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Law Enforcement Organization and Administration

Staff trained in the area of public safety administration engaged in the achievement of goals and objectives that promote the maintenance of peace and order.

inter-agency approach




enforcement administration

government law

enforcement agencies


administrative statistics







This group enforces the traffic laws and regulations, promote safety along the highways, enhances traffic safety consciousness through inter- agency cooperation concerning Police Traffic Safety Engineering, Traffic Safety Education and Traffic Law enforcement functions and develops reforms in the crime prevention aspect against all forms of lawlessness committed along National Highway involving the use of motor vehicles.

  • Highway Patrol Group

The modern concept of police service uses the yardstick of efficiency of the police is more arrest.

  • True
  • False

This police organization reports directly to the Alcalde Mayor.

  • Guardia Civil

The first recorded law enforcement or police organizations was traced back to the reign of Pharoah Hur Moeb of ancient Egypt.

  • True
  • False

This agency organizes, trains and equips the PNP for the performance of police functions.

  • PNP
  • DOJ
  • NBI
  • DILG

This group undertakes and orchestrates Police Community Relations program and activities in partnership with concerned government agencies, the community, and volunteer organizations in order to prevent crime and attain a safe and peaceful environment.

  • Police Community Affairs and Development Group

The organization established under the Integration Act of 1975 also known as the INP.

  • Police Commission
  • Integrated National Police
  • National Police Commission

The modern concept of police service is looked upon the police as repressive machinery.

  • True
  • False

Sir Robert Peel introduced the metropolitan act.

  • True
  • False

In PNP, the line supervisor must remember that he obtains advice from the staff specialist.

  • True
  • False

The PNP force is (1) _____ in scope and (2) _____ in character.

  • Superior
  • National
  • Loyal
  • Civilian
  • Protective

Law enforcement is derived from the Greek word policerya.

  • True
  • False

Law enforcement extends to the earliest human civilization.

  • True
  • False

The Philippine National Police is administered and controlled by (1) __________ and is part of the (2) __________.

  • Police Commission
  • National Police Commission
  • Department of the Interior and Local Government
  • Integrated National Police

The PNP’s non-commissioned officers (PNCO) includes an Inspector to Director General.

  • True
  • False

This organization is composed of Filipino policemen organized and from each provincial capitals.

  • Guardia Civil

Camps guards represents the first law enforcers in the ancient civilization.

  • True
  • False

Law enforcement promotes the groups well being.

  • True
  • False

England’s law enforcement originated in the American law.

  • True
  • False

Uniformed officers are citizen’s with direct contact with law enforcement.

  • True
  • False

The PNP is headed by a Chief, with a rank of a Director General.

  • True
  • False

Banishment deters deviant behavior among the citizens of the ancient civilization.

  • True
  • False

This was organized in 1972 for the purpose of carrying regulations of the department of state.

  • Cabineros de Seguridad Publica

Local police officers are operationally controlled by __________.

  • Director General
  • President
  • Chief of Police
  • Municipal mayors

The modern concept of police service uses punishment as the sole instrument of crime control.

  • True
  • False

This organization was composed of 5% able-bodied male inhabitants of each province and were enlisted in law enforcement of 3 years.

  • Guardrilleros/Cuardillo

The order that the Philippine Constabulary be one of the four services of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and was enacted on December 23, 1940.

  • Executive Order 389

The old concept of police service has broadened its activities to include certain aspects of social service with the objective of welfare of the individual as well as the society.

  • True
  • False

The police main duty is to control and prevent crime.

  • True
  • False

The PNP’s commissioned officers (PCO) includes Police Officer I to Senior Police Officer IV.

  • True
  • False

Match the missing term with its features/descriptions

  • Act. No. 70

Shire sleeves is considered as the top law enforcement body.

  • True
  • False

The first chief of police of the Manila Police Department in 1901.

  • Captain George Curry
  • General Howard Taft
  • Captain Henry Allen

The staff function is to study the police policies and practices and to offer proposals to the chief executive of the department.

  • True
  • False

This group monitors, investigates, prosecutes all crimes involving economic sabotage, and other crimes of such magnitude and extent as to indicate their commission by highly placed or professional criminal syndicates and organizations.

  • Criminal Investigation and Detection Group

Politea means government of a city or civil organization and the state.

  • True
  • False

This group provides security to government vital installations, government officials, visiting dignitaries and private individuals authorized to be given protection.

  • Police Security and Protection Group

The divisions represents the police precincts used today.

  • True
  • False

In tithing, every 65 year old male is required to form a group of ten families.

  • True
  • False

Line functions are those operations assigned to support the line functions, staff members are necessarily advisors who are typically assigned to planning, research, legal advice, and budgeting.

  • True
  • False

This group provides scientific and technical, investigative aide and support to the PNP and other investigative agencies.

  • Intelligence Group

The shire requires 20 tithings group together to form a group of 100.

  • True
  • False

In the reign of King James and following the conquest in 1986, the frankledge system was introduced.

  • True
  • False

Politeria deals with punishing the criminals.

  • True
  • False

This organization was created by Royal Decree on February 12, 1852.

  • Guardia Civil

This organization was considered armed and as the mounted police.

  • Cabineros de Seguridad Publica

The organizational structure of the PNP is to create channels of responsibility and to thing and provide expertise for the line units.

  • True
  • False

Line and staff organization combines staff specialist such as the criminalist, the training officer, the research development specialist, and among others.

  • True
  • False

The police during the Roman empire has various grades of officers.

  • True
  • False

The word police originated from the Greek word politea.

  • True
  • False

The main function of the police during the Roman regime is the protection of the monarch and the collection of taxes.

  • True
  • False

Banishment is considered as the most effective means of punishment in the ancient civilization.

  • True
  • False

The first chief of the Philippine Constabulary in 1901.

  • Captain George Curry
  • Captain Henry Allen
  • General Howard Taft

The old concept of police service considers the police as an organ of crime prevention.

  • True
  • False

This group is responsible to perform all police functions over Philippine territorial waters, lakes, and rivers along coastal areas to include ports and harbors and small islands for the security and the sustainable development of the maritime environment.

  • Maritime Group

Fundamental principles of police organization (Choose all appropriate and correct answers).

  • Unity of command
  • Chain of command
  • Span of control
  • Delegation of authority
  • Command responsibility

Politeria deals with collecting tax in ancient civilization.

  • True
  • False

Politeria deals with protection aristocrat in the ancient world.

  • True
  • False

The ACT that renamed the Insular Constabulary into Philippine Constabulary and was enacted on October 3, 1901.

  • Act. No. 255

The police are entrusted to serve and protect the public.

  • True
  • False

This organization also discharged the duties of a port, harbor, and river police.

  • Cabineros de Seguridad Publica

The old concept of police service uses the philosophy of yardstick of efficiency of the police in the absence of crime.

  • True
  • False

An ACT that created the Manila Police Department and was enacted on July 31, 1901

  • Act. No. 193

The PNP’s organizational structure is composed of a National Office only.

  • True
  • False

This was a body of rural police organized in each town.

  • Guardrilleros/Cuardillo

Attached agencies to the Department of Interior and Local Government (Choose all appropriate and correct answers).

  • Philippine National Police
  • National Police Commission
  • National Youth Commission
  • Local Government Academy
  • Philippine Commission on Women
  • Philippine Public Safety College
  • Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
  • Bureau of Fire Protection
  • National Commission on Muslim Filipinos

During the Roman empire, the police were a special feature of the Roman government.

  • True
  • False

The modern concept of police service uses the old philosophy of throwing more people in jail rather than keeping them out of jail.

  • True
  • False

POLCOM was renamed as __________ also known as NAPOLCOM and act as the supervisory agency that oversee training and professionalization of the local police forces.

  • Police Commission
  • National Police Commission
  • Integrated National Police

The PNP’s Chief of Police shall be assisted by 2 Deputy Chiefs.

  • True
  • False

The staff function includes the staff members that are often civilians with specialized training.

  • True
  • False

This group provides security to all airports throughout the country.

  • Aviation Security Group

Banishment in ancient civilization is considered as the equivalent of death sentence.

  • True
  • False

The metropolitan act led to the creation of metropolitan police force of London.

  • True
  • False

Sir Robert Peel is considered as the father of modern policing system.

  • True
  • False

The head of the United States Philippine Commission and its first governor-general.

  • Captain George Curry
  • General Howard Taft
  • Captain Henry Allen

The ACT that established the Metropolitan Police Force of Manila

  • Act. No. 70

This Police Professionalization Act of 1966 created the __________ also known as POLCOM.

  • Integrated National Police
  • National Police Commission
  • Police Commission

Law enforcement was considered a social need.

  • True
  • False

The bureaus attached to the DILG (Choose all appropriate and correct answers).

  • National Barangay Operations Office
  • Bureau of Local Government Development
  • Bureau of Local Government Supervision
  • Office of Project Development Services

This is also known as the Police Professionalization Act of 1966 and was enacted on September 8, 1966.

  • Republic Act 4864

Staff functions are the backbone of the police department which include patrol, investigation and traffic control.

  • True
  • False

The police during the Roman government is divided into 5 divisions and 10 districts.

  • True
  • False

This organization was created to partially relieve the Spanish Peninsular troops of their work in policing towns.

  • Guardia Civil

This Group is responsible for the implementation of pertinent laws on cybercrimes and anti-cybercrime campaigns of the PNP.

  • Anti-Cybercrime Group

An order issued on March 22, 1985 that transfers operational supervision and direction of all INP to the city and municipality.

  • Executive Order 1012

This group is a mobile strike force or a reaction unit to augment regional, provincial, municipal and city police force for civil disturbance control, internal security operations, hostage-taking rescue operations, search and rescue in times of natural calamities, disasters and national emergencies and other special police operations such as ant-hijacking, anti-terrorism, explosives and ordnance disposal.

  • Special Action Force

The line functions is performed by line members including patrol officer, sergeant, and the chief of police.

  • True
  • False

This is also known as the Integration Act of 1975 and was enacted on August 8, 1975.

  • Presidential Decree 765

This is entitled as An Act Providing for the Organization and Government of an Insular Constabulary and was enacted on July 18, 1901.

  • Act. No. 175

An order issued on July 10, 1955 that transfers the administrative control and supervision of the INP from the Ministry of National Defense to the National Police Commission.

  • Executive Order 1040

This organization was established by the Royal Decree of January 18, 1836.

  • Guardrilleros/Cuardillo