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Involves planning, organizing, directing resources and activities to achieve organizational goals, while leading and coordinating teams to success and growth.










change management






Managers dictate exactly what they require their subordinate to do and punish those who do not comply clue: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  • Autocratic Management style
  • Authoritative management style
  • Democratic management style
  • Laissez Faire Management style

In MBO approach broad goals are set at the top of organization

  • True
  • False

use their persuasive skills, and convince employees through unilateral decision.

  • Persuasive management style
  • Paternalistic management style
  • authoritative management style

The following are responsible for the implementation of Incident Management Policy EXCEPT.

  • Risk Management Department
  • Internal Audit Department
  • Personnel Discipline Committee
  • Human Resources Department

It is often known as the 'fight or flight" response.

  • Resistance
  • Alarm
  • Exhaustion



It is anchored on the needs, actions, and goals of individuals in order for him/ her to take action.

  • Motivation

YES OR NO. Can you recycle a steel can, a glass bottle or a plastic bottle with the label on?

  • YES
  • NO

Clearly defined and leave no room for interpretation

  • Standing plan
  • Short term plan
  • Directional plan
  • Specific plan

Pure Risks are the risks that can prevent and deter the achievement of the companies goals, missions and objectives.

  • Compliance Risk
  • Control Risk
  • HazardRisk
  • Opportunity Risk

What motivates members of the organization to work in the best interests of the organization?

  • Organizing
  • Planning and decision making
  • Controlling
  • Leading

It benefits personnel of the organization to execute their duties with a proficiency which serve to increase their efficiency.

  • enhance employee competence
  • alternative strategies
  • benefits of planning

When recycling a plastic water bottle, what should you do with the cap?

  • a. The cap goes into a garbage can and the bottle goes in a recycling bin
  • b. Screw the cap back on the bottle, then put the bottle and cap in a recycling bin
  • c. Recycle the cap separately.

This theory recommends studying and testing different work methods to identify the best, most efficient ways to complete a job.

  • Scientific Management Theory
  • Bureaucratic Management Theory
  • Administrative Management Theory

A stress that accompanies harm, loss and threat.

  • Anxiety
  • Eustress
  • Depression
  • Distress

Which of the following shall be responsible for identifying root cause/s and taking corrective and preventive actions promptly.

  • Risk Coordinator
  • Human Resources Department
  • Concerend Business Units
  • Risk Management Department

Which of the following is not your non-financial benefits in using strategic management?

  • enhance awareness of external treats
  • increased resistance to change
  • understanding of competitors strategies
  • effective allocation of time and resources

Time frames extending beyond three years

  • Single use plan
  • Directional Plan
  • Short term plan
  • Long term plan

It is a graphical chart that shows which tasks must be completed at which times in order to complete a project or task

  • Kantt Chart
  • Gantt Chart
  • Bubble Chart

It is a study by the organization to understand its strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. It helps the trade to keep momentum with the dynamic essence of the environment stirring to the company

  • benefits of planning
  • alternatives of strategies
  • SWOT Analysis

Goals related to internal financial performance of the organizations are called?

  • Financial Goals
  • Strategic Goal
  • Stated Goal
  • Real Goal



Specific plans should be made in the stable environment of the organization

  • True
  • False

It is the science of eliminating wastefulness resulting from ill-directed and inefficient motion.

  • Motion Study

Managers encourage employees to give input during decision making process, but they are ultimately charge of making the final decisionClue: subtype (x)main type (/)

  • Democratic management style
  • Consultative management style
  • Participative management style
  • Collaborative management style

What are the broad categories of management styles Clue: "Are"

  • Democratic management style
  • Democratic management style
  • Autocratic management style
  • Laissez- faire Management style

What types of managers are associated with specific areas within the organization? (Choose multiple)

  • Marketing managers
  • Marketing managers
  • Financial managers
  • Operations managers
  • Human resource managers
  • Administrative managers

It is perceived as likely to produce harm or loss whether any harm or loss actually occurs

  • Threat situations
  • Harm and loss events
  • Challenging situations
  • Academic work

Planning sets the standards of controlling

  • True
  • False

It is the last course of action in disciplining employees.

  • Verbal Warning and Counseling
  • Formal Written Warning
  • Final Written Warning
  • Suspension without Pay
  • Termination/ Dismissal

manager is only present to assign tasks, though they are still responsible for task being completed on time

  • Visionary Management style
  • Delegative management style

TRUE OR FALSE – If I place my food scraps in a paper sack, I can throw the sack into the composting bin along with the food scraps.

  • TRUE

Employees should not be allowed to voice out their concerns to maintain a healthy work environment.

  • True
  • False

A loss event or incident report is a tool that documents any event or risks associated with a business that may or may not adversely affect the company and its assets.

  • True
  • False

Type of impact of loss that describes as the facility experiences no significant impact on operations.

  • devastating
  • minor
  • severe
  • noticeable

Choose the right subtype of Autocratic management styleclue: (look at the picture)

  • authoritative management style
  • authoritative management style
  • persuasive management style
  • paternalistic management style

Managers should always be impartial and consistent to gain the confidence of the employees.

  • True
  • False

The strategy privilege has to be progress and then preferred to be successful, the strategy is expected to be assembled on the precise experience of the organization and the exceptional accords that it has or can establish with those outsides- suppliers, consumers, dealers, and government.

  • strategic analysis
  • strategic development
  • strategic implementation

It is a method of organizing all activities related to a project and it is about knowing exactly what your goals are.


It is a component of stress that gives difficulty in concentration, poor decision making, irritability and constantly developing irrational thoughts and fear to everyday situations.

  • Environmental
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Physiological

powerful as it provides fact-based and science-based decision making in safety, security, and sanitation.

  • risk management

How long is the resolution timeframe for a specific loss event classified as major incident?

  • fourteen banking days

The Incident Management Policy of the bank shall be only applicable to all risk coordinators.

  • True
  • False

Which management theory runs organizations on the basis of knowledge, fairness and logical rules

  • Scientific Management Theory
  • Bureaucratic Management Theory
  • Administrative Management Theory

Project Manager is the in-charge of planning and execution of a project.

  • True
  • False

Unresolved issues or open incidents shall be updatedregularly or when deemed necessary using the___________________________.

  • Incident Status Report

What are the Type of Event?


_____________________ is essential since it raises the bank’s awareness about the things that can go wrong so that corrective and preventive actions can be taken promptly.

  • Loss Event Reporting

Who is the Father of Scientific Management?

  • Frederick W. Taylor
  • Frank Gilbreth
  • Henry Gantt

In traditional goal setting Successful achievement of objectives is reinforced by performance-based rewards

  • True
  • False

He/She convinced government to enact laws regarding work space safety, ergonomics, and child labor.

  • Lillian

Ask opinion and thoughts of their team

  • Participative Management style
  • Democratic management style
  • Consultative management style
  • Collaborative management style

Which theory states that the success of an enterprise generally depends much more on the administrative ability of its leaders than on their technical ability.

  • Scientific Management Theory
  • Bureaucratic Management Theory
  • Administrative Management Theory

It is a way of helping you to identify and resolve the risks that could result in accidents, injury or damage.

  • risk management

Project Planning gives the team direction for producing quality outputs, handling risks, creating acceptance, communicating benefits, and managing supplies.

  • True
  • False

To make sure that the strategies and plans of the organization are effective and efficient; Strategic Management becomes a decisive aspect.

  • formulating resources
  • stimulate in assessment
  • ease of communication

it is where the management makes the decision on their own and informs the team; this approach provides them complete authority over the choice and typically removes any room of argument.

  • paternalistic decision
  • management decision
  • unilateral decision
  • style decision

What kind of planning is associated with high profits and returns on assets

  • Informal
  • Specific
  • Formal
  • Means and ends

Which is of the following shall be responsible for ensuring that all operational risk issues are properly recorded, assessed, managed, and reported.

  • Risk Coordinator
  • Human Resources Department
  • Personnel Discipline Committee
  • Risk Management Department

A person who plans and executes the event


What skills refer to the manager's ability to prioritize work, work efficiently, and delegate appropriately?

  • Technical
  • Interpersonal
  • Conceptual
  • Decision-making
  • Time management

TRUE OR FALSE – You can recycle meat, bones and dairy scraps in your yard waste cart and in a school composting bin.

  • TRUE

The integrated network of goals that results from establishing a clearly defined hiearchy of organizational goals is

  • Objective chain’
  • Progress chain
  • Informal chain
  • Means end chain

It is usually the last disciplinary action prior to dismissal

  • Verbal Warning and Counseling
  • Formal Written Warning
  • Final Written Warning
  • Suspension without Pay
  • Termination/ Dismissal

Choose among the given definitions describes the Collaborative Management Styleclue: if you are given a chance to select, what will you do?

  • creates an open forum for ideas to be discussed before decision making
  • creates an open forum for ideas to be discussed before decision making
  • staff is empowered to make ownership outcomes
  • Increased engagement
  • Innovation and creativity

Complex Incident is a large-scale incident that may not come up too often, but when they do hit, organizations need to be prepared to deal with them quickly and efficiently.

  • True
  • False

Specify the details of how the overall goals are to be acheived cover a short time period

  • Well Designed Goals
  • MBO
  • Operational Plans
  • Strategic plans

In Project Closure phase, teams open a project when they deliver the finished project to the customer, communicating completion to stakeholders and releasing resources to other projects.

  • True
  • False

Disciplinary actions should take more time to think over the most appropriate corrective action for an employee.

  • True
  • False

Type of impact of loss that describes as the facility is damaged/contaminated beyond habitable use.

  • devastating
  • minor
  • severe
  • noticeable

This study is used to simplify work.

  • Time Study
  • Motion Study
  • Work Study

These are life situations we find it impossible to handle giving us bodily tensions or breakdown.

  • Stressors
  • Stress
  • Eustress
  • Distress

Mark below the three levels of infraction for non-compliance to reporting requirements.

  • Major
  • Major
  • Moderate
  • Serious
  • Minor

Choose the right subtype of democratic management style

  • - consultative- participative- collaborative - transformational- coaching
  • - collaborative- paternalistic- authoritative - persuasive - delegative
  • - coaching- visionary- collaborative - participative - consultative
  • none of these, prayers lang

Not written down, short term focus, specific to an organizational unit is defined as

  • Formal
  • Specific
  • Informal
  • Progress

The AimofEvent Management

  • [No Answer]

Which of the following shall be responsible for imposing disciplinary actions to erring employees based on the bank’s code of conduct.

  • Risk Coordinator
  • Human Resources Department
  • Personnel Discipline Committee
  • Risk Management Department

Operational plans cover extended period of time

  • True
  • False

A structured process of directly observing and measuring human work using a timing device.

  • Time Study

Which of the following is responsible for reviewing, hearing, and deciding on a matter referred to the committee regarding the reported incidents related to employee infraction/s.

  • Risk Coordinator
  • Human Resources Department
  • Personnel Discipline Committee
  • Risk Management Department

Which of the following is responsible for the initial evaluation of the incidents within their business unit.

  • Risk Coordinator
  • Human Resources Department
  • Personnel Discipline Committee
  • Risk Management Department

2 sub types of Laissez- Faire management style

  • Delegative management style and visionary management style

Project Execution is all about building deliverables that satisfy the customer.

  • True
  • False

Desired outcomes for individuals, groups, or entire organizations is

  • Plans
  • Goals
  • Strategic Plans
  • Operational Plans

An example of this non-monetary motivator is when the manager holds a get-together with the employees and enjoy simple victories or accomplishments.

  • Celebration

It is a matching process in which the event producer seeks to understand and meet the needs of their audience


Staff are given access to more information about company

  • Participative Management style
  • Democratic Management Style
  • Consultative Management style
  • Collaborative Management style

To build positive work relationships with personnel, good communication must be maintained with employees.

  • True
  • False

Monitoring and correcting ongoing activities that facilitate goal attainment is defined as:

  • Organizing
  • Planning and decision making
  • Controlling
  • Leading

managers and staff are all active members of the decision process

  • participative management style
  • coaching management style
  • consultative management style

Major Incident is an event that require escalation procedures to finalize the resolution.

  • True
  • False

Documents that outline how goals are to be accomplished

  • Plans
  • Goals
  • Strategic Plans
  • Operational Plans

This factor of motivation allows employees to contribute their skills and expertise to the team.

  • Belonging

______________________ will determine the level of infraction on late and non-submission of Loss/Incident Report based on the prescribed reporting schedule.

  • RMD

This type follows a top down approach, with one-way communication from bosses to employees. This is the most controlling among different management style

  • Democratic management style
  • Autocratic management style
  • Laissez-faire management style

Project Monitoring and Control is sometimes combined with planning because they often occur at the same time.

  • True
  • False

Communication is 50% active listening.

  • True
  • False

This is one of the tree constraints that looks at the outcome of the project undertaken.



  • Devising the Event Concept

Which of the following is NOT a common ground for dismissal?

  • Theft
  • Working without supervision
  • Tardiness
  • Violation of safety practices

TRUE OR FALSE – It’s better for the environment to use a durable, washable, refillable water bottle than it is to buy water bottles, drink the water and recycle the empty plastic bottle.

  • TRUE

It is wherein our body tries to counteract the physiological changes that happened during the Alarm reaction stage.

  • Resistance Stage

Type of impact of loss that describes as 1.the facility is partially damaged/contaminated.

  • devastating
  • minor
  • severe
  • noticeable

managers see themselves as the ----clue: teaches and trains the members of a sports team (look at the picture)

  • coach

What are the two largest components of a typical school’s garbage? Select 2 answers

  • a. Bottle cups
  • b. Paper
  • c. Food Scraps

It is the "system" that is very active during a stressful situation.

  • Sympathetic Nervous System

is usually expressed in terms of sources, events, consequences, and likelihood, is the effect of uncertainty on objectives

  • Risk

Managers see themselves as the coach

  • Coaching management style
  • Transformational management style
  • Paternalistic management style

It helps the organization to opt for the best strategy options considering all possible pros and cons of the market environment.

  • enhance employee competence
  • benefits in planning
  • alternative of strategies

Well designed goals are challenging yet attainable

  • True
  • False

managers lead through inspiring their staff and explaining their goals and convincing their staff to contribute on putting their idea into action

  • Laissez- faire management style
  • Visionary Management style
  • Delegative management style

It is the feeling of anger/annoyance caused by failure to accomplish something.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fear
  • Frustration

This is one of the tree constraints which is uncontrollable.

  • TIME

Management takes hand-off approach to leadership. Staff is trusted to do their work without supervision and they are left to control their decision making and problem solving

  • Visionary Management style
  • Democratic management style
  • Laissez-faire Management style
  • delegative management Style

Which of the following can NOT be placed in a school composting container or in your yard waste cart at home?

  • a. Apple Core
  • b. Milk Carton
  • c. Pizza Delivery Box
  • d. Paper Napkins

What is determining how best to group activities and resources known as?

  • Organizing
  • Planning and decision making
  • Controlling
  • Leading

Name one product that paper is recycled into after it goes in a recycling bin.

  • Cardboard

What management function needs to set goals and objectives and create specific plans for creating them?

  • Organizing
  • Planning
  • Leading
  • Controlling

is an analytical process to provide information regarding undesirable events in which it estimates probabilities and expected consequences for identified risks

  • Risk
  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Evaluation
  • Risk Analysis

these are risks that can cause uncertainty or doubt about the ability to achieve company’s goals, missions, and objectives.

  • Compliance Risk
  • Control Risk
  • HazardRisk
  • Opportunity Risk

What skills depend on the manager's ability to think in the abstract?

  • Technical
  • Interpersonal
  • Conceptual
  • Decision-making
  • Time management

YES OR NO. Can you recycle Styrofoam trays and plastic utensils?

  • YES
  • NO

The administration, its missions, and targets have to be tested and evaluated. Strategic Management helps in generating more profit for the members of the organization. Generally, the senior managers are the one who establishes the regard of the organization’s comprehensive purposes in the long feasible terms and also evaluates the assets of the organization.

  • strategic analysis
  • strategic development
  • strategic implementation

these are risks that are usually deliberately sought or embraced by the organization specifically for the future long-term success of any organization.

  • Compliance Risk
  • Control Risk
  • HazardRisk
  • Opportunity Risk

________________________ can also be used as safety documents that indicate potential risks and uncontrolled hazards found in the workplace it prompts business units to take immediate action for resolution.

  • Incident Report

Which of the following discipline should be given to an employee who have accumulated consistent tardiness?

  • Verbal Warning and Counseling
  • Formal Written Warning
  • Final Written Warning
  • Suspension without Pay
  • Termination/ Dismissal

managers focus their efforts on pushing their staff to greater accomplishment through encouragement

  • Coaching management style
  • Transformational Management style

How long is the resolution time frame for a specific loss event classified as simple incident?

  • 24 hours

Involve government-mandated licenses and business permits and requirement

  • Compliance Risk
  • Control Risk
  • HazardRisk
  • Opportunity Risk

What skills set the organization's goals and then decide how to achieve them?

  • Organizing
  • Planning and decision making
  • Controlling
  • Leading



The skills necessary to accomplish or understand the specific kind of work done in an organization are called

  • Technical skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Conceptual skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Time management skills

It is a function of management that involves guiding and motivating other people to work toward a common goal.

  • Directing

It is the temporary release of an employee from duty for a specific number of days without compensation.

  • Verbal Warning and Counseling
  • Formal Written Warning
  • Final Written Warning
  • Suspension without Pay
  • Termination/ Dismissal

It is a series of acts taken by the management to address unacceptable actions committed by the employees.

  • Progressive Discipline

Which of the following is not a financial benefits of strategic management?

  • improvement in sales
  • improvement in productivity
  • improvement in profitability
  • none of the above

What happens to food that is put into yard waste carts or into a school composting container?

  • a. The food scraps go to a special food-only landfill
  • b. The food scraps are made into new food
  • c. It’s turned into compost that can be used to nourish our gardens

Project Initiation is where the project's value and feasibility are resulted.

  • True
  • False

The following situation describes a Positive stress:

  • Relationship breakups
  • Family problems
  • Getting a new job
  • Academic work

The selected preferences now have to be enforced. There may be extensive complications in terms of encouragement, influence relationships, government consultation, company procurements and many other consequences. A strategy is not worth the paper; it is written-on if it not enforced.

  • strategy analysis
  • strategy development
  • strategy implementation

Simple Incident is an event that can be resolved within the business unit.

  • True
  • False

The set of decisions and actions resulting in the formulation and implementation of plans designed to achieve a company’s objectives

  • strategic management

They made significant contributions to the employment of disabled workers.

  • Lillian and Frank

Choose from the following choices the 3 different types of incident.

  • Simple
  • Simple
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Complex

This is one of the tree constraints that there should be an estimated cost when undertaking a project.

  • COST

The classical management perspective major branches are as follows:

  • Scientific management
  • Scientific management
  • Behavioral management
  • Administrative management

These are situations that trigger physical and emotional reactions.

  • Stress
  • Stressors
  • Stress Response
  • Distress

It is the way in which manager works to fulfill their goals; also includes plans, organizes, makes decision, delegates, manage staffclue: 1st word (10 letters) second word (5 letters)

  • management style

How long is the resolution timeframe for a specific loss event classified as complex incident?

  • seven banking days



Suggest how can you improve employee relations as a manager based on our discussion? (5 pts)

  • [No Answer]
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