, promotes deep thinking and recall of prior knowledge.

  • Note Check
  • Brainstorming
  • Focused Listing

The teacher's role is to circulate the room, ensuring that students are asking big questions, using resources appropriately and completing the tasks associated with the lesson and project goals

  • True
  • False

Evaluation always assumes that educational objectives have previously been identified and defined.

  • True
  • False

Creating multi-authored products

  • Use of wikis to collaborate on an information report

Use PowerPoint to project long and complete sentences rather than hints or cues to avoid confusion.

  • True
  • False

A similar tool to FotoBabble. This voiceover tool is excellent for telling stories of a photograph and other visual projects.

  • Audioboo

Effective communication is predicated on verbal, written, technological, and presentation skills, students must develop efficacy in articulating their thoughts, intentions, and rationale for any given situation.

  • Effective Oral and Written Communication

Gathering information from online sources

  • Use of Internet to search for specific information

Who invented the concept of project learning in the early 20th century?

  • Sigmund Freud
  • William Heard Kilpatrick
  • Ivan Pavlov
  • John Dewey

What do you call a time-management and scheduling calendar service developed by Google?

  • Google Reminder
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Notes

A digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.

  • Internet Radio
  • Podcast
  • Spotify

Students who are agile, flexible, and adaptable are more adept at handling change. These students learn to apply different strategies and techniques to diverse learning situations.

  • Agility and Adaptability

Presenting and sharing data

  • Use of word processor to report findings in the form of text, graphics and tables

Viewing multi-media objects

  • Use of digital graphic organizers

Managing and processing data

  • Use of spreadsheet to input data into tables

The design of a lesson often determines the kinds of learning that can take place and how learning is achieved.

  • True
  • False

These are another useful teaching aid used especially in small classes to teach vocabulary and important concepts.

  • Flash Cards
  • Charts
  • Pictures

Technology, like social media, can utilize to assess students project in PBL.

  • True
  • False

The goal of PBL is to create a meaningful output from the topic discussed by the teacher.

  • True
  • False

Sharing a computer among a group of pupils provides opportunities for pupils to experience teamwork (e.g. taking turns) and collaboration.

  • True
  • False

A head-mounted device that you wear over your eyes like a pair of goggles.

  • Simulation Goggles
  • VR Box Headset
  • VR Simulator

Teachers must give pupils opportunity to interact and apply ICT skills only when it is a computer subject.

  • True
  • False

What is ICT?

  • Technology
  • Communication
  • Information
  • Information Communication Technology

Single criteria rubrics (one-dimensional) used to assess participants' overall achievement on an activity or item based on predefined achievement levels.

  • Analytic Rubric
  • Analytic-Holistic Rubric
  • Holistic Rubric

PBL can be utilized in all subject areas.

  • True
  • False

A general principle in designing instructional material where instructional materials must be accurate, up-to-date, and reliable information.

  • Organization and Balance
  • Authenticity
  • Appropriateness

If you are going to use PowerPoint, stand to one side of the screen and face the audience while presenting.

  • True
  • False

This technique of questioning helps with recall of pertinent information.

  • Focused Listing

Students think critically when they engage in real-world problems, question ideas or issues within their environment, and refine their understanding after new learning.

  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

This technique allows for students to think more deeply about the topic and to apply what they have learned in a question format

  • If You Could Ask One Last Question

In ADDIE Model, the plan is put into action and a procedure for training the learner and teacher is developed.

  • Implementation

It is a teaching method wherein learners acquire information and skills by working for an extended timeframe to examine and respond to real, engaging, problem solving issue or challenge.

  • ICT-Integration
  • Constructivist
  • Learning by Doing
  • PBL

In using ICT in class, the teacher must let the student browse the internet while in discussion.

  • True
  • False

This versatile browser-based tool enables students to combine blogging, videos and photographs on interactive Google Earth and Google Maps.

  • Myhistro

It allow students to concentrate on, and discuss with a partner, what has been presented.

  • Think-Pair-Share

Collecting real-life physical data

  • Use of cameras to collect evidence

ICT is an umbrella term that includes all technologies for the communication of information.

  • True
  • False

A simple, fun, and engaging introduction to programming, designed specifically for 8 to 16-year-olds.

  • Scratch

It is a generic instructional model that provides an organized process for developing instructional materials

  • ADDIE Moel

It is the same with PowerPoint but is an online platform wherein the animations zoom in and out and move side to side across one single, very attractive and modern canvas, focusing in on images and videos inputted by the user.

  • Prezi

It is an app that allows teachers to create simple quizzes that students can take quickly on laptops – or, more often, via classroom tablet computers or their own smartphones created by Boston-based graduate school students.

  • Google Forms
  • Socrative
  • Survey Monkey

One of the phases of ADDIE Model that refers to a systematic process of specifying learning objectives.

  • Design
  • Development
  • Analysis

During this phase, the designer identifies the learning problem, the goals and objectives, the audience’s needs, existing knowledge, and any other relevant characteristics.

  • Design
  • Analysis
  • Development

The lessons in geography becomes realistic when the teachers use this kind of teaching aid which makes the student understand and know various geographical concepts and to know the locations of various places in the world.

  • Maps
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