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Family Child Care

Provides a nurturing and safe environment for children in a home-based setting, offering personalized care, early education, and a family-like atmosphere.


child care




early childhood









parent partnership

Which hand should be used to clean wounds?

  • Non-dominant Hand
  • Dominant Hand

Working in partnership with young people means that all decisions are taken only according to the views of young people.

  • True
  • False

TRUE or FALSE:There are six specific types of family structures identified by society today.

  • TRUE

What does the white dove stands for?

  • Holy Spirit
  • Angel Michael

Which of the following is a factor that affects parenting?

  • How the parent was raised
  • Parents values
  • More people are having children later in life
  • All of the above

Which word can be use in Art and Craft lesson

  • Cut
  • take
  • paste

A daycare in a home is called what?

  • family child care program
  • preschool
  • center based child care program
  • work related child care program

This picture is an example of which parenting style?

  • Permissive-indulgent
  • Permissive-neglectful
  • Authoritative

How do we call a family that consists of father, mother and children? A n_____ f_____

  • nuclear family

Which of the following best defines the past definition of a family? (Think the 1950s).

  • A single mother and her two children
  • A mother, father and their two biological children
  • Two mothers and their adopted child
  • A couple with no children

These are pale red and watery wound drainages.

  • Serous
  • Purulent
  • Sanguineous
  • Serosanguineous

My father buys a flower pot to make up with my mother.

  • to care for a child, teaching him or her how to behave, etc.
  • to end an argument with somebody and become friends again
  • to speak angrily to somebody for doing something wrong

SOS Promoting and Supporting Associations make a major contribution to the funding of SOS Children’s Villages’ activities all over the world. They provide financial resources where the national associations are not able to meet the total funding requirements locally.

  • True
  • False

how many animals can be cover in one lesson (TASKA)? why

  • 1 to 3 animals, depend on the children previous experiences and their ability.

How many countries In Asia do we support children, young people, and families?

  • 25
  • 32
  • 43
  • 23

What animal came down from heaven?

  • dove
  • eagle
  • crow

What is prekindergarten?

  • a type of developmental center for babies
  • preschool
  • for children that will be in kindergarten the following year
  • daycare in a home

These protect wound from injury, prevent introduction and spread of bacteria, reduce discomfort, and speed healing.

  • Wound Care
  • Ideal Dressing
  • Dry Dressing
  • Bandage

DAP stands for...

  • developmentally appropriate practice

When inspecting the wound, what should we check to monitor the status of healing? (Give one.)

  • Appearance

True or False: Lack of socialization affects children's ability to develop language skills, social skills, and emotional stability.

  • True

Today, friends will never be the same as family.

  • True
  • False

Where was Jesus born?

  • Bethlehem
  • Manila
  • Jerusalem

Emotional and social development are different because emotional development:

  • begins at birth, but social development begins a few weeks later.
  • follows a predictable pattern, but social development occurs randomly.
  • influences a person’s personality, but social development does not.
  • is influenced by the atmosphere of the home, but social development is not.

What does "love withdrawal" mean?

  • a daycare with DIP activities
  • tummy time for infants without an adult
  • threatening to remove love from a child
  • focusing on the child's weaknesses

What is an extended family?

  • consists of a new husband, wife, or spouse and their children from previous marriages or relationships.
  • children are raised by their grandparents, and the parents are not present in the child's life.
  • consists of one parent raising one or more children on his own.
  • consists of two or more adults who are related, either by blood or marriage, living in the same home.

My family ............... every Sunday and enjoys my mother’s cooking.

  • adopt
  • gets together
  • look after
  • give birth to

CHOOSE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS:How Parent-Child relations have changed?

  • Children seem to be closer to their parents.
  • Mothers and fathers don't devote time to work as much as did their 1950s counterparts
  • Parents and their children seem to be less close nowadays
  • Parents and their children are more likely to play a board game together or go for a walk

A daycare provided by a businesses for employees called...

  • prekindergarten
  • preschool
  • work-related child program
  • permissive parenting

It is important to have trust between the educator and the

  • family

Which of the following best defines an authoritative parenting style:

  • Setting fair limits and explaining decisions to the child.
  • Letting the child do whatever they want
  • "I don't care if you go to bed."

Which word is not suitable to use in the lesson plan

  • Able
  • Can
  • Must

Where was Jesus baptized?

  • Jordan River
  • Pasig River
  • Tigris River

Anna is 5 months pregnant with twins.

  • Anna will have 2 babies.
  • Anna will have 3 babies.
  • Anna will have an only child.

When you are prepare a lesson plan which component you need to focus?

  • Children age group
  • Children age group
  • Children character
  • Children Ability

A microsystem is

  • the immediate setting where a child develops and the interactions that take place, such as their home
  • the relationship between the family unit and the child-care centre and/or school
  • institutions outside of the system, such as culture, religious beliefs

I can be a good child of God by...

  • obeying my parents
  • obeying my parents
  • helping the poor
  • sharing my talents
  • inspiring others

Both emotional and social development are enhanced by play because play helps children:

  • express their interactions and hold in their feelings.
  • interact with others both physically and cognitively.
  • learn both emotional and social skills.
  • learn to be quiet and do as they are told.

Hermann Gmeiner was born into a large farming family in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg on June 23,...................AD.

  • 1919
  • 1917
  • 1918
  • 1920

MT Michael is preparing for a wound care procedure with a diabetic patient. Which container/receptacle should he bring?

  • Green
  • Black
  • Yellow
  • Red

A sanguineous wound drainage indicates active bleeding.

  • True
  • False

The use of logic and explanation to address a child's action or behavior

  • love withdrawal
  • induction
  • power assertion

How do we call a family that consists of parents, children and relatives?An e_______ f_____

  • extended family

MT Kid placed the waste receptacle near his non-dominant hand beside the dressing tray.

  • Correct.
  • Wrong

I told the boys off for making so much noise. "tell off" means....

  • to speak angrily to somebody for doing something wrong
  • to speak happily to somebody for doing something right
  • to give a complement for doing something right
  • divorces

Fill in the blank: Care for old people depends on whether family members have the time r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ s (9 letters)

  • resources

CHOOSE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS:What can parents do to be more involved with their children’s upbringing?

  • They have to know how their children spend their time
  • They have to know how their children spend their time
  • Teenagers are influenced by peer pressure
  • Young people need positive role models

What is it called when caregivers make an environment safe for children?

  • child proofing

CHOOSE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS:What challenges do busy parents face?

  • Their children may be left alone, or with nannies or babysitters
  • Their children may be left alone, or with nannies or babysitters
  • They will have less contact with their children
  • Many families no longer eat meals together

Today, men are more involved in raising children.

  • True
  • False

The health care provider on duty is dressing the wound of an incised wound. He/she knows that the concept "least to most contaminated" must be followed. How will dress he/she wound?

  • In a circular motion starting from the center of the wound going towards the outside part in one swab.
  • In a circular motion starting from the outside of the wound going towards the inside part in one swab.
  • Start cleaning, in one swab, from one end of the incision to the other end. Then, use another swab to clean one side of the incision in one swabbing motion. And repeat to the other side with another cotton ball.
  • Start cleaning on one side of the incision and end on the same side in one circular motion.

CHOOSE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS:Perception of looking after the Elderly in a family in Modern Society.

  • fewer elderly people are looked after by their relative
  • fewer elderly people are looked after by their relative
  • Cares homes provide a professional service for senior citizens
  • Families tend to be smaller these days, and women often have full-time jobs. They are unable to look after elderly relatives

Which of the following is a complete list of the SOS Principles?

  • Child, Parent, Family, Government.
  • Child, Family, Community.
  • Child, Parent, Family, Community
  • Child, Mother, Family, Community.

Who baptized Jesus?

  • Mary
  • Joseph
  • John the Baptist
  • Peter
  • James

Tummy time for infants is an example of...

  • a DAP
  • a DIP

Which of the following best describes the SOS Care Promise?

  • A set of suggested guidelines that the boards of member associations can modify as needed.
  • A set of suggested guidelines that SOS co-workers can follow, if helpful.
  • The policy that guides the work of all SOS co-workers.
  • The policy that guides the work of national directors and managing directors.

Which of the following is a roadblock to why families might not engage in relationship building?

  • Not enough time
  • Not feeling valued by the educators
  • Being very interested in their child's education
  • All of the above
  • A and B only

Supportive parenting that includes communicating clear limits is called

  • permissive parenting
  • democratic (authoritative) parenting
  • authoritarian parenting

CHOOSE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS:Why do children and their parents seem to be less close nowadays?

  • Nowadays both parents often work full time
  • Nowadays both parents often work full time
  • Children don't often go out
  • Parents don't spend money on traveling
  • Children spend more time with friends or surfing the Internet

Who is the present President of SOS Children's Villages International.

  • Ingrid Maria Johansen
  • Beáta Juvancz
  • Dr. Dereje Wordofa
  • Helmet Kutin

In my home, my mother wears trousers. =

  • My mother is the most powerful person in the family.
  • My mother is the least powerful person in the family.

Please Write your name Here

  • Jenny

Angelina Jolie ......... a Vietnamese boy in 2007.

  • adopted
  • got together
  • settled down
  • gave birth to

Cinderella became a black sheep of the family because her mother died.

  • a person who is different from the rest of their family or another group, and who is considered bad or embarrassing
  • a person who supports their family with the money they earn
  • a person that you are related to
  • a baby of the family

A family in which the children live with one parent rather than two is.....

  • nuclear family
  • extended family
  • single-parent family

In Mr. Davis' case study on Anna, the 5 year old girl in the shed, he discovered... (check all that apply)

  • She couldn't smile
  • She couldn't smile
  • She couldn't speak
  • She was excited by human interaction
  • At age 8, she was below the development of a 2 year old

CHOOSE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS:Perception of looking after the Elderly in a family in the past

  • Caring for elderly people was traditionally the responsibility of families
  • Caring for elderly people was traditionally the responsibility of families
  • Adults had to look after their elderly parents
  • A woman’s job was to stay at home taking care of her family

Which of the following name was not the winner of Hermann Gmeiner Award

  • Deepak KC
  • Rama Karki
  • Maya Dhal
  • Aliya Rayeva

Ideally, when should the tape be prepared and cut?

  • During the assembly of equipment.
  • After arriving in the patient's room or bedside.
  • Before wearing sterile gloves
  • After applying the sterile dressing on the wound

Which of the following options are not our Values

  • Courage
  • Commitment
  • Trust
  • Support
  • Accountability

Kindly provide one sub theme for "Celebration"

  • National Day

Lisa ............. his sister’s son after her death.

  • brings up
  • gets together
  • tells off
  • divorces

CHOOSE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS:What things parents can do to help build a positive relationship and prevent many of the common relationship problems?

  • stop communicating with their children
  • provide consistent discipline, setting healthy boundaries, and making sure kids follow them
  • provide for their children both the physical and emotional needs

Which items you need to pay more attention when you creating the lesson plan?

  • Objective
  • Objective
  • Outcome
  • Material
  • Procedures of the lesson

Full form of CB FSP is

  • Common Based Family Strengthen program
  • Current Based Family Strengthen program
  • Community Based Family Strengthen program
  • Non of all

"Họ hàng xa" trong tiếng Anh là?

  • faraway relatives
  • distant relatives
  • geographical relatives

CHOOSE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS:What are some disadvantages of divorce?

  • Divorce is not extremely stressful
  • Lone parents may face financial difficulties
  • Children from single-parent families are more likely to get lower grades or drop out of school.

These are bright red wound drainage.

  • Serous
  • Purulent
  • Sanguineous
  • Serosanguineous

Why do we tend to live in small nuclear families rather than large extended families nowadays?

  • Parents tend to have more children
  • Financially stable, both parents usually work now
  • It doesn't cost so much to bring children up nowadays
  • It is more easy to raise a large family

How long per lesson in Taska Level?

  • Depend
  • 15 to 20 minutes
  • 30 to 40 minutes
  • 5 to 10 minutes

TRUE or FALSE:We all have a responsibility towards the older people in our society.

  • TRUE

What type of discipline uses physical methods to punish or deny children privileges?

  • childproofing
  • love withdrawal
  • fine motor skills
  • power assertion

Professor Dr. Hermann Gmeiner established the very first SOS Children's Village in Tyrol, Austria, in ................ AD .

  • 1949

Helmut Kutin succeeds Hermann Gmeiner as President of SOS Children's Villages International in ................ AD

  • 1985

MT Bob is assessing an 8-year old crying patient with a burn wound. He sweetly introduced himself and explained to the client what he will do. When asking for the pain rating of the patient. He asked the client to rate his pain in a scale of 0 to 10. The client answered 0. How did MT Bob do?

  • Good. MT Bob did the correct assessment.
  • Bad. MT Bob should have asked the client the reason for crying.
  • Bad. MT Bob should have established trust and rapport more.
  • Bad. MT Bob should have presented the emoji icon level to the client.

What type of parenting style means "to be strict and expect obedience without discussion?"

  • permissive
  • authoritarian
  • democratic (authoritative)

Handwashing is done to remove microorganisms on the skins and the hands.

  • True
  • False

Working in partnership with young people means the ongoing processes of young people’s expression and active involvement in decision making in matters that concern them.

  • True
  • False

MT Elias is a newly hired health care provider in their barangay. Upon checking, he found out that that the health center has no gloves available. He is not worried because he knows he can use these when dressing clients' wounds.

  • Clean Gloves
  • Bare Hands
  • Cleaned Forceps
  • Sterilized Forceps

What is the definition of nature?

  • the part of human behavior that's taught to us by our parents and family
  • the part of human behavior that's biologically determined and instinctive
  • the part of human behavior that's connected to our environment

What is Juvenile delinquency?

  • refers to the antisocial or criminal activity of the child (below 14 years of age for boys and 15 years for girls) which violates the law.
  • refers to the antisocial or criminal activity of the child (below 13 years of age for boys and 14 years for girls) which violates the law.
  • refers to the antisocial or criminal activity of the child (below 16 years of age for boys and 18 years for girls) which violates the law.
  • refers to the antisocial or criminal activity of the child (below 18 years of age for boys and 18 years for girls) which violates the law.

Having educator's bios posted on a bulletin board is a way to create a welcoming education centre.

  • True
  • False

CHOOSE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS:What negative effects on children that the lack of closeness in families can have?

  • Juvenile delinquency is on the increase
  • Juvenile delinquency is on the increase
  • Some of them join gangs
  • Friends, television, and the Internet become the main influence on children’s behavior

We get baptized to...

  • clean ourselves from the original sin
  • clean ourselves from the original sin
  • become part of God's family

CHOOSE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS:What social care and support services are available for the elderly?

  • Cares homes
  • Cares homes
  • Working from home
  • Residential homes

These are clear and watery plasma wound drainage.

  • Serous
  • Purulent
  • Sanguineous
  • Serosanguineous

______ motor skills involve LARGE muscle movements.

  • gross

What should MT Beatrice do first?

  • Don clean gloves and remove tape.
  • Establish trust and rapport with the client
  • Ensure the client's comfort.
  • Gather all necessary equipment

TRUE or FALSE:A woman’s job was to stay at home taking care of her family.

  • TRUE

DIP stands for...

  • developmentally inappropriate practice

Give one example of the lesson that is Mission Impossible for Taska Age group childrens.

  • Teach more than 10 numbers in the first lesson

TRUE or FALSE:In the past, divorce was unacceptable because it was considered to be embarrassing for a family.

  • TRUE

This nutrient repairs the body from wear and tear, builds new tissue and contributes to numerous essential body functions.

  • Protein
  • Carbohydrate
  • Fat
  • Sugar

Emotional and social development are similar because early signs of both:

  • are exactly the same from one adult to another.
  • are exactly the same from one infant to another.
  • tend to be quite different from one infant to another.
  • tend to be similar from one infant to another.

Infants at eleven to twelve months fear being:

  • apart from their parents and expect way too much from other people.
  • around strangers and will not interact with people they do not know.
  • hungry or in pain and do not like to be around people.
  • separated from their parents and are unable to see others’ views.

In assembling the dressing tray, MT Bjorn should do what first before going to the patient's bedside?

  • Soak an estimated amount of cotton balls in antiseptic solution to a small/adequate container
  • Stand in the dressing station after washing his hands.
  • Secure the correct size for his sterile gloves.
  • Check if the forceps have been sterilized.

Both emotional and social development of infants are most influenced by the:

  • actions of siblings.
  • child’s individuality.
  • child’s temperament.
  • type of care a child receives.

Working in partnership with young people means that the role of adults becomes less important.

  • True
  • False

Family pride is

  • Families spending time together and supporting each other
  • Families being loyal and cooperating with each other
  • Families listening to each other, sharing ideas not keeping everything inside

School for children 2-4 years old is called...

  • prekindergarten
  • preschool
  • work-related child program
  • permissive parenting

Both emotional and social development are related to imitation because infants:

  • are affected both by the moods and actions of parents and caregivers.
  • imitate only the positive behaviors of their parents.
  • imitate the emotional and social development of their parents.
  • imitate their parents and caregivers only when they are being playful.

True or False: Social isolation affects our emotional and cognitive development a lot.

  • True

SOS International had celebrated its ……………….. birthday of RBM on 29th November 2021

  • 1st
  • 2nd
  • 3rd
  • 4th

An ideal dressing is, except:

  • Able to absorb or contain exudates
  • Acceptable in appearance
  • Easily removed with damage to the healing surface
  • Flexible but durable

What is a nuclear family?

  • consists of one parent raising one or more children on his own.
  • consists of two or more adults who are related, either by blood or marriage, living in the same home.
  • consists of two parents and children.
  • consist of two partners living and working together.

Sigmund Freud came up with the personality theory of the id, ego, and __.

  • superego

A woman who is the wife or partner of your father but who is not your birth mother is...

  • stepmother
  • half-sister
  • step-sister
  • aunt

A daycare (developmental center) that is NOT located in a home is...

  • a center based child care program
  • a home based child care program
  • prekindergarten
  • family child care program

Both emotional and social development involve:

  • a process of learning.
  • forming a personal identity.
  • learning to interact with others.
  • recognizing feelings.

______ motor skills involve smaller muscles for movements (usually in your hands).

  • fine

The id is the part of our personality that...

  • is the voice of reason
  • desires food, comfort, and attention
  • internalizes cultural norms and values to guide behavior

Which hand should be used to get items from the dressing tray.

  • Non-dominant Hand
  • Dominant Hand

The full form of RBMF

  • Reports Based Management & Financing
  • Results Based Management & Financing
  • Research Based Management & Financing
  • Results Based Marketing & Financing

SOS Medical Center Bardia is handover to..................

  • Nepalgunj Medical college
  • Surkhet Municipality
  • Bansgadhi Municipality
  • Bardia Municipality

_______ parenting means to let children control situations and make the decisions

  • permissive

These are thick and either yellow, green, tan or brown wound drainage.

  • Serous
  • Purulent
  • Sanguineous
  • Serosanguineous

Lily is 5 months pregnant with triplets.

  • She will have 2 babies.
  • She will have 3 babies.
  • She will have an only child.

When the baby was born, I became the sole breadwinner.

  • a person who is different from the rest of their family or another group, and who is considered bad or embarrassing
  • a person who supports their family with the money they earn
  • a person that you are related to
  • a baby of the family

It is the ECE's job to ease the separation process.

  • True
  • False

In taska level which group you need to focus when you are running a lesson?

  • Whole group and small group
  • Whole group and individual
  • Small Group and Individual
  • Whole group ,small group and individual

What is the definition of nurture?

  • behavior based on your biological hardwiring and DNA
  • behavior based on your individual thoughts and feelings
  • behavior based on the people and environment you're raised in

The first SOS Children's Village in Nepal was established in-------

  • 1972 AD

In the area of emotional development, infants at six months who are well-cared-for tend to:

  • cry less than those who are not.
  • develop interests outside themselves more quickly than those who are not.
  • grow faster than those who are not.
  • have more stranger and separation anxiety than those who are not.

TRUE or FALSE:Governments should focus more on other aspects. They don't need to invest money in facilities and training for care workers.

  • TRUE
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