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3D Game Art Development

3D digital game artists draw, model, and animate in different styles depending on the type of game from using creative skills to deliver a marketable game.


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2d game

3d game

Systems are influenced by the context that surrounds them.

  • Attributes
  • Objects
  • Internal Relationship
  • Environment

Gamemaker event that are excellent for when you want to time Actions.

  • Create Event
  • Alarm Event
  • Destroy Event
  • Build Event

If you will set a speed value in the next field. Don't set it too high, or your character might fly off before you can see where he even went. This is a problem because our Camera is roaming, so positioning it back into view will become a task much easier said, than done. We would suggest setting the speed to around 5.

  • True
  • False

Refers to the attributes of an object.

  • Both B and C
  • Conceptual and Contextual
  • Physical and Contextual
  • Physical and Conceptual

You should see something new appear in your Prefabs folder. It's the exact same image of the box, but it appears in a blue container. That's your prefab! Easy, wasn't it? Now, to generate an instance of this prefab whenever the Spacebar is pressed, we will need to write a tiny script for the Generator.

  • True
  • False

This can be defined as the base or the parent object, where you can place your GameObjects to make a level of the game. One or more scenes (aka, levels) are generally put into a game and they are linked together, which your audience will cross or pass by clearing some specific objectives.

  • The Project
  • Build
  • Prefabs
  • Scenes

In the above images, note the green boundaries. Those boundaries are what define the __________ in the respective gameObjects. In the triangle, the boundary fits the shape of the __________ perfectly since we used a simple triangle. In the square, we made the collision region larger than the actual shape of the gameObject to once again make the point, that the Collider is an __________ from the gameObject.

  • collision region, gameObject, independent region
  • Box Collider, Collider option, Rigidbodies

Color code for Error Line

  • red
  • blue

If you want to change that background color, simply click on the Toolbar in the Hierarchy, and then change the background color by clicking on the Background property for the Camera component in the Inspector.

  • True
  • False

In Unity, collisions aren't defined by Rigidbodies themselves, but instead by an old component called Collider2D.

  • True
  • False

It is graphical representations of your Objects.

  • Events
  • Objects
  • Sprites
  • Rooms

Color Code for selected line, changed line

  • Light Yellow
  • Yellow
  • Light Blue
  • Light Pink

As the name implies, 2D means working in two dimensions. As such, we don't really care about what's going on in the fourth dimension (or the Z-axis.) As far as we're concerned, we only need to care about the X axis (what's going on horizontally) and the Y axis (what's going on vertically).

  • True
  • False

If you run the game right now, you won't really notice any difference. Your character will still move like normal using the arrow keys. So, let's test out the real magic of colliders by giving our main character something to collide with. To do so, right click in the ______ area and go to _____ → ______ .

  • Assets, Create, Sprites
  • character, arrow keys, colliders

Sprite Renderer is a component which works with how your sprite (that is, your image) is handled on-screen.

  • True
  • False

Gamemaker event that are used when you want to display something during the game.

  • Alarm Event
  • Draw Event
  • Key Event
  • Collision Event

Playing is not an escape from some important work.

  • True
  • False

If you open that menu (by clicking the triangle), you'll see options to disable (or freeze, as Unity calls it) the object's movement and rotation. Just tick the stimulated check box, and you're good to go. But it still isn't quite satisfactory. There's a big spacial gap between the two colliders where you can't move because of the box shape of the colliding regions.

  • True
  • False

It is developed by Unity Technologies and was 1st announced only for OS X, at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in the year 2002, it has since been extended to almost every available platform.

  • True
  • False

This option in the top-left corner can be used to add new Assets to your project.

  • Scene View
  • Hierarchy Window
  • The Project Window
  • Create Option

Redo the last action

  • Ctrl+Shift+Y
  • Ctrl+Shift+Z
  • Ctrl+Z
  • Ctrl+Shift+W

Back to the game, how do we fix our character from going wonky around a corner? It's simple. Simply open up your main character, and in the Collider2D properties, open up the Constraints section.

  • True
  • False

Identify the parts of the Interface/windows of Unity.

  • Toolbar
  • Hierarchy Window

Makes the size of the font smaller

  • F8
  • F10
  • F2
  • F7

One of the four levels of system complexity that do not change.

  • Periodic Systems
  • Fixed Systems
  • Chaotic Systems
  • Complex System

Math the correct color code for the following elements. - Error

  • Light Gray
  • Red
  • Dark Gray
  • Black
  • Orange

Color code for comments.

  • green
  • red

1. The field we have marked 1 is called the _______________ . It's where you will be adding objects, cameras, light sources and stuff like that in your scene. We will explain more on scenes and projects later on. 2. Next, we have field number 2. This is where the _______________ of your game are stored. They are all the external resources that your game uses. This includes images, fonts, scripts, scenes, text files, XML files, music, sounds, videos etc. 3. Field number 3 is the _______________ .It's where you'll see what's actually going and you'll also be adding your assets in here, dragging them around, making changes. 4. At 4, we have the _______________ . This is where you'll modify, add and remove components and the properties of the objects that you add in the scene. 5. Number 5 is a set of _______________ . These are used for starting up your game in the editor, so you can test your work. You don't even have to worry about the game crashing in case of an error, Unity will stop gameplay as soon as it encounters an error, that it cannot handle. 6. And, at number 6, we have the _______________ . If you're familiar with programming, you'll know that all the output messages, errors, warnings and debug messages are shown here. It's quite the same thing for Unity, except output messages are done a bit differently than you think.

  • [No Answer]

You can always check where an empty gameObject is by simply clicking on the gameObject in the Scene View.

  • True
  • False

All are Examples of such assets except one, choose the one that is not an example of Assets.

  • Audio Mixer
  • Animator Controller
  • Whole Scene
  • Render Texture

Gamemaker event that is used when you no longer want an Instance in the Room.

  • Build Event
  • Destroy Event
  • Create Event
  • Open Event

Players have to construct, maintain, or manage game objects.

  • Destruction
  • Creation
  • Construction
  • Resolution

Game design is a team effort and game designers ensure that everyone is able to

  • True
  • False

Color code for values, constants, built-in variables, resource names.

  • pink
  • red

Math the correct color code for the following elements. - Background

  • Light Gray
  • Red
  • Dark Gray
  • Black
  • Orange

The rules of games guide how players achieve goals.

  • True
  • False

We stress on the fact that they're regions because not all colliders are shaped exactly like the gameObject that defines them. In fact, for highly detailed models and sprites, most developers use basic sides that make an approximate shape.

  • True
  • False

Project in Unity is a folder or location which holds your complete game project along with all its associated assets which may contain the library and assets sub-folder also.

  • Scenes
  • The Project
  • Prefabs
  • Build

The Event is triggered when the Instance touches the inside edge of the Room.

  • None of the above.
  • Intersect Boundary
  • Crosspath Boundary
  • Edge Boundary

Collisions are Unity's way of understanding the logical interaction between two Rigidbodies, and indeed, two gameObjects in general.

  • True
  • False

The Game Window - This is the most important window in Unity Editor. On the left, it will contain the primary tools to manipulate the scene view along with the objects contained within.

  • True
  • False

Assets are the representation of project item(s) which you can implement in your game or project.

  • True
  • False

You see the Edit Collider option that we have highlighted in the above image. If you click on that button, you'll notice that your image now has a few __________ which you can use to adjust the size of the collider region.

  • handles
  • handy

Empty gameObjects are really useful for things like spawners and reference points, since they're visible during gameplay.

  • True
  • False

Color code for current line, line number background

  • dark gray
  • dark red

To create a script, right click in the Assets area, and go to Create → C# Script.

  • True
  • False

A rigidbody is a property, which, when removed to any object, allows it to interact with a lot of fundamental physics behaviour, like forces and acceleration.

  • True
  • False

The main editor window of Unity, you will notice that the window of Unity 3D is made up of small individual windows that can be rearranged, grouped in sets, detached from one position and docked back again, within the main window.

  • True
  • False

Refers to the specific game components at core level.

  • Aesthetics
  • Dynamics
  • None of the above.
  • Mechanics

24. These Events are great when you want something to happen when two Instances collide — such as when a bullet Instance hits a plane Instance or, more simply, when a player Instance hits a wall Instance and you want the player to bounce off the wall

  • Draw Event
  • Collision Event
  • Alarm Event
  • Key Event

Triggered before any other Draw Events, which means you can use it to set values, set draw properties, and, of course, draw things.

  • Predraw event
  • None of the above.
  • All of the above.
  • PostDraw Event

Used when you want to display something during the game.

  • Key Event
  • Collision Event
  • Alarm Event
  • Draw Event

It is what actually happens within an Event that is associated with an Object.

  • Events
  • Action
  • Instances
  • Rooms

The code below is simply a combination of the code written for movement and instantiation, nothing too complicated. If you save this script and attach it to your main character, you can now move him around. a. Line 20: We create a new Vector3 which is composed of three elements. These three elements are the __________ of the position where the fireball is generated. b. The name of the code is __________ c. The instantiation code of object fireball is __________ d. The code for fireballs to appear and fall down is __________

  • X, Y and Z coordinates, Shooter, Instantiate(fireball);, if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
  • void Update(), public float speed;, using UnityEngine;, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")*speed);

Update() method This method is run by the script once, at the very beginning of when the gameObject is initialized and is enabled.

  • True
  • False

Vector2 and Vector3 are what you can call containers for a number of numeric values, most often integer values, represented by the number on the end.

  • True
  • False

It is a precompiled cluster of game assets. Unity comes with various packages.

  • GameObject
  • Transform
  • Packages
  • Components

Triggered after the other Draw Events but before the Draw GUI Event.

  • None of the above.
  • All of the above.
  • PostDraw Event
  • PreDraw Event

The Event is triggered when the Instance leaves the Room.

  • External Room
  • Non-Existent Room
  • End Room
  • Outside Room

As a game designer, focus on your game’s features, and try not to focus on what your

  • True
  • False

One of the four levels of system complexity that repeats the same pattern.

  • Periodic Systems
  • Complex Systems
  • Chaotic Systems
  • Fixed Systems

Refers to game’s internal events. The main logic behind the game.

  • None of the above.
  • Implicit Rules
  • Constituative Rules
  • Operational Rules

Undo the last action

  • Ctrl+Z
  • None of the above.
  • Ctrl+Y
  • Ctrl+Shift+Z

One of the four levels of system complexity that are not random and dynamic.

  • Chaotic Systems
  • Complex Systems
  • Fixed Systems
  • Periodic Systems

The Toolbar View - In this window the actual Game view is rendered from the camera in the game. This allows you to check how the actual game view will look like.

  • True
  • False

You need to deselect the Clear Background with Window Colour check box in the Room editor for PreDraw and PostDraw Events to work.

  • True
  • False

Color code for BACKGROUND

  • black
  • red

It is an Object that you’ve placed in the Room.

  • Instances
  • Rooms
  • Action
  • Events

So, let's put this knowledge of colliders to use. We don't even have to use scripting, yay! In your project, open up your main character, and add a Box Collider 2D by going to _____ → _____ → ______ . You'll now notice that a new component, the Box Collider, has showed up in the Inspector pane.

  • Add Component, Physics 2D, Box Collider
  • Collider 2D, Scene View, Add Scene

Collider2Ds are components which define a region in which collision interaction between gameObjects occur.

  • True
  • False

You can use this Event in controller Objects to start music and initialize global variables and other Actions that you want to happen at the start of the game.

  • Instances
  • Circumstances
  • Events
  • Situation

In simple terms, colliders are simply the defined collisions where gameObjects are solid to other gameObjects.

  • True
  • False

Remember that a Sprite Renderer is also a component. Since this gameObject doesn't have such a component, it simply doesn't render anything.

  • True
  • False

These are the reusable GameObject components which are laid up in the Project View window.

  • Build
  • The Project
  • Scenes
  • Prefabs

12. Using the code below, provide the code the question is pertaining to: a. Since we are working in a 2D environment, we simply consider any third-dimension values, that is, the Z value to be 0. You will note that we used gameObject.transform.position in the code. The term gameObject refers to what? _______ . b. With the new overloaded method takes in three parameters, Identify the parameters. i. __________ : The gameObject to generate. ii. __________ : Where to generate the gameObject in 3D space. iii. __________ : Data related to the rotation of the gameObject in 3D space.

  • Shooting Savi, GameObject, Vector3, Quaternion
  • Gravity, Instantiation, Movement, Prefabs

Math the correct color code for the following elements. - Current line, line number background

  • Light Gray
  • Red
  • Dark Gray
  • Black
  • Orange

Now, you may want to save your work. You can simply save it by pressing Ctrl + S, and saving it as a scene.

  • True
  • False

Using the code above, we used a private floating variable named __________ to store the X value of the fireball's position. When we initialize a new fireball, that new fireball runs its __________ What we're doing is setting the value of X value of the object's position at the moment it's initialized. This will make sure the fireball starts moving from the point we fire it, not from the dead center. Next, have a look at the __________ . The first line simply adds the speed, the next line is important. If you read it over, you might be wondering why we can't modify the __________ and __________ values directly, and are using variables instead. Instead, we set the position to a new Vector2 position in space every frame. The values change every frame, making the bullets move in game time. So, here's what the script is doing with every bullet (fireball) that's instantiated: a. Sets the value of a completely __________ named fireballXvalue to the initial position of the bullet. b. Adds the __________ to the fireballXvalue every frame. c. Sets the position of the _________ to fireballXvalue and the same Y value as it was. Save this script, since we want every new fireball to have that script, why not simply add it to the template? To do so, just click on the __________ . You will notice that you can change the components and properties just like a normal, active gameObject. So, without wasting any more time, attach the _________ to the fireball prefab, and set the value of the speed).

  • fireballXvalue
  • fireballXvalue
  • start() function
  • update() method
  • position.x
  • position.y
  • new variable
  • value of speed
  • bullet every frame
  • fireball's prefab
  • FireballBehaviour script
  • fireballs are still stationary
  • every bullet (fireball)
  • directly change the x value
  • generated fireball
  • Instantiate()
  • bullet every frame
  • fireball's prefab
  • FireballBehaviour script

It allows developers to have a visual navigation and editing capability for your scene, that you are creating. This view has the capability to show a 2D as well as 3D view, based on the project type you are working on. You can move the objects in this view to position them correctly.

  • Scene View
  • Create Option
  • The Project Window
  • Hierarchy Window

Most of the time, it's the physics of a game which cause "bugs" or "glitches".

  • True
  • False

Keyboard shorcut to create a group.

  • Shift+F4
  • Shift+Ins
  • Shift+Enter
  • Shift+Del

Basic building blocks of game systems.

  • Rules
  • Properties
  • System
  • Objects

You should see a new GameObject appear in the Hierarchy. But nothing appears on the screen. Because this is an empty gameObject, it doesn't have any components except a prefab.

  • True
  • False

Players have to gain and use knowledge to outwit their opponents.

  • Exploration
  • Outwit
  • Reduction
  • Solution

Color code for keywords, functions, script names

  • orange
  • red

Unity is a non-cross-platform game engine primarily used to develop video games and simulations for PC, consoles, mobile devices and websites.

  • True
  • False

One of the core foundations of most games, whether they be 2D or 3D, is the Rigid Body involved in them.

  • True
  • False

Games designers are not responsible for the crafting game rules because this task is done by the programmers.

  • True
  • False

The total number of frames in any given sprite

  • currentFrame
  • frameCounter
  • maxFrames
  • frameSpeed

You see the Edit Collider option that we have highlighted in the above image. If you click on that button, you'll notice that your image now has a few handles which you can use to adjust the size of the collider region.

  • True
  • False

Now, remember how you added Mr. Star to the scene back when you were getting started? You dragged the gameObjects from the Assets to the Hierarchy. Creating a prefab is the reverse of that process.

  • True
  • False

Unstated assumptions of games. Often relate to contextual situation of a game.

  • Operational Rules
  • Constituative Rules
  • Implicit Rules
  • None of the above.

It reveals the formation of how objects get attached to one another. With the whole Scene being the Parent Object, the objects added to it becomes the Child object, this concept is also known as Parenting in Unity world.

  • The Project Window
  • Scene View
  • Create Option
  • Hierarchy Window

Keyboard shorcut to Access the in-software manual

  • F3
  • F2
  • F4
  • F1

Set of values that define the nature of game objects.

  • Objects
  • Properties
  • System
  • Rules

It is where you assemble and define the different parts of your game.

  • Sprites
  • Events
  • Rooms
  • Objects

Now, to fill in the Box To Generate slot that appears in the script's properties, we will simply click on the triangle-dot, and pick our box's prefab.

  • True
  • False

Color code for normal text, and selection

  • light gray
  • light red

You drag an existing gameObject from the Hierarchy to the Assets. Unity then generates a prefab of that gameObject in the folder you dragged it into.

  • True
  • False

A prefab is actually a blueprint or a template for a specific Sprites.

  • True
  • False

The Create Window allows developers to inspect and analyze all the editable properties of the selected object. Since, different objects type has dissimilar sets of properties with varying layout and contents.

  • True
  • False

How do we make the collider a bit more realistic in shape? Just like our star. Well, instead of a Box Collider, let's move on to the slightly more complex version of it, the Polygon Collider.

  • True
  • False

Objects that you add as images are stored as Hierarchy when you're working in 2D. Sprites is Unity's way of remembering that you're using these images to work with them in 2 dimensions, not 3.

  • True
  • False

Using the code above: The overload method that replaced the old Instantiate() method is

  • (fireball, new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y, 0),
  • body.velocity = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")*speed,

The want to advance in the game, the interest in the rules and system of the game, and the want to compete with others.

  • None of the above.
  • Achievement Component
  • Immersion Component
  • Social Component

Refers to potential actions that game objects could perform during a given game state.

  • System
  • Behaviour
  • Objects
  • Properties

MonoBehaviour also contains the definition for the Start() and Update() methods.

  • True
  • False

The speed in FPS that the game counts through the frames to be displayed. Default is 1.

  • frameData
  • currentFrame
  • frameSpeed
  • frameCounter

Math the correct color code for the following elements. - Normal text, selection

  • Light Gray
  • Red
  • Dark Gray
  • Black
  • Orange

One of the four levels of system complexity that constantly changing.

  • Periodic Systems
  • Chaotic Systems
  • Fixed Systems
  • Complex Systems

1. Scenes in plays generally have scripts that tell them what they're supposed to do, act and say at any given time during the play.

  • True
  • False

To be a good game designer, one should be a good listener.

  • True
  • False

Many people see games (and the activity of gaming) as a creative form of self-expression

  • True
  • False

It should then show you the location of that gameObject with a translucent circle.

  • True
  • False

This is a very cooperative game core. Sometimes, players want to exchange resources and negotiate the values with one another. The most common example are trading card games.

  • Survival
  • Chaos
  • Prediction
  • Trading

It is an exported adaptation of your game that will contain all the essential scenes for playback on the specific platform.

  • Build
  • Scenes
  • Prefabs
  • The Project

Opens the code snippet pop-up window

  • F7
  • F8
  • F2
  • F10

Current list of frame data the game is reading from, based on the animation that needs to play. Idle, run, attack, etc.

  • frameCounter
  • frameSpeed
  • frameData
  • frameDuration

Keyboard shorcut to open project in explorer

  • Ctrl+Alt+O
  • Ctrl+Alt+P
  • Ctrl+Alt+S
  • Ctrl+Alt+N

Math the correct color code for the following elements. - Keywords, functions, script names

  • Light Gray
  • Red
  • Dark Gray
  • Black
  • Orange

It will display the library of assets which are available for use and images, music files and other additional files you will implement in your project.

  • Hierarchy Window
  • Scene View
  • The Project Window
  • Create option
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