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Explores emerging trends, issues, and challenges in HRM, covering topics such as diversity, talent management, and strategic HR practices for company success.
These are determined by the duties and responsibilities contained in the job description
As Marsden (2007) points out, ‘At the heart of the employment relationship lies a “zone of acceptance” which means:
____________________may in addition impose other general duties, introduce specific duties, and create government bodies with powers to regulate workplace safety issues say the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has a specific ruling and guidelines in implementing safety and health standards in an organization.
Challenges facing the outsourcing industry are the same faced by any other medium-to-large business operation in the Philippines, except for one:
Potential hazards are rampant in almost every workplace environment. Equipment, chemicals, certain behaviors and activities, and even furniture can potentially cause injury or harm to you or your workers.
Grievance machinery is internal rules of procedure intended to resolve all issues arising from the implementation and interpretation of the collective bargaining agreement.
For the injury and the resulting disability or death to be compensable, the injury must be the result of accident arising out of and in the course of the employment.
The changes brought about by the shift in political climate includes..
It occurs when a business instructs an external supplier to take responsibility (and risk) for HR functions and perform these tasks for the business.
Any contributions duly recognized by an organization helps an employee in coping up with the failures successfully and satisfies the need for affection.
Occupational health should aim at the following except for one:
It entails determining and communicating to an employee how he/she is performing on the job and ideally, establishing a plan of improvement.
The Pluralist view extols the virtue of teamwork, where everyone strives jointly to a common objective, everyone pulls their weight to the best of their ability, and everyone accepts their place and function gladly, following the leadership of the appointed manager or supervisor.
Performance management is an ongoing communication process, undertaken in partnership between an employee and his/her immediate superior. It involves establishing clear expectations and understanding about the following the essential job functions the employee is expected to do
Under human resource management laws and regulations, it says that, HR professionals will often come into contact with sensitive information, such as social security numbers, home addresses, marital status, and even sometimes medical information. HR has a responsibility, then, to ensure confidentiality and discretion when managing all paperwork and records.
External driver such as management regulations, nature of work contracts, and labor legislations greatly affects the management of workforce because the organization’s primary concerns are to become compliant to these provisions for employees welfare.
All human resource activities should be align in the existing provisions and implementing rules and policies and the law.
The efficiency allocation of labor in the labor market implies that employees will move to wherever they receive a net gain.
It is a process that seeks to optimize an organization's usage of its human resources.
This means to be always honest and sincere under any circumstances. When any individual shows this in a professional environment and his work, it means that the person can be trusted as well as he is an honest man to rely on.
Health hazards can range from contamination of food due to unsafe handling or preparation practices to an infectious disease outbreak caused by improper hygiene and personal care.
Is a process of continuous collection of information about responsibilities, duties, skills, results and work environment relevant to the design of tasks/jobs to be performed.
Pluralism conventionally regards the workforce as being represented by ‘an opposition that does not seek to govern’.
Employees may quit when compensation levels are not competitive resulting in higher turnover.
It is the practice or activity carried on by the organization withthe primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees. It thus creates a buffer between planning and actual selection of new employees.
“An attempt to determine and compare the demands which the normal performance of particular jobs make on normal workers without taking into account of the individual abilities or performance of the workers concerned.”
______________________ are concerned with generally managing the employment relationship and developing a positive psychological contract.
Any labor organization duly registered with the department of labor and employment (DOLE)
This structure of components is cyclical and goes on in a sustained loop while taking onto consideration the internal climate within the organization and the external environment in which it operates.
The field of human resource management is minimally influence and shaped by the state, government policies, guidelines and laws governing employment.
Indirect compensation methods refer to monetary payment to employee on the basis of their tenure of job and its negotiations with employers.
Refers to questions or controversies regarding terms and conditions of employment, including the ways which such terms and conditions are negotiated, fixed, arranged, or modified over and above minimum standards.
It is a complex process of choosing the best among the best interested individuals to the job, therefore it requires thorough assessment and wise decision coming from the recruiter to choose who among the applicants are best qualified.
It includes the several grades and each grade containing a minimum salary, increments and grade range.
Under labor code, It covers medical, dental, and occupational health and safety, employees’ compensation, and State Insurance Fund including the provision for medical care as amended and adult education.
The main goal of employee training is to increase competence in each employee's role, it also serves as a way to develop your organization as a whole in terms of making employees more engaged, productive and motivated.
It is the practice or activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees. It thus creates a buffer between planning and actual selection of new employees.
It deals with processes, policies and strategies which are required to guarantee that the contribution of employees to the business is recognized by all means
Labor code prescribe the following rules, except one:
The basic objectives of appropriate and sound compensation and reward system in any organization are the following:
Rewarding good performance is a very vital component as it will determine the work motivation of an employee. During this stage, an employee is publicly recognized for good performance and is rewarded.
To maintain the department’s contribution at a level appropriate to the organization’s needs
The attempts to determine the supply of and demand for various types of human resources to predict areas within the organization where there will be future labor shortage s or surpluses.
This may be a written contract but the absence of such a contract does not mean that there is no contractual relationship.
When the working staff and the workers value the work given to them and then they will do all the given work in time and achieve their set targets, this will greatly affect the sales and the productivity of the company.
it is implemented to ensure that all business and organizations particularly engage in industries whose working environment are critical to health and safety of workers should follow their guidelines.
Manpower development is typically a part of the organization's marketing strategy and aims to maximize human capital potential so as to attain strategic business objectives.
The degree to which management has the prerogative to determine working arrangements without reference to employees or, if they are recognized, trade unions.
The major disadvantage with attribute approach of performance measurement is that of subjectivity. In other words, it may be heavily reliant on the nature of the evaluator. Another limitation of this method is that it is accurate at identifying only the best and the worst performers.
The Philippine Trade union prescribes the rules for hiring and termination of private employees; the conditions of work including maximum work hours and overtime; employee benefits such as holiday pay, thirteenth month pay and retirement pay; and the guidelines in the organization and membership in labor unions as well as in collective bargaining.
Health and safety procedures in the workplace reduce the employee illnesses and injuries greatly. These procedures can help you and your employees understand the potential hazards in your work environment.
This is also an activity of determining how well an organization utilizes its manpower according to the tasks, efficiency and effectivity of policy, and number of people working.
Aggressive pressure or intimidation. Belong to issues in human resource.
This involves employee discipline, unfair labor practice, deadlocks, strikes, etc
The ___________________ is intended in this context to mean a reflection of the essential value systems adopted by the organization concerne
This involves using a string of tests and checks to find the right match for the job – the ideal person-organization fit. Written tests, interviews, group discussions and psychometric testing along with an in-depth analysis of all available information on the candidate on public access platforms help in gauging an all-rounded picture of the person.
The goal of ___________________________________ of organizations is to foster and maintain a safe and healthy work environment. OHS may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, and many others who might be affected by the workplace environment.
This is consist of employers and employees who work together.
Based on the plan, the natural next step is to decide whether the talent requirements should be filled in from within the organization or from external sources.
Recruitment, placement and retirement, employee-employer relationship/labor relations, working environment, compensation, and health and safety imposed legal implication to the organization. Hence, organizations need not to be compliant with all the labor law provisions enacted and made by the government.
Refers to that part of labor law which prescribes the minimum terms and conditions of employment which employer is required to grant to its employees.
Collective Bargaining aims to ensure that the agreement is enforced through the grievance machinery with voluntary arbitration as the last step in the process.
It is a power relationship which takes the form of a measure of power sharing between management and trade unions (although recently the balance of power has shifted markedly in the direction of management, at least in the private sector).
Workers with professional ethics in the workplace are definitely the master key to the lock of success. The team of understanding, trustworthy, reliable, motivate, concern and responsible people will defiantly adapt themselves into any kind of position and work they are filled with.
Paid to the employees during festive seasons to motivate them and provide them the social security.
It is necessary for effective corporate governance. From the top-level executives to lower-tier employees, each level and division of the corporation should report and be accountable to another as a system of checks and balances
Any labor organization duly recognized or certified as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of all employees in the bargaining unit.
The operative functions of personnel management are concerned with the activities specially dealing with procuring, developing, compensating, integrating and maintaining an efficient workforce.
Pay should reinforce desired behavior and act as incentive for those behaviors to occur in future.
Management tends to view the enterprise as a unitary system with one source of authority – itself – and one focus of loyalty – the organization.
HR is bigger than just hiring and payroll – the main responsibilities of HR include protecting the employees and the employer. Protection occurs in a number of ways, including those that intersect with traditional HR responsibilities like managing benefits and practicing ethical and legal hiring and management practices.
It can be achieved through high employments level and low inflation
Whether trade unions should be recognized or derecognized, which union or unions the organization would prefer to deal with, and whether or not it is desirable to recognize only one union for collective bargaining and/or employee representational purposes.
Feedback and counseling is given a minimal importance in the performance management process. This is the stage in which the employee acquires awareness from the appraiser about the areas of improvements and also information on whether the employee is contributing the expected levels of performance or not.
It stands as the law governing employment practices and labor relations in the Philippines.
It is a continuous process that identifies present and future human resource needs. This ensures the availability of manpower fit for the job to avoid shortage or surplus.
Potential appraisal forms a basis for both lateral and vertical movement of employees. By implementing competency mapping and various assessment techniques, potential appraisal is performed.
It defined as a business’s obligation to maximize its positive impact and minimize its negative impact on society.
When everything is so managed and systematic along with the understanding of the employees because of their strong ethics, the company will surely touch new heights of success and even the growth of your business will be assured.
Identifying the key business issues of an organization is an important part of implementing measure to resolve or at least minimized the problem.
To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at-least in so far as these goals enhance the individual’s contribution to the organization.
It covers the major labor laws, the role/functions of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB), and Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR). It give comprehensive discussion on labor organization, collective bargaining, agreements, grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration.
Provisions about wages including prohibitions regarding wages and working conditions for special groups of employees such as employment of women, minors, house helpers, and home workers are also included.
__ in the compensation package is also an important aspect. The methods are integrated with some motivational aspects by which the mental/psychological needs and social needs can be satisfied.
Labor Code was enacted on Labor day of 1974 by ______________________________
Training as a method in manpower development is one of the HRD techniques that works hand-in-hand with performance appraisals and makes the development process more like a cycle.
The employment relationship is also an informal process which happens whenever an employer has dealings with an employee and vice versa.
The least important objective of any organization would be to find out the right person for the right job, so that the organizational goals are achieved
Similar to conciliation although the mediator is expected to put forward settlement proposals.
Labor law was enacted on Labor day of 1974 by President Ferdinand Marcos, in the exercise of his then extant executive powers.
It deals with the recruitment and placement of workers to promote and maintain a state full of employment through improved man power training, allocation, and utilization including regulating the employment of aliens, and the establishment of registration and/or work permit systems, and to ensure careful selection of Filipino workers for overseas employment in order to protect the good name of the Philippine abroad.
___________________________ the philosophy of the organization on what sort of relationships between management and employees are wanted, and how the pay–work bargain should be managed.
Potential appraisal provides crucial inputs for succession planning and job rotation.
The employer and the workforce are responsible for devising programs geared toward an employee's career development and job skills acquisition after employment through training, performance management and organization development.
Grievance machinery is part of the continuous process of the collective bargaining intended to promote friendly dialogue between labor and management as a means of maintaining industrial peace.
This methods refer to monetary payment to employee on the basis of their tenure of job and its negotiations with employers.
__ can range from contamination of food due to unsafe handling or preparation practices to an infectious disease outbreak caused by improper hygiene and personal care.
Mediation is similar to conciliation although the mediator is expected to put forward settlement proposals.
The attempts to determine the supply and demand for various types of human resources to predict areas within the organization where there will be future labor shortages or surpluses.
The attempts to determine the supply of and demand for various types of human resources to predict areas within the organization where there will be future labor shortage s or surpluses
Managements can manage perfectly well without trade unions.
labor law is in charge of enforcing health and safety laws, which means you must follow their guidelines when creating your health and safety procedures. If the work environment isn't safe for employees, the company may receive a notice or fine or have the business temporarily or permanently close, depending on the magnitude of the violation.
The extent to which terms and conditions of employment should be governed by collective agreements or based on individual contracts of employment (in other words, collectivism versus individualism).
Recruitment, placement and retirement, employee-employer relationship/labor relations, working environment, compensation, and health and safety imposed legal implication to the organization. thus, it needs to be careful in dealing with people as well as the firm.
It is mainly focus on employees to understand that they are part and partial of the enterprise and inculcate a feeling of belonging to the enterprise
These covers the impact of political institutions on human resource department. All actions and activities of HR are affected by these factors.
In negotiation, Parties control the process, Parties engaged in verbal interaction completely in their own terms and decisions is made by the two conflicting parties.
These calls for a detailed analysis of how many people are currently in various job categories within the company. This analysis then modified to reflect changes in the near future caused by retirements, promotions, transfers, voluntary turnovers, and terminations.
This include non-payment or underpayment of wages and wage-related benefits and violations of health and safety standards.
Social partnership has been defined by Ackers and Payne (1998) as ‘a stable, collaborative relationship between capital and labor, as represented by an independent trade union, providing for low social conflict and significant worker influence on business decision making through strong __’.
___________________________ is a complex process of choosing the best among the best interested individuals to the job, therefore it requires thorough assessment and wise decision coming from the recruiter to choose who among the applicants are best qualified.
It defines what is right or wrong in the workplace and doing what's right -- this is in regard to effects of products/services and in relationships with stakeholders.
One of the primary issue in Human Resource. One of the important factor in employees working conditions.
Occurs when a conciliator- mediator intervenes in the negotiation
______________________ relates to an individual’s or a work group’s decisions that society evaluates as right or wrong, whereas ______________________ is a broader concept that concerns the impact of the entire business’s activities on society.
‘stakeholders are identified by their interest in the corporation, whether or not the corporation has any interests in them.
This involves hiring companies to manage personnel functions, including the administration of specific operations like document processing, manufacturing, marketing, health benefits, retirement plans, and workers’ compensation insurance.
It give comprehensive discussion on labor organization, collective bargaining, agreements, grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration.
Economic or bargaining dispute where the issues involved are not mandated by law and could be negotiated.
The character is one of the most important ethics which in short describes a person. It tells about your behavior towards others and your reactions towards the different situations.
work place hazards includes the following, except for one:
These are the term used to define the process between employers and employees, management and unions in order to make decisions in organizations.
In an __, the employees do not receive actual cash or financial payment, rather, they receive the tangible value of the reward which are based on financial grounds, but they provide indirect benefits and opportunities to employees.
It is the process of improving, molding, changing and developing the skills, knowledge, creative ability, aptitudes, attitude, values and commitment based on present and future requirements both at the individual’s and organization’s level.
Reward management consists of analyzing and controlling employee remuneration, compensation and all of the other benefits for the employees.
Occupational health and safety is a job that is so important that there are occupational safety standards and regulations set by __.
Philippine jurisprudence has long applied a rule that any doubts in the interpretation of law, especially the Labor Code, will be resolved in favor of labor and against management.
This relates to an individual’s values, principles, and standards of conduct.
‘__is the crucial variable which determines the outcome of collective bargaining.’
It aims at protecting and preserving the physical and psychological health of employees through various welfare measures.
It plays an important role in assuring employee satisfaction, improving performance and productivity.
A type of arbitration wherein the parties are compelled or ordered to submit themselves to arbitration in case there is deadlock during collective bargaining.
Total reward management deals with the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward people equitable and fairly, consistently in accordance with their performance and value to the organization.
It is commonly outsourced for two reasons: it’s a time-consuming administrative task for employers, and there are many specialist companies with the technology and knowledge to run it efficiently and compliantly within prescribe standards.
It is the first step in the process of talent management. It involves the following identifying where the gaps lie - the human capital requirement, formulating job descriptions for the necessary key roles to help guide sourcing and selection and developing a workforce plan for recruitment initiatives.
The first operative function of personnel management is __.
These are the certain duties which he needs to do for the betterment of society. Moreover, these are certain duties which make society work in a synchronized manner.
Book III – Conditions of Employment discusses the provisions about wages including prohibitions regarding wages and working conditions for special groups of employees such as employment of women, minors, house helpers, and home workers are also included.
It requires an integrated approach that addresses multidimensional aspects of employees, ranging from enhancing technical and interpersonal skills to creative thinking and leadership
An important point to remember about the employment relationship is that generally it is the employer who has the power to dictate the contractual terms unless they have been fixed by collective bargaining.
The Labor Code of the Philippines stands as the law governing employment practices and labor relations in the Philippines. It was enacted on Independence day of 1974 by President Ferdinand Marcos, in the exercise of his then extant legislative powers.
It is the concept that the parties involved in employee relations should aim to work together to the greater good of all.
The main goal of performance management is to _______________________
The planned elimination of large numbers of personnel designed to enhance organizational effectiveness.
The following positive effects of outsourcing jobs to the Philippines or elsewhere, except for one:
This usually consists of pay policy and practices, salary, wage and payroll administration, incentives, executive pay and team reward.
The Labor Code contains several provisions which are beneficial to labor, except one
This method offers convenience and can save your company money, but it may not work well when your employees need to learn a complex skill and have someone readily available to handle questions. The flexibility can also create compliance issues with the training if you don't carefully monitor whether employees actually complete it.
Training is insignificant and less effective, as it will minimally educate your employees on proper workplace procedures, practices, and behavior to prevent possible injuries and illness or contamination from improper hygiene.
It is an unplanned event that may affect one or some of the project or business objectives.
Job Is the next step after job analysis. It deals with the organizing and outlining of duties and responsibilities compress into one single unit for achievement of the desired goal.
The aim of __is to provide a sufficient supply of qualified individuals to fill jobs in an organization.
Means any union or association of employees which exist in whole or in part for the purpose of collective bargaining or of dealing with employers concerning terms and conditions of employment.
__ view describes that an industrial organization contains many related but separate interests and objectives which must be maintained in some kind of equilibrium.
The end result of collective bargaining. It refers to the negotiated contract between a legitimate labor organization and the employer concerning wages, hours of work, and all other terms and conditions of employment in a bargaining unit, including mandatory provisions for grievances and arbitration machinery.
These are used to measure the value of job, the worth of individuals in those jobs, and the range and level of employees’ benefits to be provided.
This is an important part of the strategy to motivate, engage and manage employees better. This goes beyond financial rewards and bonus packages.
It stands as the law governing employment practices and labor relations in the Philippines. It was enacted on Labor Day of 1974 by President Ferdinand Marcos, in the exercise of his then extant legislative powers.
This type of training can range from having your employees attend a college class with in-person lectures to bringing in an outside trainer to your office for a short seminar. It can also take the form of having a manager give a training presentation or even using a live online class.
It is synonymous to recruitment and selection. It is the process of acquiring and selecting talents that enables the organization achieve its goals.
Companies may purchase results of surveys conducted by survey vendors or may conduct their own salary surveys.
Employment and working conditions in the formal or informal economy embrace other important determinants, including:
The appraisals are normally performed monthly in an organization in the form of daily reviews and weekly reviews which is held in the end of every fiscal month.
The more a person is responsible in nature, the more efficiently and responsibly he will do the given task.
The key drivers of a political climate includes both internal and external. Internal drivers such as collective bargaining and the employee-employer relationship provisions indicate significant changes in the activity of human resource department.
The so-called ‘__’ emerged in the 1990s. These stipulate that negotiating and disputes procedures should be based on the mutually accepted ‘rights’ of the parties expressed in the recognition agreement.
It defined as the principles and standards that determine acceptable conduct in business organizations.
Sources of Applicants:
It is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable—to itself (management), its stakeholders, and the public.
Accountability is necessary for effective corporate governance. From the top-level executives to lower-tier employees, each level and division of the corporation should report and be accountable to another as a system of checks and balances.
The values of a person can be defined as the acts and actions which we make in our daily life. The true values of a person are devotion, respect, hard work and love.
The Labor Code contains several provisions which are beneficial to labor. It prohibits termination from employment of Private employees except for just or authorized causes as prescribed in Article 282 to 284 of the Code
It is the integrated use by an organization of systems, policies and management practices to recruit develop and retain employees who will help the organization meet its goals.
When everything is systematic and functional and in addition your workers are cooperative and understanding then you won’t be facing any problems or legal obligations from the employee’s end, because all the workers are treated equally and all are well known with their duties which the job requires from them.
Recruitment Process:
Performance planning is jointly done by the appraisee and also the reviewee in the beginning of a performance session. During this period, the employees decide upon the targets and the key performance areas which can be performed over a year within the performance budget., which is finalized after a mutual agreement between the reporting officer and the employee
Training and development of manpower motivates the workers and enhances their career growth. Systematic training programs also place the organization in a unique position to confront the growing and changing needs of manpower, technology and diversification of business activities
External driver such as government regulations, nature of work contracts, and labor legislations greatly affects the management of workforce because the organization’s primary concerns are to become compliant to these provisions for employees welfare.
Pay levels must respond to supply and demand of workers in the labor market since employers compete for workers.
Labor law prescribes the rules for hiring and termination of private employees; the conditions of work including maximum work hours and overtime; employee benefits such as holiday pay, thirteenth month pay and retirement pay; and the guidelines in the organization and membership in labor unions as well as in collective bargaining.
Collective bargaining takes two basic forms, first, conjunctive bargaining, and second, corporate bargaining
The aspects of the employment relationship covered by the psychological contact will include the following from the employee’s point of view, which of the following is not related?
Legal and political environment is the external factors of organizational activities, hence, organizations specifically human resource department should abide on all provisions made by them.
Employee-to-employee training is when you need to allow employees to physically observe an activity and get hands-on training so that they can perform the task themselves, you might consider having experienced employees lead the training.
It deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards.
One of the major objective of performance management is to help the employees in identifying the knowledge and skills required for performing the job efficiently as this would drive their focus towards performing the right task in the right way.
The person who is honest and sincere always sustains for a longer duration in the company as compared to others.
Among manpower development's functions is to oversee the development of human expertise in the organization to improve productivity and efficiency.
Job evaluation is the evaluation or rating of jobs to determine their position in the job hierarchy.
Corporate management is the term used to describe the balance among participants in the corporate structure who have an interest in the way in which the corporation is run. Corporate governance directly impacts the profits and reputation of the company, and having poor policies can expose the company to lawsuits, fines, reputational damage, and loss of capital investment.
The key driver of a political climate includes and limited ONLY to internal factors.
Reward management aims to create and efficiently operate a reward structure for an organization. Reward structure usually consists of pay policy and practices, salary, wage and payroll administration, incentives, executive pay and team reward.
It is the process of acquiring and selecting talents that enables the organization achieve its goals.
In line with labor process theory, that relationships between employers representing capital and employees representing labor are usually ones of ‘structured antagonism’.
Strikes are also authorized for as long as they comply with the strict requirements under the Code, and workers who organize or participate in illegal strikes may be subject to dismissal.
It deals with the recruitment and placement of workers to promote and maintain a state full of employment through improved man power training, allocation, and utilization including regulating the employment of aliens, and the establishment of registration and/or work permit systems, and to ensure careful selection of Filipino workers for overseas employment in order to protect the good name of the Philippine abroad
Through planning and monitoring of employee work results, __________________________ are designed to ensure employees acquire pertinent skills and qualities required for working at higher levels.
__ agreements set out agreed terms and conditions of employment, covering pay, allowances and overtime regulations, working hours, holidays and flexibility arrangements, and the achievement of single status or harmonization.
Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing __________________________
An alliance of a group of unions in one industry in any area, region, or country.
Some businesses have a legal requirement to run background checks on people before hiring to ensure that they don’t have a criminal record or simply to confirm the information from their application is legitimate. What is this issues of HR.
This includes the provision on working conditions and rest periods that deals with hours of work, weekly rest periods, holidays, service incentive leaves, and service charges.
Employers are legally obligated to pay their employers a minimum wage as per issued by National Wage and Productivity Commission (NWPC) and also account for overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 hrs.. Keeping accurate exemption employee records (to account for salary vs. hourly employees, for instance) is essential in complying with compensation laws.
It is defined as an formal organizational effort and activity that focus on continuous manpower development for increase productivity, and employee’s self and professional improvement for the purposes of the attainment of organizational goals.
This means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their environment and society as a whole.
Mediation represents the final stage in the dispute resolution process. The grievance does not always result in an acceptable solution because when a deadlock occurs, labor contracts call for arbitration
It is an objective measure that accurately predicts future labor demand.
In conciliation, parties fully participate in deciding issues and creating, evaluating, and solving the conflict to come up with a win-win solution.
Employees may have talent but they will not be motivated to use their talent unless they know that they will be rewarded duly for their contribution towards organizational objectives or be punished for not contributing as per the demands of the job.
This includes succession planning and career growth of the employees.
Once forecast for labor demand and supply are known, the planner can compare the figures to ascertain whether there will be a labor shortage or labor surplus for the respective job categories. When this is determined, the organization can determine what is going to do with the problem. Thru this also, organization can plan ahead of time to strategize and create solution whether to add or cut workforce.
When your workers possess an unethical working environment and unethical behavior in the workplace, your company’s maintenance cost decreases to a remarkable extent because they are well aware of their duties and responsibilities towards the company.
These are considered as most important and difficult collective bargaining issue due to the perception that people work because they need income.
It refers to claims arising from the failure of employer to comply with the social and welfare obligations under the law
It is the ongoing process by which an individual’s work performance is assessed and evaluated. It answers the questions, “How well has the employee performed during the period of time question?”
is an organizations duty to develop, train and compensate the manpower component the firm thru hiring, recruiting and retention. It’s part of organizations policy to enhance its manpower capability.
Human Resource acquisition is synonymous to __________________________
If all the members of the company are dedicated to work as well as figure out there values and responsibility towards the factors like products, relationships towards people and environment, then it is for sure that this type of process will be unbeatable in the market, hence resulting in attracting a bigger customer base due to the reliable and quality of the services or products.
Self-guided training is a type of training can range from having your employees attend a college class with in-person lectures to bringing in an outside trainer to your office for a short seminar.
It is a multidisciplinary field concerning the safety, health, and welfare of people at work.
This helps the sourcer, the sourcing software, and the candidate understand the job-role better.
In _________________________, employers have a common policy and duty to take reasonable care of the safety of their employees
Adequate attention should be taken to distinguish people from the jobs.
It also called ______________________ where companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.
It is often confused with the effort that refers to energy expended.
Most important human resource management laws and regulations, except one
Book I of The Philippine Labor Code - Pre-Employment give comprehensive discussion on labor organization, collective bargaining, agreements, grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration.
These are developed around specific job categories or skill areas relevant to the organization’s current and future state. Once the job categories or skills are identified, the planner needs to seek information that will help predict whether the need for people with those skills or in that job category will increase or decrease in the future.
__ in the formal or informal economy embrace other important determinants, including:
involves strategically planning career paths that make sense for every employee.
There is no need for proper procedure for handling the wage grievances in organization.
Refers to the decision-making process where the management and the union set the terms and conditions of employment and the rules and procedures in the employee-employer relationship.
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