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Political Science

A field that analyzes political systems, governance, international relations, and public policy to understand the dynamics of decision-making in society.










political parties

public administration

international relations

public policy

political theory

political ideology

Conservatism is "an ideology based on the collective or state ownership of the means of production and the belief in the states ability to provide social justice, redistributive wealth, and fix social problems."

  • True
  • False

A monarchy is:

  • Rule by a president, not a king
  • Rule by a dictator
  • Rule by a king
  • Limited government

Which feature of sovereignty explains the fact that even when the state does not exercise sovereignty, sovereignty continues to live?

  • inalienability
  • comprehensiveness
  • imperceptibility
  • exclusiveness

USA is situated in _____________

  • North America

The annual federal budget deficit is the amount that our federal government borrows each year whereas the national ____ is is the net accumulated borrowing by the federal government.

  • debt

In the technical sense, state and nation are the same.

  • True
  • False

How many methods compasses Political Science?

  • 10
  • 5
  • 9
  • 8

USSR now is represented by

  • Russia
  • America
  • Britain
  • France

U.S. central government is ____, whereas Britain's central government is ______.

  • Weak; strong
  • Strong;weak

According to Aristotle, abusive exercise of power of a Monarch leads to _______.

  • Tyranny
  • Anarchy
  • Dictatorship
  • war

The sovereign that is present behind legal sovereign and the legal sovereign works under its influence.(capital letters)



  • United States Soviet Russia
  • United Soviet socialist Russia
  • Union of socialist Soviet Republic
  • Union of Soviet socialist republic

USA is

  • United Soviet America
  • United Soviet Africa
  • United States of Africa
  • United States of America

About ___% of national governments in the world are unitary.

  • 5%
  • 10%
  • 50%
  • 90%
  • 95%

A republic is ruled by:

  • A King
  • A dictator
  • A president
  • The people directly

Which of the following is NOT a source of law?

  • Proclamations
  • Treaties
  • Public Relations
  • Ordinances

Citizens by birth can be classified into two- Jus Solis and Jus Sanguinis. Which of them best describe the blood relation of a child to his parents?

  • Jus Sanguinis
  • Jus Solis

A constitution is a set of fundamental rules that govern political life in a particular territory. Canada's constitution was formed by The Constitution Act, ______ and was previously the ______, ______.

  • 1982, British North American Act, 1982
  • 1982, Magna Carta, 1982
  • 1867, British North American Act, 1867
  • 1867, Magna Carta, 1867

In a Presidential Government, power is divided into three- Legislative, Executive, and ________.

  • Judiciary
  • Juridical
  • Juris
  • Jure

According to the Indian Constitution, every individual charged with a crime has to be given a ___-

  • Fair trial
  • Free trip
  • Free trial
  • Judgment

Rule by a small group of people who share similar interests or relations.

  • Authoritarian
  • Oligarchy
  • Democracy
  • Theocracy

What are the two ways that the U.S. can change it's constitution?

  • By President
  • By Senate
  • By Congress
  • By Convention

It is one of the different versions of Diffusion theory which states that cultures have originated from one culture center.

  • Superstructure
  • Egalitarian Society
  • Culture Circles
  • Heliocentric Diffusion

The word _________ is a Greek word which means city state.

  • polis
  • scientia
  • polites
  • politikos

The ______ is the supreme representative authority of the people .

  • parliament
  • Rajya Sabha
  • Lok Sabha
  • None of these

It is the in-depth study of everyday life and practice of individuals or social groups.

  • Ethnography
  • Epidemiology
  • Epistemology
  • Endology

Which of the following is NOT an importance of law.

  • Maintain peace and order
  • Impose rules and regulations
  • Protect human rights and citizen's freedom
  • Limits the power of government to avoid greediness.
  • None of the above

What year was the Two Treatises of Government first published?

  • 1689

Which article included the "Necessary and Proper" clause?

  • Article I
  • Article V
  • Article III
  • Article II

Since Confederation government has taken on less responsibilities for helping citizens.

  • True
  • False

Rule by an individual who has inherited the role and expects to bequeath it to their heir.

  • Authoritarian
  • Autocracy
  • Monarchy
  • Oligarchy

Refers to the systematic study of the state and government.

  • Political Science

Democracy means rule by:

  • God
  • The people
  • The best
  • The wealthy

If anyone's fundamental rights are violated, he can go to the ____

  • Lok Sabha
  • Rajya Sabha
  • Parliament
  • Court

In the court who represents the interests of the state?

  • Public Inspector
  • Personal Presecutor
  • Public Prosecutor
  • Private Prosecution

What values does government allocate?

  • Absolutism
  • Status
  • Wealth
  • Opportunity
  • Partisanship
  • Partisanship

Which article included the "Full faith and Credit" clause?

  • Article I
  • Article II
  • Article VII
  • Article IV

What is the full form of PIL?

  • Public Illegal Law
  • Public Interest Litigation
  • Personal Interest Litigation
  • Public Interest Limited

What is Article I about?

  • Judicial Power
  • Executive Power
  • State Power/Limits
  • Legislative Power

Refers to a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control.

  • State

What year was the Townshend Act created?

  • 1767
  • 1765
  • 1620
  • 1786

Which house has the power to remove the council of ministers by passing the 'No Confidence Motion'.

  • Lok Sabha
  • Local Sabha
  • Rajya Sabha
  • None of these

Who said the right to:1. Life2. Liberty3. Property

  • John Locke

Compromise made by states at the Constitutional Convention for a bicameral legislature with a lower house in which representation would be based on population and an upper house in which each state would have two senators

  • New Jersey Plan
  • Three-fifths compromise
  • Shays' Rebellion
  • Connecticut Compromise
  • None of the above

Three sources of political legitimacy are:

  • Absolutism
  • Will of the people
  • God
  • Gubernatorial elections
  • Excellence

Describe the form of government in the Philippines. Choose all the applies.

  • Monarchy
  • Absolute Monarchy
  • Limited Monarchy
  • Aristocracy
  • Democracy
  • Direct Democracy
  • Indirect Democracy
  • Unitary Government
  • Federal Government
  • Parliamentary Government
  • Presidential Government
  • Federal Government
  • Parliamentary Government
  • Presidential Government

The parliament is the creation of the ____ that came into effect in 1950.

  • constitution
  • laws
  • decision of people
  • decision of president

This sovereignty is the essence of Democracy.(capital letters)


A sociologist conducts research into the ways that Filipino Muslim workers are historically underprivileged in the Philippine labor system. What theoretical perspective is the sociologist using?

  • Functionalism
  • Conflict Theory
  • Symbolic Interactionism
  • Social Evolutionism

Which of the following would be examples of exclusive powers of provincial legislatures. (Section 92 of the Constitution Act 1867) (more than one)

  • The establishment, maintenance, and management of public and reformatory prisons in and for the province.
  • The establishment, maintenance, and management of penitentaries.
  • The establishment, maintenance, and management of hospitals, asylums.
  • Navigation and shipping
  • Postal Service
  • Banking, incorporation of banks, and the issue of paper money.

Right to Property is a -----------------right

  • Legal right

This element of the state is a supreme and independent to manage its internal affairs & be free from external control.

  • People
  • Sovereignty
  • President
  • Law

This version of the Philippine constitution promotes social justice, human rights, and civil liberties.

  • 1973
  • 1987
  • 1986
  • 1943

Rule by a government where all citizens are represented, but power is held by the majority.

  • Authoritarian
  • Autocracy
  • Monarch
  • Democracy
  • Oligarchy

What is the state of nature?

  • Anarchy
  • absence of government

Time that the President Corazon Aquino created a Freedom constitution Proclamation No. 3, s. 1986 and issued Proclamation No. 9 which created Constitutional Comission tasked to draft a new charter.

  • 1987 Philippine Constitutions
  • 1973 Philippine Constitutions
  • 1935 Philippine Constitutions
  • Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916

Independent voters claim to have ___________ party affiliation.

  • Democratic
  • Strong, specific
  • No specific
  • Republican

What proposed a bicameral legislature where they had a house by population and a senate by equal representation?

  • The New Jersey Plan
  • The Great Compromise
  • The Mayflower Compact
  • The Virginia Plan

In which field does the following research question belong?"What are the similarities and differences in methods of Malaysia, Cambodia, and Philippines in aiding their health related sectors?"

  • Anthropology
  • Sociology
  • Political Science
  • None of the above

Tick the odd one. The four elements of state are.......

  • Population
  • Territory
  • Liberty
  • Government

What plan was proposed, because the people didn't believe the first plan was fair to the smaller states?

  • The New Jersey Plan
  • The Great Compromise
  • The Virginia Plan
  • The Mayflower Compact

Which plan created a congress based on state size (pop.) and was pushed by Madison?

  • The Virginia Plan
  • The New Jersey Plan
  • The Great Compromise
  • The Mayflower Compact

If a monarchy is constitutional then the monarch has absolute political power.

  • True
  • False

A legal relationship of a person to a country.

  • Civils
  • Citizenship
  • Nationality
  • Politikos

Known as the "Ideal Law". Its principle is that men are pre-loaded with an idea on what is good and bad.

  • Divine Law
  • Natural Law
  • Common Law
  • Psychological Law

______ made in police custody can not be used as evidence against the accused.

  • Confession

Article III covers?

  • Judicial Power
  • Legislative Power
  • Executive Power
  • Federal Power

Theocracy means rule by:

  • God
  • The people
  • The best
  • The wealthy

Which article created the supreme court?

  • Article I
  • Article II
  • Article III
  • Article IV

You, as a U.S. citizen, can violate the the U.S. Constitution

  • True
  • False

What is regarded as the supreme, highest and fundamental law of the land.

  • Constitution

MANILA - President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday lamented that it's hard to run a democratic government, saying constitutional safeguards against human rights abuses are sometimes being exploited by unscrupulous individuals. "This is democracy and that is the reason we are pretty hard up. It is not easy to run a government that is democratic because of the so many rights of the citizens," Duterte said in a speech in Davao City. "Iyang police power, power of eminent domain, and taxation --- those are the fundamentals. 'Yun ang pinaka-core na power ng gobyerno. But there is a firewall also and that is the Bill of Rights - due process, right to be heard, lawyer during an investigation, and all of these things. And that is why we can hardly cope up."What principle is espoused in this statement?

  • Government of law and not of men
  • Sovereignty of the people
  • Guarantee of human rights
  • Due Process

A constitutions by the virtue of the Tydings-McDuffie Act, the U.S. statue that provided for Philippine independence and draft a constitution that reflect the republican reform.

  • 1987 Philippine Constitutions
  • 1973 Philippine Constitutions
  • 1935 Philippine Constitutions
  • Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916

Proposal made at the Constitutional Convention for a unicameral central government with single house legislature in which each state would be represented equally.

  • Virgina Plan
  • Connecticut Compromise
  • Annapolis Convention
  • Shays' Rebellion
  • None of the above

What is the full form of FIR?

  • First Investigation Report
  • First Investigation Ration
  • First Information Report
  • Fourth Information Report

Which article mentioned supreme law and "No Religious Test" ?

  • Article I
  • Article II
  • Article IV
  • Article VI

A theory about origin of the state wherein the ruler is appointed by God.

  • Religious Theory
  • Divine Right Theory
  • Bigbang Theory
  • Force Theory

Which province did not sign the Charter?

  • Quebec
  • Ontario
  • Nunavut
  • British Columbia
  • Prince Edward Island

Who are allowed to celebrate festivals.

  • Private schools
  • Courts
  • Police stations
  • Parliaments

A state is a group of people permanently occupying a definite territory, independent of foreign rule, and having an organized ____________.

  • government
  • constitution
  • laws
  • political affairs

Civil cases include the cases dealt with ____

  • Money
  • Marriage
  • Property
  • All of them

What is beyond a doubt is that constitutional supremacy has been replaced in Canada by parliamentary supremacy.

  • True
  • False

Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?

  • U.S. could not pay its bills
  • Weak central government
  • No separation of powers
  • Little cooperation between the states
  • All of the above

There are two provisions of the Charter that were intended to restrain the courts authority: the reasonable limits clause (s.1) and the notwithstanding clause (s.33).

  • True
  • False

What year was Leviathan published?

  • 1651

Article 14 of the Indian Constitution deals with?

  • Right to Freedom
  • Justice
  • Right to Equality
  • Right to life

Political Theory is defined as

  • examines the passage and implementation of all types of government policies, particularly those related to civil rights, defense, health, education, economic growth, urban renewal, regional development, and environmental protection.
  • includes classical political philosophy and contemporary theoretical perspectives (e.g., constructivism, critical theory, and postmodernism).
  • studies constitutions, legal systems, civil rights, and criminal justice (now increasingly its own discipline).
  • studies the role of the bureaucracy. It is the field most oriented toward practical applications within political science and is often organized as a separate department that prepares students for careers in the civil service.

A sovereign that comes to power using force and coercion.( capital letters)


Who created the Two Treatises of Government?

  • John Locke

Other Sub-fields of Political Science, Choose 2 other fields that falls under political science

  • Public Policy
  • Checks and Balances
  • Political Theory
  • Political action

Authoritative government gives you an exit option.

  • True
  • False

Rooted in traditional values and existing social ties and institutions..

  • Charismatic authority
  • Power
  • Traditional authority
  • Legal-rational authority

Federal governments:

  • Have a pre-existing central government that creates and controls smaller, local units of government
  • Have small units of pre-existing government that create a central government
  • Both of the above
  • None of the above

Democracy's famous definition is:"Government of the people, by the people, _____ the people."

  • for

Rule by a religious elite.

  • Democracy
  • Theocracy
  • Authoritarian
  • Autocracy

A boy under ___ years of age and ___ can not be called to the police station only for questioning.

  • 14 and men
  • 15 and women
  • 12 and old people
  • 10 and mothers

Article V in the Constitution is about?

  • Legislative Power
  • Federal Power
  • States/Limits
  • Amendment Process

Unitary government:

  • Have small units of pre-existing government that create a central government
  • Have a pre-existing central government that creates and controls smaller, local units of government
  • All of the above
  • None of the above

A(n) ________ is "a set of interrelated values and beliefs about how society is organized and how it ought to function."

  • Ideology
  • Political agenda
  • Conservative concept
  • Interconnected spectrum
  • Liberalism concept

It means a government that allows people to choose their representatives____

  • Anarchy
  • Democracy
  • Monarchy
  • Dictatorship

This is the flag of

  • USSR
  • USA
  • Britain
  • France

Guess what is this jumbled word. A short description is given below to help you in identifying the word. CALITILOP ECNEICSThis is the scientific study of the structure and behavior of the state and political institutions and dynamics through scientific analysis.


Political Science is

  • a hard science
  • a medical field that deal thinking and creating governmental systems
  • a science that focuses on the theory and practice of government and politics at the local, state, national, and international levels.
  • a study of all the social science

Guess what is this jumbled word. A short description is given below to help you in identifying the word. GYOLOPORTHANThis is the study of humans- their origin, behavior, and their physical, social, and cultural development.


Aristocracy means rule by:

  • God
  • The people
  • The best
  • The wealthy

A large body of people united by common origin, history, culture, ethnicity, or language.

  • Ethnic Groups
  • Nation
  • Tribes
  • United Nations

Which article in the Constitution covered Bicameralism: Section 1-7 House and SenateEnumerated Powers: Section 8 - Power to collect taxes, borrow money, regulate commerce, declare war, and maintain an army & navy.And covered the elections and qualifications.

  • Article I
  • Article II
  • Article IV
  • Article V

For the purposes of the apportionment of congress seats, every slave was partially counted... what compromise was this called?

  • 3/5ths Compromise
  • 5/8ths Compromise
  • 2/14ths Compromise
  • 3/4ths Compromise

Right to life is conferred by which article?

  • Article 19
  • Article 20
  • Article 21
  • Article 22

How many fundamental rights are included in Indian Constitution at present.

  • 7
  • 6
  • 5
  • 8

The Constitution needed to be adopted by ________ of the 13 states.

  • 10
  • 6
  • 8
  • 9

The following are the factors that affects Global Politics except for:

  • Environment
  • Geographical Location
  • Tradition
  • Local Government Unit

_________ is "an ideology based on the belief that transitions and social order are important, and that gradual change is best."

  • Multiculturalism
  • Socialism
  • Liberalism
  • Conservatism

How many writs are enshrined in Article 32?

  • 5
  • 3
  • 4
  • 6

The executive has been making laws under this system , though law making power lies with the legislature. This legislation is called.....

  • delegated legislation

Which is incorrect about John Locke's theory of social contract?

  • his state of nature was pre-political and not pre-social
  • Locke’s state of nature was a state of peace, goodwill, mutual assistance and preservation.
  • there are two contracts: social contract and governmental contract.
  • people agreed to surrender their natural rights into the hands of a common superior and to obey his commands.

Time of former president Ferdinand Marcos officially declared this Philippine Constitution in full force effective after signing Proclamation No. 1102 on January 17, _____?

  • 1987 Philippine Constitutions
  • 1973 Philippine Constitutions
  • 1935 Philippine Constitutions
  • Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916

Amendments to the structure of the U.S. require approval from ______ of the states.

  • 3/4
  • 1/2
  • 1/4
  • 1/8
  • 3/5

The study of constitutional law is covered by which part of political science -

  • Political Theory
  • Public Law
  • Public Administration
  • Political Behavior

Independence Day is ………………… festival of India

  • National

This is the flag of

  • Russia
  • USSR
  • USA
  • Britain

The tyranny of Majority people can result in _____ of religious minorities.

  • Education
  • Discrimination
  • Freedom
  • Biasness

Under which Part of the Indian Constitution speaks about Fundamental Rights.

  • Part IV
  • Part III
  • Part V
  • Part IV A

Who is speaker of Lok Sabha?

  • JP Nadda
  • Narender Modi
  • Om Birla
  • Amit Shah

Israel is a ____ majority state.

  • Hindu
  • Jewish
  • Islamic
  • Christian

Write the complete name of your subject Teacher in Political Science.

  • Jonaliza Mateo

Which 3 of the following are required to agree for a law to be made? (Parts of Parliament)1. Queen 2. Prime Minister. 3. Senate 4. House of Commons 5. The voters (of Canadian citizenship) 6. The state

  • 4, 5, 6
  • 1, 3, 5
  • 1, 2, 4
  • 1, 3, 4
  • 2, 4, 5

A form of government that derives its power indirectly from the people, who elect representatives is called a(n) __________ democracy.

  • Direct
  • Absolutist
  • Statist
  • Representative

When was the Articles of Confederation Adopted?

  • December 12, 1842
  • January 14, 1773
  • November 15, 1777
  • July 16, 1779

The three key features of the "similar in principle clause" are 1. A system of government. 2. Free election. 3. A prime minister and a cabinet.

  • True
  • False

Internal sovereignty means......

  • The government of the state exercises this sovereignty on behalf of the state. It can make laws, enforce laws and adjudicate laws for the people.
  • It means the equal freedom of the state to participate in the activities of international relations and to have its own foreign policy.

Article IV in the Constitution is about?

  • Legislative Power
  • Federal Power
  • State Power/Limits
  • Amendment Process

What was the first British tax imposed on the new Colonies?

  • Tea Act
  • Sugar Act
  • Stamp Act
  • Townshend Act

Which is not a feature of Liberalism?

  • Faith in Rationality of Individual
  • Tolerance towards Dissent
  • More emphasis on Society than on Individual
  • Opposition to Blind Faith and Tradition

This type of law talked about the guilt rather than negligence.

  • Administrative Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Civil Law
  • Corporate Law

By which Amendment Act the voting age was reduced to 18 years from 21 years in India?

  • 42nd
  • 61st
  • 82nd
  • 44th

Political Science has 3 primary several sub-fields of study, but focuses on 3 primary fields

  • Public Law, Public Administration, Public Policy
  • Legislative, Judicial, Executive
  • Senate, Republican, House
  • American Poltics, International Relations, and Comparative Politics

What is the title of Aristotle's book during the 4th Century BC?

  • Politika
  • Das Kapital
  • Nicomachean Ethics
  • The Organon

Constitutes all the land and water within its external boundaries, the sea, within a three mile limit of its shores, the bays and estuaries, and islets bordering its cost.

  • Map
  • Territory
  • Country
  • Government

Article VII in the Constitution is about the ....

  • Legislative Power
  • Amendment Process
  • Federal Power
  • Ratification

BONUS: If you could vote today, what political party would you vote for.

  • Democrats
  • Republicans
  • Independents
  • Liberatarians

The laws made by the legislature is called.....(capital letters)


It was considered the first democratic constitution in Southeast Asia.

  • 1987 Philippine Constitutions
  • 1973 Philippine Constitutions
  • 1935 Philippine Constitutions
  • Malolos Constitutions

In _____, there are upper castes who dominate lower castes.

  • Jainism
  • Jewism
  • Parsis
  • Hinduism

Form of a democratic government wherein the executive and legislative has a very close connection. Parties with the greatest representation gets to form the government.

  • Parliament Procedure
  • Parliamentary Government
  • Parliament House
  • Parllamentary Government

Domestic politics is generally the most common field of study; its sub-fields include public opinion, elections, national government, and state, local, or regional government.

  • Politics
  • American Politics
  • Comparative Law
  • Public Policy

It is an approach in Political Science wherein the focus is on the individual and how the political system influences an individual's political behavior.

  • Historical Appraoch
  • Behavioralism
  • Legal Approach
  • Institutional Approach

Disciplines as Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology are considered as_________________________

  • Soft Sciences

He is one of the known Sociologists who studied social inequality and power struggles.

  • Emile Durkheim
  • Karl Marxs
  • Herbert Blumer
  • Marvin Harris

Liberalism is an ideology "based on the belief that the state must protect individual liberty, personal choice, and the right to private property."

  • True
  • False

............. means fairness and sense of justice.(capital letters)


What year did the First Continental Congress meet to discuss to boycott all British goods?

  • 1620
  • 1765
  • 1774
  • 1767

Individual has full power over entire country.

  • Authoritarian
  • Oligarchy
  • Monarchy
  • Autocracy

Which of the following definitions best describe Political Science?

  • A branch of Social Science
  • Systematic study of government and politics
  • Focused on the affairs of political leaders
  • Simply about political behavior

Separation of religion from the State is referred to as _____.

  • Monarchy
  • Democracy
  • Secularism
  • Republic

What kind of government does the United States have?

  • Democracy
  • Oligarchy
  • Republic
  • Autocracy
  • Democratic Republic

It is macro theory in sociology that views society as system of interrelated parts that work together to encourage consensus.

  • Functionalism
  • Conflict Theory
  • Symbolic Interactionism
  • Social Evolutionism

- Social Order- Protection of private property- Economic freedom- Support for capitalism These are examples of _____ values.

  • Right wing
  • Left wing
  • Centre
  • External

When was the Declaration of Independence?

  • July 4, 1776
  • November 4, 1876
  • May 4, 1672
  • January 7, 1775

All citizens are permitted by _____ to practise their own religion.

  • State
  • Indian constitution
  • President
  • Judiciary

Refers to the principle and law of the state.

  • Ideology
  • Ordinances
  • Proclamation
  • Constitution

_____ plays a crucial role in protecting the Fundamental Rights of the citizens.

  • Legislative
  • Executive
  • Judiciary
  • Parliament

Political sovereignty is understood to mean "the ability of a person or entity to act independently without outside interference." In 1931 the ________ proclaims that Canada is a sovereign country.

  • Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • The Constitution Act
  • British North American Act
  • Statue of Westminster
  • Charlottetown Accord

The "__________" clause, provided the basis for our system of government and gave us three key features. 1. A system of political parties. 2. Free election. 3. A prime minister and a cabinet.

  • Gaurentee
  • Santa
  • Similar in principle
  • Westminster
  • Charter

Defined as the ability of a person to carry out his or her will. This concept is particularly significant in the study of social relationships since society is composed of individuals who exercise varied degrees of power

  • Charismatic authority
  • Power
  • Traditional authority
  • Legal-rational authority

In the Constitution, Articles 1-7 creates a system founded upon __________?

  • Freedom
  • The Constitution
  • Separation of Powers
  • The Mayflower Compact

Period of second world war

  • 1914-1918
  • 1945-1949
  • 1939-1945
  • 1945-1991

Charter rights (are/are not) absolute and are subject to (set/reasonable) limits. Critics say it provides lawyers and judges with too (little/too much) power.

  • Are not, reasonable, too much
  • Are, set, too little
  • Are not, reasonable, to little
  • Are, set, too much
  • Are not, set, to much
  • Are, reasonable, to little

"Liberty is the freedom of individual to express, without external hindrances, his personality.” Name the political thinker.(capital letters)

  • G.B.H.COLE

Guess what is this jumbled word. A short description is given below to help you in identifying the word. GYOLOICOSIt is the scientific study of social behavior, social institutions, and social relations.


Proposal at the Constitutional Convention made for a strong central government with a bicameral legislature.

  • Annapolis Convention
  • Virgina Plan
  • Shays' Rebellion
  • New Jersey Plan
  • None of the above

Article VI in the Constitution covers...

  • Judicial Power
  • Federal Power
  • Amendment Process
  • Ratification

A majority candidate or party receives more than half of all votes cast.

  • True
  • False

How is Politics defined by Political Scientists?

  • The study of governmental systems
  • the exercise of power and who gets what, how, and when.
  • how much of your income you must give to government as income tax.
  • how much social and economic benefits the government must distribute and to whom.

Canada's constitution establishes two levels of government - national and provincial - both with important law-making and taxation powers. This system of divided jurisdiction is known as ______

  • Socialism
  • Federalism
  • Responsible government
  • Rule of law
  • Democracy

Who is the author of Leviathan?

  • John Locke
  • Plato
  • Thomas Hobbes
  • Aristotle

It is the liberty which each individual enjoys as a member of the society.


Which Article speaks about Right to Life?

  • Article 31
  • Article 51 A
  • Article 21
  • Article 12

In what year was the Sugar Act imposed?

  • 1620
  • 1765
  • 1787
  • 1776

Which is incorrect about ROUSSEAU.S social contract theory?

  • man in the state of nature was a noble savage who led a life of primitive simplicity and idyllic happiness.
  • With the increase in population, economies progress moved apace. When man began to think in terms of mine and thine, there emerged the institution of private property.
  • established the sovereign power in the General Will
  • the creation of government by a community followed the prior organization of the community itself, the community can change the government without dissolving itself..

According to Aristotle, a man is a __________ animal.

  • strong
  • amoral
  • superior
  • political

How many Articles contained in the original Constitution of India?

  • 450
  • 395
  • 399
  • 400

According to _____________, Politics is who gets what, when, and how.

  • Harold Lasswell

___________________________the most valuable resources that any citizen in a democracy can possess.

  • Political Opinion
  • Political Socialization
  • Political Knowledge
  • Political Action

In which field does the following research question belong?"What are the factors that influence selected high school students' fascination over ethnic rituals in Baguio City?"

  • Anthropology
  • Sociology
  • Political Science
  • None of the above

_________________________ is an attempt to describe and explain politics and political facts.

  • Political Analysis

It is an anthropological perspective which believes that cultural development should be studied on its own cultural context through ethnographic data.

  • Cultural Materialism
  • Social Evolutionism
  • HistoricalParticularism
  • Diffusionism

India got its independence in the year_____

  • 1947

That branch of Political Science which deals with relations between countries and exchange of foreign policies.(capital letters)


A constitution cannot be too detailed. In few provisions, it must be able to outline the structure of government and the rights of its citizens. This speaks of which requisite for a good constitution

  • It must be brief.
  • It must be broad.
  • It must be definite.
  • All of the above.

Guess what is this jumbled word. A short description is given below to help you in identifying the word. ERUTLUCConsists of beliefs, behaviors, objects, and othercharacteristics common to the members of a particular group or society.


“A Law is a general rule of external behavior enforced by sovereign political authority." Name the political thinker.(capital letters)


Right to Constitutional remedy is enshrined in which Article?

  • Article 30
  • Article 32
  • Article 42
  • Article 13

The United States is a _______ government.

  • Federal
  • Unitary
  • Absolute
  • None of the above

What year did the Boston Tea Party occur?

  • 1620
  • 1765
  • 1787
  • 1773

In Saudi Arabia, ____ can’t practise their religion in public.

  • non muslims

16-20. Before 1937, Filipino women had no right of suffrage. After thesuccess of the April 30, 1937 plebiscite, the 1935 Constitutionextended the right to vote to women as well.1. This phenomenon is similar to many societies where women are treatedas second-class citizens, why do you think this is so? Why weren'twomen allowed to vote? Why are women allowed to vote now? Listpossible explanations using anthropology and sociology.2. How has women gaining the right to vote affected politics in thePhilippines? Has it been beneficial or not? Explain your answers.

  • [No Answer]

Foreigners can be a citizen of the Philippines through naturalization.

  • True
  • False

Article II is about?

  • Judicial Power
  • Executive Power
  • Legislative Power
  • Federal Power

Personal qualities of the individual who wields power. The person’s authority is recognized based on his or her traits and how he or she is perceived by other people in society.

  • Charismatic authority
  • Power
  • Traditional authority
  • Legal-rational authority

The ability to influence others to do what you want them to do.

  • Public Speaking
  • Propaganda
  • Power
  • Newsletter

Indian Constitution allows religious minorities to set up their own ____.

  • Courts
  • Educational setups
  • Police stations
  • Government schools

This method of Political Science deals with the gathering of statistical data on various government agencies.

  • Statistical Method
  • Numerical facts
  • Mathematical Method
  • Quantitative Analysis

Which Article went over the multiple roles and duties of the president and vice president as well as the election and qualifications?

  • Article II
  • Article VII
  • Article III
  • Article IV

Guess what is this jumbled word. A short description is given below to help you in identifying the word.SFEILEBA state or habit of mind in which trust or confidenceis placed in some person or thing.


What year was The Mayflower Compact designed?

  • 1782
  • 1680
  • 1620
  • 1721

The democratic government is created with the decision of ____.

  • People
  • Men
  • Women
  • None of these

Which is not an element of the state?

  • Territory
  • Government
  • Rulings
  • People

India is located in

  • Northeast Asia
  • Middle east
  • Southeast Asia
  • West Asia

The _________ Accord (1987), was an attempt to bring Quebec back into the Constitutional fold, but it failed to get unanimous approval.

  • Charlottetown
  • Meech Lake
  • Honda
  • Quebec

Absolute government is ____________, while constitutional government is _____________.

  • Virtually unlimited; very limited
  • Very limited; virtually unlimited
  • Very neutral; unlimited
  • Limited; very neutral

_____ is a Republic country

  • Japan
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America
  • China

A convention held in September 1786 to consider problems of trade and navigation, attended by five states.

  • Constitutional Convention
  • Shays' Rebellion
  • Virginia Convention
  • Annapolis Convention
  • New Jersey Convention

- Collectivist and social justice issues- Ideologies and political parties that advocate social reformThese are examples of _____ values.

  • Right wing
  • Left wing
  • Centre
  • External

Disciplines such as Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology, Math are considered as ________________

  • Hard Sciences

Describe the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Check all the applies.

  • Conventional
  • Cumulative
  • Written
  • Unwritten
  • Rigid
  • Flexible
  • Flexible

_Select "True" if the statement is true, otherwise select the correct word that makes the statement true.Sociology comes from the Latin words socius and logos which literally mean “study of society.”

  • True
  • Structure
  • Power
  • Companionship

---------Constitutional Amendment Act speaks about Panchayati Raj.

  • 73rd

Period of world war 1 was

  • 1939-1945
  • 1914-1918
  • 1917
  • 1857

What establishes the basic framework and underlying principles of government?

  • Constitution

Refers to the branch of public law which treats of constitutions, their nature, formation, amendment and interpretation

  • Constitutional Law
  • Administrative Law
  • Organic Law
  • Election Law

On June 12, 1898, Philippine Independence was declared. Some historians refute this. Why?

  • The Philippines is not free from control and interference from other states, specifically the US.
  • The declaration was not recognized by Spain.
  • The Government of Emilio Aguinaldo was not recognized by the people.
  • The declaration was not recognized by the Philippine people.

What were the Framers of the United States interest? (Select all that apply.)

  • Commerce
  • Religious Values
  • Property
  • Preventing Excessive Democracy
  • Snubbing Britian
  • Limiting National Power
  • Limiting the People's Power
  • Preventing Excessive Laws
  • Limiting the People's Power
  • Preventing Excessive Laws
  • Limiting the People's Power
  • Preventing Excessive Laws

What occurred Aug. 1786 - Feb. 1787?

  • The Articles of Confederation was adopted.
  • British imposes Stamp Act.
  • First Continental Congress meets to boycott British goods.
  • The Shays Rebellion.

Second Continental Congress discussed to declare independence during what time?

  • 1620-1624
  • 1786-1787
  • 1775-1781

Laika was born in America. Her parents are both Filipinos. Is she a natural born Filipino citizen?

  • YES
  • NO

At the time of Jones Law, passed by the United States Congress which authored by US Representative William A. Jones.

  • 1987 Philippine Constitutions
  • 1973 Philippine Constitutions
  • 1935 Philippine Constitutions
  • Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916

In common usage, state and nation are the same.

  • True
  • False

What is the meaning of Fraternity?

  • Equality
  • Brotherhood
  • Liberty

A _____ is a set of institutions that manage power and conflict for a society within a geographically defined territory.

  • State
  • Government
  • Democracy
  • Sovereignty

This would require that all judges treat national laws and treaties with highest regard.

  • Bicameralism
  • Supremacy clause
  • Virgina Plan
  • New Jersey Plan
  • Constitutional Convention

________ is organization of the state and the system of institutions and agencies used to exercise its authority. It can also refer to those who have been elected into power.

  • Ideology
  • Liberalism
  • Government
  • Federalism

Based on a system of laws and regulations, and an established bureaucracy

  • Charismatic authority
  • Power
  • Traditional authority
  • Legal-rational authority

Characterized by a state that regulates nearly every aspect of public and private life is what kind of government?

  • Authoritarian
  • Oligarchy
  • Dictatorship
  • Democracy

One of the forms of government wherein the power in vested to only one person.

  • Aristocracy
  • Presidential
  • Monarchy
  • Parliament