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Systems Integration and Architecture

Designed to integrate heterogeneous functional modules and systems with a minimum of effort, and execution of processes that use multiple application modules.

modeling requirements

software architecture



tools for structured analysis

information technology

Are the people involved in or affected by project activities

  • Stakeholders
  • Analysis
  • Web Designer
  • Programmer

Definition: Transverse view

  • EA
  • AW

Repetitions of iterative development are referred to as sprints, which normally last thirty days.

  • Scrum
  • SLDC
  • Extreme Programming
  • SDLC

Acronym: MAR

  • Memory address register

Advantages of EAI

  • Cost Effectiveness, Time to market, Scability and Ability to deal with complex environment
  • Cost Effectiveness, System, Scability and Ability to deal with complex environment
  • System, Time to market, Scability and Ability to deal with complex environment

Definition: Message broker level

  • EA
  • Routing logic

An operational concept is a shared vision from the perspective of the system’s stakeholders of how the system will be:

  • Developed, Produced, Deployed, Trained, Used and maintained, Refined, Retired
  • Developed, Produced, Style, Trained, Used and maintained, Refined, Retired
  • System, Produced, Deployed, Trained, Used and maintained, Refined, Retired

The ranking of design alternatives and the ultimate selection of the most preferred design involves the selection of the best parameterization of the best conceptual design.

  • Ranking and Selection
  • Design Synthesis
  • Problem Definition
  • Parameterization

The fundamental and unifying system structure defined in terms of system elements, interfaces, processes, constraints, and behaviors

  • Architecture
  • System
  • Components

Refers to the use of modem computing hardware and software in converting the initial idea for a product into a detailed engineering design.

  • Computer-Aided Design
  • CAD
  • CIM
  • CAM

Is it true or false that clarify the conduct or properties of the containing entirety.

  • True
  • False

What is the Three Basic Organizational Structures

  • Functional, Project and Matrix
  • Efficient, Project and Matrix
  • Functional, Accurate and Matrix
  • Flexible, Project and Matrix

Data flow or control flow diagrams

  • Relationship Model
  • System
  • Interface Model
  • Dynamic Process Model

Definition: Enforce homogeneous solutions and enable “One system” to the users.

  • EA
  • AE

The concept of the design is understood to involve: the conceptualization and parameterization of alternative candidate designs that meet or surpass specifications;

  • True
  • False

Is a framework for describing the phases involved in developing and maintaining information systems

  • SDLC
  • SLDC
  • Scrum
  • Extreme Programming

The ultimate step in the design process involves the fabrication and testing of a prototype or system.

  • Prototype and Testing
  • Problem Definition
  • Design Synthesis
  • Parameterization

The teams are put together based on the number of members needed to produce the product or complete the project.

  • Project Organization Structure
  • Divisional Structure
  • Functional Structure
  • Matrix Structure

Is the mix of between related components to accomplish a typical goal.

  • System Integration
  • System Architecture
  • System Thinking
  • System

Measures of performance (MOP) and measures of effectiveness (MOE) are obtained

  • Contraints
  • Use Case Model
  • Requirements
  • Evaluation Phase

4th features of System Control Component

  • Strong support for metadata management
  • Management Tools
  • Directory Tools
  • Commitment control management mechanisms

2nd System Integration Life Cycle

  • Feasibility analysis
  • System architecture development
  • Management plan:program and project plan
  • Requirements definition and specification

Design is the essence of engineering.

  • System Design
  • Design Synthesis
  • Problem Definition
  • System Integration

System software runs on loosely integrated group of cooperating processors linked by a network

  • Distributed System
  • System
  • Personal System
  • Embedded System

Is to model the procedural flow of actions that are part of a larger activity

  • Activity Diagram
  • Scenario Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram
  • Constraints

Disadvantages of Object-Oriented approach: Requires some early elimination of technology alternatives in the absence of reliable information

  • True
  • False

Advantages of Object-Oriented approach: Allows flexibility in the design as it evolves over time

  • True
  • False

Components expected to demonstrate a product engineering include

  • Segments, Connectors, Systems, Properties, Styles
  • Segments, Connectors, Systems, Properties, Structure

Characteristics of Distributed System

  • Resource Sharing, Openness, Concurrency, Scalable, Fault Tolerant and Transparent
  • Resource Sharing, Personal System, Concurrency, Scalable, Fault Tolerant and Transparent
  • System, Openness, Concurrency, Scalable, Fault Tolerant and Transparent

The concept of the design is understood to involve: finally, the selection, implementation, and testing of the most preferred alternative

  • True
  • False

The static constructs are used, together with descriptions of the dynamic behavior of the architecture to obtain the executable operational X-architecture (X = executable property)

  • Synthesis Phase
  • Analysis Phase
  • Evaluation Phase

1st System Integration Life Cycle

  • Requirements definition and specification
  • Feasibility analysis
  • Management plan:program and project plan
  • System architecture development

The computational elements and data stores of the system

  • Components
  • Style
  • Connectors
  • System

3rd System Integration Life Cycle

  • System architecture development
  • System
  • System design: logical and physical design
  • Management plan:program and project plan

A variety of segments intended to achieve a specific goal as indicated by plan.

  • System
  • System Integration
  • System Thingking
  • System Architecture

Things that the use case must allow the user to do, such as

  • Requirements
  • System
  • Activity Diagram
  • Style

The fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and to the environment and the principles guiding its design and evolution

  • Architecture
  • Connectors
  • Components
  • System Architecture

Ensures that specific hardware/software components fit together smoothly in a stated configuration

  • System Integration
  • Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
  • Computer-Aided Manufacturing
  • Computer-Aided Engineering

What is the symbol in Source or Destination of Data

  • Square
  • Open Rectangle
  • Circle
  • Arrow

These are the formal rules an limitations that a use case operates under, and includes pre-post and invariant conditions.

  • Contraints
  • Sequence Diagram
  • Activity Diagram
  • Post

6th System Integration Life Cycle

  • Implementation: design implementation, system tests, and operational deployment
  • Design
  • Evaluation
  • Feasibility Analysis

The static representatives of the functional and physical

  • Analysis Phase
  • Synthesis Phase
  • Evaluation Phase
  • System

The concept of the design is understood to involve: the analysis and ranking of design alternatives;

  • True
  • False

Is it true or false that clarify the conduct or properties of the thing to be clarified as far as its role(s)or function(s) inside its containing entirety

  • True
  • False

No distinctions made between clients and servers

  • Distributed Object
  • Personal System
  • Dynamic Process model
  • Client/Server

The word _____ is derived from the Greek word “architecton”, which means master mason or master builder

  • Architecture
  • Software Development Life Cycle

People who do similar tasks, have similar skills and/or jobs in an organization

  • Functional Stucture
  • Project Organization Structure
  • Divisional Structure
  • Matrix Structure

It is assumed that, translation from human needs to final design invariably involves the experience, intuition, skill, and creativity of the designer or design team.

  • True
  • False

Is essential to the development of large, complex engineered systems.

  • System Integration
  • CAE
  • CIM
  • CAM

Acronym: DFD

  • EA
  • Data Flow Diagram

In a divisional structure, the company will coordinate inter-group relationships to create a work team that can readily meet the needs of a certain customer or group of customers

  • Divisional Structure
  • Matrix Structure
  • Project Organization Structure
  • Functional Structure

Is it true or false: Processes exist that need to take place in order that the system accomplish its intended functions

  • True
  • False

Conditions that must be true once the use case is run e.g. ;

  • Post
  • Style
  • Constraints
  • System

Is a method for understanding an element as far as its motivation, as three stages

  • System Thinking
  • System Architecture
  • System Integration
  • System

Acronym: CAM

  • Accumulator
  • Computer-aided manufacturing

Shows process structure of the system

  • Dynamic Process Model
  • Control Modeling
  • Interface Model
  • Relationship Model

Defines subsystem interfaces

  • Interface Model
  • Control Modeling
  • Dynamic Process Model
  • System Structuring

Acronym: SDLC

  • Software Development Life Cycle
  • Software System Life Cycle

Provides the means to share data between different applications without writing custom interfaces

  • EIA
  • EA
  • Business Rule Component
  • Routing Logic

The architecture of a framework characterizes its elevated level structure, uncovering its gross association as an accumulation of cooperating parts.

  • System Architecture
  • System Integration
  • System
  • System Thinking

An architectural style represents a family of related systems

  • Style
  • System
  • Properties
  • Connectors

What is the symbol name for process transforming data flow

  • Circle
  • Arrow
  • Square
  • Open Rectangle

Definition: Knowing and managing the current situation, paving the road for the wanted one.

  • EA
  • EE

5th System Integration Life Cycle

  • Systems design: logical and physical design
  • Command
  • System
  • Design

Shows major system components

  • Static Structural Model
  • Dynamic Process Model
  • Relationships Model
  • Interface Model

This gives the detail of the structure of the system including the size, shape, materials, and quantities of components and the interrelationships among these design elements together.

  • True
  • False

Acronym: CIR

  • Software Development Life Cycle
  • Current instruction register

This kind of structure will ensure greater output of varieties of similar products.

  • Divisional Structure
  • Matrix Structure
  • Functional Structure
  • Project Organization Structure

The concept of the design is understood to involve: the specification of measurable goals, objectives, and constraints for the design

  • True
  • False

Acronym: CIM

  • Computer-integrated manufacturing

Sequence diagram to depict the workflow – as above but graphically portrayed

  • Scenarios Diagram
  • Style
  • Sequence Diagram
  • Use Case Model

Definition: Implementation of information management

  • EA
  • AQ

To allow the applications to understand your business processes.

  • Business Rule Component
  • Data Acquisition Component
  • System Development Component
  • System Control Component

Represent the non-structural information about the parts of an architecture description

  • Properties
  • System
  • Connectors
  • Components

Description of the steps taken to carry out the use case

  • Scenarios
  • Scenarios Diagram
  • Activity Diagram
  • Constraint

What is the symbol name for Data Flow

  • Arrow
  • Open Rectangle
  • Square
  • Circle

To allow access to the Data Source and Target Interfaces (i.e. Siebel, SAP, PeopleSoft, ODBC, Oracle, CICS, IMS) - note that the data acquisition component is crucial to EAI success. Most vendors refer to these interfaces as "adapters“

  • Business Rule Component
  • Data Acquisition Component
  • System Development Component
  • System Control Component

It should be noted that, no single realization of the design process is just the fight style for all.

  • True
  • False

To allow programmers to design and test custom requirements - Design tools (for business process design, debugging, and testing)

  • System Development Component
  • Business Rule Component
  • System Control Component
  • Data Acquisition Component

Model of control relationships among system components is established

  • Control Modeling
  • Software Architecture
  • Modular Decomposition
  • System Structuring

Design is universally understood to be a creative, iterative, decision-making process since there is no unique solution to a given design problem.

  • True
  • False

The advantages of this kind of structure include quick decision making because the group members are able to communicate easily with each other.

  • Functional Structure
  • Matrix Structure
  • Project Organization Structure
  • Divisional Structure

Is the creative process by which our understanding of logic and science is joined with our understanding of human needs and wants to conceive and refine artifacts that serve specific human purposes.

  • Design
  • CAE
  • CAD
  • CAM

Offer distributed services which may be called by clients

  • Client/Server
  • System
  • Dynamic System
  • Personal System

4th System Integration Life Cycle

  • Management plan: program and project plan
  • feasibility
  • system
  • program

Graphs of components and connectors

  • System
  • Connectors
  • Components
  • Properties

These design concepts need to be converted into detailed designs for all components and subsystems.

  • Analysis
  • Problem Definition
  • Parameterization
  • Design Synthesis

Description of the system output by architectural design

  • Software Architecture
  • Architectural Design
  • Control Modeling
  • System Structuring

Is it true or false: The individual processes transform either data or materials that “flow” between them

  • True
  • False

Definition: Its not technical

  • Data Flow Diagram
  • EA

May run on a single processor

  • Embedded System
  • System
  • Interface Model
  • Relationship Model

This involves generating alternative designs, or design options, that might reasonably satisfy system specifications.

  • Design Synthesis
  • Problem Definition
  • Analysis
  • Parameterization

Is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time ordering of messages

  • Sequence Diagram
  • Use Case Model
  • Style
  • Scenarios Diagram

Definition: Queue level

  • Computer-aided engineering
  • Routing logic

Process for identifying the subsystems that make up a system

  • Architectural Design
  • Control Modeling
  • Software Architecture
  • System Structuring

Team members are given more autonomy and expected to take more responsibility for their work.

  • Matrix Structure
  • Project Organization Structure
  • Divisional Structure
  • Functional Structure

Requires the coordination of preexisting and coexisting system components with newly developed ones

  • System Integration
  • Parameterization
  • Ranking and Selection
  • Problem Definition

7th System Integration Life Cycle

  • Evaluation: system review and plan for replacement/retirement
  • Problem Definition
  • System Design
  • Feasibility Analysis

Acronym: CAE

  • Computer-aided manufacturing
  • Computer-aided engineering

Acronym: MDR

  • Memory data register

Describes the proposed functionality of the new system

  • Use Case
  • Style
  • Properties
  • System

Is it true or false that distinguish a containing entire (framework), of which the thing to be clarified is a section.

  • True
  • False

The result of design synthesis is the selection of a promising set of preliminary or conceptual designs for the system.

  • Parameterization
  • Design Synthesis
  • Problem Definition
  • Analysis

2nd features of System Control Component

  • Directory Tools
  • Strong support fr metadata management
  • Commitment control management
  • Management Tools

Designed to run on a single user system

  • Personal System
  • Dynamic Process Model
  • Interface Model
  • Interpersonal System

3rd features of System Control Component

  • Commitment control management mechanism
  • Strong support fr metadata management
  • Directory Tools
  • Management Tools

Identified subsystems decomposed into modules

  • Modular Decomposition
  • System Structuring
  • Control Modeling
  • Software Architecture

Are more complex in that they group people in two different ways: by the function they perform and by the product team they are working with.

  • Matrix Structure
  • Functional Structure
  • Project Organization Structure
  • Divisional Structure

The design process begins with the identification of a human need and the reduction of this need to a precise set of specifications for the system to be built.

  • Problem Definition
  • Design Synthesis
  • Analysis
  • Parameterization

Model interactions among components

  • Connectors
  • Properties
  • Components
  • System

Is the design upon which many general purpose computers are based.

  • Von Neumann Architecture
  • Blaise Pascal Architecture
  • Von Neuman Architecture
  • Blase Pascal Architecture

Acronym: ACC

  • Current instruction register
  • Accumulator

Developers program in pairs and must write the tests for their own code.

  • Extreme Programming
  • Scrum
  • SDLC
  • SLDC

The organizational structure of a system of CSCIs, identifying its components, their interfaces and a concept of execution among them

  • Connectors
  • Systems
  • Properties
  • Architecture

1st features of System Control Component

  • Management Tools
  • Directory Tools
  • Strong support for metadata management
  • Commitment control management mechanisms

Definition: Aligning IT to business

  • Routing logic
  • EA

System decomposed into several subsystems

  • System Structuring
  • Architectural Design
  • Software Architecture
  • Control Modeling
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