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Modeling and Simulation

Provides an overview of the concepts and applications of modeling and simulation, enabling students to analyze and predict complex systems in various domains.
















Are highly dependent on the distribution and the calculations being performed

  • Bounded Errors
  • Sources of Erros
  • Propagating a Distribution Error
  • Unhandled Implication

These machines are typically constructed by providing memory with each processor but allow each processor to directly read or write the memory attached to another processor

  • Communications Controller
  • Deadlock
  • Local Causality Constraint
  • Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)

A PDU that indicates the trajectory of a munition has been completed

  • Entity State PDU
  • Detonation
  • Interface Specification
  • HLA rules

A layer that provides an end-to-end communication service between hosts, hiding details of the underlying network

  • Network Pointer
  • Transport Layer
  • Application Layer
  • Real-time Streams

A class of communication that provides references to resources, analogous to links in the World Wide Web

  • Network Pointer
  • Datagram
  • Heavy Weight Objects
  • Flow Specification

A circuit that interconnects two or more bus segments in a bus-based system

  • Networking
  • Real-time Streams
  • Reliable Delivery
  • Repeater

A trail segment that is a path except that it starts and ends on the same node

  • State Variable Calculations
  • Tuple
  • Loop
  • Hypernode

Specifies a common format for describing the information of common interest to the simulations in the federation

  • Data Type
  • Autonomous Simulation Nodes
  • Subscribe Object Class Attribute
  • Object Model Template (OMT)

A subset of the nodes in a parent graph, and includes only links from the parent graph that are between nodes in the subgraph

  • Agent Based Model
  • Subgraph
  • Undirected Graph
  • Degree of Nodes

An inaccurate representation of real and ideal world in terms of algorithms analysis

  • Algorithm Sources of Erros
  • Stochastic Forms
  • Controllable Erros
  • Interpreting Eror Implications

It is the number of links into and out of the node

  • Degree of Nodes
  • Undirected Graph
  • Subgraph
  • Agent Based Model

This means that humans embedded into the environment are able to develop skills that would be applicable in actual situations they might later encounter

  • Federation
  • Sufficiently Realistic
  • Distributed-serverless architecture
  • Detonation

Any sequence of links and their shared nodes which can be traced from one node to another visiting each included node only once

  • Walk
  • Bipartite Graph
  • Mesh Cell
  • Dynamical Simulation

This is a language used to specify characteristics of the message flows produced by traffic sources and the QoS requirements of the application with respect to the flows

  • Flow Specification
  • Network Pointer
  • Heavy Weight Objects
  • Datagram

This is where the service guarantees that each message will be received at the specified destination(s), or an exception will be raised for any message that cannot be delivered

  • Repeater
  • Networking
  • Reliable Delivery
  • Real-time Streams

Characterized as evenly propagated point source radiated energy

  • Undirected Graph
  • Continuum Field Equations
  • Hypernode
  • Semantic Graph

Contain ground truth information indicating the appearance and location of an entity

  • Sufficiently Realistic
  • Dead Reckoning
  • Distribution server architecture
  • Entity State PDU

These services coordinate the advancement of logical time, and its relationship to wall clock time during the federation execution

  • Object Class
  • Time Management
  • Ownership Management
  • HLA rules

This is responsible for sending and receiving messages between nodes and typically transfers messages directly between that node's memory and the inter-connection network

  • Local Causality Constraint
  • Deadlock
  • Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)
  • Communications Controller

This means the distributed computation consists of a set of processes, and processes only perform computations upon receiving one or more messages

  • Transient Message
  • Diffusing Computation
  • Transportation
  • Entertainment Application

A discrete-event simulation consisting of logical processes (LPs) that interact exclusively by exchanging time stamped messages

  • Heterogeneity
  • Training Environment
  • Computer Simulation
  • Local Causality Constraint

This is where simulation can play an important role in designing and managing road and air transportation systems

  • Transportation
  • Diffusing Computation
  • Transient Message
  • Entertainment Application

These are important for moderate to large DVEs, especially in geographically distributed systems where broadcast communication facilities are not readily available

  • Group Communication
  • Network Pointer
  • Resource Reservation
  • Routing Spaces

The point or place from which the condition of deviating from accuracy or correctness

  • Sources of Errors
  • Machine Error
  • Controllable Errors
  • Algorithm Errors

Is a node that represents a subgraph and all the links between the nodes in the subgraph

  • Tuple
  • Hypernode
  • Loop
  • State Variable Calculations

Can be propagated through nonlinear calculations

  • Sources of Erros
  • Propagating a Distribution Error
  • Unhandled Implication
  • Bounded Errors

A potentially far-reaching impact of distributed virtual environments creating new means for people to interact socially on the Internet

  • Butterfly Barrier
  • Parellel Simulation/Distributed Simulation
  • Social Interaction/Business Collaborations
  • Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)

Is a mathematical model of computation used to design both computer programs and sequential logic circuits

  • Agent Based Model (ABM)
  • Degree of Nodes
  • Finite State Automation or State Machine
  • Semantic Graph

Its principal objective is to enable interoperability among separately developed simulators

  • Distributed Interactive Simulation
  • Data Distribution Management
  • Data Type
  • Federation

It is the simulation of systems of objects that are free to move, usually in three dimensions according to Newton's laws of dynamics, or approximations thereof

  • Bipartite Graph
  • Mesh Cell
  • Walk
  • Dynamical Simulation

This indicates the class in the object class structure table, such as Vehicle, and can be chosen from any level in the class hierarchy

  • Sufficiently Realistic
  • Detonation
  • Federation
  • Object Class

A type of error where results are mere misinterpretations

  • Ideal Model to Implication
  • Unhandled Implication
  • Stochastic Forms
  • Heterogeneous Agent Model

It simplifies integration of existing simulators into a DVE, and it simplifies allowing simulators to join or leave the exercise while it is in progress

  • Object Model Template (OMT)
  • Autonomous Simulation Nodes
  • Subscribe Object Class Architecture
  • Interface Specification

A type of distributed simulation technology can be applied in amusement park and arcade centers where players are co-located but interact with each other and computer-generated entities over a local area network

  • Entertainment Application
  • Transportation
  • Transient Message
  • Diffusing Computation

Indicates the federate is to receive all updates for objects of a certain class, such as the altitude attribute of all aircraft objects

  • Distributed-serverless architecture
  • Subscribe Object Class Attribute
  • Sufficiently Realistic
  • Object Class

Is a graph whose nodes form two distinct sets and whose links start in one of those sets and end in the other

  • Mesh Cell
  • Bipartite Graph
  • Dynamical Simulation
  • Walk

This is also referred to as a connectionless service wherein the sender places the data it wishes to transmit into a message, and passes the message to the networking software for transmission to the destination

  • Flow Specification
  • Network Pointer
  • Heavy Weight Objects
  • Datagram

Refers to characterizing randomness in behaviors of otherwise deterministic models

  • Heterogeneous Agent Model
  • Unhandled Implication
  • Ideal Model to Implication
  • Stochastic Forms

Literally known error that is not seen as an error and usually the worst-case scenarios

  • Machine Error
  • Algorithm Errors
  • Sources of Errors
  • Controllable Errors

The model of which statistical estimates are only "best fit" to observed measurements

  • Real World to Ideal World Model
  • Time-driven Simulation
  • Continuous Model
  • Hybrid Dynamical System (HDS)

Is any link that is between a hypernode and any node external to the subgraph it includes

  • Directed Path
  • Hyperlink
  • Path
  • Links

A group formed by the Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO) in early 1995

  • Interface Specification
  • Architecture Management Group (AMG)
  • Detonation
  • HLA rules

Defines the services provided by the Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI) for linking together individual federates

  • Sufficiently Realistic
  • Distribution Interactiv Simulation (DIS)
  • Dead Reckoning
  • Interface Specification

An association of one node to another as a pair of references

  • Directed Path
  • Hyperlink
  • Links
  • Path

An HLA category that includes services to create and delete federation executions

  • Federation Management
  • Entity State PDU
  • Data Type
  • Detonation

It refers to the interpretation of error implied or resulting outcomes

  • Heterogeneous Agent Model
  • Stochastic Forms
  • Sources of Erros
  • Interpreting Error Implications

A computation that models the behavior of some real or imagined system over time

  • Training Environment
  • Local Causality Constraint
  • Heterogeneity
  • Computer Simulation

An area or field in computer science that plays a critical role in distributed simulation systems

  • Reliable Delivery
  • Networking
  • Repeater
  • Real-time Streams

Is a graph whose links indicate various association types between the nodes

  • Hypernode
  • Continuum Field Equations
  • Undirected Graph
  • Semantic Graph

The simulation is initialized to zero and the times of occurrence of future events are determined

  • Hybrid Dynamical System (HDS)
  • Real World to Ideal World Model
  • Continuous Model
  • Event-driven Simulation

These are simulations that embed pilots, tank operators, commanding officers and their staffs, and the like, into an environment to train personnel for actual combat

  • Local Causality Constraint
  • Training Environment
  • Heterogeneity
  • Computer Simulation

These provide real-time delivery of continuous streams of data, as well as sequencing and synchronization of streams

  • LAN
  • Real-time Streams
  • Multicast
  • International Standards Organization (ISO)

It is the other term for the pairing of two or more nodes

  • Tuple
  • Hypernode
  • State Variable Calculations
  • Loop

These services control the distribution of state updates and interactions among federates, in order to control the distribution of information so that federates receive all of the information relevant to it and (ideally) no other information

  • Object Class
  • Entity State PDU
  • Data Distribution Management
  • Sufficient Realistic

A type of modeling where data is represented by measurable quantities, as voltages or, formerly, the rotation of gears, in order to solve a problem, rather than by expressing the data as numbers

  • Time-driven Simulation
  • Continuous Model
  • Real World to Ideal World Model
  • Hybrid Dynamical System (HDS)

This occurs when two or more tasks permanently block each other by each task having a lock on a resource which the other tasks are trying to do

  • Local Causality Constraint
  • Deadlock
  • Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)
  • Communications Controller

The condition where transaction A cannot complete until transaction B completes, but transaction B is blocked by transaction A

  • Barrier
  • Transportation
  • Diffusing Computation
  • Cyclic Dependency

A behavioral model that is distinct and the have the same state variable

  • Unhandled Implication
  • Stochastic Forms
  • Heterogeneous Agent Model
  • Ideal Model to Implication

An architecture where computation-only entities may now be distributed among geographically distributed processors

  • Federation
  • Sufficiently Realistic
  • Distributed-serverless architecture
  • Detonation

These are simulations that are often used to evaluate different strategies for attacking or defending against an opposing force, or for acquisition decisions to determine the number and type of weapon systems that should be purchased to be prepared for future engagement

  • Computer Simulation
  • Analytic Simulation
  • Parellel Simulation/Distributed Simulation
  • War Gaming Simulations/Aggregated Simulations

A path in which all contained links are directed from the start node, in succession, to the end node, and is also known as a route between the two nodes

  • Hyperlink
  • Path
  • Directed Path
  • Link

The mechanisms which handles conservative synchronization algorithms which utilizes the approach of cycling between phases

  • Deadlock
  • Barrier Synchronization
  • Butterfly Barrier
  • Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)

Refers to being able to understand sources and behaviour of errors which empowers you to control them and predict their effects on the results

  • Algorithm Errors
  • Machine Error
  • Controllable Errors
  • Sources of Errors

A distributed computer's characteristic that is important because many distributed simulators are constructed by interconnecting existing sequential simulators operating on specific workstations

  • Heterogeneity
  • Local Causality Constraint
  • Computer Simulation
  • Training Environment

Calculations having temporary variables that may or may not be considered state variables

  • State Variable Calculations
  • Loop
  • Hypernode
  • Tuple

A communication service that sends a copy of a specific message to more than one but not necessarily all destinations

  • LAN
  • Real-time Streams
  • International Standards Organization (ISO)
  • Multicast

A graph that has at least one pair of nodes with no undirected path between them

  • Degree of Nodes
  • Agent Based Model
  • Subgraph
  • Undirected Graph

These provide a reliable, connection-oriented communication service

  • Flow Specification
  • Datagram
  • Network Pointer
  • Heavy Weight Objects

A term referred to as distributed simulation in high level architecture

  • Federation
  • Sufficiently Realistic
  • Detonation
  • Object Class

These have been used in the telecommunications industry for long to evaluate networking hardware, software, protocols, and services

  • Computer Simulation
  • Analytic Simulation
  • War Gaming Simulations/Aggregated Simulations
  • Parellel Simulation/Distributed Simulation

These algorithms determine which packet is transmitted over each communication link next

  • Network Pointer
  • Message Ordering
  • Packet Scheduling
  • Transport Layer

An error that comes when numerical calculations are generated to approximate math function

  • Propagating a Distribution Error
  • Bounded Error
  • Machine Error
  • Computational Error

It provides the language by which the simulator specifies what information it is interested in receiving

  • Routing Spaces
  • Flow Specification
  • Group Communication
  • Interest Expression

The central characteristic of these machines is that all processors must execute the same instruction (but using different data) at any instant in the program's execution

  • SIMD/Single-Intruction-Stream, Multiple-Data-Stream
  • War Gaming Simulations/Aggregated Simulations
  • Cyclic Dependency
  • Computer Simulation

A behaviour type that has an adaptive refinement for finer localized representation

  • Mesh Cell
  • Semantic Graph
  • Trail
  • Continuum Field Equations

Results might even be worse implementation model values

  • Measurement Error Characteristic
  • Ideal Model to Implementation
  • Machine Error
  • Unhandled Implication

This is a general parallel programming construct that defines a point in time when all of the processors participating in the computation have stopped

  • Heterogeneity
  • Transportation
  • Deadlock
  • Barrier

A technique in Distributed Interactive Simulation that is used to reduce interprocessor communication

  • Entity State PDU
  • Distribution server architecture
  • Sufficiently Realistic
  • Dead Reckoning

A high-level architecture mechanism where abstractions are defined separately from objects and attributes, solely for the purpose of data distribution

  • Network Pointer
  • Group Communication
  • Routing Spaces
  • Resource Reservation

These are services that enable the transfer of ownership of object attributes during the federation execution

  • Autonomous Simulation Nodes
  • Federation
  • Interface Specification
  • Ownership Management

The most widely known approach in simulation of natural systems

  • Time-driven Simulation
  • Hybrid Dynamical System (HDS)
  • Real World to Ideal World Model
  • Continuous Model

An approach that eliminates the broadcast to notify the processors that a global synchronization has been achieved

  • Training Environment
  • Deadlock
  • Transient Message
  • Butterfly Barrier

An HLA component that defines the underling principle used in the HLA

  • Object Model Template (OMT)
  • Dead Reckoning
  • HLA rules
  • Federation

Spacing determines "range" for each measurement point

  • Controllable Errors
  • Stochatic Forms
  • Measurement Error Characteristic
  • Ideal Model to Implication

Any sequence of links and their shared nodes which can be traced from one node to another visiting each included link only once

  • Semantic Graph
  • Trail
  • Mesh Cell
  • Continuum Field Equations

One of a class of computational models for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents with a view to assessing their effects on the system as a whole

  • Undirected Graph
  • Degree of Nodes
  • Subgraph
  • Agent Based Model

It refers to technologies that enable a simulation program to execute on a computing system containing multiple processors, such as personal computers, interconnected by a communication network

  • War Gaming Simulations/Aggregated Simulations
  • Analytic Simulation
  • Parellel Simulation/Distributed Simulation
  • Computer Simulation

These protocols provide a means to reserve resources in the network such as bandwidth and message buffers for traffic produced by the application

  • Repeater
  • Datagram
  • Resource Reservation
  • Packet Scheduling

This is similar to the centralized server architecture, except that a multiprocessor or a collection of processors interconnected on a LAN is used to implement the server

  • Entity State PDU
  • Distribution server architecture
  • Distribution Interactive Simulation (DIS)
  • Dead Reckoning

A collection of dynamical models, and which one to use is selected by the state of the FSM

  • Real World to Ideal World Model
  • Hybrid Dynamical System (HDS)
  • Interpreting Error Implications
  • Time-driven Simulation
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