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Information Systems Operations and Maintenance

Involves planning and executing activities, such as operating the system, making repairs, testing the system after any changes are made, and tuning the system.



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contingency management

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information technology

computer science


True or False: In-house development teams can usually complete a new application project in less time than an IT vendor can.

  • False

True or False: Database fields are limited to holding text and numbers.

  • False

True or False: Loyalty programs, such as frequent flier and consumer clubs, help organizations amass a steady flow of data about their customers.

  • True

True or False: The messages sent to access data in a database are called protocols.

  • False

One way to lock in buyers in a free market is to create a situation in which customers fear high switching costs.

  • True

__ involves fast development of an application based on initial user requirements and several cycles of user input and developer improvements.

  • prototyping

True or False: Project management tools enable the creation and manipulation of local or shared databases.

  • False

____ is a methodology of solving a new problem established on the solutions of similar problems.

  • What-if analysis
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Yield management
  • Case-based reasoning

Outsourcing allows a client to know exactly what the cost of its IS functions will be over the period of the contract, which is usually several years. This allows for better ___.

  • financial planning

In the database approach, aNo ____ is any object about which an organization chooses to collect data.

  • Entity

ANo __________ system is used at all levels of an organization, and often by non-managerial staff.

  • supply chain management
  • enterprise resource planning
  • customer relationship management
  • decision support

Linking among documents involves __ technologies, and embedding information such as sound and video clips in documents uses multimedia technologies.

  • Hypermedia

A ____ represents another server for all information requests from resources inside the trusted network.

  • honeypot server
  • DNS server
  • bogus server

True or False: Neural nets have been very effective in detecting fraud of many types.

  • True

True or False: Bots are implemented not only for access but also to implement policies and ensure that nonsensical data is not entered into corporate databases.

  • false

A _________ is an array of components that work together to achieve a common goal, or multiple goals, by accepting input, processing it, and producing output in an organized manner.

  • project
  • node
  • system
  • process

A challenge during the support phase of a system's life cycle is ____.

  • converting operations from an old system to a new system
  • investigating the feasibility of a new information system
  • integrating disparate stand-alone information systems
  • complying with changing business needs

True or False: Affiliates are compensated in many ways such as pay per sale, pay per click, and pay per lead.

  • True

In __, software developers treat objects as parts, or standardized modules that work together and can be used and reused.

  • Object-oriented programming languages (OOPL)

Organizations can achieve competitive advantage if they are powerful enough to __ suppliers to their mode of operation or buyers to their product.

  • Lock in

_____ helps the users know what they can find and analyze in the data warehouse.

  • A composite key
  • Metadata
  • A foreign key
  • Encapsulation

The American ______ promoted the use of European standard for 7 years before officially adopting it.

  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Universal Product Council
  • Uniform Code Council
  • Trade and Tariff Association

_____ encryption is defined as encryption that comprises two keys: a public key, and a private key.

  • Parallel
  • Asymmetric
  • Super
  • Cascade

A _____________ is responsible for managing an organization’s computer operating systems.

  • systems analyst
  • system administrator
  • database administrator
  • webmaster

ANo __ with a modem is very slow (usually no faster than 56 Kbps), so most users and small businesses today are turning to faster connections that use digital signals throughout the connection, such as DSL

  • dial-up connection
  • and cable connections.

A ____ is a specific area of knowledge.

  • domain
  • protocol
  • domino
  • neural network

The _______ mediates applications and the computer, and controls peripheral devices.

  • application software
  • utility system
  • operating system
  • multimedia software

True or False: Instead of differentiating a product or service, an organization can add to the product or service to increase its value to the consumer.

  • True

True or False: FTTH is point-to-point transmission between two stationary devices, usually between two buildings, as opposed to mobile wireless, in which people carry a mobile device.

  • False

A DSS’s ____ is a database or data warehouse that provides the data for the intelligence phase of decision making.

  • data management

_______ primarily involves modifying programs to meet new business needs, but also debugging of errors that were not detected when testing the developed code.

  • Recoding
  • Maintenance
  • Displacement
  • Reassembling

Companies that want to operate globally must adapt their information systems to changing formal or __ standards.

  • De facto

Which of the following patents does hold that prevents competitors from entering its business space?

  • Half-price product exchange plan
  • One-click online purchasing
  • Online reverse auctioning
  • Zero processing fee

The Greek word tele, which means “______,” is part of such words as “telephone,” “teleconference,” and other words referring to technologies that allow communications over large distances.

  • far
  • distance
  • away
  • path

The _____________ keyboard was originally designed to slow down typing, because early mechanical typewriters jammed when users typed too fast.

  • Ergonomic
  • Dvorak

A computer network within a building, or a campus of adjacent buildings, is called a ______.

  • MAN (metropolitan area network)
  • WAN (wide area network)
  • PAN (personal area network)
  • LAN (local area network)

Transactional data is copied into a ______, which is a separate data repository.

  • traditional database
  • database schema
  • data dictionary
  • data warehouse

ANo _____ is the field by which records in a table are uniquely identified.

  • query
  • object
  • primary key
  • database model

One way to increase market share is to lower prices, and the best way to lower prices is to ________.

  • update to latest technologies
  • promote self-training
  • reduce costs
  • outsource jobs

ANo __ program can be developed by a random group of programmers, rather than by a single company.

  • open source

True or False: Data-mining software searches through large amounts of data for meaningful patterns of information.

  • True

True or False: Web page development packages expedite development of webpages.

  • True

The Europeans adopted the 13-digit ____ as a standard for universal product codes.

  • European Article Number (EAN) European

A cut-over conversion is also called __ conversion.

  • Flash cut

In most organizations, the chief security officer (CSO) reports to the _________.

  • chief administrative officer (CAO)
  • systems executive officer (SEO)
  • chief information officer (CIO)
  • chief information security officer (CISO)

Software vendors often promote fast ____ as a selling point, and express it in terms of the short period of time over which the adopting organization can recoup the investment.

  • ROR
  • ROA
  • ROI
  • ROC

The dialog module of a decision support system (DSS) is responsible for displaying the results of an analysis.

  • True

ANo __ is the software that enables the OS to control a device, either one installed inside the computer or an external device such as a flash memory drive.

  • Driver

Information that can be gleaned from stored data is ____.

  • wisdom
  • intelligence
  • experience
  • knowledge

_________ is a popular medium for connecting computers and networking devices because it is relatively flexible, reliable, and low cost.

  • Optical fiber
  • Twisted pair cable
  • Twinaxial cable
  • Coaxial cable

True or False: A repeater amplifies or regenerates signals so that they do not become weak or distorted.

  • True

The three major components of a DSS are a data management module, a model management module, and aNo _____ module.

  • knowledge base
  • network
  • dialog
  • inference engine

Which of the following statements is true of explicit switching costs?

  • Explicit switching costs are variable in nature.
  • Explicit switching costs are recurring in nature.
  • Explicit switching costs involve a penalty levied for terminating a deal or contract.
  • Explicit switching costs are concerned with the indirect costs in time and money.

ANo ___ is a series of documented facts that help detect who recorded which transactions, at what time, and under whose approval.

  • audit trail

When using aNo _____, the user enjoys the knowledge and experience that have been accumulated by other people over many years.

  • human intelligence system
  • human resource management system
  • expert system
  • accounting system

__________ refers to the buying and selling goods and services via a telecommunications network.

  • Enterprise application
  • Encapsulation
  • Business intelligence
  • E-commerce

3GLs are significantly less procedural than 4GLs.

  • False

True or False: Productivity tools are software applications that help workers produce more in less time.

  • True

The terms “data” and “information” mean the same thing.

  • False

In the ______ phase of data warehousing, specialists compare the data in the data warehouses with the original data to confirm completeness.

  • transformation
  • extraction
  • loading
  • divisional

______ is a standard method of wireless communications, specifically for high-speed data transmission for mobile phones.

  • Long-Term Evolution
  • Bluetooth
  • WiMAX
  • Near-field communication

The proliferation of high­speed connection services, also called ____, is mainly the result of businesses’ and individuals’ rush to the Internet.

  • broadband services
  • static services
  • baseband services
  • bridge services

______ allow Internet access to anyone within range who uses a wireless-equipped device, provided logging in is not limited by controlled access codes.

  • Hotspots
  • VANs
  • Intranets
  • VPNs

____ software closely conforms to an individual unit’s subculture, which makes the transition to a new system easier for employees.

  • User-developed
  • In-house
  • Licensed
  • Commissioned

___________ is determined by the relationship between resources expended and the benefits gained in achieving a goal.

  • Enhancement
  • Productivity
  • Efficiency
  • Displacement

______ are point-to-point dedicated digital circuits provided by telephone companies.

  • Microwaves
  • Nodes
  • Optical carriers
  • T1 and T3 lines

The main goals of ________ systems are to increase the quality of customer service, reduce the amount of labor involved in serving customers, and learn as much as possible about the service preferences of individual customers.

  • expert
  • enterprise resource planning
  • customer relationship management
  • decision support

__ provide draws for customers that include combined services that are cheaper.

  • Alliances

A data store is any event or sequence of events in which data is either changed or acted on.

  • False

The __ of a medium is the speed at which data is communicated, which is also called the transmission rate or simply the bit rate.

  • bandwidth

The process of a group of colleagues meeting and working collaboratively to generate creative solutions and new ideas is known as ______.

  • groupthink
  • brainstorming
  • teleconferencing
  • think tank

Programs that can handle many different types of data are called _______.

  • supermedia software
  • utility software
  • multimedia software
  • packaged software

There are three basic types of networks: LANs, MANs, and WANs.

  • True

__ enables application software to run on a computer and manages the interaction between the CPU, memory, storage, input/output devices, and other computer components.

  • System Software

The practice of outsourcing routine activities, such as customer order entry or human resource transactions, is called__.

  • Business process outsourcing

Businesses use ______ to analyze data.

  • ideas
  • beliefs
  • facts
  • models

__ cards are very common in North America and are the way businesses prefer to be paid online.

  • Credit

_____ transfers visitor inquiries from a busy server to a less busy server for identical information and services.

  • Shared hosting
  • Pure playing
  • Co-location
  • Load balancing

True or False: Renters of dedicated servers usually have root access, which means they act as unrestricted administrators of that computer.

  • True

Differences in ____ must be considered when integrating information systems internationally, even within the same company.

  • computer brands
  • programming languages
  • storage availability
  • standards

True or False: Vendor selection criteria include functionality, architectural fit, price, services, and support.

  • True

Serving customers better and faster, as well as learning more about their experiences and preferences, is facilitated by decision support systems (DSSs).

  • False

A repeated field that links records between two tables, is a primary key in one table, and aNo ____ in the other field.

  • imitable key
  • primary key
  • foreign key
  • composite key

_____ involves high volumes of data compiled from traditional, ordinary business activities, as well as newer, nontraditional sources.

  • Big Data
  • Data dictionary
  • Metadata
  • Schema

If the first statement that an interpreter checks is free of syntactic errors, it interprets the statement into object code and makes the computer execute it.

  • True

True or False: In traditional programming, data and the operations to manipulate the data are kept separate from each other.

  • True

The term __ is associated with a high-speed networking connection, which is required for fast transmission of large files and multimedia material.

  • broadband

One objective of data mining is _____, the discovering of patterns in data that can lead to reasonable predictions.

  • forecasting
  • recovering
  • seeding
  • producing

True or False: Instant messaging (IM) offers users real-time online interactivity.

  • True

ANo _________ scans the entire source code, looking for errors in the form of the code.

  • interpreter
  • compiler
  • coder
  • assembler

In the absence of an operating system, applications run slowly on a computer.

  • False

One of the most interesting developments in worldwide telecommunications is __ through the Internet: anyone with access to the Internet can download one of several free applications that help locate and download files from any online computer.

  • Microsoft

Each generation of mobile communication technologies refers to a communication protocol or a combination of protocols.

  • True

____ is the process of ensuring that senders and receivers of messages are indeed who they claim to be.

  • authentication

_____ is a set of processes and methods used by project managers to determine which projects will meet the organization’s operational and financial goals in relation to its strategic objectives as well as the needs of its customers.

  • Change management
  • Supply chain management
  • Customer relationship management
  • Project portfolio management

Sometimes aNo _____ is automatically created using data, such as the date and time of a transaction or the name or password of the user updating the file.

  • global transaction
  • audit trail
  • denial of service
  • atomic transaction

True or False: Data warehouses replace transactional databases.

  • False

____________, which are used to accumulate data about expenditures involved in producing specific products, make excellent use of IT to compile pricing data.

  • Cost-accounting systems
  • Human resources systems
  • Supply chain management systems
  • Enterprise resource planning systems

If ______ need to be used as one large data warehouse, special software tools can unify them and make them appear as one large data warehouse.

  • traditional databases
  • data dictionaries
  • data marts
  • database models

Large __ might have many constituent LANs and MANs on different continents.

  • WANS

Web-enabled business is often classified by the parties involved in the interaction: business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), and __.

  • business-to-government (B2G)

True or False: Multiple characters make up a record.

  • False

_____________ provide customers with cheaper combined service and the convenience of one-stop shopping.

  • Parameters
  • Automations
  • Prototypes
  • Alliances

Applications that can be integrated with other software to create new useful applications are called ______.

  • mashups
  • compilers
  • coders
  • utilities

The motive for developing and improving _________ is not monetary, but rather the satisfaction of solving programming problems and the recognition of one’s contribution.

  • packaged software
  • multimedia software
  • proprietary software
  • open source software

_______ made programming somewhat easier because they aggregated common commands into “words,” although many of those “words” are not English­like.

  • Assembly languages
  • Procedural languages
  • Programming languages
  • Utility languages

True or False: Languages such as HTML and XML are incompatible with geographic information systems (GISs).

  • False

Intelligent __ allow employees to enter questions in free form or close to free form.

  • Interfaces

In the context of data communications, aNo __ is a combination of devices or nodes connected to each other through a communication medium.

  • Network

DAS, NAS, and SAN often include __, whereby data is replicated on different disks to enhance processing speed and fault-tolerance.

  • RAID

The cost of damage is the aggregate of all the potential damages multiplied by their respective ____.

  • probabilities

The ________ is the maximum number of bits that the control unit can fetch from primary memory in one machine cycle.

  • data word
  • pixel
  • binary limit
  • byte

A barrier to potential new market entrants is the high expense of entering the particular market.

  • True

An issuer of digital certificates is called a ____.

  • certificate authority (CA)
  • certificate warehouse (CW)
  • certificate bank (CB)
  • certificate dealer (CD)

Typically, ____ is fairly simple and limited in scope.

  • commissioned software
  • in-house-developed software
  • user-developed software
  • licensed software

_____ is one of the primary languages used to compose and retrieve web pages and support the presentation of pictures with marked areas.

  • HTTP
  • XML
  • CSS
  • SGML

Programs designed to perform specific jobs, such as calculating and executing a company’s payroll, are collectively called ______.

  • utility software
  • application-specific software
  • packaged software
  • general-purpose application software

In ____, criminals use personal information to attack organizational systems.

  • spamming
  • spear phishing
  • hijacking
  • penetration testing

______ is a secured protocol used for confidential transactions.

  • VOIP
  • HTTP
  • FTP

True or False: Enterprise resource planning applications are expensive.

  • True

True or False: A schema describes the structure of the database being designed: the names and types of fields in each record type and the general relationships among different sets of records or files.

  • True

A temporary IP address assigned to a computer connected to the Internet intermittently for the duration of its connection only is called __.

  • dynamic IP address

True or False: From a technical point of view, online databases that are used with Web browsers are different from other databases.

  • False

__ technology enables one server to be virtually split into many addressable servers, each for a different client and with its own domain name.

  • Virtual private server

True or False: One objective of data mining is classification: Finding whether certain facts fall into predefined groups.

  • True

The conceptual blueprint of a database is called aNo ____.

  • structured query language (SQL)
  • entity relationship diagram (ERD)
  • unified modeling language (UML)
  • uniform resource diagram (URD)

True or False: Businesses that handle business transactions and store large amounts of data in a central computer often use mainframes, which some IT professionals fondly call “big iron.”

  • True

_____ has fewer restrictions on storage space and transactions, and since only one site resides on the disks, no other site can affect its functionality.

  • Shared hosting
  • Virtual private server hosting
  • Dedicated hosting
  • Co-location

__________ use physical characteristics of people, such as fingerprints and retina scans, for authentication and access to physical places and online information systems.

  • Biometrics
  • Access codes
  • Compilers
  • Object codes

In the context of data management, _____ refers to all the occurrences sharing the same types of data.

  • encapsulation
  • schema
  • metadata
  • entity

The combination of _______ and clock rate determines throughput.

  • ROM size
  • bus depth
  • RAM width
  • bus width

An alternative for households that cannot obtain cable or DSL connections to the Internet is _____.

  • T1 lines
  • optical carriers
  • T3 lines
  • fixed wireless

Businesses use _______ to save on travel costs and lodging, car fleets, and the time of highly salaried employees incurred on bringing together employees working in different organizations or at different sites in the same organization.

  • graphic communications
  • access points
  • hotspots
  • videoconferencing

ANo ____ is developed to emulate the knowledge of an expert to solve problems and make decisions in a relatively narrow domain.

  • Expert system

A _____ can be thought of as a “tunnel” through the Internet or other public network that allows only authorized users to access company resources.

  • WLAN
  • VPN
  • WAN
  • peer-to-peer LAN

Which of the following is true of multimedia software?

  • Multimedia limits the method of communication.
  • Multimedia is not associated with hypermedia.
  • Multimedia integrates all types and forms of information.
  • Multimedia does not use embedded links.

Building several technologies into a single piece of hardware is called _________.

  • parallel technology
  • technology resurgence
  • computer convergence
  • technology convergence

One objective of data mining is __, the finding of groups of related facts not previously known.

  • clustering

Some companies might want to use entire physical servers all for themselves and therefore can opt for _____.

  • progressive hosting
  • dedicated hosting
  • shared hosting
  • virtual private server hosting

True or False:

  • True

ANo ____ is an activity that the system executes in response to a user.

  • interaction
  • class
  • state
  • use case

The customer’s ability to determine the timing and services of their needs from a business organization through a website is referred to as _____.

  • customer profiling
  • customer impression
  • self-service
  • fulfillment

________ is a feature that enables a user to access additional information by clicking on selected text or graphics.

  • Groupware
  • Graphical user interface
  • Graphics accelerator
  • Hypermedia

If a preliminary report concludes that the business situation warrants investment in a new IS, a more comprehensive ____ might be authorized.

  • investigation

_____, those without which the business cannot conduct its operations, are given the highest priority by the disaster recovery coordinator.

  • Mission-critical applications
  • Backup applications
  • Customer applications
  • Recovery applications

When building a new database, users must first build a _____.

  • relationship
  • structure
  • schema
  • model

The bandwidth of a communication medium is measured as _______.

  • codes per second
  • data per second
  • bits per second
  • rates per second

Eight-bit bytes are not sufficient for languages with larger numbers of characters, such as Chinese.

  • True

Agile methods are an efficient approach to development when a system is ____, when it deals with unstructured problems, and when the users cannot specify all the requirements at the start of the project.

  • small
  • complex
  • large
  • well-funded

The first phase in the supply chain is ________.

  • reducing costs of manufacturing processes
  • processing of raw materials into goods
  • procuring raw materials
  • delivering goods to customers

__ , which is essential to smooth operations in today’s business world, is the transmittal of data and information from one point to another.

  • Telecommunications

Compared to the Universal Product Code (UPC), the additional bar in the _____ identifies a product’s country of origin.

  • GTIN-14 bar code
  • RFID code
  • EAN bar code
  • EZ code

The majority of problems in the business world are structured.

  • False

ANo ____ diagram is used to describe the flow of data in a business operation.

  • data flow

_____ is the secure version of HTTP.

  • HTMLSec

True or False: The best defense against unauthorized access to systems over the Internet is a firewall.

  • True

A unique key can serve as aNo __.

  • Internet protocol (IP) address

An unresolved challenge involved in cross-border data transfers is the ____.

  • difference in payment mechanisms
  • respect for individual privacy
  • difference in languages
  • regulations on tariffs

Analyzing an organization’s data and identifying the relationships among the data is called ____.

  • data modeling

__ are software applications that help workers produce more in less time.

  • Productivity tools

Code written in interpreted programming languages can run only on machines whose disks store aNo __.

  • Interpreter

Countries have different regulations on what may or may not be imported and which tariff applies to which imported product.

  • True

True or False: RSS software called an aggregator or feed reader automatically checks for new content and downloads files from a designated site in the same way as is done for text files from online newspapers.

  • True

True or False: Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, and all other for-profit organizations that develop software own their software and license it.

  • True

__ is a magnification or expansion of the amount, types, and level of detail of data that is collected and stored.

  • Big data

______are often designed to quickly present predefined business metrics, such as occupancy ratios in hotels and hospitals, or inventory turns in retail.

  • Toolboxes
  • Shared whiteboards
  • Dashboards
  • Performance indicators

Images on a monitor are made up of small dots called _______.

  • grains
  • pixels
  • granules
  • dots

Knowledge management attempts to transfer individual knowledge into __.

  • Databases

The first generation of mobile communication technologies used _____.

  • GSM and CDMA protocols
  • digital voice encoding
  • circuit switching
  • packet switching

True or False: An application service provider (ASP) installs software on a client’s computers.

  • False

Supply chain management systems are often called __, because the information they provide supports the planning of shipping resources such as personnel, funds, raw materials, and vehicles.

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

To accelerate their work, programmers can use one of several __, such as Microsoft Visual Basic, Embarcadero Delphi, Micro Focus COBOL, ASNA Visual RPG, and Visual C++.

  • Visual Programming

The standard ______ was developed for devices that communicate with each other within a short range of up to 10 meters (33 feet) in the office, at home, and in motor vehicles.

  • MBWA
  • Bluetooth
  • Wi-Fi
  • WiMAX

A communications __ is a set of rules that govern communication between computers or between computers and other computer-related devices that exchange data.

  • protocol

__ are often referred to as “platforms,” because they are the platform on which all other applications “ride” when interacting with the hardware.

  • Operating system

The popular name of an interface for business intelligence tools is ____.

  • graphic user interface
  • command line interface
  • dashboard
  • whiteboard

True or False: Human Resources ISs are used extensively for managerial purposes, assisting in organizing quarterly and annual budgets for departments, divisions, and entire corporations.

  • False

True or False: Linguistic translation of a website alone can capture cultural sensitivities.

  • False

Every time you download a file from a Web site or attach files to e-mail, you are using aNo ______ application.

  • FTP
  • TCP
  • NNTP
  • POP

In the _____ phase of transferring data from a transactional database to a data warehouse, specialists “cleanse” the data and modify it into a form that allows insertion into the data warehouse.

  • extraction
  • loading
  • transformation
  • injection

An organization that offers the use of software through communication lines is called aNo __.

  • application service provider (ASP)

A _____ is the general logical structure in which records are stored within a database and the method used to establish relationships among the records.

  • database catalog
  • database query
  • database model
  • database system

__ is sometimes called TV cable or simply “cable” because of its common use for cable television transmission.

  • Coaxial cable

True or False: In Extreme Programming (XP), the initial software is developed over a period of several months with intense research and preparation.

  • False

Web designers need to be sensitive to cultural differences.

  • True

__ is marketing over the telephone and it makes extensive use of IT.

  • telemarketing

Geographic information systems (GISs) are often the best decision aids for map-related decisions.

  • True

__________ specifically refers to the efficiency of human resources.

  • Productivity
  • Competence
  • Enhancement
  • Compatibility

__ is the de facto international language.

  • English

A _____ line is made of 24 channels (groups of wires) of 64 Kbps each.

  • T3
  • T2
  • T4
  • T1

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook are productivity tools in the Microsoft Office ____.

  • prototype
  • driver
  • suite
  • compilation

ANo ____ is an organization whose management agrees to test the new system for several months and provide feedback.

  • Beta site

The greatest advantage of tailored applications is their low cost.

  • False

True or False: Shipping is the next link in the supply chain after the completion of the process of marketing products.

  • False

A computer connected directly to the Internet backbone—the highest speed communication channels—is called a host.

  • True

The relational database model consists of __ which are used to contain records.

  • Three components

Although ____, part of the support phase of a system's lifecycle, is viewed by IS professionals as lacking in glamour, it should not be taken lightly or left to less-experienced professionals.

  • executive training
  • database design
  • analysis
  • maintenance

When executives talk about productivity tools, they really mean computer programs, commonly known as software _____.

  • utilities
  • sites
  • applications
  • devices

Every device on the Internet is uniquely identified with a numerical label known as __.

  • Internet protocol (IP) address

True or False: Much of the extraction, transforming, and loading (ETL) activity involved in data transfer can be automated.

  • True

_____ enables managers to see summaries and ratios of the intersection of any two dimensions in a database.

  • CRM
  • CAD
  • SCM
  • OLAP

A _____ is a device that connects two networks, such as a LAN, to the Internet.

  • router
  • switch
  • modem
  • bridge

True or False: Outsourcing is a concept that might encompass more than just commissioning the development of an application.

  • True

In user development of applications, the lack of ____ makes system maintenance difficult at best and impossible at worst.

  • documentation

__ is the information an IS produces and displays in the format most useful to an organization.

  • Output

The usage of __ in web technologies ensures that data exchanged between the SCM systems of two organizations are interpreted correctly.

  • Extensible Markup Language (XML)

The web offers opportunities not only to increase revenue but also to save on costs.

  • True

While ____ might sound benign, many privacy advocates claim that it violates privacy rights.

  • reverse auctioning
  • consumer profiling
  • load balancing
  • cookie profiling

The first step in systems analysis is ____, which determines whether there is a real need for a system and whether the system as conceived is feasible.

  • search
  • quest
  • investigation
  • research

Organizations that wish to do business globally through their websites must be sensitive to local audiences.

  • True

Many organizations have found that if they accumulate _____, they can use it for important management decisions, such as researching market trends or tracking down fraud.

  • transaction data
  • field tables
  • field indexes
  • transaction indexes

Spreadsheets and word processors are _____.

  • program-coding applications
  • software-testing applications
  • general-purpose applications
  • application-specific applications

__________ are used as a shared resource, connecting hundreds of users to a variety of computers from desktops, laptops, and other servers.

  • Workstations
  • Microcomputers
  • Servers
  • Personal digital assistants

The ability to limit users’ views to only specific columns or records gives aNo __ an advantage: the ability to implement security measures.

  • DBA

__ are sequences of steps, formulas, models, and other tools that systematically reduce the alternatives to a manageable number.

  • methods

Some companies offer specifically designed ______ to analyze shoppers’ behavior at their sites based on captured data such as pages viewed, options clicked, and the sequence of pages shoppers viewed.

  • supply chain management (SCM) systems
  • enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
  • decision support systems (DSSs)
  • geographic information systems (GISs)

The important factors in choosing a networking medium are availability, current and potential bandwidth, and vulnerability to electromagnetic interference (EMI) or radio frequency interference (RFI).

  • True

ANo __ uses only four symbols: external entities, processes, data stores, and the direction in which data flows.

  • data flow diagram (DFD)

In the ____ phase of transferring data from a transactional database to a data warehouse, the specialists transfer transformed files to the data warehouse.

  • Loading

Which of the following is a result of forming strategic alliances?

  • One-stop shopping is rendered inconvenient.
  • The same technology is used.
  • The combined service is more expensive.
  • Organizations do not enjoy synergy.

ANo ____ is a set of indivisible transactions that are either all executed or none are—never only some.

  • atomic transaction
  • ready-copy-update transaction
  • biometric transaction
  • long-running transaction

To optimize employee benefits, some companies use special software, incorporating aNo __ that determines the optimal health and retirement plans for each employee based on factors such as marital status, age, occupation, and other data.

  • expert system

__ takes place when an operation switches from using an old system to using a new system.

  • Conversion

According to the European Union's Directive on Data Privacy, __ can be collected only for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes.

  • Personal data

If a small-system development employing agile methods takes longer than planned, the overall cost is still likely to be smaller than if a full ___ were performed.

  • dynamic systems development method (DSDM)
  • systems development life cycle (SDLC)
  • adaptive software development (ASD)
  • rational unified process (RUP)

Data warehouses could be regarded as a type of ____, where new useful information is the precious find.

  • reservoir
  • mine
  • wheel
  • vault

_____ include ERP, SCM, and CRM applications and typically cost millions of dollars.

  • Basic software applications
  • Enterprise software applications
  • Inventory software applications
  • Project software applications

Companies might offer two versions of their sites, one for wide bandwidth and another for ____.

  • weak bandwidth
  • wide frequency
  • narrow bandwidth
  • short wave

Which of the following is true of open source software?

  • The motive for developing and improving open source software is monetary.
  • The developers of open source software do not make the source code of their software public.
  • Open source software has more bugs because independent programmers are not allowed to review the code.
  • Open source software can offer more innovative features by incorporating ideas from a diverse set of experts.

Processing more than one program, or processing several parts of a program, at the same time is often called __, whereby each process is a thread.

  • Multithreading

Which of the following statements is true about radio frequency identification tags?

  • They need enormous power.
  • They are not always flat.
  • They do not have a memory to store data.
  • They should be several square inches in size.

A system can only help a company sustain competitive advantage if the company continuously modifies and enhances it, creating aNo ________ for competitors.

  • standard
  • bleeding edge
  • moving target
  • alliance

A supply chain management is an enterprise application because the systems that support each business process:

  • always take the form of a sequence.
  • consist of sophisticated statistical models.
  • record data collected at the boundaries of organizations.
  • are connected to each other to form one large IS.

In the ___ phase of transferring data from a transactional database to a data warehouse, the builders create the files from transactional databases and save them on the server that will hold the data warehouse.

  • extraction
  • injection
  • transformation
  • loading

Rather than containing a set of IF-THEN rules, more sophisticated ESs use ____, which are designed to mimic the way a human brain learns.

  • what-if analysis
  • sensitivity analysis
  • neural networks
  • communication networks

If your last and first name, as well as address and other details appear in the files of the department where you work as well as in the payroll file of the Human Resource department, there is duplication of data, or __.

  • Metadata

__ are total losses of electrical power.

  • Blackouts

National governments in South America as well as local governments in Asia and Europe have adopted policies of using only free __ software whenever it is available.

  • open source

True or False: A join table combines data from two or more tables.

  • True

The protocol used to transfer and download Web information is ____.

  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

_____ are applications that combine features of two or more online applications.

  • Mashups
  • Spreadsheets
  • Neural networks
  • Databases

__ in general means hiring the services of another organization or individual to perform some of the work that otherwise would be performed by the hiring organization or its employees.

  • Outsourcing

The most popular OOP languages are Java, Visual Basic, and ______.

  • XML
  • HTML
  • HTTP
  • C++/C

Many North American and European countries have outsourced development of well-defined applications to professionals in other countries, an act often referred to as ___.

  • Offshoring

Which of the following is true of operating systems?

  • Stable operating systems do not cause a computer to freeze or produce error messages.
  • Windows operating systems are considered to be more user- friendly than Mac operating systems.
  • Operating systems based on UNIX are known to be unstable.
  • Operating systems are not expected to function if the user makes a mistake.

_______ use a modular approach, which offers ease of maintenance and efficiency in applications development.

  • Object-oriented programming languages
  • Application languages
  • Graphic languages
  • Utility languages

True or False: State charts represent highly active states that are triggered by completion of the actions of other states.

  • False

ANo ____ is a small file that a Web site places on a visitor’s hard disk so that the Web site can remember something about the surfer later.

  • cookie

Companies that are in the forefront of web-based e-commerce maintain their original websites in the de facto international language.

  • False

The UCC has developed the 14-digit to identify products and manufacturers.

  • Global trade item numbers (GTINs)

The use of e-mail, instant messaging, and voice mail has brought some secondary benefits to business communications by establishing a permanent written or electronic record of, and accountability for, ideas.

  • true

True or False: Third-party cookies can collect users' browsing and shopping habits across many websites.

  • True

True or False: The most important development in hardware to support supply chain management has been a technology called radio frequency identification (RFID).

  • True

A challenge in integrating information systems is that the United States uses a 12-hour time notation with the addition of a.m. or p.m., while other parts of the world use a 24-hour notation.

  • True

True or False: When you purchase an application, whether a computer game or a business program, you purchase a compiled version of the code, that is, the object code.

  • True

Procedural languages need special programs to translate __, which is the program as originally written, into object code, which is the same program in machine language.

  • Source Code

A carefully drawn can provide a useful representation of a system, whether existing or planned.

  • business process model
  • structure chart
  • data flow diagram
  • directed acyclic graph

True or False: Similar to auctions among companies, some Web sites serve as auction hubs for individuals.

  • True

In the permissive model of software ________, anyone can use modify, and make the software into a product that can be sold for profit.

  • licensing
  • dealing
  • programming
  • distributing

_________ is based on UNIX and can be obtained free of charge.

  • Android
  • Windows CE
  • Solaris
  • Linux

The ____, as it is popularly known, gives law enforcement agencies surveillance and wiretapping rights they did not have before 2001.

  • Domestic Security Enhancement Act
  • Civil Contingencies Act
  • National Security Act

Even if storage cost is not as attractive as that of CDs, portability and the fact that their ports are ubiquitous in PCs might push one toward selecting a ______.

  • flash disk
  • memory card
  • USB flash drive
  • Zip disk

While a database itself is a collection of several related files, the program used to build databases, populate them with data, and manipulate the data is called aNo __.

  • DBMS

True or False: Online analytical processing (OLAP) is increasingly used by corporations to gain efficiencies.

  • True

__ applications are programs that enable workers to collaborate in real time over the web.

  • Groupware

A major effort of most businesses, especially retail businesses, in using customer relationship management (CRM) systems is to collect ____ about customers.

  • business intelligence
  • knowledge management parameters
  • artificial intelligence
  • personal information

_______ is a process for outsourcing a variety of tasks to a distributed group of people, both online or offline.

  • Consumer profiling
  • Debugging
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Load balancing

The ____________ is responsible for all aspects of an organization’s ISs and is often a corporate vice president.

  • chief security officer
  • chief information security officer
  • chief administrative officer
  • chief information officer

True or False: Companies that are growing fast and rely on software for deployment of their operations often hire the services of ASPs.

  • True

True or False: Encryption slows down communication because the software must encrypt and decrypt every message.

  • True

Permanent IP addresses assigned to servers and many other computers and devices are called __.

  • static IP address

True or False: Agile methods make extensive use of iterative programming.

  • True

JetBlue obtained the strategic advantage of the ____________ by implementing the latest available technologies of fast databases, VoIP, and a slick website.

  • first mover
  • source code
  • object code
  • late mover

ANo _____ is unique if the value (content) in that field appears only in one record.

  • object
  • key
  • item
  • entity

Some software companies, such as Tacit Systems, Hivemine, and Safeharbor Knowledge Solutions have developed , tools that facilitate knowledge sharing through intranets.

  • Employee knowledge networks

__________ are expenses incurred when a customer stops buying a product or service from one business and starts buying it from another.

  • Standard costs
  • Opportunity costs
  • Marginal costs
  • Switching costs

One of the drawbacks of the software on demand approach is that it ____.

  • relies on storage hardware at the client location for installation
  • requires clients to hire experts to maintain the systems
  • increases implementation time significantly
  • reduces the control clients have over their systems

__ is an expert system that includes instrumentation that connects to the patient’s body and feeds various data about the patient’s condition into the ES to be analyzed for pulmonary diseases.

  • Puff

IEEE 802.15 is a family of wireless protocols, collectively known as Wi-Fi.

  • False

Many banks use automated ____ to determine a client’s creditworthiness.

  • decision aids

An advantage of outsourcing IT services is that it ____.

  • lengthens implementation cycles
  • increases control over IT operations
  • ensures the security of trade secrets
  • reduces license and maintenance fee

True or False: SDLC stands for systems development life cycle.

  • True

If someone from outside a company accessed the company’s computer without authorization and used it for any purpose whatsoever, the act would be __ under the laws of every state in the United States.

  • [No Answer]

The part of the BI software application that parses the questions entered by employees is known as the ____.

  • network layer
  • data link layer
  • session layer
  • semantic layer

Higher-level _______ enable the use of English-like statements to accomplish a goal, and these statements are translated by special software into the machine language.

  • utility languages
  • procedural languages
  • programming languages
  • assembly languages

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology enables us to conduct transactions and to make payments quickly.

  • True

As an independent memory device, flash memory takes two main forms: as a memory card, and as aNo ______.

  • USB port
  • index drive
  • index port
  • USB drive

The purpose of marketing is to track every financial transaction within a company—from a few cents expenditure to a multi-million dollar purchase, from salaries and benefits to the sale of every item.

  • False

_____ are entered to manipulate data, including adding, deleting, and updating data.

  • Queries
  • Primary keys
  • Reports
  • Foreign keys

Legacy systems are older systems that organizations decide to continue to use because the investment in a new system would not justify the improved features or because the old systems have some advantage that cannot be obtained from newer systems.

  • True

__ is a combination of universal business models and management philosophy with some adaptations for local audiences.

  • globalization
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