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Operating System Functions

Examine essential operating system functions, such as managing hardware resources, providing user interfaces, and shaping modern computing experiences.
















Which command used to check ipaddress in command prompt

  • Ipconf
  • Ipconfig
  • Ipaddrs
  • Config/ip

This is a feature that can be found on different operating systems is where data is stored and and a way for the user to find the data.

  • File structures and paths
  • RAID storage system
  • manage multiple desktops
  • tech launch points

Which macOS feature is functionally equivalent to file explorer?

  • finder

23. What is the purpose of the registry in the Windows operating system?

  • This stores configuration settings and options.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This queues print jobs.

_Select the functions of OS

  • process Management
  • process Management
  • file Management
  • security Management

Which test BIOS conducts when the computer is switch on?

  • POST

Which of the following isn't an operating system?

  • Mac OS X
  • Z/OS
  • Apple
  • Linux

Which application below are example of Utility Software?

  • Windows File Explorer
  • Windows File Explorer
  • Internet Explorer
  • FileMaker
  • Directory Opus

Describe paging

  • Memory is divided into fixed size pages, of 4Kb each.A process currently in memory may be held in several non-contiguous pages.

Three basic tasks that all computers perform. Input, __________, and Output (fill in the blank)

  • processing

60. Which of the following is not a function of the system preferences in macOS?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This provides real-time weather updates.
  • This allows users to customize system settings.

36. Which of the following is not a function of a window manager in a graphical user interface?

  • This allows users to resize windows.
  • This manages window placement on the screen.
  • This controls hardware resources.
  • This provides window decorations.

Which of these devices are input devices?

  • Mouse (Missed)
  • Mouse (Missed)
  • Laser Printer
  • Radio Frequency Identification (Missed)
  • Keyboard (Missed)

8. What is the role of the file system in an operating system?

  • This manages files and directories.
  • This is responsible for user authentication.
  • This controls hardware resources.
  • This provides internet connectivity.

10. What is the purpose of a device driver in an operating system?

  • This manages user accounts.
  • This enables communication with hardware devices.
  • This schedules tasks.
  • This controls memory allocation.

GIMP stands for? (ALL CAPS)


This runs on proprietary hardware only, with an emphasis on speed, dependability and accuracy. It is partially open source but it's kernel is based on Unix.

  • iOS
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • macOS

Which of the following is an identifier for a file that contains all the information the file system needs to locate and access the file?

  • Process ID
  • IRQ
  • File Handle
  • ISR

Which of the following is Internal DOS Command?

  • EDIT
  • EXIT

How is the operating system started up?

  • A small program called the loader is held in ROM. When a computer is switched on, the loader in ROM sends instructions to load the operating system by copying it from storage into RAM.

System Preferences and the Utility Folder are tech launch points for which operating system?

  • Windows
  • Android
  • Linux
  • macOS

34. What is the primary function of a file manager in an operating system?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages user accounts.
  • This organizes and manipulates files and directories.
  • This controls memory allocation.

Which Operating System does not support long file names?

  • OS/2
  • Windows 95
  • MS-DOS
  • Windows NT

Which of the following are the parts of operating system?

  • Kernel
  • Kernel
  • Device Driver
  • GUI
  • System Utilities
  • User Interface

Which of these important tasks are performed by the kernel?

  • Schedule Processes to Run
  • Prioritizes Processes
  • Manages Memory
  • Controls Access to I/O Devices
  • All of These

63. What is the role of the notification center in modern operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This displays notifications and alerts from apps and system events.
  • This controls input/output devices.

31. What is the primary function of an embedded operating system?

  • This manages file systems.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This provides internet connectivity.
  • This runs on specialized hardware and performs specific functions.

UEFI stands for? (ALL CAPS)


89. What is the primary function of the digital assistant in mobile operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This provides voice-activated assistance and performs tasks based on user commands.
  • This controls input/output devices.

---------------- RTOs are found in airbags and nuclear power plants.

  • Hard

Used for most home/office computers and for personal or business matters. It is also seen on servers and tablets (phones less successful).Considered one of the most user-friendly and is a closed source OS

  • Unix
  • macOS
  • Windows
  • Android


  • A signal from a software program, hardware device or internal clock to the CPU sent to get attention.An interrupt may be sent when an application program terminates or requests certain services from the operating system.

________ is a generic term used to describe computer programs that run on PCs, mobile phones, tablets, or other smart devices

  • Operating System
  • Application Software
  • Software
  • System Software

Disk thrashing

  • This is where the computer has insufficient memory and it is continuously swapping pages in and out of RAM which causes performance to noticeably dip.

Which of the following is not Network Operating System?

  • Windows NT
  • Windows XP
  • MS-DOS
  • Linux

88. Which of the following is not a function of the system preferences in Windows Mobile?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to customize system settings.
  • This is a photo editing app.

Education and Reference Software is also known as?

  • Learning Software
  • School Software
  • Technical Software
  • Academic Software

38. What is the primary function of the Control Panel in the Windows operating system?

  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This allows users to configure system settings.
  • This predicts future system failures.

How to reset the password

  • Right click on user and reset password
  • Right click on user and set password
  • Right click on user and new password
  • All the above

Windows XP provides the ………options, which enables you to restore any data in case it is lost or damaged.

  • Safe mode
  • Automated system Recovery
  • Backup media
  • Backup or Restore wizard

Not able to send mails. Select possible issues

  • Check the Mail size (Missed)
  • Check the Mail size (Missed)
  • Check whether email id address is correct (Missed)
  • Check whether outlook is online (Missed)

The ______ handles user interactions between user and kernal

  • shell

Copying a process from memory to disk to allow space for other processes is called?

  • Swapping
  • Deadlock
  • Demand Paging
  • Page Fault

Which of the following server functions enables two or more servers to act as one?

  • Hot Swapping
  • File Storage
  • Clustering
  • Hot Adding

Programs and their data need to be loaded into ...

  • ROM
  • RAM

________ is a collection of software that handles resources and provides general services for the other applications that run over them.

  • Application Software
  • Utility
  • Operating System
  • Database Software

59. What is the primary function of the system clock in an operating system?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This keeps track of time and date.
  • This controls input/output devices.

Which of the following are loaded into main memory when the computer is booted?

  • Internal command instructions
  • External command instructions
  • Utility programs
  • Word processing instructions

. . …...command is used for starts a system service or device driver in recovery console

  • Enable
  • Disable
  • Chkdsk
  • Fixboot

What are the two main functions of an operating system?

  • Booting up the system when the computer is first switched on (Missed)
  • Booting up the system when the computer is first switched on (Missed)
  • Opening the internet
  • Protecting the computer from hackers
  • Managing memory during multi-tasking (Missed)

Can you think of any reasons why processing might need to be interrupted? (Tick all that apply)

  • AN I/O sends an interrupt signal
  • AN I/O sends an interrupt signal
  • Power failure
  • An error occurs in a program
  • Printer runs out of paper

There are 4 basic functions of the operating system, one of which provides methods to _______ the device from threats such as data loss or improper access

  • secure

-------------- is the core that controls all other programs>

  • Device Driver
  • System Utilities
  • Kernel
  • User Interface

47. What is the primary function of the task scheduler in an operating system?

  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This automates the execution of tasks at specified times.

90. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing app permissions and privacy settings?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This is responsible for app permissions and privacy.
  • This controls input/output devices.

Which command used to convert FAT32 file system to NTFS

  • Convert /FS:NTFS drivename
  • Convert drivename /FS:NTFS
  • Both A and B are correct

Is a non-computer OS, targeted for smartphones, open source and has it's own app store. Considered a flexible OS because users can tweak the OS as they wish.

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Linux

41. What is the primary function of the disk defragmenter in Windows?

  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This reorganizes fragmented files for improved disk performance.
  • This controls input/output devices.

87. What is the role of the firewall in mobile operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls network traffic to enhance security.
  • This manages file permissions.

There are 4 basic functions of the operating system one of which creates a __________ which is a visual representation of the computer displayed on a monitor

  • user interface

What is created when there is not enough space in RAM?

  • virtual memory

20. Which of the following is not a function of the operating system's networking capabilities?

  • This provides internet connectivity.
  • This manages network resources.
  • This compiles source code.
  • This controls access to networked devices.

Which application listed below are examples of Graphics Software?

  • Carrara
  • Carrara
  • Inkscape
  • Picasa
  • Modo

81. What is the purpose of the recovery mode in some operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to troubleshoot and repair system issues.
  • This controls input/output devices.

9. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing processes?

  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This schedules and controls tasks.
  • This handles user interfaces.
  • This controls input/output devices.

is the highest folder in any folder-based hierarchy or disc, often denoted as (c:) and can be followed by sub folders

  • Powershell Directory
  • Base Directory
  • Root Directory
  • Bottom Directory

What device is used to read lottery tickets?

  • Optical Mark Reader
  • Optical Mark Reader
  • OMR

56. Which of the following is not a function of the system information utility in Windows?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This provides detailed information about hardware and software.
  • This controls input/output devices.

39. What is the purpose of the clipboard in an operating system?

  • This temporarily stores copied or cut data for later pasting.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This predicts future system failures.

Some operating systems have the ability to manage multiple desktops. This feature is called what for Windows?

  • Work Spaces
  • Spaces
  • Task View
  • Task Manager

29. What is the primary function of a real-time operating system (RTOS)?

  • This manages user accounts.
  • This controls memory allocation.
  • This provides timely and predictable task execution.
  • This schedules tasks randomly.

Which of the following is not an example of Programming Language Translator?

  • Assembler
  • Compiler
  • Debugger
  • Interpreter

48. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing user sessions and logins?

  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This manages file systems.
  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This is responsible for user authentication.

The utilized space of the paging files is used by ……….

  • Virtual memory
  • Virtual memory manager
  • Demand paging process
  • Scheduled task

What happens when the CPU receives an interrupt

  • - It suspends the execution of the running program or process and disables all interrupts of lower priority.- It then puts the values of the program counter (PC) and of each register onto the system stack, while an Interrupt Service Routine is called to deal with the interrupt.- Once the interrupt has been serviced, the original values of the registers are retried from the stack and the process resumes from the point that it left off.

Process of turning on the computer and loading operating system files from disk to memory is known as

  • Loading
  • Opening
  • Booting
  • Compiling

84. Which of the following is not a function of the system preferences in macOS?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to customize system settings.
  • This is a file compression tool.

83. What is the role of the app sandboxing feature in some operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This isolates and secures individual apps to prevent them from affecting the entire system.
  • This controls input/output devices.

52. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing fonts and printing services?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages file systems.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This is responsible for font and print management.

User-Friendly Systems are:

  • Equired for object-oriented programming
  • Easy to develop
  • Common among traditional mainframe operating systems
  • Becoming more common

_________ is the conversion of an encoded format back into the original sequence of characters.

  • Decoding

The boot procedure is a series of steps performed by every computing device that starts with the application of power to the CPU and other hardware components and ends with a running system ready to perform work. (T or F)

  • True
  • False

27. What is the purpose of the package manager in Linux distributions?

  • This installs, updates, and manages software packages.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This schedules tasks.

25. What is the role of the System Preferences in macOS?

  • This allows users to customize system settings.
  • This manages file permissions.
  • This controls memory allocation.
  • This schedules tasks.

The minimum hard disk space required to install windows XP professional is………

  • 1.5 GB on a 2 GB hard disk
  • 1 GB on a 2 GB hard disk
  • 500 MB on a 1 GB hard disk
  • 750 MB on a 2 GB hard disk

66. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing system updates and patches?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages software updates and security patches.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls input/output devices.

What are the Two Types of Device Drivers?

  • Virtual Device Drivers
  • Display Device Drivers
  • Kernel Device Drivers
  • User Device Driver

While running DOS on a PC, which command would be used to duplicate the entire diskette?

  • COPY
  • TYPE

54. Which of the following is not a function of the disk cleanup tool in Windows?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This removes unnecessary files to free up disk space.
  • This encrypts data.

Which of the following components translates computer code to hardware and is an interface between the OS and various pieces of hardware?

  • Kernel
  • I/O Tower
  • Device Driver
  • Monitor

30. Which of the following is not a function of a distributed operating system?

  • This manages resources across a network.
  • This provides fault tolerance.
  • This compiles source code.
  • This allows processes to communicate across machines.

Which of the following are examples of output devices?

  • Camera
  • Heater (Missed)
  • Speakers (Missed)

How to share folders

  • Right click on folder - properties - Share folder
  • Right click on folder - properties - Sharing - Select share this folder
  • All the above
  • None of the above

AE stands for? (ALL CAPS)


32. What

  • This manages file systems.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This allows multiple operating systems to run on a single host.
  • This provides internet connectivity.

65. What is the purpose of the energy saver settings in an operating system?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to configure power-saving options.
  • This controls input/output devices.

In printer Properties box, it is showing all printed documents, but Print is not coming. Where can I clear and restart the services?

  • Services.msc
  • Secpol.msc
  • Appwiz.cpl
  • Gpedit.msc

69. What is the role of the app store in mobile operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This allows users to download and install applications.

14. Which of the following is not a function of an operating system's security features?

  • This controls access to resources.
  • This encrypts data.
  • This manages user accounts.
  • This compiles source code.

A computer cannot "boot" if it does not have the

  • Compiler
  • Loader
  • Operating system
  • Assembler

Which Operating System does not support networking between computers?

  • Windows 3.1
  • Windows 95
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows NT

82. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing cloud integration and synchronization with online services?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This is responsible for cloud integration and synchronization.
  • This controls input/output devices.

Which of the following is a Multi-user multitasking operating system?

  • Windows
  • Ubuntu
  • Linux
  • Android

What are the functions of an operating system?

  • -Provides a user interface to the user-Memory management-Interrupt service routines -Processor scheduling -Backing store management-Management of all input and output

What type of user interface can the operating system provide? Command ____ Interface.

  • line

How to create users in WinXP

  • Goto command prompt - type - netuser username /add
  • Goto command prompt - type - net user username
  • Goto computer management - select users - right click on users and select new user (Missed)
  • Goto command prompt - type - net user username /add (Missed)

One of the function of operating system is it serves an interface between user and ______ ?

  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Utilities
  • Data ware

What are the two main types of system software?

  • Virus Protection
  • Operating system (Missed)
  • CD Rom
  • Utility Software (Missed)

What is the name given to the organized collection of software that controls the overall operation of a computer?

  • Working system
  • Peripheral system
  • Operating system
  • Controlling system

21. What is the primary role of the boot loader in an operating system?

  • This loads the operating system into memory during startup.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This handles file management.
  • This schedules tasks.

Which of these functions does the operating system provide?

  • User Interface
  • Interrupt Handling
  • Processor Scheduling
  • Memory Management
  • All of them

Which of these is not an operating system?

  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Ubuntu
  • iOS
  • Chrome

. ……….tool would be to block the installation of unsigned files.

  • File signature verification
  • Driver signing options in the system control panel
  • System file checker
  • Sigverif

Label the diagram of an operating system and the order of components interacting with one another

  • A) hardwareB) applicationC) shellD) kernel
  • A) applicationB) kernelC) shellD) hardware
  • A) applicationB) shellC) kernelD) hardware
  • A) shellB) applicationC) kernelD) hardware

35. What is the role of the taskbar in the Windows operating system?

  • This provides internet connectivity.
  • This allows quick access to running applications and system functions.
  • This manages file permissions.
  • This controls memory allocation.

74. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing biometric authentication features such as fingerprint recognition?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This is responsible for biometric security.
  • This controls input/output devices.

22. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing system resources such as CPU and memory?

  • This manages input/output devices.
  • This is the user interface.
  • This is the resource manager.
  • This controls device drivers.

18. Which component of an operating system manages input and output operations?

  • This is responsible for user authentication.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This is the user interface.

44. Which component of an operating system manages user accounts and permissions?

  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This is responsible for user authentication.
  • This manages user accounts and access control.
  • This predicts future system failures.

DBMS stands for? (ALL CAPS)


A system program that combines the separately compiled modules of a program into a form suitable for execution

  • Assembler
  • Linking loader
  • Cross compiler
  • Load and go

71. What is the purpose of the location services in mobile operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows apps to determine the device's geographic location.
  • This controls input/output devices.

File compression is reducing the size of a file by converting it to a different format.

  • True
  • False

Which of the following is the primary purpose of an operating system?

  • To make the most efficient use of the computer hardware
  • To allow people to use the computer
  • To keep systems programmers employed
  • To make computers easier to use

One can perform multiple tasks with the help of ---------------------.

  • RTO
  • single-user operating system
  • multi-user operating system
  • multitasking operating system

------------------ ACCEPTS COMMANDS.

  • CUI

Which of the following is not a job typically handled by an operating systems' kernel?

  • Managing the use of RAM
  • Handling priority levels assigned to programs
  • Managing interactions with the CPU
  • Displaying a GUI

The ____ performs memory and hardware component tests on startup, during a process called the power-on self-test (POST).

  • BIOS

Firmware can be considered as _______ as it remains permanent unless it is updated using a firmware updater.

  • Not Permanent
  • Permanent
  • Only Permanent
  • Semi Permanent

76. Which of the following is not a function of the system preferences in Chrome OS?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to customize system settings.
  • This is a video editing tool.

Which Operating System is not applicable to install on mobile devices?

  • IOS
  • MAC OS

16. Which of the following is not a type of file system used in operating systems?

  • This is a FAT file system.
  • This is an NTFS file system.
  • This is an ext4 file system.
  • This is a GPU file system.

70. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing the system's camera and multimedia features on mobile devices?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This is responsible for camera and multimedia functionality.
  • This controls input/output devices.

64. Which of the following is not a function of the system preferences in Linux?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to customize system settings.
  • This is a code compiler.

What does contiguous mean?

  • Pages are next to each other
  • Pages are not next to each other

Virtual memory

  • As RAM gets full, the OS may swap pages of temporarily inactive jobs out to disk, thus using secondary storage as an extension of memory to make room for the next job which has a share of processor time.

We can convert the file system FAT 32 to NTFS. (Yes/No)

  • Yes
  • No

Process is

  • Program in High level language kept on disk
  • Contents of main memory
  • A program in execution
  • A job in secondary memory

2. Which component of an operating system manages memory allocation?

  • This is responsible for user interfaces.
  • This manages input/output devices.
  • This is in charge of memory management.
  • This schedules tasks for execution.

73. What is the primary function of the virtual assistant in modern operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This provides voice-activated assistance and performs tasks based on user commands.
  • This controls input/output devices.

While working with MS-DOS, which command will you use to transfer a specific file from one disk to another?

  • COPY

11. What is the main function of the operating system scheduler?

  • This manages device drivers.
  • This controls memory allocation.
  • This handles file management.
  • This determines which task runs next.

67. What is the primary function of the screen saver in an operating system?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This prevents screen burn-in on idle displays.

The user can’t modify the source code and/or distribute

  • Shareware
  • Open Source
  • Closedwaire
  • Closed Source

85. What is the purpose of the system cleaner in some operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This removes temporary files and junk data to improve system performance.
  • This controls input/output devices.

What is the full form of DOS?

  • Disk Operation System
  • Dynamic Operating System
  • Disk Operating System
  • Dynamic Overload System

75. What is the role of the parental controls in an operating system?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows parents to restrict access to certain content and features for children.
  • This controls input/output devices.

. …...command is used for stops a system service or device driver in recovery console

  • Enable
  • Disable
  • Chkdsk
  • Fixboot

Steps to disable firewall

  • My Network places properties - change windows firewall - OFF
  • Start - settings - control plane - windows firewall - OFF
  • Start - control plane - windows firewall - OFF
  • None of the above

The boot loader in .... loads the Operating System (OS) into .... when the computer is switched on

  • ROM
  • ROM
  • Cache
  • RAM

Page table

  • A page table uses mapping to store a link between the physical memory address and the logical address space of each process.

45. What is the purpose of the recycle bin in Windows?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages file permissions.
  • This temporarily stores deleted files for possible recovery.
  • This controls input/output devices.

46. Which of the following is not a function of the system monitor in an operating system?

  • This provides real-time system performance metrics.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This encrypts data.

Which of the following is the structural element of GUI?


80. Which of the following is not a function of the system preferences in Ubuntu Linux?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to customize system settings.
  • This is a 3D modeling tool.

61. What is the purpose of the accessibility options in an operating system?

  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This provides features for users with disabilities.
  • This controls input/output devices.

How to repair or recover PST file

  • Right click on PST and click repair
  • Goto tools - select repair PST
  • Search scanPST.exe and then repair
  • None of the above

The tech tools PowerShell and Command Line interface are similar in that they are a way to issue commands via text only but PowerShell is more powerful

  • True
  • False

58. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing power settings on desktop computers?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This controls power management.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This manages file permissions.

Which runs on computer hardware and serves as platform for other software and the user program?

  • System software
  • System operations
  • Operating system
  • Utilities

28. Which of the following is not a role of the Android operating system?

  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This provides internet connectivity.
  • This compiles source code.

33. Which of the following is not a security feature of modern operating systems?

  • This manages user accounts.
  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This controls access to resources.
  • This encrypts data.

Memory is divided into fixed size chunks called....

  • Sections
  • Segments
  • Pages

53. What is the primary function of the backup and restore utility in an operating system?

  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages file permissions.
  • This creates and restores backups of data and system settings.

Where is the operating system held?

  • In permanent storage, such as a hard disk.

1. What is the primary function of an operating system?

  • This manages computer hardware and software resources.
  • This provides an interface for user interaction.
  • This executes application programs.
  • This designs computer hardware.

This is a feature that can be found on different operating systems for grouping your open applications and to increase productivity

  • File structures and paths
  • RAID storage system
  • manage multiple desktops
  • tech launch points

26. Which operating system function is responsible for managing power-saving features on laptops and mobile devices?

  • This manages user accounts.
  • This controls power management.
  • This encrypts data.
  • This handles file management.

24. Which of the following is not a function of the Windows Task Manager?

  • This provides information about running processes.
  • This allows you to start and stop services.
  • This manages printer settings.
  • This shows system performance metrics.

91. What is the role of the in-app purchases feature in mobile operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to buy digital goods and services within apps.
  • This controls input/output devices.

4. Which of the following is not an operating system function?

  • This manages files and directories.
  • This is responsible for writing application programs.
  • This controls input and output devices.
  • This handles error detection and correction.

12. Which of the following is not a memory management function of an operating system?

  • This compiles source code into machine code.
  • This allocates memory to processes.
  • This deallocates memory when it is no longer needed.
  • This swaps data between main memory and secondary storage.

57. What is the role of the network settings in an operating system?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to configure network connections and protocols.
  • This manages file permissions.

13. What does the term "process" refer to in the context of an operating system?

  • This is a hardware component.
  • This is an executing program.
  • This is a type of file.
  • This is a system utility.

7. Which of the following is not a type of operating system user interface?

  • This is a graphical user interface (GUI).
  • This is a command-line interface (CLI).
  • This is a batch interface.
  • This is a hardware interface.

78. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing encryption and data security features?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This is responsible for encryption and data security.
  • This controls input/output devices.

Which of the following is NOT a function of operating system?

  • Resource Manager
  • Storage Manager
  • Process Manager
  • Software Manager

The operating system creates virtual ____ from the physical computer.

  • Space
  • Computer
  • Device
  • Memory

Which command is used to take backup in windows

  • Backupnt
  • Goto properties of folder and select backup folder
  • Ntbackup
  • None of the above

42. Which of the following is not a system utility commonly found in operating systems?

  • This provides internet connectivity.
  • This manages file permissions.
  • This is a weather forecasting tool.
  • This controls memory allocation.

Which form of storage is fixed storage?

  • Hard Disk
  • Floppy Disk
  • USB Stick
  • Archive Storage

Microsoft Windows is an operating system, true or false?

  • True
  • False

When user starts the computer, it is showing an error message, “operating system not found.” Problem with …………

  • RAM
  • Operating system
  • Hard disk or Hard disk cable
  • Processor

What are the advantages of a USB stick?

  • Portable (Missed)
  • Portable (Missed)
  • Moving parts so it's faster
  • Durable (Missed)

49. What is the purpose of the event viewer in the Windows operating system?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This logs and displays system events and errors.
  • This manages file permissions.
  • This controls input/output devices.

You are a desktop support technician in you are organization. All client computers run windows XP professional. Each client computer is configured to support a USB mouse. A user reports that he installed a new driver for his mouse, but now the mouse does not work. You need to ensure that the mouse works again as soon as possible. What should you do?

  • Instruct the user to restart the computer by suing the Last known Good configuration option
  • Run the verify off command. Restart the computer
  • Instruct the user to use system restore
  • Instruct the user to use Device manager to roll back the mouse driver

What is an operating system?

  • A set of programs that manages the operations of the computer for the user. It acts as a bridge between the user and the computer's hardware, since a user cannot communicate with hardware directly.

The _______ is the primary interface between the OS and hardware

  • kernal

Where is an operating system installed?

  • Hard Disk
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • ROM

There are 4 basic functions of the operating system one of which provides a method for programs to _______ with hardware

  • communicates

It is important to consider the hardware ________ before choosing an operating system.

  • Size
  • Speed
  • Specification
  • Brand

System Software is also known as?

  • Systematic Software
  • High Level Software
  • Mid Level Software
  • Low Level Software

We can convert the file system NTFS to FAT 32. (Yes/No)

  • Yes
  • No

Control Panel containing add/remove programs, device manager and Troubleshooting are tech launch points for which operating system?

  • Windows
  • Android
  • Linux
  • macOS

The printer is working fine on the server but not able to print the documents on the network. Where is the problem?

  • Problem with server
  • Problem with printer
  • Problem with printer drivers in the client system
  • Problem with printer drivers in the server

Which application listed below are examples of Word Processor?

  • Google Docs
  • FoxPro
  • GIMP
  • Blender

5. Which type of software is responsible for managing hardware resources in an operating system?

  • This is a system utility.
  • This is an application program.
  • This is the kernel.
  • This is a device driver.

Repeatedly swapping pages can noticeably slow down the computer, this is know as ....

  • Disk Thrashing

This runs on proprietary hardware only, with an emphasis on security including strong encryption. It is closed source and has it's own app store

  • iOS
  • Linux
  • android
  • macOS

While booting the system, user getting long beeps code. Problem with………

  • VGA
  • Processor
  • RAM
  • Hard disk

6. What is the primary purpose of the user interface in an operating system?

  • This is used for installing software.
  • This allows users to interact with the computer.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This performs file management tasks.

40. Which component of an operating system manages system logs and error reporting?

  • This manages file systems.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This is responsible for logging and error handling.
  • This provides internet connectivity.

72. Which of the following is not a function of the system preferences in iOS?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to customize system settings.
  • This is a web browser.

You have to perform a backup of all files in your organization. What type of back-up will you use?

  • Incremental Backup
  • Differential Backup
  • Normal Backup
  • Copy Backup

Terminal is a common tech launch point for which 2 operating systems?

  • WindowsmacOS
  • AndroidLinux
  • LinuxiOS
  • macOSLinux

17. What is the role of the command interpreter in an operating system?

  • This interprets and executes user commands.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls hardware resources.
  • This schedules tasks.

68. Which of the following is not a function of the system preferences in Android?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows users to customize system settings.
  • This is a programming IDE.

This is open source, acts like Unix, composed of just the kernel and not the OS so that it can be built off of, and is has over 300 different types of distributions

  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Uni
  • Windows

The method by which an OS stores, organizes, and manages access to files on a storage device is known as which of the following?

  • Process
  • Kernel
  • Service
  • File System

Which is the first software that runs on a computer when it is switched on?

  • I/O Controllers
  • BIOS
  • POST
  • MBR

50. Which of the following is not a function of the system restore feature in Windows?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This restores the system to a previous state.
  • This encrypts data.

What is the name given to links within an excel document that act as buttons, taking you to different pages within the document.

  • Macro
  • Macro
  • Macros
  • Macro's

This software focuses on how an OS functions and then accordingly, it decides its trajectory to smoothen the functioning of the system.

  • Device Drivers
  • Web Browsers
  • Application Software
  • Utility Software

77. What is the purpose of the guest mode feature in some operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This allows temporary and restricted access to the system for guests.
  • This controls input/output devices.

Which key used to enter BIOS in IBM machine

  • F1

It is used in operating system to separate mechanism from policy?

  • Single level implementation
  • Two level implementation
  • Three level implementation
  • Multi level implementation

A system program that sets up an executable program in main memory ready for execution is

  • Assembler
  • Linker
  • Loader
  • Compiler

Name 2 memory management techniques used by the operating system

  • 1). Paging2). Segmentation

Which type of multitasking does the OS give control of the CPU to a process and wait for it to terminate or enter a waiting state?

  • Preemptive
  • Cooperative

37. What is the purpose of a device manager in an operating system?

  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls and configures hardware devices.
  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This schedules tasks.


  • Logical division of address space into varying length segments which depend on the program structure.As with paging, it is possible to load only a part of a program into memory initially.

55. What is the purpose of the disk management tool in an operating system?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This allows users to partition and format disk drives.

3. What does the term "kernel" refer to in an operating system?

  • This is a type of hardware component.
  • This is a system utility.
  • This is the core of the operating system.
  • This is a peripheral device.

Which software listed below is an example of Application Software?

  • Web Browsers
  • Web Browsers
  • Operating System
  • Education & Reference Software

DOS is a _____________ Operating System.

  • GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  • CUI (Character User Interface)
  • Both
  • None

Which of these devices have an operating system? (Tick all that apply)

  • Desktop Computer
  • Desktop Computer
  • Laptop
  • Mobile Phone

What is the windows equivalent to the macOS “dock” bar?

  • taskbar

IE stands for? (ALL CAPS)


43. What is the role of the software updater in an operating system?

  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This installs updates and patches for software and security improvements.
  • This controls input/output devices.

19. What is the purpose of a spooler in an operating system?

  • This manages user accounts.
  • This queues and schedules print jobs.
  • This encrypts data.
  • This controls memory allocation.

Which command used to check computer name in command prompt

  • Systemname
  • Hostname
  • Compname
  • Sysname

79. What is the role of the gaming mode in some operating systems?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This optimizes system performance for gaming.
  • This controls input/output devices.

The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done, is

  • Operation code
  • Address
  • Locator
  • Flip-Flop

15. What is the purpose of virtual memory in an operating system?

  • This allows multiple users to access the system simultaneously.
  • This increases the physical RAM of a computer.
  • This manages device drivers.
  • This extends available RAM by using disk space.

This has a centralized OS kernel which is responsible for managing the entire system. Is considered the mother of most OS (1965), is proprietary but some versions are free for development use

  • macOS
  • Linux
  • Unix
  • MS-Dos

What is the first program that runs on a computer when the computer boots up?

  • System software
  • System operations
  • Operating system
  • Utilities

Application Software is also known as?

  • Media Program
  • Entertainment Program
  • Productivity Program
  • Responsive Program

51. What is the role of the firewall in an operating system?

  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This controls incoming and outgoing network traffic to enhance security.
  • This manages file permissions.

There are 4 basic functions of the operating system, one of which gives __________ to programs in order to install, delete, move, shutdown or run programs.

  • user access

Which of the following are examples of input devices?

  • Keyboard (Missed)
  • Keyboard (Missed)
  • Scanner (Missed)

Give 3 examples of interrupts in descending order of priority

  • 1). Power-fail interrupt2). Clock interrupt3). An I/O device sends a signal requesting service or signalling end of I/O operation.

Which of the following is an example of GUI?

  • Windows
  • MS Dos
  • Unix

86. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing system backups and data recovery?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This is responsible for backups and data recovery.
  • This controls input/output devices.

Encoding is the process of putting a sequence of characters (letters, numbers, punctuation, and certain symbols) into a specialized format for efficient transmission or storage.

  • True
  • False

Some operating systems have the ability to manage multiple desktops. This feature is called what for macOS?

  • Task Manager
  • Spaces
  • Task View
  • Space Manager

Original source code is made freely available

  • Free Source
  • Closed Source
  • Open Source
  • Freeware

62. Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing sound and audio devices?

  • This predicts future system failures.
  • This manages memory allocation.
  • This controls input/output devices.
  • This is
  • responsible for audio settings and playback.
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