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Physical Education and Health: Team Sports

The essential knowledge in two popular team sports: basketball and volleyball. The dynamics of aforementioned sports, violations and sanctions of the games.



hand signals


leg power

upper extremities

how to play




Who brought basketball to the Philippines in 1936?

  • americans
  • china

How many points does a player get for each successful shoot?

  • 2
  • 5
  • 1
  • 3

This skill aims to minimize and avoid errors or faults in the defense or effense against an opponent.

  • footwork
  • feetwork

The maximum number of seconds a player can stay on the restricted area.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
  • 3

How many seconds is allowed for the team to be on time out?

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 5

The referee holds up the yellow card to indicate

  • warning
  • violation

The strand of the net is made of strong _____ or nylon strings.

  • cotton
  • candy

This refers to the movement of the feet and hands together with the body in cylinder position.

  • Defensive Stance
  • Attack Stance

This service is executed by tossing the ball 2 to 3 feet in the air above in front of the right shoulder.

  • underhand serve
  • sidearm serve
  • overhand serve

This pass is executed by gripping the ball on the sides, your thumbs positioned behind the ball. The fingers rotate the ball once thrown and a nice backspin is executed.

  • chest pass
  • head pass

The libero can only block, set or smash the ball at the front court.

  • True
  • False

The basic skill done by pushing the ball repeatedly to the floor.

  • Dribbling
  • Shooting

There are ______ quarters in one game.

  • four
  • five

The team must make a point within _____ seconds.

  • 30
  • 29

The player who shoots from the _____ feet area is awarded 3 points.

  • 12
  • 15

The passing technique which uses the fleshy parts of the fingers and a wrist action.

  • tossing
  • overhand pass
  • forearm pass
  • one-arm pass

How many players does volleyball need to have?

  • 12
  • 6
  • Sex
  • Six

The line that divides the court into two equal parts.

  • center line
  • right line
  • left line

The act of putting the ball in the goal.

  • Shooting
  • Dribbling

The pass executed by holding the ball at waist level.

  • Bounce pass
  • Overhead pass

This exercise works out and uses the rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, biceps and brachialis muscles.

  • Lateral dumbbell raise
  • One arm dumbbell row
  • Flat bench press
  • Flat dumbbell fly

The official holds up one hand with three fingers up if the three-point shot is being attempted.

  • True
  • False

The number of points for every shot.

  • 2
  • 1

The offensive and most important skill in basketball.

  • Shooting
  • Dribbling

The tallest player is most often chosen as the one to do the jump ball.

  • False
  • True

Where was the first Olympic game of volleyball held?

  • Massachusetts, USA
  • Springfield
  • Tokyo, Japan

The _____ is made up of flexible rod fiberglass or similar material.

  • antennae
  • antae

The application of the _____ depends on the organizing body of basketball. This period shall run for 60, 75, 90 or 100 seconds.

  • media time-in
  • media time-out

The strand of the net used for volleyball is _____mm thick.

  • 3
  • 4

The _____-second rule applies in a game wherein the player is not allowed to remain in the opponent's restricted area for more than the alloted seconds while his team is in possession of the ball.

  • 2
  • 3

This exercise works out and uses the pectoralis major, anterior deltoids and deltoid.

  • Flat bench press
  • Elbow flexion and extension
  • Wrist flexion and extension
  • Tricep pulldown

Who established the game volleyball?

  • William J. Morgan
  • Elwood Brown
  • Dr. Alfred Halsted

For this exercise, using free weights or a water bottle, as an alternative, you have to use the support of a bench. One knee mounts the bench while a hand supports your weight somewhere above the shoulder. The free weight is raised to your chest in the starting position before extending the elbow to bring the apparatus pointing backwards.

  • Tricep extension
  • Shoulder adduction and abduction
  • Lateral dumbbell raise
  • Flat dumbbell fly

The basketball court is ______ in shape.

  • Square

The term that refers to the most defensive player of the team.

  • Libero
  • liberty

On a flat surface, you do this exercise by placing your forearm along the edge of the table with the wrist and the hand hanging on the side. From the beginning position of an open palm facing downwards, you raise the hand without lifting your forearm along with it.

  • Wrist flexion and extension
  • Forearm pronation and supination
  • Shoulder flexion
  • One arm dumbbell row

_____ mainly use the knees and ankles, involving repetitive rapid stretching and contracting of muscles.

  • Jump squats
  • Chienese

The indoor court must have a _____ floor surface.

  • metal
  • wood
  • wooden

The team is allowed to substitute a player even if the ball is still in play.

  • True
  • False

In this exercise, you use your shoulder blades and pushing them backward to meet at the middle of your back.

  • Horizontal adduction and abduction
  • Shoulder internal and external rotation
  • Shoulder adduction and abduction
  • Scapular retraction and depression

In the absence of the tallest player, the _____ player does the jump ball.

  • center
  • right

_____ mean an exercise involving repeated rapid stretching and contracting of muscles to increase muscle power.

  • Monopoly
  • Plyometrics

The color of the volleyball may be light or a combination of colors.

  • False
  • True

You may use water bottles as alternative to free weights in exercises needing apparatus.

  • True
  • False

The number of points for every free throw.

  • 1
  • 2

The volleyball cannot be made up of synthetic leather.

  • True
  • False

______ is executed by intentionally getting in the way of the opposing team to see the server of the serving team.

  • Screening
  • Screen

The match is won after ____ sets.

  • three
  • four

In the jump shot, both feet of the player take off the floor in a _____ jump.

  • vertical
  • horizontal

_____ is important before taking the leap or jumping to block the opponent's attack to assume where the ball lands.

  • Fasting
  • Timing

The tricep pulldown is done by using a pair of free weights or water bottles gripped by both hands.

  • True
  • False

The body is in a ______ position in putting a defense to avoid committing fouls.

  • cylinder
  • square

This exercise mainly makes use of the biceps and elbow flexors.

  • Bicep curl
  • Finger flexion and extension
  • Hammer curls
  • Wrist ulnar and radial deviation

In shoulder internal and external rotation, elbows are bent at a _____-degree angle.

  • 98
  • 90

The ball is considered "_____" if the ball falls outside of the boundary lines.

  • out
  • in

_____ refers to the ability of maintaining the proper alignment of joints while going through various ranges of motion.

  • Weakness

The shot done in which the forearm is in vertical position while the elbow is in an acute angle.

  • set shot
  • set throw

Before it became volleyball, it was popularized as "_____" because the net divided the court into two.

  • Mintonette
  • Mintonete

The official points a finger with an arm parallel to the sidelines to indicate the direction of the play.

  • True
  • False

The referee holds up ______ fingers to indicate delay in service.

  • eight
  • nine

From the sitting position, you lift your arm to the side, your palms facing upward. This position must be maintained for three seconds.

  • Shoulder adduction and abduction
  • Tricep extension
  • Lat pulldown
  • Scapular retraction and depression

The official puts his hands on his _____ if the players committed a foul on blocking and illegal screening.

  • teeth
  • hips

Only _____ media time-out is allowed in each period.

  • 2
  • 1

This is the lane where players stay during the free throw.

  • Throw Lance

The deuce in a volleyball comes when the teams are tied at ____ points.

  • 24
  • 344
  • 21
  • 34

The game was originally played using _____ baskets.

  • peach
  • peech

_____ refers to the ability to retain the proper alignment of the lower body joints.

  • stable
  • stability

A basketball game runs for _____ minutes.

  • 40
  • 50

Good _____ have well-coordinated bodies.

  • blockers
  • Jail

The _____ in the volleyball court is made up of flexible rod fiberglass of around 1.80m long and 10mm in diameter.

  • Ann Tae

The libero also wears a uniform of a different color than his/her team members.

  • False
  • True

Using a machine, you grip a small bar at hip level while standing up straight. After this, you pull down the bar slowly until it reaches the lower part of your body.

  • Tricep pulldown
  • Lateral dumbbell raise
  • Horizontal adduction and abduction
  • Flat dumbbell fly

The center circle is ______ m in diameter.

  • 3.60
  • 3.2
  • 4.5
  • 2.2

This exercise can be done while sitting down. Starting with the arm bent at the elbow, the clenched fist pointing towards the body, the arm is extended down to the side slowly.

  • Elbow flexion and extension
  • Overhead press
  • Lat pulldown
  • Finger flexion and extension

When did James Naismith discover the game, basketball?

  • 1935
  • 1890
  • 1892
  • 1936

The net is 2.13m high for younger players.

  • False
  • True

The pass which is an associated technique utilized to pass the serve, play balls below the waist and control the ball far from the player.

  • one-arm pass
  • tossing
  • overhand pass
  • forearm pass

This is executed with a forceful shot above the rim.

  • Dunk Shot
  • Lay-up Shot

_____ point system is used in scoring the game.

  • Rally
  • Trully

A player is allowed to have two consecutive touches.

  • True
  • False

The shot executed by dribbling close to the basket before releasing the shot.

  • Lay-up Shot
  • Dunk Shot

Calf raises are mainly concerned with the endurance to withstand the position at a certain amount of time.

  • False
  • True

The muscles of your _____ enables you to pull your shoulders up, down and back.

  • Spinal Cord

_____ is an illegal person contact executed by pushing on the opponent's torso.

  • Attacking
  • Charging

How many colors are there on a basketball for men?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

The two calf muscles needed to be strengthened to ensure leg power are _____, the upper part, and _____, the lower part of the muscle.

  • soleus, gastrocnemius
  • gastrocnemius, soleus

It is important to aim for speed in performing jump squats.

  • False
  • True

The substituted player cannot go back to the game.

  • True
  • False

If both yellow and red cards are held up in separate hands, a "______" signal is called.

  • Disqualification
  • Qualification

This is done to start the game of basketball.

  • Jump Ball
  • Slide Ball

The player holding the ball must pass, shoot or dribble within _____ seconds.

  • 5
  • 4

This refers to the tendency of losing muscles as we reach a certain age.

  • scorpion
  • sarcopenia

This exercise position requires you to hold your weights at shoulder level, the palms holding the weights facing towards the body. You raise it to a level where both arms are fully extended.

  • Push-ups
  • Finger flexion and extension
  • Overhead press
  • Tricep pulldown

_____ started playing volleyball in the USA on 1895.

  • Morgan
  • Morning

This refers to the movement of the feet when dribbling or when putting the defense against the opponent.

  • Footwork
  • Feetwork

This refers to the act of hitting the ball or controlling the ball by hitting it with the arms.

  • passing
  • double

One quarter of a game runs for ______ minutes.

  • twelve
  • nine

There is a fixed uniform for playing basketball.

  • True
  • False

The volleyball is made of _____ leather.

  • Synthetic
  • Asymetric

The pass done by holding the ball with two hands holding the ball on top of the head.

  • Baseball pass
  • Overhead pass
  • Hook pass
  • Chest pass
  • Bounce pass

How many sets in maximum are there in a volleyball game?

  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 1

The violation committed by the team is a point for the opponent.

  • False
  • True

When a pair of opponents commit personal fouls against each other at approximately the same time, it is called a

  • Single
  • Double foul

is the throwing of a ball to a teammate.

  • Passing
  • Throwing